fcr Ne-ws-Journa HOKE COt'NTVS BEST ADVERTISI.NO MEDIUM HOKE COUNTY'S ONLY NEWSPAPER The Hoke County News The Hoke County Journal VOLUME XL NO. 25 RAEFORD, N. C. THURSDAY, NOV. 22nd, 1945 $:.0O PER Y' AR I o news of ouu MEMwWOMEN IN UNIFORM Lt. Deaton Gets Bronze Star Award Fire Destroys Seed Cotton House At Oakdale Gin I Gin Saved By Firefighters. I I R;."DrChXnuy Gingham Wins UlrA Uivli 1 The Reaves Drug store here has W CI 11UIYC lllgll ; recently Deen purer.asea irom me 'former owner, L. E. Reaves, Jr., by D. A. Hutchinson, o Elizabethtown. Mr. Hutchinson has been in the drug business in Elizabethtown for twenty . ,. , , y?ars and will be associated in the A fire of unknown origin destroyed stor, here with hi, brother. B. H. Here 19-14 Mrs. Wesley White Dies Last Friday The school strong football Mrs. Wesley White, respected resi dent of McLauchlin township, Hoke County, passed away at her home there last Friday afternoon. She was nine-one years of age. 1 Rockingham High! Funeral services were conducted defeated a aunday anernoon at Craiatia fres- - ' team byterian church, at 2:30 o clock, by Antioch Man Killed In Wreck Last Thursday team High i . t, r, r, ik. infv :.i j -- I iL2niin2 HoKe uountv " V-Tu "I "Zi'ZZ .VT... " " " Hutchinson, also an experienced drug-, here yesterdav afternoon 19-14 be-. Rev. E. B. Booker and Rev. Louis S. for ethe largest crowd of the season Gaines. Interrr it followed in the brother of Mrs. Merritt Gibson of , Gin, about one mile from Raeford on 'glst Mvirr,-n w,t TirpsHnreti liik uui c mi . mnpr Hr nira pnan rnauinv . . . . . . ... .. r- ---- , Mr nuicninson states mat me,,, irmnr, Park star at mwrnoniM at Providence, afternoon, and would havo d.etrnvwl . .-. t . . . 1 "'morjr rant " ,L . J store win continue to oe operated Rhode Island, on Navy Day j he gin itself if it had not been for under the trads n,me of Re,ves DrJ, ine aecoraiion was du exccueni worK 01 ine naeiora t,ore r.1(j accompiisnmem 01 a spcuiai uu-1 vuiunieer lire aeparimeni ana oiner Wjn S'rive to maintain sum Reynolds Held Under $1000 Bond By Coroner's Jury. (churchyard c' The Hoke team played well but T , 'roerers, outweighed in almost every , . while on duty on a submarine volunteers who managed to extin- r jgh stindard of d s Pacific. He is a veteran of "u'.h the Karnes as quickly as they!storc r3's nad in in the 13 submarine patrols of more than would start on the main building. sixty days each in tnat area. ine fire alarm was sounded in Paeford at approximately 5:10 S 2-c John L. Maultsby arrived at Uuesday and the Raeford depart his home at Montrose yesterday to merit sent both turcks and all appar spend a thirty-day furlough afterlatus to the scene at once, together duty in Panama and the ualapagos , with a large part of its personnel that he and ms brother ,"-'T" "'"T? , ' Li Howard McDout the same... . . ... . ...u.u Dougald, and Ed mo th,t m "- Mi "lull Muaiici win... . in the past. ; netted the visitors all of their three1 Darie! J. Love Dies From Injuries I touchdowns, afteh the home team laArlai c V vhole lYCUUl Utl O Kt had outplayed them for the who' first half and gone into the third quarter leading 7-0. Another touch down was probably averted when Joe Maxwell intercepted in home territory late in the third quarter. Islands. A3 Oakdale is beyond the city limits there are no water rrains or hydrants' there, so all the firefighting had to be done with chemical apparatus and ! buckets of water from the local Blue Springs Man Passes Satur day In Laurinburg Hospital. V- A coroner's jury last week ordered erman Crowley, Harry Reynolds, white man of Hoke nie Crowley, County, held pending investigation by ougald Mc- the Grand Jury in connection, with jthe wreck near Timberland last I Thursday P. M. in which John San- tjderson, white man of the Antioch community and Red Springs filling 'x station operator, was killed.. . The wreck happened at a curve in ig jthe Raeford-Aberdeen highway just north of Timberland just about dark, In Recorder's court here last Tues-'according to reports. Sanderson, ac- dav docket of cases of the last corpanied by his wife and three Filled With Drv Capt. Clyde Upchurch, Jr., was separated from the army this week at Fort Bragg and is spending his tarminal loava at hnmP. Hf IS & veteran of campaigns in African. Italy extinguishers were taken to the con-'?1 seven o'clock last Saturday moin-yard stripe. and Europe. Thp first tnunKdrturn wac ernrpH frnm near iridfield in the first quarter two weeks was tried due to the fact children, ran into an unlighted truck when the locals got the ball nearl that Superior Court was held lastwn!cn as on the road at the curve, miHfioM anrt hv a nac!in r,iav andlwpek .Tudeo MiDiarmid disnosed i almost immediately a car driven Danrl J. Love, fifty-six year-old i five linp nlavs wnrpd Th ball par. of thirteen cases Tuesday morning.. by a Reynolds man of Hoke county water system. Many chemical hand,man r BIue sPrinBs Township, died ried over by Plummer from the one-I and of these, ten of the defendants ; wa sa'd to have crashed Into the jflagration from Raeford plants and 'with these and the available water. ing in the Scotland County hospital i by a pass in Laiirinburg from injuries sus tained -n U. S. Highway 15-A Tues day night. Love was found beside the highway near Hillcrest service station about one mile north of Drowning creek bridge. He had apparently been hit Staff Sgts. Harman Lindsay and .the local fire department with its James Holland and Sgts. Clarence .volunteer assistance managed to con Willis and Walter McDowell arrived fine the blaze to the seed cotton last week from the ETO and have,hr-e been honorably discharged from the Harry Greene, chief of the fire de- D:n. Ihaii Fnrnnunn spr- I na rt mpllt etatpd voetorlav that tV.o vice they were in Trinidad, having; blaze probably started from a match ! cir F mlcK wn,lc!1 aia not stop' left here in 1910 with the First Bat-(which had been dropped in a sheet I a'"".ourh the coroner s jury which in- taiin Hoadnnartprs Hatterv of the , of cot!!):-., or some soarks from so.r.e "ic-vijr mhhu i i oj r-4 x "lovine aDDaratus which waslthe,r r Prt that ne died "t I in cp?r;'tion at the time. About four Captain J. A. McPJmil. Jr.. wa'bale.? of seed cotton were destroyed seiiaratcd from the a: rry this week in the house. at Fort Brapg. V- -------- ' ber of the 252nd CA ai d r . re by f. j ly returned to the Unite:' States f"om De-.v, i duty in the Pacific. After the disastrou sthird quarter the Hoke aggregation came back strong in the final quarter to score again. Franklin McNeill on an end given first aid and allowed to re turn to their home near Antioch Harry Greene, coroner for the case. r. r.c?. according to M. C. rr :( tha Jo'riu-r.n Cc.r- c .: th The gin u;'.:2l yesterday. Technical Sgt. James Baker ar- rived at his home in Raeford yester- Prer Jer.t Truman day after service in the ETO. He ,.n . , exipects to get his discharge from the Will Attend U&me army this week. I ' I President Truman will go to Phila- i S 2-c Lewis McNeiH of Norfolk, i delphia Saturday, December 1, to at Va., is spending a nine-day fur- tend the Army-Navy football game. I ough here with his parents. Ihis is the President s first out of ! town engagement since he cancelled Wade Matthews, of the navy, ar- a series of scheduled fall trips into rived in the United States last week Nrth Carolina, Georgia, Missouri, and is here on leave with his wife. Oklahoma and Texas because of mat- 'ters needing his attention. Murdoch McDuffie arrived in the: States last week after almost three' and one-half years in the ETO and was discharged from, the army at( Fort Bragg on Saturday. he-d wounr - inflicted by person or per sons v known." Fun -a! tervic? were conducted Pt thp Sortie in Phie Springs town- '1' : .! t.rt A. ?J. lionuay by tae "'v. .' D. Cts' '11. former pastor f 'h- -:c.-'sH. r-d Rev. W. B. Gas- -.-. Bu-ial followed has in the 'amily cer-ery there I sun v:rg are tr?e widow, f.re1 ' a. c l. son?. Julian, Raymond, and Rudolnh, ' v" '-"r juuporu all of the army, and two sister, Miss i f !48 oeal LriVe Bessie Liove or the Blue springs com munity and Mrs. Sidney Sykes of Wil mington. . School News T-5 Bradley Norton arrived in the United States this week from the ETO. Victory Bond Quota 14 Percent Sold Extra point was scored .were charged with being drunk and'ca.r ana ?rucK wrecK. Sanderson was disorderly. jinjuieu uuemany, as was one cnna Subrritting to the charge of being and Mrs- Sanderson. All were rush drunk and disorderly were James .ed to the hospital at Pinehurst ar Cheek and Jack Pittman, both white, rivin8 there at 7 p. m., and he lived and Forres Godwin, Moses Town-luntil about nine o'clock. Two chil- run made the second tally from the i send, Archie Graham, Vernie Belvin, Qren were admitted as patients, eisht vard line. Extra noint wasiWvlev Perkins. Ed Dockery. Pink,wnlle h's wife and one child were again scored by a pass. I Simmons, and Willie Jordan, all Outstanding in the backfield for I colored. Each defendant was sen Hnka Hiph uprp Plnmmpr and Mf- tpnrpri tn Ihirtv davs nn thp rnads. Noil' ?-d the kicking of Warner, j sentence to be suspended on pay- 'stated yesterday that the jury had The whole line played well with the ment of the costs in his case. not completed investigation of the wo: : of Ted Clark. Poole, and Wood-I Belton Townsend. colored, entered ca-e- because of the fact that so re hou - being exceptional. ' a plea of guilty of driving a car while i witnesses were still hospitalized. game was sponsored by the undertheinfluer.ee of liquor. HeD-v "arry Heynolds of Hoke county Williamson post of the Ameri-; was fined $5 and the court costs Sanderson was the son of Walter 'gion. whose members handled and his driving license was revoked . Curtis Sanderson who lives near dvance sale of tickets and ad-.fnr one year. Ithe Hodgin store. Until two weeks ! Giles McLauchlin, colored, entered aE r'e naa Deer operating service ia plea of guilty of the larceny of Rations for Roy Singleton in Red Unme hlankpts from thp Sanatorium, i Springs. He was employed for some- The blankets were recovered and I tlme &t the Mnxton airbase and prior McLauchlin was given a sentence of1'? that was connected with the ser three months sus.pended on payment 'Vlce department of Eastern AJr Lines of the costs and good behavior for i at a Florida airport. Joe Goodman, colored, entered plea of guilty of violating the I hibition laws by illegally possessing WHEREAS, the North Carolina I a quantity of hore brew. Judgment (Tuberculosis Association has desie- wnc snsnpndpd nn. navmpnt nf the nated the weeks from November 19. j costs and good behavior for two' T E1V can the ver ed the game. The attendanc? ee nestimated at 400. O Proclamation by the Governor epUjWhy Tire Rationing hnelMust Be Continued to Christmas, as the period of time, years. t j lor ine sale oi i uoercuiosis L.nnsi- Neill A. McDonald, chairman of ,ras Seal5' and the Hoke County Victory Loan Fi-IWHERBAS- the Association conduct ing ine oeai aaie uses tfo per cent Farmers To Elect AAA Committeemen (By K. A. MacDonald) Participate In Red Cross Drive All schools in the county are now participating in the Junior Red Cross Phil Johnson arrived in the United i driv a"i is hoped that all class States this week from the ETO. r " be enrolled. The work jof the Junor Red Cross starts with CPO W. H. Andrews of the navy the individual and his classroom and at Miami, Fla., spent the past week- extends through state, national, and end in the home of his aunt, Mrs. international lines. One of the most J M. Baker. He was recently re-. interesting activities is the exchange turned from duty in the Pacific. of tette" between individuals and I also classrooms in various countries. EM 2-c Stuart Giles arrived in Seat-lFr instance, a pupil at Rockfish tie. Wash., this week after duty in mW exchange letters with a pupil the Pacific theatre. He expects to be somewhere in France, or some other in Raeford on leave by December 15. country where the Junior Red Cross I is organized. Schools In Bond Drive The schools in the county are all cooperating in the Victory Loan 'drive. Victory bonds and stamps are being sold to and by the pupils. Hos- pital equipment will be named for " . . , and by the schools selling at least , Hoke County farmers will take wor(h of bond. and stamps time out from seasonal work in the The stamp sa,e to the individuaI next few weeks to elect AAA com- mipil js cspeciaIv vaUlable as it munity and county committeemen for .eat.hcs the ones handiing sales busi the coming year. lnps ieSc0ns and all those buying Thr.ee coTimmity committeemen ;;nmps lessons in thrift, and two alternates, as well as a Colored PTA Will Meet delegate' to the county convention. The state meeting of the colored will be chosen in each of the county s Parcrt-Tc at her association is being ' 8 farming communities. I he aeie- held Friday night and Saturday at gates will later elect the three- the E E. Smith high school in Fay man committee which will admini- ctteville. Hoke County will be well ster AAA activities within the eoun- ' represented at this meeting. D. Potter, chairman of the eoun-1 RAEFORD GRADED NEWS ty AAA committee, said today that , (By Pupils of the School) dates, hours, and places for holding Several boys and girls from the the annual election are now he'ng Raeford school had their tonsils re determined. Announcement will be moved by Dr. Hodain in Rd Springs rrade within the next few days. !j;t Friday. Everyone has missed In Hoke County. Mr. Potter said, the r at school this week, but it is approximately 2500 farmers are eli- good to learn that they are recover g.ble to vote for committeemen this ing nicely and that they will soon year. "Eligible" farmers are those return to school. Those who had who participate in the 1945 agricul-, their tonsils removed are: Joan Wal tural conservation or crop insurance j ters. Patsy Culbreth. Charles Ed program, j wards, Margaret Tew, Jill Rogers, The county AAA chairman, in re- Carlton Pierce, Annie Belle Skipper, minding Hoke County farmers of the . Louise Harris. Edna Earle Wright, forthcoming ballot, appealed for full Elizabeth Wright and Betty Sue participation. I Thomas. "Solution of the postwar problems I Boys and girls who need to have ahead of us is the vital concern of, their tonsils removed and who for every farmer. Consequently, it is, some reason did not get to go to to his own best interest to vote in Red Springs last week may now make the coming elections to make sure reservations to have their tonsils re that the men administering AAA , moved by Dr. Hodgin on December wograms in the county are tn ones , -"'nuun uj envoi imran " a I lf,tlM...J A Daoa Viakt nance committee for Hoke County, said yesterday that the county had bought only 14 percent of its quota in "E" bonds in the drive thus far. Quota for the county in "E" bonds in the drive is $110,000 and to date $15,900 has been collected for this class of bond. County overall quota is $150,000 and the overall receipts so far come to $33,044. The drive runs until December 6, two weeks from today. Mrs. H. A. Cameron, who is chair man of the Junior drive for children under 12 years of age, reported sub- stantial progress this week. Next week the News-Journal will publish the "Junior Honor Roll" and the "Cradle Roll" made up of the names of the children who have purchased a certain number of bonds or stamps. The "Cradle Roll" will include only children under six years of age. of the Seal Funds for a North Caro una health program, and WHEREAS, tuberculosis, as a com municable disease, took 57,000 lives in America last year, and may pos sibly increase m North Carolina as it has already in Europe, and WHEREAS, the people of North Carolina can help to prevent such a situation by supporting this 39th annual Christmas Seal Sale, which makes possible a health program designed to protect North Carolina from the spread of this public enemy. NOW, THEREFORE, with this in mind, I, as your Governor, call upon the citizens of North Carolina to help make possible the complete eradication of tuberculosis in our state by buying and using Christmas Seals during the weeks between No vember 19 and Christmas. LIBRARY NEWS F. B. Sexton, of the Hoke County War Price and Rationing Board, in .answer to many queries from auto- I mobile operators in the county, In celebration of National Book i brought the following statement Week, three stories were held in the from the Office of Price Administra library last week. On Wednesday i tion in for publication: afternoon Mrs. J. L. McNeill read "Many boards have informed us stories to the group from the fifth, of the difficulty they are experien through the seventh grade; on Thurs-jcing in rationing tires since the end day afternoon, the librarian, Mrs. Be-1 of the Japanese War. Some have thune, conducted the story hour, and 'suggested that OPA drop tire ra on Friday afternoon Mrs. A. K. Cur- i tioning controls now rather than rie read stories to the pre-school , wait until the industry's estimated group. A good crowd attended and : production becomes a reality and refreshments were served each after- tires are in dealer inventories The noon. War Production Board has directed Among the new books received in i is to continue tire rationing for an the library are the following: Indefinite period and supports their .directive with the following supply .cc,. ' picture. "The Gauntlet," try Mouse, Kent, Hurry Home to My Heart, Byrd; Dark Sails, Miller; Jam Yesterday, Cannell; Art in the chants, Shulman. .. j nn ma ""j is at m-w"" I COM - . - t " ,;, - Z i.wU. , . -CA v -niy z.iuu.uuu passenger tires were reported in dealers' inventories at the end nf th war. Thpra arp na. New Land, Simon; The Yellow Room. 1.000,000 wheels reauirine tires nf Rinehart; and The Feather Mer- this type. Since Pearl Harhor nniv 148,000,000 new passenger tires have 1 rvppn ratmnprt Th,,a ,v,mm ,u half of our wheels are running on pre-Pearl Harbor tires all about four years old. We are today producing slightly more than 2.500,000 passenger tires per month, or about 30,000,000 per year. Until these production figures are vastly expanded, rationing must ,'bc retained to prevent n chaotic con dition in the distribution of tires." Cotton Crop Almost Half Last Year's Statistics furnished by the Bureau "f the Census nf the United States Department of Commerce and receiv ed this week show that up to Nov- i ember 1, 19H, there were 5,133 bales nf cotton ginned in Hoke County as rompa-ed with 11.732 bales ginned up to November 1, 1944. ' The firiMre f,ir this season, while '. is considerably higher than o'lie estimates placed it earlier in ho sen -.in when weather was bad. Green Stamps To Se Good For Meat Ox K. A. MacDonald of the Hoke County War Price and Rationing Board, wishes to advise the public that the green stamps in the cur rent ration books will take place of the expired red stamps for meat, butter, and fats. He further states that it is unnecessary to call at the local ration board for new books or stamps and that the grocers know I i he want to represent him," (Continued on Page Eight) the answers.