■- ■ >?."• - ■ % The Rockfish^PTA met at the school last fSriid|iB^;.:^vemng witii a good numfa^t |>^?^ts in at tendabce. QCfiupera iiik ^ next year were ^lebfed' as follows: Mrs, Alton Potter, jaresi^t, Mrs. Lucy Scarboro, vice-presi. dent, Mrs. M. S. Gibson, secre tary, Mrs. Herman Koohce, trea surer. It was decided at this meeting to raise additional money for the lunchroom for" use when Fed. eral aid is disCtmtinued, which will probably be this week. The Rockfish Grange is spon' soring a chicke^ supper at the school Friday evening, March 21, for the benefit of the school lun chroom. All friends of the school are invited. The State Board of Health and the Hoke County Health de partment are sponsoring a' dental clinic in the white schools of the county. This clinic will last three weeks. It started at the Mlldou- • son sdiool Monday morning. Dr. T. E. Koonce is in'^charge. After finishing at Mildouson Dr. Koon ce will go to Rockfish, Ashemont and RaeSord Graded schools in thgt order. Applications has been made for a colored'clinic, but a colored dentist is not available at this time. The Hoke County unit of the M3E1A met at the high school on Wednesday evening for the purpose of vptin|f on state ofli- , cors of 'the ajiiidci^rstr 4«id f\A the ele;ption of officers o the lo cal unit. Delegates were also ap pointed to the state meeting of ~the"^as¥ociation to be held* in Asheville March 27 and 28. * Mrs. J. C. McLean—is presi dent of the local unit this year and had charge of the meeting The Hoke- Raeford PTA met in the Raeford Graded school au ditorium on Monday evening. The Bible students of both high and graded schools have a pro gram that grew out of their Bible study in preparation for Easter. The program was direc ted by Mrs. T. N. McL&ychlin, Bible teaVher. '* After the program Mrs Youn ger Snead, president, conducted the business meeting. A commit tee consisting of W. P. Phillips, chairman, Mrs Israel Mann, W. C.' Hodgin, Mrs. Marcus Smith and Mrs C. J. Benner was ap pointed to canvass the possibil ities for raising nioney and se curing a director for summer ac tivities of the pupils of both the graded and high schools. A nomination committee con sisting of Mrs. Lacy MoFadyen, Mrs. Frank Tapp and Mrs. Lewis Upchurch was appointed. .. A committee was appointed to try to secure furniture and other items with which to equip a first aid room in the Graded school bulging. This committee is composed of Mesdames John Walker, Tommie Upchurch, W. C. Lee and Lewis Upchurch. This committee will appreciate the donation of furniture, particular ly a rhirrovv and chairs. A cot Lai^e Dodtet'^ Recorder’s Cmirt Presbyterians To Vote On Calling Of New Pastor' ^ The congregation of the Rae- fprd Presbyterian church will Red Cms^ Drive bave a business meeting follow- LIQUOR LAW VIOLATORS ing the worship service next Sun- DRAW FINES TUESDAY day morning, The meeting is. to be held for the purpose of al lowing the congregation to» hear TWO COMMUNITIES OVERSUBSCRIBE QUOTA In the curreiit Red Cross roll call and fund dlrive, N. A. Me DR. fl. S.tWlLLIS WILL ASSOMECjONTBOL ON APRil^iplTiXI^ Majority of the cases brought, feebmmendations •'rom its pul- to triel before Judge Henry Me-j pit committee relative to calling Diarmid Tuesday irorning inja pastor to the church to replace' Donald, county. ,irive chairman, Hoke County recorder’s court had Rev. H. K. Holland, who recent-! announced yesterday- that the ly accepted a call to Marietta, State Sanatorium has tufned in Ga I $196.26 oversubscribing their quo- Dr. Watson M. Fairley, former hy quite a little. The $82.55 pastor of the church has been j raised at a square dance at Bet serving as supply pastor for the Blue Springs over. The defendants charged with viola tions of the prohibition laws or for being drunk and disorderly or for driving drunk. Charged with being drunk and disorderly were Eliza McCormick and David Thomas, both colored, and David Blue, white. Senten ce in each case was 30 days to be suspended on payment of the court costs. John C. McCormick, colored, was charged with driving drunk 'and violating the prohibition laws. He got a 60 day sentence to be suspended on payment of $50 and the costs in the former and 30 days to be suspended on payment of the'ebsts in the latter case. ‘A Hilton M. Black, white, was charged with driving drunk and sentence was 60 days to be su spended on payment df $50 and the court ebsts. Weldon Locklear, Indian, was charged in one case with opera ting a liquor stiU and*in another with violating the prohibition laws Sentence in the first cast was 6 months to be suspended on.pay ment of $25 and the costs and the officer’s still fee. In the sec ond case sentence was 30 days to- be suspendecPiHSilk^yment of the costs. : Mae Locklear, was tried on the same charges as Weldon Lock lear and got the same treatment from the judge. Agenora, Ann iMae and Viola Locklear, all Indians, were char ged with violations of the pro hibition laws. Each got 30 days in jail to be suspended on pay ment of the costs in her case.. J. Lee Langdon and Stephen McLean, both -white, were each charged with violating the road laws and each got 30 days to be suspended on payment of the costs. I. G. Cross, white, was charged with careless and reckless driv ing but entered a plea of guilty of violating the road law, which the court accepted. Sentence was 30 days to be suspended on pay ment of the costs. 0 church until a new pastor is se cured. The pulpit co.r.mittee is ex- colored and Indian schools that have reported have turned in a total of $238.13 to date. This does pected to recommend to the edn-j’^ot include the Raeloi'd colored Dr. H. S,. Wiiiis, who was se lected by the jiatard of directors of the institution to be the sup. erintendent succeeding the late Dr. P. P. MoCa^ who was kiljed in an automobile accident while On his way to Raleigh on the morning Of last November 25, is expected to assume his new duties on April 15, ;it has been announced. The boai'd of directors of the To Play Finals In Bowling Event Tonight The finals in the three main groups in the $7i5 invitational tournament at the Metro alleys will be played tonight beginning at eight o’clock. The tournament began the first of February and was to have been completed two weeks ago but due to the fact that scheduled play was siisiwnd- ed for two weeks during the A- merican Legion basketball Tour naments it was delayed this len gth of time. Prizes in the affair are dividfed the three groups, the first MelfigliWifl Start BasdnO Here Tanorroir PLAY CENTOAL HIGH AT ARMOBY PARK AT THREE PM in .gregation that a call be sent to division Rev. W. B. Heyward, who is at present pastor of the Second iPresbyterian church at Kanna- Total receipts , turned in to Chairman McDonald so far a- mount to $1953.83 leaving a ba- polis, N. C. The congregation is Sanatbrium appointed a commit- expected to act favorably on the oommittee’s recommendation 0 PERSONALS Mrs. W. L. McFadyen Igad as her guests over the week end Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gammon and daughter, Charlotte, of Burling ton, Mrs. C. 6. Goswick and son, Claude and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Pittman of Durham, and Joe Chesnutt of Phillipsburg, N J. Mf. and Mrs. Ernest Campbell returned home Sunday night from Key West, Florida, where they spent the past 10 days. Bill Harris of Washington, D. C. spent the week end here with his wife in the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lilly. Mrs. Pittman Dies At Ashley Heights Last Thursday Mrs. Maggie Pittman died last Thursday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Hair of -Ashley Heights after al^‘ ill ness of several weeks. Mrs. Pitt man was the widow of J, L. Pitt man, Sr.., of Maxton who died about six years ago. She is sur vived by one daughter, 'Mrs. Hare and five sons, J. L., J. J., and Drewey Pittman, all of Ham let; D. L. Pittman of Abeville, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Warner, who went to Easley, *8. C. week be fore last to spend the, week end with their Mrs Charles Riddle, ham w exten^their visit. Mr. Warner has been ytgnJined to his bed with flu for a week, but is reported that he may be able to get home the latter part of this week. Hoke County quota of $2535.00. McDonald has urged all workers who have not compileted their canvass to do so as soon as pos sible. Chairman Israel Marin of the Raeford Business division an nounces that the business division quota has almost been reached. He requests that those who have not as yet sent in their contribu- ions do so at the earliest possible moment so that the oversubscrip tion of the quota may be announ ced in next week’s News-Journal. Chairman McDonald would like to announce in next weeks paper that the county quota has been reached.,‘jLetS liily to.the wor kers aid and keep Hoke County from breaking a .fine record, that of never having fallen down on an undertaking of this kind. Do your bit and help put Hoke Coun ty over the top,” McDonald said. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Mathe- son and children, who have made their home in Stuart, Florida this winter, spent the week end in the home otf Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Matheson en route to their home in Robbinville. New Jersey. Mrs. Dallas Daley and daughter, Bobbie Dean, who have been visitirm the Mathesons in Florida reurneek to Raeford with them. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Howell have as their guest this wjtek Mrs Howell’s mother, Mrs. H. Winborne, of Eden ton. W. Blue Springs chairman E. C Smith, Jr., in reporting on the dance held by the committee of that community in the commun ity house last Thursday night stated tha't a total of $82.55 was realized. Cakes for the dance were made and contributed by Mesdames Luther Currie, C. J. McNeill, Rex Currie, D. H. Yar borough, D. J. Dalton and Wilmer McBryde. These cakes were sold at auction and brought a total of $31.55. The dance admissions brought $35.80, the sale of drinks $7.20 and $8.00 was contributed. 0 tee to' choose the new superin tendent at their meeting on Jan- juary 15 and the selection of Dr. Willis, head of the Maybury Sanatorium at Detroit, Michigan, was announced late in February. The new superintendent is a native of North Carolina with a long distinguished record in his field. He was born in High Point in 1891 and received his degree of bachelor of arts from the Un iversity of North Carolina in 1914. ke received his M. D. from Johns Hopkins in 1919 and also received the degree of master of arts there in 1920. He was a member of the fa culty of Johns Hopkins univer sity from 1919 to 1930, after which he went to the Maybury sana torium as director of the research laboratory there. In 1933 he be came • superintendent of Maybury sanatorium, which post he held until his new appointment at Sanatorium, N. C. In 19^5 he became a consul tant with ^he U. S. Public health service and in 1946 he became chairman of the committee for medical research of the National Tuberculosis association.. He is a member of the American Hospi tal association, the American Pub lic health association, the Amer ican Turdeau society, and the Nationa Tubercuiosis association. 0 LEGION GETS CHEVROLET TO GIVE AWAY APRIL 4 group prize being $20 in trade at Collins Department store This, wil be competed for tonight in one game by Bill Upchurch and Tom McBryde. In the second group Bob Wade will plhy the winner of a semi final game still to be played when this paper went to press. The prize in this group is $20 in trade at C. P. Kinlaw’s jewelry store. In the third grdup T. C. (Red) The Hoke County high school baseball team is bettipg that spring will get here by three o’clock tomorrow afternoon when they , plan to meet Central High of Cumberland county on ^he local field. The weather, how ever,’ wil have to do a fair a- '.T.ount of changing from what it was. last night when this' pa per was put to bed. Season tickets for the nine home games are on sale by high school students at the price of three dollars for adults, while the ad mission at the gate for each game is fifty'cents. Basebail practice for the team started March 10 with 30 hope fuls reporting to Coach Hasrwood Faircloth Five lettermen are Scarborough will play Randall back from last years team, these Ashburn one game for $20 in trade at Clark and Davis Sin clair station. There were originally 32 play ers entered in Kich group. The 16 who were eliminated in the first round were entered in a consolation tournament in each group for a prize of $15 in trade at each of thfe above mentioned firms. If enough players are on hand it is also planned to finish these playoffs tonight, although several of the semifinal games have not been playsd. 0 Locker Plant Will Open Here Next Monday being McKeithan, Conoly. Poole, Freeman, and MacDonald. In the pitching department Coach Fair- cloth has McKeithan, Conoly, Mc Neill, and Lee vfrile George Freeman, A. J. Lundy and Bus ter Maxwell are the main re ceivers of the squad. The first base position will be held by Lee and McNeill, second base by Mc Intyre and Gulledge, third base by McMillan and Yarborough, and shortstop by Conoly and Teal. Fighting for starting berths in the outfield are Poole, A. J. Freeman, Walker, Murray and Davis. Seventeen games have been scheduled, 9 of them home games. New uniforms, balls and bats have been purchased and the lo cals hope to make a good showing this year. A large crowd attended the Albert Stevens, manager of the Colonial Frozen foods locker plant, showing of the World Series the Gym Tuesday, night. 0 Miss Causey Speaks To Teachers Here Mr. and Mrs. Starr McMillan, Jr. of Wilmington spent the week end with their parents, '^VTr. and Mrs Starr McMillan. 'Bobby Leach, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Leach, has been confined to his home for past 10 days with flu. the Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Ever- Ga., and A. L. Pittman of Rich-' ette and son of New Bern visit. mond, Va. Funeral services were conduc- |ted at the Ashley Heights Bap- and day bed have been donated.’.tist church y the Rev. E. M. Har. Iris, Friday at 2:00 p. m. Burial Miss Lora McFadyeq^typist j-gHowed in the cemetery at Max tor the Board of Education, has flu this week. HOLDING REVIVAL AT Shiprhents of pineapple and to mato juice have been received ^ CHURCH OF GOD at the county storeroom for the lunchrooms. The Hoke County' Medical so ciety is, sponsoring its annual essay contest -/on the subject “Why the Private Practice of Medicine Furnishes This'Xloun- Iry With tlie Finest Medical Care.” Miss Watson is in charge of this contest and the papers Rev. W. U. Thompson and Rev. W. R. Nunnery, both of High Point, are ijolding revival services this week at the Church of God, abou’. 112 miles west of Raeford on t!.e Aberdeen road. Rev. Norman Starling, pastor of .the church, states that ser vices are conducted each night at seven-thirty arid invites the pub lic to attend and participate in ed Mr. and Mrs. Monday. W. T Gibson Mr. and Mrs. T B. Lester, Jr. had as their guests over the week end Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Carney of Wilmingtonl' Mr. and Mr¥ Billy Faulk spent Monday in Fairmont. Mrs. Brooks of Marion, S. C. spent the week end in the home of her sister, Mrs. J. B. McIntyre. The new 1947 Chevrolet Sty- lemaster town sedan which the local American Legi^on post will give away at a danefe to be held at the armory on April 4, two weeks from tomorrow night, ar rived at Hoke Auto company this week and has been on display there, as well as being driven a- round by legionnaires with tic ket salesmen. The president of the Depart ment of Classroom Teachers of the N. C. B. A., Miss Causey, was guest speaker at the regular meeting of the Raeford unit of the Department of Classroom Teachers Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 in the grammar school building. All county ^elementary principals and teachers and the^ high school ^faculty were extend ed an invitation to the ‘meeting. As the guests arrived, they were served refreshments and then directed into the library where the meeting was held. Mrs, Ruria Shelton, president of the local unit, called the meeting to order and welcomed the guests. Spec ial music was rendered by John Davis, fifth grade student from Mrs. Shelton’'s. room. He sang “The Gypsy” and “It’s a Grand Night for Singing.” Miss Ollie Alfred Cole,- chairman of the ticket committee for the dance, reported this week that interest^ was picking up in the affair and i Biggs, vice-president and program that several hundred tickets had chairman, introduced the spea'k- been sold. The tickets are selling jer.- for $1.00 each and each carries^ “Fifteen years .ago,” said Miss a chance to win the car. “the first Classroom winner does not have to attend the dance. The legion post plans which has been under construc tion here fpr some time# announ ced yesterday that the plant would definitely be open for bus iness .next Monday, March 24. Stevens, a former B-17 pilot in the Army Air Forces, has been here for some time getting the plant in shape for operation and states that it is finally in order. He and Mrs. Stevens oc cupy one of Tom Cameron's a- partments on North Main street. The plant will offer a complete service on beef and pork pro cessing, including sausage making^ pork curing, cold storage, etc. There are lockers for rent for the stoage of frozen foods and chickens are processed two. days each week, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 0 in ARMY INSTRUCTOR FOR NATIONAL GUARD HERE Master Sergeant Raymond J. Bouronill of the Regular Army arrived in Raeford this week with Mrs. Bouronili to begin his duties as instructor for the Na tional Guard. Sergeant Bouronill’s duties at present will be with Battery A, 677th AAA AW Bat talion, which was recently orga nized here. Later, however, as units of the guard are formed in neighboring towns he will spend time with them' as well. He and Mrs. Bouronill at pre sent have quarters in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Upchurch, Jr. DISTRICT OFFICIAL SPEAKS TO MASONIC LODGE HERE W. L. Allen, District Deputy C-rand Master of. this Masonic district, visited the Raeford Ma sonic Lodge at its meeting last week, and addressed -local Masons on the work in the district. Mr. Farmers generally will get the majority of their chicks during the next 3 or 4 weeks. The first consideration is to get chicks of will be judged by a com.mittee appointed by the medical soqiety. |the special singing programs NOTICE, ADVERTISERS Effective immediately, we will be unable to accept advert ising for iny week’s paper af ter 4:00 p. m. on Tuesday. Mechanical conditions necess. itate this rule, to which we must rigidly adhere. Your co operation will be appreciated. for the purpose of coming togeth er to talk over problems o.teacher and pupil welfare. The Depart ment of Classroom Teachers.^s a part of the N. C. E. A. Cooper ation a.v.ong superintendents, principals and teachers is nec- REDECORATING THEATRE essary 'for a good school. ’ Miss Causey reviewed the N. to use any money which may-be made on this venture to fur ther their project to light the baseball park at the armory for night games. 0-: J. B. McIntyre, operator of the ■ C. E A. legislation program and Raeford Theatre, is changing the , ' . . , ' , 4 p • U Of ni'i- ; face of the building somewhat ■ . ... , '! meeting hciu this week. The marquee has beep;^.^^. replaced by _a‘ new one arid a, As an inspiration and a chal- P i.) the N. E. A. oco:'.lly at Alantic Allen is from Rockingham, and 5°°^ usually pays to was accompanied by W. L. Ad-jS’-’^ ‘thicks reasonably close to home. Hoke County is fortunate in having an up-to-date hatch ery. This hatchery is operated by at the close experienced poultryman, who j is interested in hatching only cox and J. A. Brigman of the R'oekingham Lodge, of which Mr.' Adcox is Master. Refresh ments were served of the meeting ' D P. Gillis’, of the Philippi,chicks. The brooder house section, was raised to ' a Master! should be thoroughly cleaned and Mason at a recent meeting of.‘^'sinfected several days before are-' chicks to give it time to and There are many different types of heating units. Use one that is adapted to your conditions and one that will give out uniform the lodge, in degree work sided over by T. D. Potter E. E. Smith. TO DEDICATE ORGAN AT ANTIOCH SUNDAY Antioch Presbyterian heat. The temperatm-e for the first few days should be about 85 degrees F. Temperature can number pf neon lights installed^ and the front of the building is'lenge, she left this thought, “The, will be guest organist. Rev. C.'^cra^t'h being covered with a new finish. I future of the world as well as. Er-'-'Hodgin of Greensboro will A The lobby of the theatre is also'our own democratic ideals, lie | speak. The public is cordially in-'s being changed and improved. lin the hands of the teacher.” jvited to attend. j\ The church will dedicate their new'reduced us the birds. b6|(in Hammond organ on Sunday even-j feathering. AU heat can be are- ing, March 23. at' 7:3(} o’clock. I moved when about si.x weeks Mrs» Frances McPhaul McMillan' old. Chic'ks should be fed only Ikit the first two days, ''d startinf mash ■'I ■ A W ■M . 'A •. - ysy

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