THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1915 HIE NFAVS JOl RNi'.. RAEFCRD. N. C. M.i. THO POOLE'S MEDLEY tin (By O. Stott Toole) Andv Gump says, n-ati only animal that may be skiimei mure than once. That is true. Hut chickens ran f.p.d a w y rai: of the lor, but tiny can f.r.'d no way to re-enter. Folks kille-i a mutton in any month they had fat sheep, and they divided it among their neighbors and the m ighbors would repay when he kil led a mutton. They weigned the mutton, of course. on when we ca i e to R-eford in 195.V.i: b h and this school was still exiitir.s property ui't;l 19'8 when a nuijorty of tie; WILLIAM JAMES McDIARMID Dm ins the early morning of June pcop.e .i, hool. were desirous of iiic pnvat. While the nr. ,1 than o. they ;iie rot so thiv should be. -huuhl be so trmntv that thev w:l jo r. ':it along bom students. Aw.ik- i' i desire to know do. : : II veins e. te.l auV:l I There f.-i :! t I rd tin re i.'.'t r j racing r ; '. i schools i1 id good. cans have :.'.w )eop!e a''e hot- nun. They . t!uy were fifty arc very i.po well rd.i- ' Cnddren 1 Tho to n of tVom a po-; e. li:1 ;"l Wi'I of ford. Mail section by , S.--teh f"i h ef .-port. 1) on g eat vet. tioad A man of deep religious cor.vic-! Father, and that we express to Him , lions, Mr. McDiarmid accepted whole- our gratitude tor the life of .Mr. sic heartedlv the principals and teach- Ii. rmid and for his laithful servue of the Christian religion, and to ine cnuiin. later, whin he was elected to of- 2. lhat we reoom out lice in the church, he seriously an i ! preoiation for the privilege of be.n? mheHv honlri,r,.H i ho oiil i ea tions associated w nr. m i; in sci- tar 17 1(111 n,, : :., Ills i,il'l,,ili, K.wo , , H s here "' , , "' , ing ,j j, winiom caiieu nooie our nieuu aim a..,....; f. How-elder, Williams Janes Mc- .,.... Diarmid. -ports Ain .vii'Ui .rmici was oorn near ?iae-, (!, it his several offices involved. He vice as ivuuwmuw. foiil, July 4, 1873. and he spent hisWas by nature, a timid and retiring I 3- That we incorporate these reso- entire lite near the place of Lis van and alwavs sought to be iiuar.-; lutions to tne me jaunty twv Journal, and that a copy De sent to his widow. Bv of the Session this 3rd .van and always sought to be incon spicuous in his Christian service. Hut his dilig.nce and faithfulness to his church were nevertheless out- it name birth where he engage! in extensive -e o-t :' --hod ; Mr- lai'miiig opt rat.ons. r rom early Vo'ds -t '( the last childhood he participated in the Sun- their names. K.ic and my ciiuoi and cnurcn activities of standing and effective. siipplid pconle in this me iieinei t-resuyierian cnurcn. rts j.'or sever.,1 years he was in fail irn'l routes from some an eager and enthusiastic young jug health, and in the early morning " ' ' - .. ....... 1, hi. 1,, t L T 1 ..... :.. i ... i,,. .hn Vnrth t-n ml i n- ' noint on a ra ilro id.. Once there was ' " June i an ne passed away 'th'inifnri iho Hiv for Sooth most offices every few miles On every f.,rin within my know ledge tip on Drowning Creek there was a liming trough and a tan trough The hair was taken off the hides 'by a bedding down for so. re wteks in strong oak ashes, then taken up and the hair curried off; then soaked it. a deep hole in the creek. In a lime hole in the creek was a goo. place for catfish fishing. Cat fish are very good fried, hut cat fish tew is not so good. But any small creek fish, fried hard in bid is goad eating eat bones and all. F.i.rnors also built a spring hou-e. a cool place to keep milk and but ter in hot weather. Our spring w..s on the si 'e of a step hill, and one simm er there came a heavy rain, and the water ran down the hill, broke over the dam to stop such, and tilled the several vessels filhd with milk . nd butter with dirty sand. It v a a serious loss. The and became a number of the church. 1 Highsmith' s hospital, Fayi tteville. nirnl mail delivery routes were ' "-cnlJ 1,1 " "" wnere ne naa reiurnca a icw nays e"iblihed around 1900.' There were sterling Christian charactef were earlier after a brief sojourn in the lor' several years thrc rural de- readily recognized by the members Medical College of Virginia hospi liverv routes' from Raeford, but Rt. of the Bethel congregation and hctal, Richmond. He was laid to rest o ' rfiurontimied ..nd its business was elected a deacon. After serving ; the Raeford cem.tery on the after- I opened a free school one Mon-!ad:ied to routes one and two-at a five years in this office the congre- noon of June 18th after funeral ser- j., in i,,u- lRRq nnH a nirl 12 and lime when iocs were the scarcest fc.moii i-ieiuicu lion iu uic uiiue ui, vires connucien in nts nome uy ni.- her brother. 10. wanted to be m a , they ever were cl .ss to themselves. I found wny Carolina" because South Carolina stood lower in tlu of ignorance than North Carolina. Dispell! l.t ignorance is a great work. ruling elder. For a long number pastor. We shall miss him in our That sister taught her broth, r after she was old enough to go to school. Their first lesson was in spelling. mH. thnv both stalled on the word .1.1 1,1.-.. i I ii-f.f1 iiif I S.'.Ull.UCi. ii ni'iu jn-. handed the book back to thorn. Fif teen minutes later I recalled them nd they did not miss a word. From Tho that opening day until the sixtieth .the organ: r . they did not miss a single wor-.p.n:es in th ir correct answer. If th-.y tried dent of th- hard, everybody could do like that.his Death I hve known otlicrs to do that wel . Torching is delightful work v.her your pupils try. of years he served faithfully in this The emperor of has ab- rapacity. During the major portion dicated that nv ar.s he h.,s quit be- f this period he was clerk of ses ir empe-or He th.nks that will sion. When in later years he moved keeo him from l-e '-.g tried among tne mc....!....P i- . " '" war lords of Japan, but that not work. ,T:i:rcs D. McNeill was of fire fighting corn state and was presi- S'.ate organization until vili the Raeford congregation almost inv I mediately elected him to the session. He served faithfully and well in this office until the time of his death. church, in our session meetings, in the fellowship of Christian service, and in his wise couns-l and help fulness. In view of the a5T,ve facts, be it resolved "by the scssiofT""of the Rae ford Presbyterian church: 1. That we bow in humble sub mission at the will of our Heavenly d y of September, I1H.. H. C Holland, Moderator. M. C. IX w, Clerk. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptom of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID FrBookTei:sofHotnTrealmnttnt Must Help or it Will Cost Vou Nothing Ovprtiromllllnn hulllmof IlK-WILLARD TKK VrIKNTha.i'hi-i'nsiiliifi'rri'll-rnr yiiiptnmsirilisinssuni iw li'iini Stomach anil Duodenal UlcM ilue t" '"!"' Poor Dilution, Sour or UjMet Stomach, Caitlnnt, Hoert'Jurn, SUoleni, oc, dui' lo Eicntl cM. s ililinl I 'xlin li'l.ill Ask for KVillard'i Mif" liua fijlly expldiui llua lii iiuni'ul Irea at HOKE DRl'fi COMPANY Iiteu Naily. who lived on a lar'ii tv j ir iles above father's place saw a !arse drove of BlaerSbirds llg.".l in the farther t.nd of a field In fror.t of h.l? hou-e. so he took his musket, ran our and kneelei by the fence, and when th,? drove rolled o or nearby, he f,recT into the drove and then went inside and picked up 0-birds. Pigeons fsed The all.ision to the 1 to John M. McNair n eant to state that he com plained when tiie value of his farm v. : :i.-ed from $2 to $20 an acre for t .xation. That man w'-as not zivei'i to complaining. Hu that wasl r, h'gh .jump from S2 to S20. I The Xortii Caro'.ir.j Presbyterian. The Fayettcvi'.le Observer. The Fagl? and The Fayef.evi'.'.e Gazette, and The North Carolina Baptist were Pdpers I remember published in Fayettcvi'.le. F 'Iks never lived befer than when enttnn sold for 8c a po'in , but they! ci-nld not g.) forward could not I advancement. Important Factors In Curinq Potatoes The wo most important factors nvolvcd in the successful curing and are control or.nlty of temp-Las-;-: r. Exter.- S :,;e C :eze. 'r.;.: .: .- irost he terperature lo.v 45 d-grees iur er. id. S a eo'. Dota- y g-rr.s '-.: 45 decree point. that the sweet ; :-f- in -upoHed with ! dard thermometers I ilaced near the floor r the top of the house so j il..i uf n.aue oil . iit a: aV.ri ver.ti'a'ior. in the different: sec tions. He also suggests that only j one man be place-, in cr.arse ot tne -tor"ge h uie. Sweet potatoes are best siored in rr bushel tub type bask-ts with lids. They should be stacked iu-"t as in a. box car for shipping. plan to keep the d:f- ues of potatoes separate. 0- j i Farmers Cooperate ! , ,, '., , . 1 'or:ng of sweet potato S TO'.S lail. ,)r ;Jrt. ;:U'ie ,. . , to co. i e .n tne i:,i: , .. , r worth n-cnt on:r.a :n the1 '. o :e :,:' In large droves, anri a .A. s;-;e. Living is .ir.a to be:1. '' '' - ;":,' . . ":,: i,o o: Little River, not f.,r from ... . .., ,t.-, ;v. 'v..-.r It -"r. cc.tu: :;t T 'v. ':: , -h-t :n-o that rovel... . .-. . " .;..c"." . 'cV'., and hav ! '''hr" Sn,'e " f: !cd " ;- fciv ::,-..r the g-o,::-d. ar ! i- '. ". "' ' ' : - ' ;he :' -. ... :.",-! :, .,,' a !' ' "'' ; tare to r.o.u; Mo t i 8 cicgrec- U..e: "l T: -!,h:'.e st;ll going taxes. If owners alhi'.v i: ,-ri.i. ti: re hou-e. . ,". ... T T.. . -, 1 When th: carirg pci i'l S as'sMlJ"; fi'.'ird ! ferSSSrA m I I crocs. Las.-itev sa; I rWSPX. ti0 1 f - I iimiiortart to keen ! t f S I 1 m n'imbe- of s'.a lie" . if. -. v I iOr.e should be : s "V. v - . A k V-.. and ore, lS-rr-Z- i our in !,.h. oV7 1 Wardrobe ! ! 7 ! I Handsomely tavl- ' 'r -'''''''' il j lored all-0Ol I f 'V-feJ A j i suit S'21.95 and ' ' .! I IJ I 1 i : -fi iJT i I SS L'ir-STi t'i . r , it-fcv i i I i I i . -, i - I "..he loves me!" 'm. mbr:,-; ' . . - .::;;? ..rV4-;; 5 'J BOTTIED UNDER AUTHORITY Of tHi COCA-CO.A CCiTANY BY Vi''? f-K-" c- . 'vn 'ajjswsii ! COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., ABERDEEN, N. C. lV7' cam- . : nHalSnsaasajHBHMaaVHSaSiaaMBVM -" r'e- ' S ii H 1 ndard plan, t a general arr.e fruit or ir.forr ation cnrr. unity The two indispensable items to your fall wardrobe a smartly tailored wool suit and a jaunty topper. Here they are ready and waiting your selection. Come in today and choose from our new fall series. BELK-HEHSDALE COMPANY RAEFORD, N. C. In Home Fruit Plan In all sections of Xorth Carolina farm f . rr.ilies are coop: rating in Hnvn f'-rt nr.iir. r.n -nil' m I in ir V ! - .... - ., ! i basis, ai d these act.v.t.e- are prov- ! ing very successful. Mother and j father, and all the 4-H members work t j together to produce an extra sup .;. i ply of sir.,:: fr.'i'.s for the family. Then a'.' the f.rv. lit mu.'iity f illo .v the s which is agreed upon mte'lr.g. Everyb . y grows the fruits, ar'l each swap: with the other. It's affair. The i'i. a v.; first sugge.-ted by H. R. X -.vor::.;r, in charge of Ex tension i: 'Ctie riture at State College. In the counties the farm and home' agents are cooperating to put it into operation In key communities. j Most of the communities are grow-j ing only strawberries: or straw-! berries with abples, peaches, sour, cherries, and figs (in the eastern part of the state.) Some communi-l ties are also including blueberries,! where soil conditions are suitable, j "A; a starter, '.he plans should be simple s", that everyone can urder-l stand the: ," XlsTvonger sav;. Tfs ! f me'.y cnmmar..;y cooperation that doc- Tr.e J b. Generally wo ir,re"ings are held each year. "Tte f.rst when the fruits are planted, an.' the second along in July or j August when the results of the work may be measured." I N'iswonger has suggested that home j demonstration clubs, neighborhood leaders, and 4-H club members take the lead inestablishing these home fruit projects. Cooperation between all the families in a given communi ty is the key to success. ANY DAY . . . Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday You Can Load Your Tobacco and Drive to the Aberdeen Warehouse Aberdeen, N. C. SELL YOUR TOBACCO FOR THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE AND RETURN HOME THE SAME DAY Bring Your Tobacco On Any Day. We Have Plenty of Floor Space to Accommodate You and Your Friends Any Day. PRICES ARE HIGH NOW AND BIDDING IS STRONG WE BELIEVE NOW IS THE TIME TO SELL THE REMAINDER OF YOUR TOBACCO CROP We Are Open Seven Days Each Week To Receive Your Tobacco We Will Be Looking For Vou And Looking After Your Interests Aberdeen Warehouse Clarence Smith & Gene Maynard, Proprietors Aberdeen II. C. i o

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