5^,- Kp--- ■ ■ ■'- . .--^S-J- void OF OiMROiAN fRtIDOM ^Bl OrUBiRTY asM v«n4 The Hoke County News VOLUME XLI NO. 39 THUKSOAY,.FEBRUARY 27th, 1947 i I •"x ‘14 ■ ^ ANNUAL RED CROSS DRIVE WILL BEGIN HERE MONDAY One hundred and twenty-five bags of potato^s_Jwere received at the county storeroom last week for the lunchrooms of the schools. Fifty-three cases of orange juice wa]R received on Tuesday of this week. All schodfs operating lun chrooms on the federal program may get their share by calling at the storeroom in the basement of the Raeford Graded school. County Chairman Names Committees To Raise Quotas In Communities We are thankful to report that all buses have been in operation during the cold spell we have been having. County Red Cross fund chairman, N. A. McDonald, announ ces that the annual Red Cross Fund Campaign and Member ship Drive will start on Saturday, March 1, and continue through Saturday, March 8. March is set aside nationally as Red Cross month but the TT 1 /-I 4- ou i J Tv/r IMcFadyen, Mrs. D. R. Huff, W. B. Gaston; Pine Forest; McDonald.have planned an ^ ^ Hoke High, Raeford Graded, and Upchurch schools have had their eligible pupils x-rayed at the Hoke County Health clinic &eing held in The Johnson Co. building this weekT It is hoped that all other schools having pu pils over 14 years of age will bring them in today or Friday if they have not already done so. All teachers are expected to be x-rayed at this time. The clinic will go through Saturday till 5. Lee Maxwell, Mrs. William Tho mas; Quewhiffle, Turnpike; J. A. Webb, Sr., W. H. Calloway,' H. I B. Nixon; Raedeen: T. D. Potter, intensive campaign of only 8 days duration. County Red Cross fund chair man, N. A. McDonald, announces that the annual Red Cross Fund ^ _ t i tt j „ j • I Mrs. James Jones, Jack Holland; Campaign and Membership Drive „ , ^ ^ ^ • „ ^ j n, -iRockfish; Mrs. T. C. Jones, A. will start on Saturday, March, . , , ,. „ , r, . j IW. Wood, Clarence Koonce, Mrs. 1 and. continue mrough Saturday j„ jr tj- o ^ , „ „ , • . F. H. Koonce; Sanatorium: Mrs. March 8. March is set aside na- _ t o w i o r> c 44- u-4 .. ,, „ j 4, . 4IF. L. Eubanks, E. B. Satterwhite, tionally as Red Cross month but „ ,, tt r, R. A. Jones, Mrs. J. L. Beall; the Hoke County Chapter and Mr. McDonald have planned an intensive campaign of only 8 days duration. The students of the white ele mentary schools are very enthus iastic over the basketball tourna ment now in progress'*"that is being sponsored by the American Le gion. Everyone should appreciate what the Legion, through its ath letic edmirittee, is doing for the boys and girls of the county, not only in the elementary schools but the high schools also. The regular monthly ‘pieCting of th^ Board cf Education has ..iibeen .v^;^tiyjned fro^^he first Monday until later in the month, as Chairman Carl Riley has been called away 6n business. Tempus Fugit! The seniors have ordered diplomas and invi tations. Another commencei.rent will soon be here! Standard tests were completed in all 5th and 8th grades. Results are being mailed to Raleigh for final tabulation. Chairman McDonald has also announced his campaign v/ork- ers and it i§ his belief that with such a competent and experienced gr.'up to help him that he will not experience any difficulty in raising Hoke County’s quota of $2535 in this short time. They are: Ashley Heights; L. Jl. Cothran, R. A. Smoak, Mrs. T. C. Sinclair, 'Leonard Mcpryde, Lee Moss, Mrs. Taft Hardister; Antioch: Mrs. J. M. Andrews, Mrs. W. T. Everleigh, Mrs. W. C. Hodgin, Mrs. Julian Burroughts, C. Lytle; Arabia: Mrs. W. S. ‘Cr^vrey; Ruth Bristow, J. L. McFadyen; Allendale: Miss Willie Mae Liles, Mrs. Arch Mc- Eachern, Mrs. J. S. Currie; Blue Springs; E. C. Smith, Jr., J. F. Chisholm, Mrs E. A. .Wright, Miss Margaret Gainey, Alex Far mer; Dundarrach: Mrs. Jesse Gibson, M. D. Yates, Mrs. Frank McGregor; Little River: Alex Mc- lEadyen, Mrs. A. D. McLauchlin, Sam Comer; Montrose: Mrs. W. Recorder Has Short Session Tuesday Morning JOHNSON SENTENCED ON FOUR CHARGES; ALL ARE SUSPENDED Seven defendants appeared be fore Judge Henry McDiarmid in recorder’s court Tuesday morn ing charged with a variety of of fenses. All either were found guilty or entered pleas of guity as charged. ^ Edward “Bud” Johnson, young ■ years of age. iGii SCHGOl BASKETBALL TOURNEY HERE HEXT WEEKi Funeral Services Held Sunday For A. French Hall Funeral services were conduc ted at his home here at three o’- clock last Sunday afternoon for Albert French HaU, who dieri 8 SCHOOLS PARTICIPATl^ RUNS FROM TUESDAY THROUGH FRn>AT ? ■=?3 The second annual high schort ' oa.iketball tournament to be in.-' 1 the local gymnasium will start I there next Tuesday. This tour- ^ nurr.ent will have eight high _ I schools from this section of the- day of a heart attack. He was state entered and will last through white man of the county who was| The services w'as conducted ’oy g-n es each nigJit exceg# I arrested at Mack’s Cafe near here Friday when the finals will| J Friday night of next week Pictured above Miss Jane Pratt, who will speak to the Raeford Kiwanis club at their regular weekly meeting to night. Miss Pratt, a former Raeford reident, is living -in on Wednesday morning of last week, was charged with carrying a conceaed weapon and with as sault with a deadly weapon in three separate cases. He entered pleas of guilty of all charges. Sentence was 60 days to be sus pended on payment of $50 and the Wayside: John Parker, Richard Neeley, Mrs. Marshall Newton, Henry Plummer, Mrs. Alton Pot ter; Town of Raeford: Mrs. Israel Mann, general chairman; North- (Contiaited on Pagg 4) 0 Lexington since the expira-1 carrying the concealed tion of her term as Repre- j weapon. He was sentenced to 60 sentative in Congress from'^^y suspended on payment Sister Of Arthur Harris Dies At Mt. Gilead Saturday Funeral services were conduc ted Monday afternoon for Mrs. R. P. Nicholson who died at her home at Mt. Gilead Saturday fol- jlowing a short illness. The ser vices were conducted in the Con cord Methodist church by Rev. T. C. Thrift of Ellerbe, assisted by Rev,., J. W. Stork. 'BnriaT was in the family plot near the home. Mrs. Nicholson is survived by a daughter, Mrs. L. W. Waddell of Rockingham; three sons, N. P. R. L, and L. A. Nicholson, all of Mt. Giilead; three brothers, A A. Harris of Raeford, D. A. Harris of Mt. Gilead, and I. Z. Harris of Charlotte; two sisters, Mrs. D. C. Rush of Star, and Mrs. A. C. Wooley of Candor. the Eighth district. Murray Reports On Red Cross Work In County of the costs in each of the three cases of assault with a deadly weapon. These were also suspen ded on (wndition of two years good behavior and on the condi tion that h6 stay away from Mack’s Cafe and filling station. John Pratt got 30 days suspen ded on payment of the costs for being drunk and disorderly. 1 John A. Butler, colored, was sentenced to 60 days on the roads for carrying a concealed weapon, sentence to be suspended on pay- The Red Cross expects to spend around 80 million dollars in be half of service men at home and abroad, and for veterans and their •families during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1947, Dr R. L. Murray, chairman of the Hoke County Red Cross Chapter has ^lent of tbe costs.’ been advised by the organiza tion’s national headquarters. This 80 million dollars. Dr. Murray is advised, is approximately 75 per cent of the National Red Cross ex penditure programs. Dr. Murray also gives-, a ILst of some of the Hoke County Chap ter's accomplishments during this year. The home service committee Raeford Methodist church. The, deceased was a menaber of the be played. ,1 First Baptist church of Maxt'on.' Burial was in the Raeford cem.e- ‘ High schools which ’nave enter- 1 tery. 1 I Mr. Hall’s wife, the former Ju- eams in the affair are Wa-yj gram. Seventy-First, Hope Mill^ srj Koke County. Central High of' . , , , . .. i Cu.mberland County. YVest End, lia Cnavis, preceded him to tne , 04 ’ . i Di:.nr. and Stedman. grn\e in 1945. v : . 'n 4-4. ^ , \ .1 T.ae first game will start at He IS survived by oneVson, A. _ , ,,. *; „ T 4> f ‘ -30 each night and the secon*’ F. Hall, Jr., of Charlotte; five ^ J 1.4 n/r r, TVT- oegin ten m.inutes after the' daughters, Mrs. B. G. Niven and ■ , . - 4, -■ 4 . 4 . .4-. 4, . conc.Lision of the first. Mrs. W. C. Clark of Raeford, Mrs. !„.... ™ j •• - » , „ T ^ T Tne first gam,e Tuesday rngW J. E. Short and Mrs. J. .A.. Jen- ^ . ■ 4, ^ , 44 J :«/r n ir iWiH oe between wagram and kins of Charlotte and Mrs. R. M. • 4 t-- 4 , u 1 j , 4. . J Seventy-First high schools, and' Di ke ot Richmond, Va.; one sis- u 4 t-, 4 TT. n T 1 ■ 4 D F J 1second will be between Hope ter, Mrs. F. B. Jenkins of Raeford;!,^.,.. , „ , „ 4 tt- i. 4,. . ,4 4. TIT -r. FT i Mills and Hoke County High. On three half brothers, W. B. Green ,,, , . ■ u* z- 4 i ' M ednesday night Central of St. Pauls, D. J. Green of Laur- inburg and Pearl Green of .Ashe ville. 0 Noted Author To Speak At FMC Monday Night Joe Scott, white man who was arrested week before last for having allegedly broken into the filling station of Guthrie Long here and stolen cigarettes, socks and sugar, waived preliminary hearing and posted a :?250 bond to await trail in the next term of Superior court. Blonnie Jones and Morris Ty- report submitted by Mrs. W. R-jigi-^ colored, each got 30 days su- Barrj.ngton, secretary, lists: 8' will play West End, followed by a game between Dunn High and Stedman. On Thursday night in the semi finals, the YVagram-Seventy First I winner will play the Raeford- Hope Mills winners in the first | game, and the Central Hi^- West End winner will play the I Dunn-Sfed.man winner in the Dr. Gordon S. Seagrave. noted author of the best sellers, “Bur- ma Surgeon’ and “Burma Sur-' , . , . „ , ., , 4 T7, I Triursday nignt s winner will geon Returns , will speak at Flora , . ... J , 4 „ -vr J ! ■'’'■cct the tinais on Friday ni^L Macdonald college on Monday 1 _ . .... ■VT u o 4 0 1- The tournament is being spon- evenmg, March 3, at 8:1d. j u 4i_ 1 1 4 , 4v This ceh'^brated surgean. aut-: ^ hor, and ScTilber. -who almost 3wno will b-- quarter of a century ago, after completing his education in the' otfa^rw^l Teachers of the Raeford Graded school and Hoke High school have volunteered to dress win dows in town to advertise the Red Cross.. Windows are being furnished by Raeford Furniture Company and Raeford Hardware Company. ———0 — Poole’s Medley BY D. SCOTT POOLE GRADED SCHOOL NEWS By the Students Some of Mrs. Stuart’s piano pupils gave a chaptl program Monday. Thtjse playing were: Edith McNeill, Stanley Knowles, Claudine Hodgi», Peggy Stanton, Fay Dark, C. J. Benner, Joan McLeod, Janice Marie Benner, Jenelle Snead, June Connell, Car olyn Atkinson, Betty Jane Ash- burn, Alice Long, Margaret Anne Johnson. Janet Hodgin announ ced the program. The children of Mrs. Hardes ty’s second and third grades were sorry to know that “Our Joe Mc Leod” had to have anh emergen cy operation at Highsmith’s hos pital in Fayetteville. We are all glad to know that he is getting on nicely. The boys and girls in’ Mrs. Shelton’s roo.v. have been writ ing to different cities in the U- nited States for information. They are making a chart for the book lets they receive. Mrs. Shelton's pupils are miss ing Marylin Tapp, who in sick. They are enjoying some bird pic tures that Mrs. J. W. Walker is letting Uiein use. 4* Ernest Hum spent several days ■^in Washington, D. C. last week. Miss Blue’s fifth grade enjoyed a V; leiitinc party last Friday in their rodiii. Jan Lindren enter«d Miss Blue’s fift’n grade several weeks r.go. We •are glad to have, him as he has been 7rF38~bt~'6irr states,-and can tell us about them _ when we stu(5y them. (Continyned on Page 4) —— — Extreme or'uncontrolled infla tion may work unknown harm. China is in the throes of politi cal death because of their way of getting rich. Cbina is now la boring hard and honestly to re present day machinery, ferti lization and seed treatment have made possible better business of far.ming than I ever expected to see. But increase in the amount had more to do with present day cover new national health and "success than the other advan- vigor. This country came near death’s starvation door in the 1890’s for the sake of “honest, sound mon ey’, wlhen it adopted the gold standard. Panics may ^e prevented by government inflation of the cur rency. I have known of commun ities recovering te.rporary pros tages mentioned. I hope I will never see another panic, for I have lived through almost a half century of finan cial stringency and am altogether fed up on hard times. I know lots of things which make good pies, but nothing ex- perity by local ci^T.^r county, .cells huckleberries. Whortleberry bond issues'. There^'ifo sense in is the proper name of this fruit. letting people starve in the sight It is strange why there have been spende'd >en payment of the costs loans ‘to service men (repaid) * for F & A $247.00; 5 grants-in-aid $43.00; j H. Faulk, white, paid telegrams sent 150; long distance .he costs for speeding., phone calls made 60; ODB papers ! q (family allowance) 50; Power of ^ *0 attorney granted chapter 50; cla-j v.TOmity ivs for setlement unused leave T. B. Committee papers 50: Va Form 7-1950 10;' ' Va Form 572 15; WDAGO Form [ Monday afternoPn a group of (Continued Page 4) interested citizens .met in the of fice of the Board of Education Good Start At X-ray Clinic and formed a permanent T. B. committee. Those present and the organizations ’ they represented are as follows: J. H. Blue? Araer- nish the "officials and manage the affair. Officials will TT ■4'^j c-T 4 " ~ t J 4 u- I tie Harvey Warlick, Hilton Clark- United States, returned to his^ t, t “ birthplace to cai^'y on the trad-1 ition of his famil}'—his father. grandfather, and great-grand father were missionaries in Bur ma-varied this tradition' slightly by becoming a man of m.edicine Equipped only with a wastebas ket of broken down surgical in- I Frank WilliamiS. T. B. Lester, Jr., I and Alfred Cole. A suitable tro-| phy wil be awarded the winningj team. The Hoke County x-ray clinic Legion; Mrs. E. B. Campbell, got off to a good start on Tue’s-, Department; Mrs. A. L. day of this week, there being 615 ^ Briant, Woman’s Club; Mrs. people x-rayed during the day. Cameron, Red Cross; Dr.. The Hoke High and Raeford Gra- O’Briant, R^edical Society; ded students, 14 years and over ^^hel Giles, Welfare De- were x-rayed “en masse”. On P^rtment, Mrs. B- A. Matheson, Wednesday morning'the Upchurch Medical Auxiliary; K. A. Mac- students had their pictures made. C)onald, county schools and Ki- of plenty. A little money can be made to go a long way. You borrow $l)i000 and dribble it out in small checks, and you can spend lots of money on that thousands dol lars. These vast quantities o£^ $1 bills make a big show. so few cultivated huckleberries. It is taught us by the highest authority that we are our brot her's keeper. No man lives to himself, nor dies to himself. The South ca.ve near general 1 If you ask me who is the best.during the 1890’s. If educated man in the community, made a mortgage his pro- I would answer: The man who|P®'^^ mortgage, makes the fewest, ur.istakes. I j all . the people mean to say, the man who makes time, and you may the fewest mistakes in his state- people part of ments. He has more accurate Li.me, but you can t fool all All the other schools with 14 year old students are to come in today and tomorrow. The x-ray machine is operated by Mr. Satterwhite, tecimichan from the Sanatorium. Miss Retha Howell, of the Health Depart ment, and Mrs. W. T. Gibson, Jr. are doing the clerical work. The Hoke County TB co:Timittee is securing volunteer workers to as sist and also is-.paying the inci dental expenses from funds se cured through the Christmas Seal Sale. Miss Ann Mann of the state office of the N. C. Tuberculosis Association spent most , of last week and Monday and Tuesday wanis Club. Miss Ann Mann of the State office of the association met with the group and explained the ob jects of the organization and sug gested plans and methods. K. A. MacDonald was elected perma nent chairman ^nd IWrs. R. A. Matheson was elected secretary- treasure. strument.s salvaged from the op- | crating room of John Hopkins from w'hich he had recently re ceived his medical degree, the en thusiastic young surgeon went deep into the jungle and with his own hands and the help of a few natives, constructed a hospital in which to treat disease ond pes tilence, and to overcome the ig norance and distrust of modern medicine that he found among the natives in the jungle wilderess "When the Japanese invaded Burma, and Dr. Seagrave offered the services of himself and of the group of helpers he had train ed, to the XJ. S. Army, he was commissioned a major in the Med ical Corps, assigned to General Stiwell’s army, and formed a ’obile medical unit, with emer- lency ambulance services, organ ized field hospitals, etc. The Sea- FARM NOTES By A. S. ICnowles A series of community meetingsl will start Monday, March 3 andl end on March 18. The programl will consist of a motion picturel showing some of the improvedl farming practices. .Also a discu^l Sion of price outlook for 1947,1 approved practices of farming ial Hoke County, farm credit, andi soil conservation practices. All I meetings will begin at 7:30 P. M.| except .Antioch which will be atl 2:30 P. M. Schedule will be asl follows: At Courthouse in Rae-| ford on Monday, March 3; Aab-| ley Heights community house onl Tuesday, March 4; Antioch com-l munity house on Thursday, Mar-I ch 6; Mildouson School House Oftl Friday, March 7; .Allendale com-l munity house on Monday, Bfardtl ave unit joined the epic re- 10; Wayside community house Oft] Tuesday, March 11; Little Rivcrl community hou^ on Wednesday,! tteat with Stilwell of American, _ British and Chinese army men Members yery much hope that^and polyglot mixture of refugees March .12: Blue Springs cotmmun-l other organizations will join in out of Burma into India. Three ity house on Friciay, March 14^| yeaps later, as the tides of battle Rockfish com.munity heuse with this co.r.mittee and make its coverage of county fife much more widespread. ' 0 Library News turned. Dr. Seagrave and his Monday, March 17; and Mootrosel staff fought their way back to j co.r munity house on Tuesth^^j Burma, where he found his own March 18. home demolished and his ’oelovedi ■ hospital partly destroyed, but Sixty pounds of cork oak ac-l with the insatiable appetite for rons were distributed to 120 4-1 hard work and the fighting spir- [ H Club boys and girls at the Mi.ss Marjorie Beal, of Raleigh, of this week here assisting the | director of the North Carolina Hoke county committee and the Library Commission, made a'it that is reflected in. twenty Igular meeting this month. Health Department in getting short visit to Hoke County Li-'years of work in the jungle, the| ready for the clinic.. ' brary recently. ! never-say-die doctor has set a- Hybrid corn tecommendatii i knowledge. . .A few weeks ago I- read in the current news that a teacher in South Carolina said that the .children go to school five days in a week and are taught “scien tifically”. The same children go to Sunday School on Sunday aiid arc taught the ve.ry opposite that they learned through the week, and lie knew they are confused. They are still teaching “Evolu tion” as a science. of the people all o^ the time.” I recall a January and a Feb ruary in 1877 which were wmfm and springlike, I recall a few The clinic will run through Saturday, March 1. Then Mr. Satterwhite will come back on Friday, March 7, and set up his Some very interesting new ti-' bout the task of reconstruction, j for Hoke County are for Ye ties'have been received in the^Tl'ie earning from his two years’;N. C. 27, N. C. 26, and N. C., library recently, among them lecture tear will he used by Dr. ^23; White - N. C. T-20, N. C. lltl the following: I Seagrave to rebuild and enlarge and Tenn. 10. machine in the community church Together: Annals of .Army Wife, his war-ravaged hospital. in the White-Tex Mill village for.Katherine Tupipor Marsha'll: Pa-' I ... . ... I mild winters. This has been a cold winter, and it is not over yet. Some people have clai.red that their hens laid two eggs a day, but I do not believe it; nor' do I believe our boasted FREEDOMS exist under conditions npw tol- (C,ontinued on Page 8) the benefit of those living in that, vi’ion of Women.Burk; Hiroshi.ra, DON’T APPLY FOR cem.i'unity and for anyone who'llersey: So This is Peace, Hope:'NEW SUG.^VR COUPONS failed to get t’neir x-ray while T'.'.e Xew Sad Suck. B.’ker; Sum- it was down to.wn. j n-e'!- in April,'.'Macardle;, ^’rom Indi\idual sugar consumers do Farmers should get their requirements at once. Fenmment pastures should seeded at once. .Apply 1 to 2 ef lime per acre. Put 400 to l.-ounus of fertilizer broadest^ The clinic is now in operation! t'h’e Top of the Stairs, Finletter;; not need to file application for.rs planting time, and draf O’ in The Johnson Com’pany Build-j Time to Change Hats, Bennett; ing through the courtesy of The'Close Pursuit, Burt; -Mr. Bland- Johnsou Company. Be sure to | ings Builds His Dream House, go before Saturday at 5 p. m. Its Hodgins; and Deeper the Heri- free to everybody. I tage, Elwobd. the new 10-pound ratiot^’ou- with section^ harrow. Use pons to be validated on ‘ • • •• . . ion cou- Apf^d.'lo pounds o'f Dallas grass,'; William Linghan, Director, Ral eigh Sugar sized today. nehan, Manch Office, empha- pounds of Kobe Lespedeza 2 pounds of White Dutch, dino clover per act^ r ..ha

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