4.-^ A-v- ■ j' FMSfWO ;S&'' * *=’. yS’$''- «: POTPOURRI Mrs- Emily Hall Warm sunshine, balmy breezes, dogwood, bridal wreath in blooini I birttida^, en- I gagements, and I weddings, chri stenings, and the feeling of life starting a- new are 9II as sociated with spring. The dai ly newspaper brings stories of parties in honor of all of these various spring e- vents and parties bring to mind not only food that is good to eat, but also food that is attractive and colorful. ‘^r One of the proverbial party foods is cake, dressed up in deli cately jQavored and tinted frost- ings. Petits fours, reserved strict ly for party occasions are simply prepared and will be remembered long after the party guests havrf departed. They can be made from any favorite butter cake recipe, cut into diamond shapes and then frosted. If it is a special occasion for which the cakes are being made various shapes can be cut. from the sheet cake and remnants can be used later for refrigerator pud ding desserts. The following are -some suggestions for fancy petits fours: Wedding parties, cut cake in the shape of a wedding ring with a doughnut cutter; child’s birthday, cut the cake with an animal shaped cookie cutter and use chocolate flavored frosting; valentine or , engagement party, , r cut the cake with a heart shaped cookie cutter and cover with pink frosting. The cake itself must be fine textured, tender and have a de licious flavor. The following te- cipe c^ be used ^’^ry satisfactor ily to gain these cake character istics,. Egg Cake Work 1|2 cup shortening with a spoon until light and fluffy. Add 1 cup sugar gradually and again cream until the mixture resembles stiff whipped cream. Beat two egg yolks with a hand or electric bea ter until thick and lemon colored. Add to the shortening mixture and blend thoroughly. Sift toget her three times; 1 3,14 cup sifted cake flour, 1:2, teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons baking powder. Add al ternately, in thirds, 1(2 cup sweet milk plus 112 teaspoon vanilla extract wi|Jh the sifted dry ingre dients. Be« egg whites until they stand irtpe'aks but are not dry. FoldTthese carefully into the bat- ter^our into a greased and flour- r X 9” X 2” pan and bake in moderate oven of 350 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes. When cool, cut in diamond or fancy shapes and arrange on a cake rack over waxed paper. Cover with Fondant Glaze Combine 2 cups granulated su gar, IjS teaspoon cream of tartar d 1 cup hot water in a sauce pans. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until the sugar is dis solved. Turn surface unit switch to medium heat and cook until the sugar mixture forms a thin syrup. Cool until lukewarm and add enough powdered sugar to make the mixture of a pouring consistency. Pour the glaze over the cakes until sides and tops of all are covered. Allow 5 minutes for the glaze to set. Scrape the glaze which has dripped through the cake rack back into the sauce pan and reheat until a good pour ing consistency is again reached. Pour a second coating on the cakes. Decorate with strips of colored gumdrops in the shapes of flowers, candied fruit, slivered almonds, silver candy shop, or colored candy beads. — 0 r%.v IPS' - 'F s.a-,4 . rr THURSDAY, MAY 28,10« '—A- ^ . i ■ . : - ■ - -S - ' - FOR GO ) AND COUNTRY the Army This impi complished Veterans can still reinstate lap sed National Service Life Insu rance easily under current Vete rans Administration rules. the soldier spiritual assistance churches ir munity. Chaplain and rabbis King Fealuret Syndicate, Inc, World tiglds itstfvciL „ the rugged-built structure defy ing the cold and storms' of the Arctic, the palm-thatched taber- nadle making concession to ihe heat and trade winds of the Tro- picsf or the! familiar white-chapel with ate spired belfty of bur-Tem perate-Zone : Army posts. In all of them rise the voices of chaplain and congregation in. prayers of supplication, thanksgiving and praise. --*■0 CARD OP THANKS We wish to” express 6or appre ciation for the kindness, and sym pathy shown during. ;tee 8ic]toe8S and death . ot our . and uncle,. Hugh . . 7; Mrs. J. N. jlitajcwell and ekfUd- -.-.v.'fe ren. .. Veterans Administration con stantly is reducing its backlog of veterans’ requests for physical examinations for compensation and pension purposes. iJ>r scorn SCRAP-BOOK ByRiSCOTT i iAM' ^.plH^lMOlANSc Found, ut braxil f Aoo yeARA Aio, WORE UP — -fk£ SrfONES WERE FORCED INib Blo-fs cirf IN 1t(£lR FACEE '^EA ARC fte^RCTyPES bF PAifiFie OCEAN 5EAI.A WifH LOHO NO&CS . ; « WHAf ARE Pins made OF T BRASS COA-fiED WifH fiN 'It’s waiter and beer repellentl" In addil on to providing for the physical v ill-being of the soldier, has made provisions adjusted to military life. They forrti an intergral part of a soldier’s life, aoting as both pas tor and friend. Soldiers accomp lish muAi more if they are well The for his SI ritual health as well, chaplain is by profession a train- crtant fitnction is ac hy the Army chap lain. Wher !ver his post may be, is afforded the same cbunsel and practical vhich is offered by every American com are ministers, priests who are trained "and recommend'd by their denomina tions for ap ointment in the Army. Belk-Hensdale Company ed counselor. He is given addi tional instruction in the military aspects of this all-important duty during his training at the Chap lain’s School. Facilities for religious worship are provided at all posts, camps and stations, and all soldiers are encouraged to attend services, whatever their faith may be. The world is truly the chaplain’s par ish. The* house of- worship may be limsesKfmmm [You can depend upon ourl prescription department I to use only the purest I and freshest of drug | jsi^iplies. HOWELL DRUG STORE ssm SOLDtER. qUAR^ 'OLP ^ (tLORlT MbP -fMEToWM HALL AT rfA^ERSfowN, HD. Me 0 RUSf ftlE ORiqtNAL FIGURE WAS RE-fiREP -fa A PLACE IK -fllE Cl^y HAa, BuT Hof SEFORt ACONFEDERA-fE ENARPSrtOofER PUf ABULLIf -fllROUqH -fKE IRON SOLDIER'S HEARf IN )S63 IM7. IQm rtmum IwJhm. Im. W«M mumH o 7^^ Smant w.&w. MOTOR CO We spend time and effort to keep your car in good run ning condition. Bring it to us often for a check-up. Expert brake servicing at our shop. We offer a complete wheel aligning service battery ser vice washing, greasing and lubrication service. VAaVA MOTOR CO. 'll / Complete ^atomotiva Setirlce I^ISER /^v fnAZER >VpaRm equipment WM RAEFORD, NORTH CAROLINA PHONE lS4t Specif Infant DRESSES 69c Raeford*s Shopping Center Our Ready-To-Wear Department Is Complete With Cotton Dresses For Everyone INFANTS’ MISSES CHILDREN’S JUNIORS 98c to $5.95 $3.95 to $10.95 WOMEN’S $1.98 to $2.95 VOILES \ - MEN’S AND BOYS’DEPARTMENT POWDER PUFF MUSLINS Sheers Ail Types Sportswear POLO SHIRTS ^ SHORTS HALTERS PLAY SUITS m- MAY19T024 en’t White Shirts $2.48 Men’s Fancy Dress Shirts $1.95 Value - - $1.48 Thousands Of Yards Of Cotton Material To Select From 40” Print Ideal Patterns For Pajamas COTTON WEEK 36” Print Beautiful Dress Patterns COTTON WEEK Just Arrived For Cotton Week / WASH SUITS SUN SUITS PAJAMAS SEERSUCKER ROBES Men’s Two-lone Slack Suits $4.95 Boy’s Slack Suits $2.95 to $3.98 Boys’ Cotton Slacks $lt98 Pieque In Pastel Colors And White o n o Dotted Organdy In Pastel Shades Sheer Goods Of All kind Powder Puff Muslin Printed Voile Dimitys - Swiss Embroidery Eyelets In White-ilaek And Pastel Shades AIIKiadsOfljces i t I*' •V \