'^v • •■•(A - .,.. - ■■*'• --VK ■ ■-nfe’’ ^SB^HfelWSMCWRNAL wjumwmi F • I ' Sili|ii|l^',^(‘'-'-* ;■':■■ C W: i^'t V ■y-m m •' ‘a **' t.--' CHAMINADE MUSIC CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. McLAUCHLIN », The Chaminade Music club met on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs, T. N. McLauchlin with Mrs. Walter Baker and Mrs. W. B. McLauchlin serving as associ- ' ate hostesses. ' Plans for national music week, ^ which featured a private concert by Miss Aileen McMillian of Flora Macdonald college, a pub lic sacred concert at the Metho- * ^ - dist church, and a public commun ity sing in the high school which will also feature the film show- ng of the National music camp at Interlocken, Miehigan, were complete'd. The following program was given: Study, Mrs. Clyde Up church; vocal solo, Mrs. A. K. Curilie^ accompanist Mrs, Luke Bethune; double trio. “Native Land” Mrs. R. B. Lewis. i iSj Mr R. McLean, Mrs, J, S. Pome, Mrhj^ mums, Mrs. Lacy McFadyen gave i A. L. 0®riant, Mrs. Fred Cul- breth, Mrs. T. N, McLauchlin, ac companist Miss Jessie, Bright Fer guson, After the program chorus prac tice was held with Mrs. Clyde Upchurch directing and Miss. Jes- GARDEN CLUB HAS INTERESTING MEETING The Raeford Garden club met with Mrs. Clyde Upchurch ^nd Mrs. H, A. Cameron at the home of the latter on Tuesday after noon. Mrs, Cameron had planned to have the club imeet in her sum mer house, but the inclemency of the weather prohibited this. There was a full attendance. Mrs, Wat son Fairley, a charter member^ was a guest of the club and sev eral new nrembers were taken in. This brought the club member ship to its full quota of twenty- five. Mrs. Cameron had daffodils of many varieties which were ex hibited by name. These were the finer late varieties, aitd many were new. Mrs. W. T, Covington read a most interesting article on the lily and Mrs. Clarence Lytch dis- j|4ssed varieties of chrysanthje- a very timely article on gladi oli and the proper way to plant thSm. The discussions after each number V was practical and bene- fipial. A, cdntest ■fitting the everyday name of the flowers to its scien- MRS. WILLIAMSON GIVES BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON FOR'MOTHER Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Williamson entertained at a birthday lunch eon Sunday for Mrs. Williamson’S mother, Mrs. J. A. McCormick of Rowland. Guests enjoyied a picnic lunch with a' hugh birth day cake decorated in white, green and pink. Out of town guests included A. A.’ McCormick and daughters, Eli^abetl^, Anne, and Mary of Wilmington, C. J. McConmdck of Rowland, Mr. and Mrs. Thelbert Apple of Garner, Mr. and Mrs James McDiarmid of Chapel Hill, John and Joan Baicy of Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Williamson and Mr. and Mrs. James William son and family. 0 ENTERTAIN FOR TEACHERS MISS RUTH COX WED IN CALIFORNIA * dr- sie Bright Ferguson, acddmganist. jtific nahib" w|is held. Mrs. Fair- During the social hour the hos. tesses served block ice cream with cake and nuts. 0 . , MRS. DAVIS CLUB HOSTESS ley^ Won the prize for naming all corr^dy^ The hostesses servec^ Russian tea with a variety of sandwiches. ■ ' 0 Miss Mary Stuart Covington of Peace college s^ent the week Mrs. Frances Davis was hos- eri^^t home with her parents, tess to her bridge club on Wed- Mr. and Mrs. Roland Covington, nesday evening: After several She had as her guest Miss Alice progressions of bridge Mrs. Van Gordon Tuttle of Raleigh. Other Hartsell won ladies high and Ben gtiests in the Covington home Robinson won the mens high Sunday were Mrs. Chalmers Mc- score prize. At the end of the Creight of Hamlet, Mrs. Nancy game delicious refreshments were Gordon Bai;bour of Hillsboro, Re served. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. had as’^their guests for severaL Laurinburg. days last week Mrs Stevens’ brot her, Claude Ripley of Los Ange les, California ' presentative and Mrs. Crawford Kearney of Franklintoq, Miss Ju- Stevens lia Stuart and Watt Stuart of Miss Louise Blue spent the week end in High Point with friends. ^ Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Israel Mann enter tained in honor of their child ren’s teachers last evening, at the Murray home. The home was attractively de corated with lovely arrange ments of mixed flowers, arid each table was centered with a srpall bouquet. ' , A delicious turkey dinner with all accessories was served to a- bout 16 guests other than the hosts and hostesses, Milton, ^ir- ley and Joyce Mann and Bobby Murray, at tables placed in the living and dining rooms. 6-^ W. C. Odom spent several days Miss Riith C Cox,-daughter of Mr; ..and Mrs. D. C. Cox of Rae- for^ became the bride of Leonard G. Seamans, son Of Mrs. C. J. Millard and the late P. J; Sea mans of Syracuse, New York, on Thursday evening, April 3, in a candlelight___-43ereTfiiOTy in the quaint “Wee Kirk O’ The Heat her” chapel in Glendale, Calif. The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. Paul F. Heubner, The altar was decorated with Easter lillies, seven branched candlebra and tall baskets of mix ed "flowers. A program of nuptial music was presented by the church organist. Miss Ruth Thompson accom panied the bride as maid of honor, and J. R. Urquhart, Jr. was best man. For her wedding the bride chose a grey gabardine suit, designed by Fred Block, with white access ories and a corsage of white or chids. Immediately after the ceremony the couple left for a brief honey mo(|Q in Palm Springs, ‘California, al'terwhich they will be at home at 636, North Wilton Place, Hol lywood, California. Mrs. Seamans has been em ployed by Trimble Laboratories, Inc. as a stenographer in Holly wood for the past year. Mr. Seamans has, been connec ted with J. F. O’Connor and Son, Nash Automobile dealers in Hol lywood for the past year. 0^^ last week in Lexington, Va. vis iting his brother. A, A, Odom. Mrs. James Veasey of Aber deen spent several days this week in the home of her father, W. J. McBryde. Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Gibson spent the week end in Rojfboro in the home of Mrs. Gibson’s mother, Mrs. Ed Gentry. If' I H cV* as seen in GLAMOUR Johnnye Junior designs a clever twp-piecer sprigged with clover blossoms and spanned with bands of blue. There’s a gathered skirt springing from a banded middle and the push-up sleeves you like so well. In Bate’s SUN-COUNTRY printed broadcloth. $8.95 Clearance Prices on All Spring, Copts and Suits BELK-HENSDALE CO. J ’ **Raeford*s Shopping Center* \ jy Mrs. H. H. Hampton left today for her Ifbme in West Palm Beach,' Florida, after spending the past, week in th« home of her sister, Mrs. Hinton McPhaul. R. F. Clark is able tp be out after being confined with pneu monia. Lookbtg Whiie She | Gilmer Wood of Rocky Mount spent the week end in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wood. Mrs Wood returned to Rocky Mount with v him for a visit i^rnest Chappel of Goldsboro sp'^nt the week end in the home of George Patterson. Mr, and Mrs. Leonard McBryde and children of Aberdeen spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary McBryde. Mrs. A. K. Stevens left Char lotte by plane last Friday morn ing for Ypsilanti, Michigan, for a visit with her daughter and son in law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Purcell MRS. LYTCH HOSTESS TO UDC The Raeford chapter of the U. D. C. met last Wednesday after noon at the home of Mrs. Clar ence Lytch with Miss Ida Mc Lauchlin serving as associate hostess. ^ ■ The program “Confederate Mu sic” was discussed by Mrs. T. B. Lester, Jr., after which Mrs. J. M. McDuffie talked about current events. It was announced that the district meeting would be held at the First Presbyterian church in Fayetteville, Tuesday, April 29, at 10 o’clock • 1 At the close of the meeting a social hour was enjoyed during which time the hostesses served ice cream and cake. 0 HODGIN — GUY Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hodgin, Jr. of Red Springs have announ. ced the engagement df their daughter, Elizabeth Foxworth, to Watson Giddings Guy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Guy of Hampton, Virginia. The wedding will take place in the late spring. Miss Hodgin is a graduate of Flora Macdonald college, and has been secretary to Dr. R. T. L. Liston, president of King Col lege in Bristol, Tenn., for the past two years. Mr. Guy is a form^ student at King College, and is now a rising senior at Union Th^Plogi- cal Seminary in Richmond, Va. 0 Melvin Brooks of Richmond* Va, spent several days in the home of his aunt Mrs. Israel Mann, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McLean have came to Raeford to make their horne, Mr. McLean is a ne phew of Mrs. W. T. Covington, and will assist her in the bus iness management of her farms Fred Johnson of Raleigh, Mrs. R. B. Lewis and Mrs. Clyde Up church’,’ Jr. spent yesterday in Charlotte. Mrs, Upchurch went from there to Gastonia to spend several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Falls, and to be with her sister, Mrs. Malcolm Colleen, who is home on a short visit before going with her hus-, band an Ensign in the Navy, to his I new -station in California. Mrs. W. R. Barrington, Mrs Winnie Cameron and Miss Boot- sie Barrington attended the pre sentation of Dubois’ immortal music “The Seven Last Words of Christ,” at the First Baptist church *in Fayetteville Sundjfy afternoon ' Miss Myrtle Miller spent the week end with friends in Phil adelphia, Pa. She went especially for treatment at Jefferson hospi tal on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Thompson and children of Maxton visited Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Norton Sun day. Mrs J. A. Wilson returned this week from a six weeks visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs. C. E. Newberry, at Wash ington, D. C. While away she al so visisted relatives in Virginia. Mrs. J. J. Renn of Rutherford- ton is visiting her parents, Mr., and Mrs M C Dew. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McAnulty spent several days in Charlotte this week If 'yoa’r* coing to have o baby, you eao expect the coopUment ever 80 often that yon aorer looked Iirettler. Partly, it Juet seems to happen. Bnt today’s expectant mother knows, too, that ifs also because she gives her hair and her health and her clothes extra atten tion. She wants to look neat and fresh above all, but she wtfnts to dress as much like everyone else as possible. /c •>„ - I ■ * * I Photos costrttsj Neif York Drtu In'itust Green chambray (left) wit.h eyelet touches for the expectant mother. Brown spun rayon (above) in a sundress with striped bolero. Mrs. Lemir.'ie Crepps of Char lotte spent the week end here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Phillips. C D. Hampton left this week for his home in Hunington, West Virginia, after spending the past three months here with his brot her, J. R. Hampton. Mr. and Mrs, Talmadge Eng lish visited relatives in South Carolina Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Brooks .of Warsaw and Ed Brooks of Bur- gaw spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Israel Mann and family. Among those who are confined this week with chickenpox are Bet ty Kinlaw and Barbara Knowles. Harold Gatlin is also confined with measles. Mrs. W, B Gulledge has return ed home after spending the past several weeks in Goldsboro in the home of-her daughter, Mrs Har old Long. Sililillard Baker has been confin- iij' fpr the past week. Mr and Mrs E. J. Prevatte of Southport visited in town Sunday. Mr and Mrs' J. A, Baucom spent last Wednesday in Golds boro with Dr. and Mrs. Howard Baucom. Mrs. Jeanne .'Austin, field su pervisor, spent Wednesday here at the Welfare Department.' Mrs. G. C. Lytle and Jerry spent the week end in Columbia, S. C. with Mr. and Mrs. B, L. Miller. J. W. McKenzie of Dundarrach has been confined to his home on account of illness for the past week. His daughter, Miss Helen King of Lancaster. S. C., came home to be with him during his illness. Such dresses as these shown from the collections of New York designers of maternity fashions are examples of bow little difference in style an adjustable waistline needs to make. The youthful green cham bray Jrock has its belt set in in front but released at the sides to tie in back of the snap-adjusted wais.tline. Althoneh primtir:il home and marketing, it’s dressy enough for visiting and town. The other dress is equally versatile, a practical sundress wlthoi:t the jacket, and a smart street coscurae with the jacket. It can also be worn with blouses, as a jumper. The long cotton housecoat that is again shown in New York laa ternity collections is a delight be fore and after baby comes. Becom ingly styled with a dra>v-sr.ring waist and full skirt to the ankles, it’s the type of thing any woman feels hei- best in when rela-viug Miss Lizzie Niven left Saturday morning for Townsends Inlet, New Jersey, where she will spend this week visiting her niece, Mrs. William Shellem John Murdock McDuffie has been a patient at Duke hospital since Monday. Miss Mary Lewis spent the week end with friends at Chapel Hill Ed Cocke of Columbus, Ga. spent the week end here, in the home of his niece, Mrs. Tommie Upchurch. Mrs. Martin Webb visited in the home of her uncle, Carl Mc Gill, in Fayetteville Sunday i^r. and -Mrs. James McDiarmid and children of Chapel Hill spent the week end here in the home ot Mr. and Mrs G W Williamson Mrs. Ralph Gervais of Plains- ville. Conn, spent the week end with Mrs. Carol Mawby and Miss Katie Raye Odom. Mrs Gervais will be remembered in Raeford as Miss Mavis Campbell. Mrs. .Alec Fairley of Laurin- burg and Mr. and Mrs. Alec Fair- ley. Jr. of Charlotte spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Fair- ley Mr. and Mrs. Sam Morris spent the week end in Louisburg in the home of Mrs. Morris’ parents, Mr and Mrs A A Pernell Jim.T.y Warner, U. S. Navy, re turned to Norfolk, Va. Sunday night after spending several days here last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Warner. o «❖ Raeford Theatre ❖ Theatre Opens i^5;00 P. M. DaJy — THURSD^ & FRIDAY — I “Canyon Passage” Dana Andre'ws — Susan Heyward o o D o — SATURDAY — ''Kid Ranger’’ Bob Steele ALSO “Cat Creeps” J-.ois Collier — Fred Brady o D o — SUNDAY — D “Tk Killers” Morgan Cqnvvay — Anne Jeffreys MONDAY & TUESDAY — II Jean Baxley spent the week end in Fayetteville visiting her great grandmother, Mrs. Mary Turner. Bill Upchurch and Eugene Cur rie spent the week end at Lake Waccaimaw W. A. Wright has been sick for the past several days.' Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Camp-, bell of Tabor City spent the week end here with iriends. Mrs. and Mrs. Curtis Callihan and family spent the week end in Burgaw with relatives. , Mr and Mrs. K. A. MacDonald and !vir. and Mrs. W T Gibson spent Monday in Raleigh. Mrs. Arab Stuart has been con fined to her home for the past wet’k. “Sird!?:!;!; ffs Spring” o o Paulette Goddard — Fred MacMurrav o D D WEDNESDAY — o “Dick Tracey vs Cue Ball” COMING “My Favorite Brunette” Bob Hope — Dorothy Lamour OEaoB=saoEa6B=so IP