ROCKFISH NEWS By Mrs. A. A. Mclnnis. THE NEWS^JbUBNAL . -}'r^' s,; »n- THUBSDAY, MAY 1$/1947 f'- f: f. A group of young folks enjoyed a HayVide one night last week. throughout the shell and differ-1 suits in excessive shedding of the ences in the size of the shell leaves. pores. Probably heredity has lit-| At least three and in the most Circle No. 2 of the Woman’s tie to do in this case, but a bird cases four cuttings can be made Auxiliary of Galatia church wilh laying such an egg usually will: each season. The last cutting meet with Mrs. D. P. Andrews lay si.T.ilar eggs throughout its ^lailiVnes and Combines are (ire the lu'w threshin;^ Mrs/ Joe Lovette. Mrs. Herman K(jonce and ?Jrs. K. P. Ritter 5;ive the 6th ai’.ri 7th grades of; Rockfish scho;jl 'n Wcdncsc!uiv r:-p.t r,t i"st \ve^ Thursday afternoon of this week life, at 3 o'clock; QUESTION: Where can I ob- Carrying After the picnic on Wednesdayblueprints of .bee hives and „ , , i evening, May 21st, at Rockfish, ' srhool Mrs. Milton. Capp’s music ANSW ER, Your Exten.sion Ser-| county farm agent has beOT should be early enough to allow the alfalfa to make 6 to 10 inches of new growth before the first killing frost. This fall growth period is necessary in order for the alfalfa to store "enough food in the roots for winter survival and vigorous growth the follow ing spring. ^ Joe Marsh tricky scheme,: pui'.ils will gi\-e their piano re- vV'.'',?" ''flirts. (In ac('(>r({an{e with Clrajder 329. l.aus hi North Carolina.) cital. -n- Prontpi attention is urged in obtaining >our permits and records, which arc now available at your Register :-cl' cshir.cnts ;.t he ct’eam and I c ‘‘(e were .'c.'c .ci :n the iuidrile ■ ;f Ihc paity. T.he pupils were rea’ly cute it', then- attire and it; was hard to de ide on the best,! ^ « bpj■ finally the were given ! answers l imely to Helen McDougi.ld and Charles J Porter. Slate Collegev i supplied with these plans and he j will be glad, to help you. If his supply has been distributed, you may write to Prof..David S. Wea ver care of the Agricultural En- if Docd> office. VeTv truly your.s. Mrs. Ed Newton and . children returned from a visit to her sis- arm Questions giiiec.ring Department at State ervice wlfJi a Smile" Motorists are mighty glad to pa- t.’-onize Ed’s Service Station. The College. Blue prints of other farm i driveway’s always cleanly swept. ^meetings and personal visits, the brewers encourage retailers of beer needs are also obtainable through this sef\'icel the pumps kept liicely painted, and the office and rest rooms neat and spotless. And Ed himself is “Serv- QUESTION: When is the proper! ice with a Smile.” QUESTION: What causes hens time to cut alfalfa for hay? W. W. ROBERTS Register of Deeds. I It’s not only Ed’s idea The com. iter, Mi'S. Cecil Reynolds, of New-'^'’ ANSWER: According to E. R. j pany that supplies Ed’s oil and port News rec.A.tly. Mrs. Reynolds' ANSWER: P-rof. Roy S.- Dear- Collins, m charge of Agronomy: gasoline insists on certkin stan- came back wifn her to visit her: Extension at State College, al- dards-not just in the upkeep of parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Wood.' Col'ege, says falfa should be cut in early bios-| the station, but in the courteous • I the formation of egg shells is de- som stage (about 1'4 flowers service that Ed renders, pendent on the to maintain clean, law-abiding tav erns. Those that don’t toe the line are reported to the authorities. From where I sit, it’s just com mon business sense to see that the product which you sell is handled by responsible, courteous people through attractive outlets. It wins the good will and the gratitude of the community. RPESd COMING YOUR WAY ... a fleet of fine new Greyhoifnd Silversides Coaches... Highway travel at its best is ^ ^ - calcium, pnos- open) as the greatest yield per , , , . ■ , , ^ , pnorous and vitamin D obtained acre of protein is obtained when trouble with an abcessed tooth U. • u j- . r i rr., ' i ^ xu- x I through the diet of the oird. Tne the allalla is cut at this stage. week. It had to oe cut out.' „ ' n i .x- , i i x,. rough snells are due to uneven Cutting too' early weakens the Mrs. C. S. Pickett spent last Saturday night and Sunday with her irother, Mrs. M. R. Knight. distriputioh of calcium and water plants, and delayed cutting re- It s like the brewers’ program of Self-Regulation. Through bulletins, Advt '1947, united STATES BREV/ERS FOUNDATiON, IMorIh Carolina Committee Suite 606-607 Insurance Building, Raleigh. North Carolina. Bill Britt of Fayette\'ille visited her brother, Gei'non Britt, last Sunday. . > ■ Mrs. Henry Bullard and child ren, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Jones of i Li.llington, were Rockfish visitors Sunday. and Mrs. Ck'ff Blue and sons Cliff. Jr. anM Biily, of Wilming ton and Mrs. . Jean Qryur'son of Eaycttcviile were Mothei's 033.' gursl.s of Mi'.s. D. P. .Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stephens,. ATr.s. Frank 'Vright and Mr. and j Mrs. Melvin McDowell spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Neill Mc- Keithan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Nash Grooms of Parkton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Dees Sunday. .xr- ‘-r .. ..... .X. y . . '■‘'i.f. ^ ^ EaBaatz’:!*c?:r--:nsA tj>' '.iii ^ ^ «❖ Raeford Theatre ❖! Theatre Opens At 5:00 P. M. Daily — THURSD.AY &. FRIDAY — Ed” Mrs. Earl McKinnon and daijgh- ters. Sue Allen and Patsy, visited! her mother, Mrs. C. L. Wood and! family last Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Wood visited, Mrs. Wood’s father, C. L. Monroe, i ^ at .St. Pauls last Sundav, Elbert Dees of We.stover Field,; ^ Mass, .son of Mr. and Mrs. George | ^ Dee.'i, is at home on furlough un til the 21st. Mrs. W. T. Boseman visited her .-■:.«lcr, •Mr.s. J. D. McGougan last Suiiiirv. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Gibson | spent Sunciay with Mrs. Gibson’s, parei.t.'--, Mr. and Mrs. I'eatoh of Red Springs. u o D o -Ml', fk'i'rge Shockles-; of Cali-! lorn'i i~ visting his mathei:, Mrs.' L. It. Shoi.'kley, and / Mr. and, Mr.'-'. Hoy Shccklev. | o Tom Dral.e — Robert Walker — Beverly Drake D o o D o — SxATL RDAY — “Roll Oil Texas Moon” Roy Rogers ALSO ‘Inside Jsl” - ‘on Foster — .\nii Rutherford Mr. ar-'i Mrs. J. G. Edge and Mr. •:,nil ?vl''.v. B. F. Garvin of Fay- ettcv'lle wer-e guests of Mr. and, Mrs. \V. T. Bose.ran Sundav. i We ar;' sorry to report W. T. Bn.cemaii on the sick again. It is ho)icd t’nat his recovery -vvill be spoeciy. In the aijsence of the pastor Rc\'. E. B. Booker, Tabernacle! chur-.':! gave a Mother’s Day pro- gfa.ib, which'was a credit to thotse taking jiart and enjoyed very muc;- by the congregation. SUNDAY — © fl Ki^^ws Best” V '•ingloifP.i _ Arthur Lake — .MONDAY & TUESDAY — ki\ ■itorsous” Ingrid Bergman — Cary Grant iio'vvar.d Wood of Newjiort News, Va. t'i.sited his mother, Mrs. C. L. Wood and family, last Tuesday. Cecil. Heynolds of Newport New.s, \'a. cume for a short visit with I'clati'vc in this community last week end. Mrs. Reynolds, who .1 arie a more- extended visit here, returned with him .Satur day niclit. > Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Wood and daughter, Jane, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. M. McLean Sunday af ternoon. — WEDNESDAY — “Metiirn of Monte Cristo” I Leu'is Heyward — Barbara Britton ocaoE On Wednesday evening of next week there will be a picnic sup- per on the schobi grounds. Every one IS invited to come and bring a basket., Time 6:30. The operetta to be given by the . school will be on Friday I'O I evening of this week. o D O] Ndtice To Our FARMER CUSTOMER KEiE IJE ^ Fii QF TME ITEMS WE GJH FURIISH SEE IIS m YCOR NEEDS. YOU FRtll OUi ST Gasisiisn Isr® - laiis, all sizes iliiiiiiiii 5°¥ - ioofing' , Plastie Pileh 5--¥ - Roofing Johns ManVifle White Asbestos Siding Johns Minville 219 Asphalt Shingles Johns ManviSle §9 lb. Roll Roofing Johns Manville Fifty • five lb. Roll Roofing Johns Manville -45 Ih. Roll Roofing i/' Adefphi Ready Mixed Outside White Paint per gal. $ 4.S5 Lawn Mowers from St4.95 to $29.95 Owen Tohaeco Transplanters $ 5.75 Lynelilyrg Tobaeco Transplanters Beptte Tebaeco Sprayers ' baeoi t raehs per keg $19.00 per ssj. $12.59 per sq. $12.59 per sq. $11.95 persq.$ 7.59 per sq. $ 3.59 per sq. $ 2.75 per sq. $ 2.45 '"5 lirs I'a ini tjAi. Ci t* X* ' Hay Bayer complete with Engine $25.99 $750.99 Oaire i liv^ Hollind Hammer Mills $135 Jo $225 .Jnpn 4 f lieel ialkr lire Trailer par 1 ffeel Trailer witt Jabber tires mil Lime & r llisfriintor on rubber Drawn Disk Harrow with truck M-iiki iarckn Tractor $175.90 $175.90 e j u U-- '■a.-; E-" (7^ (Q $187.50 $ 85 $195.90 m M B'gek Ep TsIi3®s0 3arn Oil Curers One Horse TIoris IlilS Wagons - Two Horse Hsekney Wagons Helland Dorn Rusker & Slireader $175.00 We invite you in to look our stock over and if we do not have what you want we v/ill do our best to geHi|;r Co. Johnson Cotton Of Raeford, iPc. Cash If You Have It ' ^Credit If You Need It »E=ZIOBOE=SI OBIOI 10 U o D n o 0 O O D O o fl o 11 o J i