PAGE FOUR THE NEWS-JOURNAL , TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24th, 1948 The News-Journal "rin inrulina i JAUOCIAIIU Telephone 3521 Published Every Thursday at RAEFORD, N. C. Subscription Rates: S2.M per year. (In advance). PAUL DICKSON, Editor and Publisher Entered as second-class mail matter at the post office at Raefo.-d, N. C, under Act of March 3, 187Q. The Role Of The Merchants Authorities on retailing have observed that a very considerable segment of the American population has lit tle understanding of what re tail merchants have done to limit price increases - and have a misconception of the merchant's role in the distri bution machine. The fact that such activities as "buyers' strikes are usually directed at the merchant, is one proof of this. The attitude of merhants toward the public was well demonstrated in the early days of the war, before iron clad OPA controls were im posed. Stores were simply re quested to hold the price line, in spite of shortages, increas ing demand and the decline in normal competitive mea sures. The vast majority of stores, chain and independent alike, complied, and price boosts were limited to the ab solute minimum. Since the virtual demise of OPA, the stores have been in an exceedingly difficult posi tion. Heavy and inevitable price increases occurred in most manufactured and ag ricultural products - the re sult of higher wages, material costs, etc. The merchant has had no choice - he has M raise his prices if he is to sur- vive. But it should be known that most stores have volun- tanJy adopted the policy of .limiting these increases as much as possible. In many cases they have reduced their narrow margin of profit in order to protect the consum er's dollar, to the best of their ability. The store, like any busi ness, cannot escape the econ omic conditions of the times. Ry Frncn Aimwortli fT3 MORRIS INFANT DIES The two-weeks-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Morris passed away at Moore County hospital last Saturday after being in a critical condition for several days. Rev. Harry K. Holland conducted a graveside service at 2:00 p. m. Sunday and interment was made in the Raeford ceme tery. 0 MORE ABOUT Farm Notes Christmas means lots of extra baking at our house and 1 imag ine it does at jours, too! Of course. I like to have extra cakes and pies on hand for holiday company . . . and the children love fancy Christ mas cookies, cut in the shape of Santa Claus men, reindeer, stars and animals decorated with col ored frosting. In fact, it's the chil dren's special duty to help me string fancy cookies and hang them on the Christmas tree in addition to placing a big bowl under the tree for their own guests! J It's really a help to have our en riched white flour back in time for Christmas baking, isn't it? it's almost a guarantee of delicious baked foods. And while I do notice the sugar shortage, I've found that by making muffins and quick breads, I can save sugar and the generous amounts of protein and "B" vitamins in the enriched white flour give my family the nutrition they need. - Here's one favorite recipe of mine that calls for very little sugar: rru.cci Ml f riNs 1 a cup hortenlnv a cup lurar cup lifht corn firup eft cup twrtlcncd applciiuc i cum lltl enriched flour 3 teaxpoona baking powder 1 teaapoon salt 1 cup ihopnfd nutt Cream toaviher ahorteninc and aurar. Add ajrup ami well. Bt-at erra and add. Add applesauif Sift tuirether flour, bdkiiitf puwifrr. and mil. and add to cieamid mixture. Stir unly until flour la muiflti-ii.-d. A.1,1 nuts. Fill trrraafd muf fin pjiib 2. full and bake In moderate ov.'ti ;175 F.) I j i5 minut.-e. Yul.!: 03 tl.iz-'n Iii.'Ii niuiBna. Aprlesau.'t? ni'Tins are very pop ular at our house. Try them :hey'll prov'de the nutrition your ramily ard at the same :ime hoip to n.'er.v your precious ?usar for nar.t holiday baking! 0 .'i, :': i.r.e million veterans were working on farms during pc-;.k periods of employment at n id-cumiVier of this year. that can be grown to advantage. Plan the kind of livestock that will fit into the far 11 program. Utilize labor to best advantage. Get necessary fertilizer and other supplies before needing Iheni. Use only good seed and follow approved practices. FOR SALE Flrestarters. Phone 5246. Delivered In town or county. Roland Covington, tie FOR SALE 1931 Ford sedan, recenty overhauled, good Urea. Best offer gets it Mrs. Angus C. Gillls, R-t, Raeford. 30-p CALL Mrs. G. W. Brown at 2491 or your Christmas pot plants and cut flowers. The county agent's office ex tends the seasons greetings to all farm families in Hoke county. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS-JOURNAL WANT ADS FOR SALE Young turkeys, raised on wire. Mrs. Foster McBryde. TF-C OFFICE SUPPLIES When in need of anything for the of fice from a pencil to a type writer to an adding machine, come in to see our line. Dixie Printing Co. Aberdeen. tf-e BOWLING The Metro Alleys will be open tomorrow afternoon, Christmas Day, from 1:00 o'clock. Tournament Thursday night. Those in now are James Morris, who won the turkey last week, with 133, Hilton Clark, also 133, T. B. Lester, Jr., 128, William Currie, 121, Dr. Julius Jordan, 122 and Rip Gibson. 120. WANT TO RETIRE WHILE YOU ARE YOl'NG, JOIN the IT. S. Army and retire at an early age, an a monthly re tirement, allowance. . Travel the world over at no expense to you. Excellent pay with no deductions. Rapid advancement and free liv ing quarters. The finest medical and dental care provided. Visit nearest army recruiting station for further details. 1051, Per son Street, Fayetteville. 30-c WWWCWWIWllCMJIMaIaI!tlW at y i X nui. t 1 in (jn 1 s SILENT.lMI&hT LOST Black and white Beagle Hound male pop eyed, cry ing mouth named Bones, Re ward $10.00. M. J. Allen. Can dor. N. C. 29-30-p LEGALS ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administ rator of the estate of Sallie Mc Googan Howard, deceased, late of Hoke County, this is to notify all persons having claims against this estate to present them duly verified according to law to the undersigned at his home at Shan non, N. C., on or before the 3rd day of December, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. Archie Howard, Administra tor, Estate of Sallie McGoogan Howard. 28-33p. WAXTF.I) Two waitresses. Ex perience nut necessary. Apply ill person Thursday. December 26, 8 to 12 a. m. Ilk Restnur ant. "30-p FOR SALE House and lot, 65 x 400 feet, on highway at Pros pect Ave. For price see Mary D. Stubbs, Raeford, or phone 2291. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as admini strator of the estate of E.nma Hough, dece.ised. late of Hoke ro-.mty, this is to notify all per sons having claims against this estate to present thcivrdu'y veri fied according to law to II. V. 13. W'.'.ilicy in Kaef:r.l, on or be f r the 4th chy of December, I9i7. o:' ti'.is notice will be plead ed in bar cf their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. Junius Richardson, Administ rator, e-tate of Emma Hough. 27-30-p I ' ' ' . I 1 i n z . 1 ill v t r 'j 1 k ill. 1 1 m V I 1 at f t . : i 1 n THE GIFTS OF THE MAGI FORESHADOWED THE CHRISTMAS GIVING OF TODAY. A DEAUTirUr. SENTIMENT THAT DOrS MORE TO PROMOTE THE SPIRIT OF BROTHERLY LOVE THAN ALL OTHER INFLUENCES COMBINED. THE HAPPY SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS IS DEEP IN OUR HEARTS. LET IT ECHO IN THE STRENGTH OF OUR VOICES . . GREET OUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS ON CHRISTMAS MORN ITS G. DOFiDARRACH TRf.RStIG COMPANY ni NDAKRACn. X. c. fAy '1... Joij (othe H u H i H H n . U : rt? ; J: ' U I !! . 1 1 n H ; li . . II If ' tmM0 at ' Cliri.-tmas i not all tinsel anl tissu or colored lights and incrrinu'iit. It lias a deeper signifiranee, rooted in the long gone past, wliioli sets it liigli above all other holi days of the year. It is our hope that this blessed 6eason will bring to your home not only the festive joye of Yuletide hut that deep inner peare which is essentially a part of Christmas. RAEFORD LUMBER COMPANY :'' ' X RAEFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 28-30p. ! mm - i $ i 1 rv I 1 1 li P M ii l It MR i rs Sincere lUishes for a ... cVlemj Clirtstirias LET'S ALL BE IIAPPYi Christmas is likely to become too prosaic to many of us grownups, but to boyhood's eager eyes it is a time of preparation and expectancy ... an en chanted season when the woodland is hushed and even ordinary tasks take on the glamor and joy of dragging home the Christmas tree. May your Christmas of 1946 be in this spirit. i U U HOKE OIL & FERTILIZER COMPANY and HOKE CONCRETE WORKS J 4 ft M ri u 11 .'8 u n ; laaiMswajjatiraawMiiMum ktmm !yJavava. a m m mm m m mm a m m 4 mum m aanav m e m m m 0 m a ) aawa a amai a BayyjprB) vaiBPB)B)ft.ia'B ftalMn ft haav aw smnm mm . " mmm-m-mm I