THURSDAY, NOV. 8th, 1945 PAGE TWO THE NEWS-JOURNAL, RAEFORD, N. C. The New-Journal Published Thursday At Raeford, North Carolina Subscription Rates J2 per year For Servicemen 50 per year PAUL DICKSON, Editor Entered m second -claM mail mat ter at the post oft Ice at Raeford, N. C, under Act of March 8, 1870. Raeford Presbyterian Church H. K. Holland. Minister 9:45 A. M. Sunday school. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship, sermon by the pastor. 4:00 P. M. Young People's Group will meet for rehearsal. 7:30 P. M. Evening worship. A special young people's program in celebration of "Young People's Night." A specially prepared pro gram will be presented by the mem bers of the young people's group under the direction of Miss Eachel Hassell. 3:30 P. M. Monday Circle meet ings. 7:00 P. M. Wednesday Choir re hearsal. 7:45 P. M. Wednesday Choir re hearsal. 7:00 P. M. Thursday Circles No. 8 and 9. o Raeford Methodist Church Monday P. M., Meeting of the cir cles of the Woman's Society of Chris tian Service as follows: Circle No. 1, Mrs. Tom Cameron, chairman, with Mrs. Carey Stephens at 3:30 P. M. No. 2, Mrs. M. T. Poovey, chair man, with Mrs. Poovey at 5:00 o'clock. No. 3, Mrs. G. W. Brown, chair man, with Mrs. R. A. Matheson, Jr., at 3:30 PP. M. 7:00 P. M. Wednesday, choir rehearsal. 0 Raeford Baptist Church J. D. Whisnant. Minister W. L. Maness. Minister 9:45 A. M. Church School. No. mrnirag or evening service. Conference is in session at Goldsboro. 9:45 A. M. Sunday school. 11:00 A. M. Morning worship. 6:30 P. M Training 'Union 7:30 P. M. Evening worship, in charge of the auxiliaries of the W. M. S. The program will be one of Stewardship. Everyone invited, 7:30 P. M. Wednesday Prayer meeting, led by the adult training union. Our B. T. U. Study course will continue through Friday night of this week. Hear the North Carolina Baptist hour each Sunday morning from 8:30 to 9:00 o'clock over radio sta tion WPTF. North Carolina Baptist State Con vention meets with the First Bap tist church of Raleigh, Nov. 13-15. ing. 7:00 P. M. Evening worship ser mon by pastor. 7:00 P. M. Monday Missionary meeting. 7:00 P. M. Tuesday Mid-week prayer meeting. Peoples Tabe made H. Gwyn Clayton, Minister 9:45 A. M. Sunday School. Lesson topic: "The Fruits of Pub lis Worship." 11:00 A. M. Morning worship, ser mon by the pastor. 6:00 P. M. Young Peoples meet- Spring Hill Baptist Church Wacram J. D. Whisnant, Pastor 10:00 A. M. Sunday school. 11:00 A. M. Morning worship 1st and 3rd Sundays. 6:30 P. M. Training Union. 7:00 P. M. Wednesday (Prayer meeting before 1st and 3rd Sundays. State College Answers Timely Farm Questions QUESTION: Should I sell my beef calves dropped in February or try to carry them over into next year? ANSWER: Leland Case, in charge of Extension Animal Husbandry, suggests that under your conditions it is best to sell the calves now because calves with their calf fat on them are worth more money per pound than yearlings. "It is my be lief that if you have extra feed for wintering cattle and plenty of pas ture, you would do better in keep ing a larger cow herd rather than hold your calves over," Case says, "Some of our most successful com mercial cattlemen are creep feeding their calves, while they are running with the cows, thus putting some extra weight and finish on them, which means higher prices.' QUESTION: Can you give me some help in running bats out of my house? ANSWER: Since bats feed upon in sects while on the wing, there is no way of poisoning them. It is hard to shut bats out of an old established roost because there are so many openings. L. C. Whitehead, district agent of the U. S. Fish and Wild. life Service at State College, sug gests that you carefully close all the openings except one and then when the bats have left on their nightly search for food, close the remaining opening. Whitehead has also been successful in driving bats from at tics, double walls, and other enclosed places in buildings by the use of napthalene flakes. The bats object to the odor of this material and will usually desert the premises. The treatment may have to be repeated. Ol OX301 OE301 QUESTION: What is the best small fruit for the home garden? ANSWER: Mrs. H. M. Chandler of the White Cross community in Dur ham county has strawberries, rasp berries, dewberries, and bunch grapes. Late frosts killed the blossoms of all fruits except the Dixie variety of raspberry and the late blooms of the strawberries. In spite of this Mrs. Chandler sold 50 quarts of straw berries on the curb market and used 12 quarts at home from 4 rows 1' feet long in the first year. H. R. Nis wonger, Extension horticulturist, says that Mrs. Chandler now has her strawberries absolutely clean and is taking out plants from the old bed for setting new rows. The rows are 15 inches wide and the runner plants have not been allowed to grow. The other fruits have been mulched with straw to maintain moisture end keep down weeds. Fishermen in India are handicap ped by a shortage of yarn. OEZXO OESol r.7E NOW D : 5 O D o 1 1 o D Grates is J nr. - - .an- t- - We have a complete line of heaters, stoves, and circulators, now in stock. Sizes for a small room or for large ones. Also Circulating Heaters Grates Stove Pipes and Fittings Kitchen Ranges Hot Water Tanks Electric Water Systems Pipe and Fittings Select Yours Now While Stocks Are Complete McLAUCHLIN COMPANY Stove Pipe & Fitting: fa.. Phone 435-1 Raeford, N. C. o 0 I Circulating Heaters Coal or Wood Heaters Now you can have these finest pattern! created by lulled 1847 Roger! Brew, craftsmen. Sec the exciting 5i Piece Sorting Service for Eight containing all the essentia) piece. Ask about our Preferred ReiervaHon Plo CP. KIIILAW-Jeweler RAEFORD, N. C. MILK Colonial Brand Evaporated 4 Can" 35C 10-Ib Bag Plain Triangle Flour 55c Nottinghan Joy Can Shoe Peg Corn 15c Extra Standard No. 2 Can Green Peas 13c Apple Cider Pint Bottle Mott's Vinegar 9c 2 lb. Jar Red Mill Mince Meat .... 43c Huff's Tips and Cuts, No. 2 Can Asparagus 32c Old South, No. 2 Can Grapefruit Juice 13c No. 2 Can Cleanser 201 OEZXOl OEZXOE 30 JtEDDY KILOWATT , Light Weight Ftt CEEMS TO ME THAT II IYHO BOSf. MYWAflESl f V7tuzvmt cm A- J CJ it jc Jvvtcp tuam R U act vfdv low. Ill KCAME TODAY, JiONfXy I VT 0 TO BC BEFOKEH V MUCH fcOWEB THAM A 1 MY DEAR Jolnn alV lOYEAESAGOtt ft THAT? NOT AllGHT BILL , XXJ HAVE WERE IK AN ELECTRIC BILL QUITE FAIR.1 CAUSE BURNING LIGHT? EACH, NIGHT FOR XXJ IS JUST ONE OP THE JOBS I DO. THE- 1 COST PEA HOUR IS NO MORE A c EVER BEFORE A J joew ttoext $v rim mwh. fseewurrt mouhs to ou) Geneva Spinach 21c OLD DUTCH VINEGAR Red Mill Quart Bottle 1-Ib Pkg Nabisco Crackers PREMIUMS ... 19c 16-oz. Jar Aunt Dinah MOLASSES 15c 15-oz Pkg Thompson Bleached RAISINS ..... 17c l ib Pkg PINTO BEANS.. 11c l-lb Pkg Beans NORTHERN.... lie BEST BREAD BUY Triple Fresh OUR PRIDE Thin-Sliced Sandwich Loaf 11c FLEECY WHITE Laundry Bleach Qt. Bottle 15c Double-Fresh GOLD LABEL Coffee l ib Bag 24c ,01 15c 15c Cans "JUNKETS" Rennet & Tahlots Pkg. 11c BALLARD'S OBELISK PLAIN FLOUR 10 lb. Bag 67c Pillsbury's Enriched FARINA 9c Pkg Staley's CREAM Corn Starch 14-ox. Pkg. 9c