1 3 HOKE COUNTY'! BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM HOKE COUNTY'S ONLY NEWSPAPER ews-joimina The Hoke County News The Hoke County Journal "VOLUME XL NO. 18 UAfcrOKU. N. C . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1915 $:.00 PER YEAR N ) 3 fig HCWSOfOUR ftffi& IN UNIFORM More Hoke Soldiers Still Coming Home Se.veral more of the soldiers who left "this country when the National Guard went on Federal service m September, 1940 have arrived at Ft. Bragg and their homes this week. Almost without exception these men have served two tours of overseas duty, having been sent to the West Indies in 1941 and 1942, returned to the United States in 1943 and 1944, and sent tb a combat theatre. Among these are 1st Sgt. William E. Willis of Rockfish who went to the Philippines, Pfc. Herbert Thames who went to Europe and was award the Purple Heart for wounds re ceived in action there, Cpl. Carlyle Brown who was in Italy and others whose names have not yet been re ceived. Brown has been discharged but Willis and Thames are still wait ing. Lieutenant Colonel James Gordon Currie has been separated from the service an-i is spending his terminal leave at home. Capt. Neill James Blue who was stationed in Trintda- and the ETO ... ..... - n-a senarated from tne service last week and is how spending his ter- minal leave at home. Capt. and Mrs. i. d. tester, ji., left this week for Fort Bliss, Texas ...u rw t.r now rationed. He h:s recently returned trom sev- eral months service 'in the ETO. T.loul PnmTiander andf Mrs. Wil-' liam Covington are spending Corndr. Covington's terminal leave with Mrs. W. T. Covington. Sr., Tiere. He was recently separated from the navy. Maior J. H. Blue retured yester-'a ay from Id, ho. He has been sepa- d from the service and will spend , i torminal leave at horr.e. , .... . ... r- ' Word has Deen receivea tnat oc.- man First Class Clarence Rose, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Rose of Route One, was among the first to enter recommended by the manufacturer.) I not tolerate the deTelion of the valu Tokyo Bay. I 6. When seeding, sow half of the;able Ingredients which these corn- Capt. Charles Manoy umoni nas.Qther half for even attribution. If been separated from the service and ; seeded by hand, cover lightly witn is spending his terminal leave in Fae-ia spike-tooth harrow or weoler. ford. He was in the ETO over to i 7 Do not graze until tne gr0Wth is years. 5 to 6 inches high. Graze mcderate- L .. ly the first year. S 1-C Dan Cox, Jr., spent the 8 Weeds must be keDt under cm- week ena at nome. Pfc. Clinton F. Hall was expected to arrive from the European theatre this week. He received the Purple Heart for wounds received in ac tion. Johnny Wright, of the Merchant Marine is at home for a few days. Chaplain Allan McSween has been transferred and left this week with his family for his new station. Cnl. Julian McKeifhan writes home that his company, 7074 Quartermaster Trucking Co., was the first truck- ing company to land in Japan. They beat the 11th Airborne in Japan and Julian was in one of the first planes. . 0 POOLE'S MEDLEY (By D. Scott Poole) The Town of Raeford was incor porated by the General Assembly of 1901. The law creating Hoke county was passed by the legislature of 1911. There is a question about who was first may of this town, but George Edgerton was the first mayor of Rae I knew. He was a mule dealer. He left Raeford in 1905, soon after I ar rived, but I did not run him off. J. W. Fagan published the first newspaper in Raeford in 1904, the Raeford Chronicle. I bought Fagan out in 1905. I first opened a printshop in a room partitioned off in McNeill Bros., -ore, but after some months they 't that petition door locked, and ) who entered my shop had to go ' und to the rear of the building, moved into a vacant store on the corner of the lot on which the UP- Cnurcn muling vwiuk" uvtv b,w. But few of the adult population of Raeford I found here, are now living. I often think of the once familiar faces I used to see in this town, which re not here now. John M. McNair, who married a (Continued on Page Two) Forage Production Program For Hoke County By County Agent A. S. Knowles The general outlook for the future of cotton is that it must give in, years Whatever ' the adjustment partly, to other crops within a few , . , , . : . 1( . rooie anu ran iemj juius iu i.ic. may be ,t .s almost a certainty ha jTh vUitorf came back , take tne rZT , J?Uk1iSJZ fl!!lelllilhl"e'uarterb),tlimx - it n-.fJ h- inTnrffn ! Lrfo ' ing a series of successful Passes and nl trfjl Vt.TT.nrwl8round plays with a seore followed quale forage crops trust be provided b tne extra int 0 , piay. iccu .... me- must eLunuiniL'di manner. In order to assist farmers m ting pastures established, the several agricultural agencies met at the ounty agent's office during the past week, and made seCETal recommen dations regarding the establishment ui pci iiiautui pasiuies anu supyic- n.eTVtary grazing crops. The follow ing agencies cuupciaieu 111 induing the recommendations and will assist farmers in getting more and better j pastures established: The Soil Con - Servation Service, the Vocational Ag - ricultural department, the Farm Se- curity administration, the Triple A and the Agricultural Extension Ser. vice. Below' are the recommenda- Itions: I a. Permanent' Pastures: steDs ne- , ... - , - rpssarv tn nrnnerlv established a (permanent pasture: I l. Select a heavy, dark soil, fairly well drained. . 2. Apply 1 to 2 tons of ground li;reslone and 4U0 t0 600 pounds of 2. Apply 1 to 2 tons of ground ' s-.hn.,.. 2. Stubble or cover crops should be chopped up with a disk and left i ion or near tne suriace. inis snouia ho rlnnp ac pirlv ac rnscihlo in thp in sum lurm as 10 lumisn ieta 111,0-1,- ,j a,: i ih. Fall. Disk again ant then smooth the'r Pduct contained cottonseed 'Wlth a spike-tooth harrow 2 to 4,nie-'1' Peanut oil meal. anS soybean weeks before seeding. 0'' Ircal- none of these con'ent w'as 4. Broadcast 100 pounds of Muriate nf nntash nor mH harrnw with spjke-tooth harrow just before ceding. , s ne following mixture r . - 1 i f, m to u. r-.u. i. j i.u itne departments analysis failed to 'acre between February 15 and Mar?h 1 . ,. j,,, i. v-v. r is it e . rwishcw these products :,is grass 10 pounds Wnite clover, , (Inoculate clover seed. Its. a . h iniwnlant as seed one way then cross with thei'"""" "" -"'" trol. Raise cutter bar of mower a bove grasses and mow as ot;a as nriessarv. i i 1 i i . j u. nuiiiy L IU A 1-6 win Ul K1UU11U limestone per acre every five years.! Apply 200 pounds 18 percent supei - phosphate and' 100 pounds muriate potash per acre every year. B. Supplementary Grazing: Permanent pastures should be sup- plemented with temporary grazing to prevent over grazing and to se- cure grazing for the longest possible tune. a and Winter Grazing: (1) Ita- 'ian rye grass, 40 pounds per acre. (2 A mature of 2 bushels oats and 2 bushels barley, or 4 bushels of either seeded alone. (3 Crimson clover, 15 pounds and Italian rye grass, id pounds per acre. These crops should be seeded from ISeptember 1 to October 15. Plant onisupper, consisting of either barbecue good land, well prepared. Inoculate :or orunswicK stew, win De serves clover seed. Fertilize with a 6-8-6 ifrorri 530 tiu 8:00 P- m- on Wednes fertilizer at time of seeding at the ! dav evening, October 17, at the Mon- rate of 300 pounds per acre. Top dress November 1 with 16 pounds of available nitrogen; repeat February 1 Summary Grazing: Lespedeza, soybeans, millet, and I Sudan grass are recommended for summer pastures. Also a permanent plot of Sericea lespedeza or Kudzu or both on every farm will furnish excellent cheap grazing during the summer and fall months, W. E. Street Back At Raeford Hotel W. E. Street, owner of the Raeford hotel and for several years its man ager, until he leased the establish ment to Sidney Lewis about two years ago, returned to Raeford this week and is again in charge. Mr. Lewis and his family have moved out. Orthopaedic Clinic In Lumber ton Friday An orthopaedic clinic will be held Friday, October 5, 1945 in the base ment of the agricultural building. This clinic is free to all indigent chil dren under 21 years of age. Dr. O. L. Miller of Charlotte will be the sur geon In charge. Please register at the desk between and 11 o'clock. Hoke High Badly Beats Elizabethtown Tuesday Afternoon A strong Hoke County High School eleven decisively outplayed tne foot- I Da II team irom tiizaoetmown in we i first game of the season here Tues- day afternoon, winning the game 25 1 lto7. First blood was drawn in the first ! quarter when McKeithan of Hoke I High recovered a Punt b'cked by i Hoke scored again in the second I quarter when Thomas on a reverse !ind run movecTthirty yards for a I HULK uuil. ... low touchdown. Plummer scored once j agricultural and business uses the in the third quarter and one in the, board decided to hold an open meet - final quarter on line rjlays. . ing for public discussion of the pos- Hoke High's whole line played an .sibilities and the desirabilty of oevel - excellent game ana the backs men - 1 one(j above were outstanding. -0- j mmm 9 n YVAtTI 111 O lPIlt I illllgd Lrvlll ,rp jp J 1111 1 j J WO 166(1 lYllllS i Raleigh, October 1. Warnings regarding sub-standanJ feeds sold in North Carolina were sent recently to the Southern Milling company ol il .UU11U5 , . . f. . )h p m -.:, -Augusta, Oa., and the Fower t-ity .Mill, of. Elizabethtown, Tenn, ac- ; cording to u. Loitrane, assistant - " Coltrane said that two lots of Fat ! i"" y r. ?.( Hog Ration produced and sold iby the Georgia firm had been found Ion Supply company of 'l eu"'u" Zbulon and at the Flowers Hatchery Kinston. Although the feedfrompany said iIO"rl" onrane reponea I ' i ennessee nrm Qcciarea IIS .1. ;feed' caIled BIue SeaI Dairv Feed' COntained linseed oil meal, gluten "We are fully cognizant of the feei ingredient situation, especially 'the shortage'of protein; but we can Deer Season Gets Under Way Tuesday In an interview yesterday with Trth- A Mnrinnrt.- nnft Dho..t !... n.; ;f,r- tilt uic tuiiun 1115 in avji 111 a nun 1 cio- tive to the first day of the deer season, Tuesday was obtained. They .u.. 4.... u i.-j C3llll!dLCU Liiak lUUCIIlj iwu 11UUU1CU hunters, local and otherwise, went on five big hunts and a number of smaller ones in the county, exclu sive of Little River township, and that twenty-one deer were killed. According to these two hunters, the , bag for the larger of the hunts was Raeford Hunt club zero, Tapp hunt ' zero' S"11 hunt five, Saunders hunt six, ana tne nign roini r.unters on Mrs. JulTan Johnson's property seven. 0 Shiloh Ingathering For the second year, Shiloh Pres byterian church is holding an in- gathering at the evening hour. The lr03e community r.ouse. aKes, can- ned goods, and various handsewed articles will be sold. If the weather is clear, the meal will be served out side under lights. 0 (Some Beef Now Point-Free RALEIGH, Oct. 1. Lower grade; beef, utility cuts of veal, lamb, sau sage and other products of these meats will be point-free until Octo ber 27, the Raleigh district OPA an nounced today. Hamburger, lamb patties, veal pat ties, short ribs, brisket and flank meat are included on the po'n; free list. The October increase is made pos sible by seasonal marketing increase in range fed cattle which produce the grades cut to zero point value. OPA pointed out that pork, bet ter grades beef, veal and lamb re main short in supply and the De partment of Agriculture and OPA agree that rationing of these must continue. They will remain at pres ent point values Indefinitely. Fats, oils, dairy products also are unchanged. OPA promised the enforcement of rationing regulations at the retail level will continue at all points in Eastern North Carolina . Commissioners Call Airport Meeting For Twenty-Second Also Reauest Survey Of County's Mail Routes. I The county commissioners in their. monthly meeting at the courthouse last Tuesday transacte several items ui uusiiicaa ui iuiisici dum imt-icM iu ine owners state that their store tne people of ,ne county lwm hande aU typs of feeIds. sleds? l First ilem t0 be taen care ot , and allied materials, as well as farm i was the drawing of the jury for the , machinery and electrical appliances ! November term of Holfle County, when these become available. The -Superior court. firm is t0 be a dealer agent for the In view of the increasing popu- . larity of flying, both as a pleasure, a means of transportation, and other ,opng a publicly owned airport for ;the county. If the public shows suf- ncient interest in the project it is to, be assumed that the commissioners , will further investigate ways and means of bringing the proposition to reality and methods of taking ad vantage of financial assistance by the Civil Aeronautics Authority (CAA) and other government agencies. Probably of greatest interest and important to the people of the county of the day's business was the reso ... . . . , . . , luuun uy me JUoiu io nave a leuer ,.,,. ' . .. r UT ,( u ,,0,j the near future. This move was made in the belief that TTiere should em the be net th. there sho.-i Z ' ... and more. from the co.unty. seat.in , r7n nu. - v n7 , . mg in Raeford The board of commissioners also voted for a contribution of $100 by th. nnnntv t th. Hail rm the county to the Red Cross for the relief of the victims of the recent 1 I'UVU Ul lilC JMC X Cdl IV VCL. p u rv- t3;..n i - ; r, ., , i tfethesda HomeCOmillg (By D. Scott Poole) Tne Bethesda homeco.r.ing last Sun- day was a success from every view- point. They had a fine program, and projects would be granted under carried that out. The dispersed a- . terms of the bill, broad responded well to the invita- j Federal Works agency officials em tion to attend, although the day was ' phasized that when the last depres threatening and was dark and clou- Ision came it was not possible to place dy. i public construction on the market in At the morning service, Rev. M. C. ! sufficient volume to be effective. It McQueen, D. D., of Clinton, preached I was explained that it takes rruch a fine sermon to a full house. He hM his aHi.n. ,ith nnl att.- 1 tion We heard much comment on this able sermon. At one o'clock, between five and I six hundred people, by my estimate, ' gathered round a table more than! i , . . , , , . wm ne h""fred fet long hden I choicest food. In the afternoon, Mrs. Robert Page read a paper filled with historical data. She was followed by E. T. McKeithan, who read a long and interesting paper from the sessional records of the one hundred an ty-year-old church. Next was Hon. Charles G. Rose of ayetteville, with an address on Presfeyterial. This was a great speech, an able address on the church's beliefs. There were people there who came ! fifty or more miles, and the oppor - tunity to renew friendships of for- mer days was greatly enjoyed. It u'ae a droit lav aninvaH honnH ' words. o Bethel Ingathering m '" Bethel Presbyterian church hold its annual ingathernig on Thurs day, October 25, at the noon hour, at Blue Springs community house. Last year 586 Were served a bar- becue or chicken salad dinner. This year an even larger jrowd is ex- perted. The cotton wHl be auction - ed in the afternoon. Various "foods and home-made clothing will be on sale. -O- MANAGEMENT CHANGE Startm with this Issue, the News-Journal Is being- edited and managed by Paul Dickson. Having been engaged in other activities for the past five yean Dickson is undoubtedly some what rusty at the newspaper business. For this reason an apology is offered to the readers for editorial deficiencies In this Issue. It Is the honest Intention of the new editor to correct them as early as possible. Mr. Dougald Coxe. of Red Springs, mho has been mana ger of this paper for the past two years, will continue to edit and publish The Scottish-CIU-KSir Of Ke3 Springs and Max-ton. ij In an advertisement elsewhere in this 'issue, Harvey Warlick and Zeb ,E. McDaniel announce the opening I tomorrow of their store in the new brick building recently erected next to the Hoke County Office building. Mr. Warlick has been connected with the Bank of Raeford for the past sev- fral vears and Mr MnDanioi ha hn for some time associated with the Farm Security administration here. North Carolina Farmers' Coooera- tive Exchange (FCX), a cooperative! organization of North Carolina far-I mers through which the farmers buy ! their feeds, seed, fertilizer, fencing, ) machinery and other farming materi- ; ais and share in the profits through .dividends from the state organization, according to Mr. McDaniel and Mr. Warlick . 0 rj f fff KPTfirfl I fltf lllllPP Before Congress Town On Federal Construction ProRram Proposed For State. A new post office building for Rae ford was among 105 North Carolina IPost office buildings included in a list of "eligible projects' placed be- fore Congress this week. The majority of the structures recommended for the STaTe -have a limit of S85.000 for construction costs ibut this town was among a smalltr I number of edifices recommended at ' a cost ot S95'000- Several Carolina lu , J . reewmnenaea tor 1 greater expenditures. These included Goldsboro, Hickory, Jacksonville, Kinston, Lenoir, Lexington. Little- ton and Oxford The North Carolina projects were listed in proposed legislation sub mitted jointly by the Post Office De partment and the Public Buildings administration of the Federal Works agency. Authorization of an appro- Ipriation of $193,000,000 for Federal , time to acquire sites, clear titles, nronar. J and advance a building project to the point wher you are ready to let the (contract and put workmen on the 'job. However, a statement by Commis- 1 - ... . , , . . , sierWEnglebert Reynolds of the PBA pointed out that inclusion of a I building in the eligible list is no 1 ndication that a recommendaton for j its construction is to be expected in j the near future and that many of : the buildings may not be constructed for years. A letter of transmittal to Speaker ' Rayburn of the House emphasized that the purpose of the legislation is to grant authority to the PBA to purchase ss, prepare drawings and specif icaions and construct that buil- ding projects most essential to ef- I ficient operation of Hie Federal estab - I lishment Cotton Gathering Much Slower This Year A Census report from the Depart- ment of Commerce in Washington. shows that almost six times as manv , bales of cotton had been ginned in Hoke county prior to September 16 in lou ii , t;Z ioj- . " ' " " , '" trose: Donald Yates, Stonewall. fst yef ,2f f bales were ginned ore that date and this year only nn , r i . e ginned. The report gives UU I Helps LOWS ft """"TZ'On Test Farm " u T lu- . .v are much lower this year due to the I heavy rains. -O- Antioch Ingathering 1 l The annual ingathering at An - tioch Presbyterian church will be held on Thursday, October 18. with a barbecue and chicken salad dinner at noon. Preceding the dinner will be sale of pi'o-iuces, cakes and handi work. J. L. McNeill lost a tenant house west of Raeford by fire last Sunday afternoon. About all personal ef fects of the family living there were lost but no one was injured. 0 Mr. Thomas Kearns, registered druggist of Randolph county, is now I en-ployed by the Hoke Drue company. Mr. Kearns was recently honorably discharged from the navy. No fist fiffaU on streets this week. Tobacco Stealing Case Continued To Superior Court Lewis Pays S23 Fine For Viola ting Prohibition Laws. In Recorder's court Tuesday morn ing Judge Henry McDiarmid found probable cause in the case in which four colored men of Raeford Town ship were charged with the larceny of a quantity of tobacco from J. H. Wright and Earl Tolar and sent the case up to Superior court. The men were Christian Bailey and Clyde Jones, both of whom entered a plea of 'guilty of stealing the tobacco, and Duncan Thomas and Jimmie Arties. both of whom pleaded not guilty of ' receiving the tobacco knowing it to .have been stolen. Bond in the case of each was set at $500. Sidney L. Lewis, former operator of the Raeford hotel, was caught by of- ficers -with several bottles of tax paid alcoholic beverages in his oar with the seals broken and was char ged with violating the prohibition laws. Lewis pleaded guilty as char ged and prayer for judgement wa continued on payment of a fine of $25 and the court costs in the case. Clarence Naylor, white man of ti i j -. .. , j i j i ... stealing an autoHmobile w8heef and tire from W. T. McQuage and was sent to the roads for three months, i Raymond J. Finzer, white soldier, I entered a plea of guilty of careless land reckless driving, violating the I road laws by improper use of a spot light, and speeding. Sentence was 'sixty days suspended on pay.rent ! of S25 and the costs. I E. E. Capps and Mrs. M. P. Hoover, and James Blackman and Mrs. Elsie Creech, all white of Cumberland county, entered pleas of guilty of falsely registering at the hotel here and each paid a fine of ten collars and the court costs. Ed McRae. Antioch colored man, pleaded guilty of assault with a dead ly weapon and 'Was sent to the roads for six months. Green Huey, Raeford colored man, got a. sixty day sentence suspended on payment of the costs anfl a $10 f:i.e. Lineel Davis and Land-r Coleman, tcth colored, each hs costs for speeding. C. M. Miller, white, was charged with hit and run and careless and reckless driving and was found guilty of the latter. Prayer for judge- V ," " ' ' l" HIS owners OI tne Cars he damaged and the costs court. the United War Fund Drive Doing Well McGoogan Says r J. A. McGoogan. chairman of the Hoke County United War Fund Corn- i mittee' stated that the drive was .; ' . ' "''" the county to surpass its quota of $4,020. At press time yesterday afternoon over four hundred dollars' had been !collected by M,Go2an and he was confident of having over five hundred by the day's close. In addition to the county chair man in the area chairmen are as fol jlows: Robert Gatlin. Raeford: Mrs. Arch' TvlcEachern, Allendale: I. L. An,'ochiIrs(' 3 ? - "cB:7tdJ lue Spnngs; Alberta Grant. Little U R.,ver4 i,hn Paer. Ways.de: Mrs. : 'MerrTr Gibson. Rockfish: N. F. Sin clair. Ashley Heights: Mrs. P. P. Mc- iCain, Sanatorium: Carl Riley, Mon- Raleigh. Oct. 1 The cows at the Coastal Plains test farm at Williard "had an easy time of it with flies this summer." according to Director Fred E. Miller of the test farms di- 'vision of the State Department of 'Agriculture. I Miller said that DDT. the re"fntly developed miracle insecticide has done the trick. The insecticide. which was sprayed in the big dairy barn at Willari four months ago, still is killing flies. The test farms director explain ed that extensive field research in Kansas shows that cattle sprayed or dipped with DIT' graze quietly. unbothred by flies, while untreat ed cattle bunch and JSend almost all their time switching flies. A rtf'e dipping or spraying relieves the Kansas cattle of flies for 10 days. H. E. Dees, Hoke County Jailor, underwent an appendectomy at Moore County hospitanSiT Sunday night and at last reports was doing nicely r- ' 11

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