1 The Ashemont PTA is sponsor ing a chicken supper at the school building Friday evening from 6 to 8 for the benefit of the school lunchroom. All patrons and fri ends'are cordially invited. The Raeford School Board held a meetirg on Monday evening at which time W. T.'Gibson, Jr. was re-elected district principal and A. S. Gaston was re-elected prin cipal of'i'the Upchurch school. These principals will nominate their teachers at an early date. JUNIOli SAFETY CLUB TOPS 100;000 MEMBERS Mrs. Claudia Hurt and Walter Jaimes of the State Tuberculosis Association were visitors here on Tuesday. The Pre-school clinics are now under way. Pledse try to have your child attend the one that is most convenient. A committee composed of mem bers of the Board of Education and Board of Commis^ners in spected quite a numSer of the made in order to determine the school buildings in the county on last Saturday. This inspection was necessary repairs that should be made during the summer. Dr. Kocnce has finished the den tal work in all the white schools. He i.^ nov; working in the Indian schools Livestock judging teams from the agricultural department ' of Hoke Pligh won high honor^' in the F|A, Fe^,gr|^,^Liv^jp^ck judging contest neia at Hamlet Monday, April 14. The contest was to determine the federation winners who will complete in a district contest to be held the lat ter part of May. One team composed of Jimmy Seals, Thomas Bobbitt and Leon- Judge McDiarmid Hears Few Cases Tuesday Mommg ANNOUNCE PROGRAM FOR HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT LIQUOR, STEALING. CARS, Pro Baseball WORTHLESS CHECK | Team.Training i At Local Park CASES TRIED FORMER NCEA HEAD TO DELIVER ADDRESS AT FINALS Officer Ernest E. Pressley, of the Charlotte Police Department, who is now* presenting his famous dog safety show to all the school children in North Carolina imder the spon sorship of the North Carolina State Automobile Association, announces that his Junior Traffic Safety Club has swelled its membership in this state to more than 100,000. He esti- mates that by the end of 1947 more than 200,000 boys and girls will have passed his stiff traffic safety examination and will have hecBme members of his Junior Traffic Safety Club. In recorder’s court Tuesday Judge Henry McDiarmid ordered Willie Thomas, colored man char ged with passing a worthless check, to pay the check and the costs of the court or go, to the roads for 30 days. He paid. ; Raymond Hofman, white tour ist. paid the costs for speeding. : A. D. Da.mjx'ons, colored, was found guilty of driving while, un-, der the influence of liquor. Sen-' fence was 60 days to be suspend- Ir "Hoke Last • Fri ingtor.. \ ball tea.'.. the Lex-. Class D Hi: .morning Carolina a an training for the coming .=ea;..n on the Ic-.-al du;- mond at Ar.nory park. AbouV 3.5 started w .'-..ng out wi'h the squad with. .ie\’eral more expec ted to cor e- daring the approxi mately three weeks they will be here. The team, is a farm team of the prog"j • 'J ■- ■ 'en r,^rr-en: r . dtr- j- school a: Carolina ; the North sociation. ores; ed on payment of S50 and the costs * Athletics of the A- > a .d be tne soeaxer at the tom.men.earner.: evertises at the Hitke-High school on Mtr.- day evening. May 26, The Baccai. Percy Chavis, Indian charged i league, who are super- aureate' sermon will be delivera.n with carnal knowledge, was freed jtraining. The Athle- when the State took a nol pros^^^® ^ working with leave in the case because Robbons park in Red Spr- nounced. on Sunday m.orning. May 13. place and speaker "'were not The an- of insufficient evidence him against String Quartet To Appear At FMC Next Monday The Gordon String png of music.’s.mo^t ,ar; Quartet, ant en- r at Flpra *Monday ■sembles, will be helir Macdonald College on evening, ApriT 21, at 8:15, as the fifth and last number of what has probably been the most suc cessful series ever presented at Flora Macdonpld. . Jacques Gordon was only twen- Fodner Missionary Makes Address To Presbyterian Men ard Dunn won first place in judg-,ty-ohe and concert master of the ing dairy cattle while a second te^.r.i made up of Alex Norton, Bobby McBryde and Hubert Hine were nosed out by the Car thage team in judging beef cat tle and hogs. FFA chapters from the follow ing schools participated in the contest: Cameron, Carthage, El- lerbe. West End, Hoffman, Rock ingham, Laurel Hill, Wagram, LatjHnburg and Raeford. W^P. Phillips, agriculture tea cher at Hoke High, coached the local teams and expressed him self as being highly pleased’with the fine showing made by the boys, all of whom are ninth grad ers. 'The Educo club met last Wed nesday night in the lunch roam' of the high school. W. P. Phillips ex plained the ■agricultural program of GI’.s as carried on by the ag ricultural .de.iartment. L. M. Les ter. D, B. McFadyen.Jr., Phil Johnson and W. C. Hodgin are in structors for this program.. A splendid work tor tne GI’s is be ing done. ' ' ■ BREAK-IN SUNDAY Qhicago Symphony Orchestra, when he founded the famous group that bears his name. Now in its 25th year, it has played over three thousand concerts, and has established the famous im.iusic fesitivals which it holds at Music Mountain, Fall Village, Connecticut^ each summer. Associ^ited with Mr. Gordon, -who serves as first violinist of the Quartet, are Urico Rossi, sec ond violin, David Dawson, viola, and Fritz Magg, cello, each an artist in his own right. In addi tion to playing the standard cham ber-music repertoire, the Gordon String Quartet has introduced works of many noted composers not usually heard in string en sembles. BETHESDA PASTOR TALKS AT MEN’S MEETING TUESDAY NIGHT Guest speaker at the regular monthly upeeting of the Men’s club of the Raeford Presbyterian church on Tuesday night was Rev. Charles Wirth, pastor df Old Be- thesda Presbyterian church at Aberdeen. The rrieeting was at tended by about 60 men of the church, a committee of whom pre pared the meal of ham and ac- Homemakers To Observe Special Week, May 4-11 cessories. The meeting was presided over j tours are among the events Accent on Tomorro'w! That’s the. vieij^oint America’s rural homemakers will urge the Nation to share with them- for at least one week this spring, when they observe National Home De monstration Week, May 4-11, Miss Verna Stanton, Assistant State Agent for the State Col lege Extension Service, said today. With emphasis* on action today for tomorrow’s world, observance activities will feature progress made in rural family and com munity living since the home de monstration program was initiated more than thirty years ago Special programs, teas, e.xhibits. by N. A. McDonald, incoming president for the church year be ginning April 1. Other new offi cers of the club are Marcus Smith, vice president, and Donald Yates, secretary and treasurer. Mr. Wirth, who was born in China, the son of a 'medical mis sionary, spoke to the club on the political situation in China at the present time and during the past few years. He was a missionary (Continued on Page 4) Poole’s Medley BY D. SCOTT POOLE scheduled for the week-long, Na tion-wide open house, according to Miss Stanton. Improvement in rural homes, and other concrete evidence of progress in the .apu plication of science to homemak ing will go on. display, as three and 'a half million rural women plan and direct the week’s event. Housewives and ’homem.'akers participating in the home demon stration program in the United States, Alaska. Hawaii, and P'uer- to Rico will be active partners in the events of the week with Ex- John Walter Bishop, colored, paid a $10 fine and the costs for being drunk and disorderly and using profane and indecent lan guage. He got 30 days to be su spended on payment of the costs and $2.0 to the prosecuting wit ness in a case in which he was charged with larceny of money. The state had accepted his plea of temporary larceny. ings and games -wiU be played -phe seventh grade promotion there before the end of the train-; exercises will oe held or. Thurs- ing. Workouts at Army park are [day morhmg. May 22.. and the i.m.embeDS of the Senior class ■will daily between the hours of IL a. m. and two p. m — 0— Magistrate Fines Defendant For Starting Fire ;^entjtheir class night program in the high school auditorium on the night of Friday, May 23. Senior Play May 2 The senibr class will# present their play tre night of May 2 at the high school.. The play, a three act comedy, is by Edith Elhs. Students participating are: Bet- Local Magistrate Mrs. W. R. Barrington, found Alexander Tho mas of Route 2 Raeford guilty of' ty Ejavis. who is a widow 'witn ro'ur William Thompson and Tom! violating the State Forest Fire daughters. T'ne da'c,ghters are Groom, both white, each got 30[Laws, and imposed a fine of S15,' portrayed by Marie Wilha.m.son. days to be'suspended on payment | Court Costs of S8 and fire fight-[Grady Covington. Joan Johns-on. of the costs when they were found ing costs of- S37 on Thomas. | and Elizabeth Parker Elean-jr guilty of being drunk and disor-[ Thomas was found responsible Leach derly. a m.an na::ng servan 1 John D. Gfbson, colored, got 30 j days suspended on payment of the costs for being drunk and dis orderly Annie Mae Ray, colored, was for the forest fire which burned Bo Perry, Joe Maxwe'd, Sonny over several hundred acres of McIntyre, an-h Johnny Walker timberland south of Raeford on. are the suitors, and Jim.ir.y Con- Route 211 on Easter Monday. ^ oly is a cersin >l,vhO'is an archaec- This fire did considerable dam- legist. The prCKauctign is being age to this timberland and threat- directed bv Miss Miriam Watson I ened several tobacco barns, the with Lveaa McKeitha'n assistinx sentenced to serve three months [hams being saved by the prompt in jail, for violating the prohi-! action of the North Carolina For. bition laws, sentence to be su-^est Service and others. spended on payment of the costs and a fine of SIOO. 0 SUPERIOR COURT MONDAY -0- MRS. MAGGIE HOUSTESS DIES AT LUMBER BRIDGE and Mr. J. W. -I ge of* lighting. at on cnar. FARM NOTES The April term of Hoke County superior court, for the trial of civil and criminal cases will be- i^in here next Monday morning with the Honorable Walter J. Bone, Judge of North Carolina’s third judicial district, presiding. Only four criirr.anal cases are docketed for tral. These will be tried first and the civil cases, of which there are six, will follow. i;; By A. S. Knowles I Mrs. Maggie Houstess, 70, died lii IJ Tuesday night at the home of her[ - ————a; brother, Harris G. Smith, in Lum- Blue Mold was reported in. ber Bridge. She was a native of. Raeford and QuewhifEle townships Marlboro county. South Carolina, j last week. Continued rains have Surviving are the brother with| made conditions ideal for the whom she reside and a brother, [ spread of blue mold. Spraying W. P. Smith, of Red Springs. j with fermate should be started Services will be held today, ■ or continued as soon as rains 2:30 p. m., at the Lumber Bridge' permit, residence by the Rev. T. Paul Deaton. Burial will be in Lumber Bridge cemetery. the AND NOW THEY ARE GRADUATING It is not so hard to be fair with every body, but an angry man may say something to even things as he thinks. IThe past winter was a long Main cold spell, and this is a late Bill’s Smoke Shop on street was entered by a thief or spring—one of the latest I ever thieves last Sunday morning and saw. a small quantity of cash was re- The last March was the first moved from the coin operated one I ever saw without peach record player there. The machine and dogwood bloom, was damaged somewhat in being! There were more insects eat- entered." Adcording to Policje|ing up things last year than I Chief McQuage. he looked at the ever knew in one year. A dozen back of the place soon after go- things besides me were eating the city of Fa.vetteville closed a two weeks evangelistic Meeting in Raeford Sunday. He did good work, it is said. » If the tax rates have been re duced in these liquor-selling counties heretofore we have not heard df it. Liquor drinking causes misbehavior and that in creases "court costs. The idea is an effort to make respectable the Devil’s business, but that cannot be done. When I had been in Raeford about' two years I counted the different Macks on imy subscripu tion list! and there were sixty- six-. Joe Daniels, owner and editor of The News and Observer calls tension workers of the 51 land- . grant fcolleges. aud of the U, S. [Department of .Agriculture. Traditionally the best neighbors in the world, rural women dur ing the past year indicated that they now consider the whole world as their* ■ neigh'o'orhood, Miss Stanton said. \ ' !_0 ing on duty Sunday morning and my peas. ■at°that time it had not been en- Quite a lot of money was spent terecl On his next round, how-'in building in Raeford last year ever he noted that a window had and several new and large bus- been opened. He concluded that inesses were opened here, the robber was within at thati Speaking of why I live in R^^^Them God bless Macks, because time and went for help and post-] ford, it is because it is the best|they always vote Democratic, ed some one at one end and went and safest place I know. You can- When I was in the legislature in the other. By that time; how-'not beat Hoke County for good I read every statewide bill that ever, the t'nlaves had done their folks. . came to my desk, the night after damage, ond departed. No arrests A man, who had served as po- I received it. ave been] mo'de. 1 liceman and Truant Officter in ( Continued on page 4 ) STATE TREASURER TO SPEAK TO KIWANIANS Charles M. Johnson, treasurer of the State of North Carolina, will speak to the members of the Raeford Kiwanis club at their regular weeky im.eeting in the Ki wanis hall here tonight. Mr. Johnson announced today that he will be a candidate for Governor of North Carolina in the 1943 Democratic Primary. : 0— LEGION NOTICE Commander J. H. Blue of t'ne local American Legion post an nounced this week that the post would have a meeting this mbnth if possible, but fhat he would be unable to announce the date and place until later. Pr.'c-.ice.-? se,. t.xeir -equi- ■'..es ' ai- -.■ea.ee.v. the -cotton and sel- i:'. ti'.e.ocen market. Pre- ducet's are ■u-.’ge'd give serious :o:ts:cei-a;ion to ntarketing the ■'.oa;: aotton before it is placed in pools A: present market prices, rariners should be able to dispose o: tnis cotton at prices that will net them substantial profits a- oove the loan ar.'d charges again st the cotton. The 1946 crop' loan cotton no: redeem.ed prior to August 1, 1947.- will be placed in pools, as pro vided in the loan agreements.-' and sold in an orderly manner by Conum.'odity Credit Corpoma- m M ,‘i cm; •* 11 '.r--'. '1 The United States Department of Agriculture has announced that all 1946 crop loan cotton still un der loan on Aug-as: 1. 1947, will ' be pooled for prod'ucers’ accounts I b.v Co.m.h'.odity Credit Corpora- I tion. The Loans mavure July 31. 1947 On. March 1-5. 1947. loans -.vere jutsts'.'.c.n'.g on 71.539 bales '1 19-6 tt';: friom- the 123.- ' - oales ri.-.-er. under loans :■: tn.u. date a tion. On final liquidation of all cotton in the pools, the net, prb- .The above picture of nine members of the 1947 senior class;deduenon of , ' T,. , ^ , . , • . . 1 ! all advances and accrued costs— at Hoke County High School appeared m the school Paper including storage, insurance, and “Hoke High Lights,” in the April issue. The snapshots which were used are not exactly new, so we identify the seniors: *1. Elizabeth Parker. 2. John S. Poole, 3- Johnny Walker, 4. Luke McNeill, 5. Eleanor Leach, 6. Grady Covington, 7. Marie Cameron. 8. Joe Maxwell 9. Ly dia McKeithan. . handling charges—will be distri buted among the producers whose cotton- was placed in the pools, in proportion to their interest. No payment ,will be made to pro ducers at t.he time their cotton is placed in the piools. and after (Continued on page 4)