Children’s Summer Sports Program Fund Increases $186 IS CONTRIBUTED SINCE LAST WEEK’S LISTING The fund drive started last week by the Hoke-ilaeford Parent-Tea cher association, the Raeford Wo man’s club and the County Fed' eration of Home Demonstration clubs has raised $186 in the past week, bringing the total to $392.25. The clubs plan to raise $800. The money will be used for an eight-week supervised program of recreation for the children of the county. The program will be su pervised by Coach Haywood Fair- coth of the county high school arid selected assistants and will consist of athletics, swimming, picnics for children of school age and amusements in the evening for teen-age groups.^ In last week’s listing of contri butors the nameSvof Bernard Bray, $5.00 and Hoke Auto Co., $25.00, ’.vere erroneously omitted. Those contributing this week are as follows: T. B. Upchurch, Inc 10.00 T. B. Upchurdh Farm 10.00 Upchurch Milling Co. 10.00 Mrs. Chandler Roberts 5.00 Order Eastern Star 10.00 Carter’s Filling Station 2.00 H. W. B. Whitley 2.00 t)r. M. R. Smith 5.00 Bliiemont Beauty Shop 3.00 Home Food Market 9.00 I. Mann 1^-00 Howell Drug Co ..1-5.00 REA TO MOVE The Board of Directors of the local REA cooperative changed its collective mind a- gain recently and decided to move to Red Springs. , The board has been seesawing a- bout this action for about two years. Last week they held another meeting, in Red Springs, in spected a lot there, and decid ed to buy it for their ware house and office building. The actual purchase of the lot is now awaiting approval of'REA in Washington. There are 2 directors of the cooperative from Hoke county, 1 from Cumberland, 1 ' from Scotland and 5 from Robeson. Dozen Defendants Facd^Recorder Tuesday A. M. William C. Dies Tuesday A. M.; Funeral Yesferday William Cole Gitin, 82, passed on Route 2 He had been WORK ON ROADS OF COUNTY PROGRESSES BETHUNE MAULTSBY TO GET JURY TRIAL IN SUPERIOR COURT away at his home Tuesday morning, ill for about two ^^eeks but had been sitting up in!'bed when he suddenly collapsed and died. He was born in (Moore county, son of Arthur and i Sara B. Guin, both now deceased. iHe was a life long member of Philippi Presby terian church and ' was for some years an elder. Funeral services were conducted yesterday afternooi at five o’ clock at Philippi church by Rev. W. B. Heyward, assisted by Rev. A. D. Carswell, a former pastor. Burial was in the churchyard cemetery. Surviving are five sons: D. B. and W. B. Guin, both of Carthage, F. R. of Winston-iSalem, L. D. of Wilmington and Albert of Rae ford route 2; two‘ daughters, Mrs. A. C. Gillis of Raeford and Mrs. D. W. Gillis of Red Springs; 27 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. . 0 Work is at present under way or will soon start for surfacing five roads in the county. These are the road from Montrose to Five Paints, the road from Mrs. Ina Lentz’s place to the intersection of the Raeford-Vass road and back to the pavement at H. W. B. Whit ley’s on that road, the road from Antioch to Duffie’s Station, ‘ the road from Raeford to Rockfish and the road from Rockfish to the Cumberland county line toward U. S. 15-A: The road from the county line to the highway in Cumberland county is also being paved. 0 Mack’s 5 & 10 Stpre .5.0(1 -Gift *■ Mrs. Paul Dezerne 1-00 Bruce Morris 50 Price Morris 1-00 L. W. Turner 5.00 Arch Sanders 5.00 Mrs. L. W. Stanton 3.00 Mrs. H. B. Cowgill 5.00 Meeks Service Station 2.00 Walter Parks 3.00 Jack Pope 2-00 G. E. Long - 50 C. W. Childress LOO Campbell’s Store 1.00 Carl Morris ...,, 5.00 Clark & Davis Station 3.00 Hoke Oil & Fert. Co 25.00 Home Demonstration Clubs Blue Springs 10.00 Rockfish 5.00 Raedeen 5.00 Ashemont 5.00 There will b& a meeting of the Rockfish School committee at the school building tonight at 8:30. ^ !, .. The Indian schools of the coun ty will close for the year on to morrow. George Hunt, bus driver for the Antioch Indian school, was awarded a good certificate by the Board of Education. The reguar meeting of. the Board of Education has been postponed until later in the month and will * not be held on Monday. 0 COLORED SCHOOL NEWS Yesterday at 11 o’clock Dr^^A. S. CHark, president of Gillespie Institute of Cordele, Georgia, ad dressed the 35 graduates of the Upchurch High school. Dr. Clark is an uncle of Principal A. S. Gaston. In a splendid address he gave the seniors much good advice that should help them in their future lives. The exercises opened with the processional “Priest’s March” af ter which the invocation was pro nounced. The Glee club then ren dered a number after which thi6 'salutatory address was made by Lue Anna Thomas. The glee club then rendered another number. (Continued’ on page 2) A dczen defendants faced Judge McDiarmid in recorder’s court Tuesday for the usual variety of offenses with the exception of any being charged with traffic violations The only case dealing with an automobile was a drunk driving case. ! The case in which Max Bethune Maultsby, local wl^te man, is char ged with atterhpted breaking and entering and damage to real pro perty was sent uH. to Superior court for trial wh^ijthe defendant askfkd fbr trial 'illie Cagle, and Lewis Cagle, all colored, each paid the costs for being drunk and disorderly. Daniel and James McLaurin and Nathaniel Williams, all col ored, each paid the costs for vio lating the prohibition laws. Alonzo Alfred, colored man charged with being drunk and disorderly and damaging person al property, paid the costs and $15.07 damages. Judge McBryde, 76-year-old ■colored man, got thjree months suspended on payment of the costs and two years good behav ior for possessing non-tax-paid liquor Tor the purpose of sale. Frederick A. Krumholz, white transient, got 60-day sentence su spended on payrnent of $50 and the costs for driving drunk. Bobby Dunn, white, paid the costs for assaulting Warren Phil lips. Earnest Ftrtmage, white, was found not guity of assauting Min nie Clark. 0 , Library News Hoke County, Library will be closed on Wednesday afternoons through June, July and August, beginning Wednesday, June 4th. The boys and , girls of the coun ty are invited to join the Sum mer ReadingsClub which begins Monday, June 2ndrA'-ftttniber of new books have been received and more are coming soon. A few of the new titles on the shelves are: Nearby, Yates; Cli nic Nurse, Morris; The Magnifi cent Barb, Garella; Dear Stranger, Hoy; and The Marble Man’s Wife, Norwood. 1. 0 MASONIC SERVICE The Reverend A. D. Leon Gray will be guest speaker in a Mason ic service at the Methodist Church in Raeford next Sunday evening at. eight o’clock. All masons at tending. the meeting are asked to meet at the hall at seven o’clock. Mr. Gray is the new Superinten dent of the Masonic Orphanage at Oxfojrd. The public has a cor dial invitation to attend the ser vice. ' ' Hoke Oil Feeds Ginners, Kiwanians Here Yesterday Locals Win Two, Lose One; Play Here Saturday . Community Clinics Start Next Week Dr. J. W. Willcox, Hoke-Moore county health officer, has an nounced that the annual clinics for immunization of children a- gainst diphtheria, whooping cough, typhoid fever and smallpox would start in the community houses of the county next week. The sche dule follows. On Mondays June 2, 9 and 16 at Ashley Heights 9 to 11 a. m., MoAtrose 10:30 to 11:30 a. m. and Pine Forest 2 to 2:30 p. m.; Wed nesdays June 4, 11 and 18 at Wayside 9 to 10 a. m., Antioch 1:30 to 2:30 p. m., Allendale 3 to 4 p. m.; Thursdays June 5, 12, and 19 Lobelia 9:30 to 10:30 a. m. Wednesdays July 16, 23 and 30, Dundarrach 9 to 10 a. m., Rock fish 10:30 to 11:30 a. m., Blue Springs 1:30 to 2:30 p. m. The Raeford Baseball team of the Peach Belt league kept in the black during the past week with two victories and one defeat. They swamped Bennettsville there in a wide-open game Saturday night, 21—10. On Monday after noon they lost a close one to a strong Southern Pines team,3-2. Southern Pines fielding was out standing in this game. Yesterday afternoon they de feated the Aberdeen team here by a score of 7—4. This gives the locals three victories and one de feat. The next game will be here next Saturday ^ffernoon, May 31, at 3:30 p. m. against Bennet tsville. 0 The Hoke Oil & Fertilizer com pany was host yesterday at a boun tiful- dinner at the armory to al most a hundred visiting members of the central district of the State cotton ginners’ association, State Agriculture Ctommis^ioner W. Kerr Scott and several members of the State department of agri culture, and the members of the Raeford Kiwanis club. Commis sioner Scott spoke to the ginners briefly after the meal. The Kiwanis club met with the ginners in lieu of its regular meet ing tonight and applied the money saved on tonight’s meal toward the amount being raised on the Boy Scout project. The local company served its- guests barbecue, chicken, candied yams, slaw, coffee, ice cream, cold drinks and carried them all to the ball .game afterwards. ^—0- MILL TO CLOSE The White-Tex Mills, Inc., of Raeford, will close today and 'will remain closed until there is a better market for existing stoeks of yam, ac cording to M. T. Poovey, su perintendent. ’The mill at pre-; sent employs about 125 per sons and has a local payroll estimated to be in excess of $3000 weekly. The superintendent said that the mill may be closed no more than a week, but that it would be closed until sales (of the cotton yam which the mill pro duces) improve. He stated that the stock of yam on hand al ready processed by the mill was sizeable. Legion Trying To Raise Money To Buy Lights POST NOW HAS $1700 FOR BALL PARK; WANTS $8000 Hoke Team Wins In Judging Contest Fifteen more men from Rae ford and Hoke County joined Battery A, local National Guard outfit, at the Armory on Monday night. The tdtal sti'ength -of the unit is now 64. 0— Deane Addresses Graduates Here Monday Night 42 SENIORS GET DIPLOMAS (By J. H. Blue).. Eliis Williamson post Xo. 20 of the American Legion is sponsor ing the- installation of flood lights at the .■\rmory ball park. I feel that this is one of the rost de sirable projects that has ever been promoted for the betterrr.ent of our high school athletic program. ■During the past the athletic teams of our school have been severely handicapped by a lack of funds, and has more or less been dependent on the generos ity of local m.erchants and other for financial backing. It has been impossible to employ a coach with out supplementary pay. At pre sent our coach’s pay is being sup- plemented by the .American Le gion post. The Su.mmer Racrea- The dairy cattle judging team composed of Jimmy Seals, Thom as Bobbitt and Leonard Dunn won second place in the District Livestock Judging contest held Thursday, May 22, at Morrow- croft Farm near Charotte. Winners from the twelve fed# erations which make up District III participated in the contest. The local team was the winner of the group 4 elimination con test held at Hamlet in April, and thus won the right to represent the Federation at Charlotte. Four classes of Jersey cattle were used; two of niature cows and two of heifer calves. AT COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM ’ tional program, directed by Mr. ■!. i Faircloth. is being financed by lo- * "■ .ical contributors and the PT.'\. The Hon. C. B. Deane, repre- it is believed t.hat if lights are sentative of the 8th X. C. Con- installed at the park far .night gressional district addressed the games that it will enable a great graduating class of Hoke High many of pur. people to attend Monday evening on, ‘‘The Import- games who are unable to attend ant Things of Life.’’ Mr. Deane in the afternoon due to their work. made a forceful address and im- All the people are intensely in- pressed not only the seniors but terested in athletics and tr.e i.n- the large audience present with creased attendance at night his sincerity and'depth of thought.' will put high school athletics on The Raeford Camp, Woodmen of the World, will have a barbecue supper followed by a square dance at the Raeford Armory next Wed nesday night, June 4 for all mem bers and their families. Poole’s Medley BY D. SCOTT POOLE G t.i.- s When the Civil War began to draft men for the Service about one-half of the men of our neigh borhood went to the swamp. I remember seeing my father walking away down the Morgan ton road carrying his valise, and I "was only 3 1|2 years old. He re turned in April, 1865. Mother had not heard from him since July, 1864. She did not know whether he was living. The Battle of Gettysburg ac counted for a dozen or. more men from our community. Two of my uncles were in the number. North Carolina furnished one third of the men in the Confede rate armies. North Carolina suf fered for want of manpower af ter that war. Four men from Hoke paid the i supreme sacrifice in World War I, but World War II claimed a dozen fine young men. I have known several ten to twelve year old boys and girls who knew the Blupback Speller froni lid to lid. My certificate shows that I niade an average of 98 on spelling for over a period of 20 years. “The Spirit of the South” was published in Rockingham. “The Carthage Blade” was published in Carthage, “The Fayetteville Observer” and “The Fayetteville Gazette” were published in Fay etteville. “The Fayetteville Eagle” was also published for some years in Fayetteville. All were four page papers. “The "Vidette” was published in Troy for three years. So was the “The Troy Times”, the latter a Republican paper. The writer of this column has, not found out why peaches rotted in this county last year. Ours rotted and later we heard all or some large orchards rotted also. There are more insects living than we hoped would survive the long, cold winter. Potato bugs are very plentiful. The United States is giving a- way too much, and we are mak ing enemies, not friends, by our unstinted liberality. There is at this time a food shortage the world over, and mil lions will starve before food can be furnished them. The four high-scoring with their total points were as follows: Mt. Pleasant 1st. 828.15 points, Raeford 2nd. 813.93 points,' Peachland 3rd. 786.49 points, and’ McLeanville 4th. 759.79 points. Individual scores for the local team members were: Jimmy Seals first 290.72 points, Thomas Bob bitt second, 287.17 points and Leonard Dunn third, 236.04 points. Cash prizes of $45 for the win ning team and $25 for team scor ing second will be awarded dur ing the State F. F. A. Convention to be held in Raleigh in July. W. P. Phillips, teacher of Ag riculture at Hoke High, and L. M. Lester, assistant teacher, ac companied the boys to Charlotte. LEGION MEETING NEXT WEDNESDAY If a cat and a half kill a rat and a half in a minute and a half, how many cats are required to kill 100 rats in 50 minutes? Daniel Webster was the great est orator in America, with the possible exception of , William Jennings Bryan. Raeford got off to a good start playing semi-pro baseball. Bill Upchurch, shortstop for Raeford, got three hits that counted for seven bases, in four trips to the plate; two doubles and a triple. J. C. McKenzie allowed only two hits. The score for the game a- gainst Laurinburg was 7-0. On Saturday night the team looked even stronger, scoring 20 runs to Bennettsville’s 10. I read the Gumps every day. It is the only part of the Comics I care to read. They are all “true Gumps’,’. So are we., Hoke County voted 3 to 1 a' gainst tiie Repeal ot the Eighteen- th AinendnMnt. North CeeoUna:| JMkene, Fapgy (Ooetinued on Biie 8) The local American Legion post will meet in the Kiwanis hall next Wednesday night, according to J. H. Blue, post commander. Blue urged all members to attend as officers will be elected for the next year, 0 Next Saturday, May 31, will be Poppy Day in Raeford, ac cording to Mrs. Arthur D. Gore, preident of the local American Legion Auxiliary. On that day everyone will be asked to wear a memorial poppy in honor of 4he dead of the two wars and to’ make a contributicm for the welfare of the disable vetmuis, their families and the families of the dead. lUinnteers »wllt , distelbute the flowers on tte streets throughout the day. Jirt. Paul BinuMi, wUl he in uharge. I The whole program as well as Mr. [Deane's address was very im pressive. I The 42 seniors marched in led by their mascots, Catherine Ep- ' stein and Danny McPhauJ„ to the Strains of “God of Our Fathers” played by W. O. Melvin. Rev'. W. L. Maness pronounced the invo cation and Eleanor Leach gave the salutatory address. T'vo de lightful vocal numbers were ren dered by Katherine Blue after which W. P. Baker, in a few well 'dhosen words, introduced Mr. Deane. After the address prizes and a- wards were presented as follows: Miss Flora Boyce presented the ; Literature Department awards for creative writing and best reading to Lydia McKeithan; Mrs. Wal- : ter McPhaul presented the Edu- I cational Department award to j Elizabeth Parker; Robert H. Gat lin presented the American Legion I awards to Betty Davis and Jimmy Conoly; R. B. Lewis presented I the Kiwanis awards to Mary Es- i telle Brock, third grade, Mary Mc- I Lean, seventh grade and Eleanor I Leach, twelth grade; K. A. McDon ald presented the Board of Edu- I cation Good Bus Drivers Certi- I ficates to Johnnie Allen, Jean Mc- i Neill, Fred Wcod, Zeb Moss, Mel- I vin Haire, Ila Moss, Arnold Mon- I roe, Martha Harris, J. D. McMil-. I Ian, Buster Ma.well, Betty Mc- J Neill and Sarah Frances'',t?urrie. W. T. Gibson, principal, award ed the diplom.'as. After the award ing of the diplomas Elizabeth Par ker delivered the valedictory ad-' dress and Rev. J. D. Whisnant pronounced the benedictiom- Miss Mirian Watson, sponsor of the senior class, had charge of arrangements. The class wished their thanks extended to Miss Watson, to Mrs. H. A. Cameron for the flower arrangements and to their advertisers for making the printing of the very attrac tive progreuns possible. 0 a paying basis and the regular soliciting of funds will no_. longer be necessary. Lights in the park will also make it possible to schedule col lege baseball games In Raeford and will make it possible for a strong semi-pro team to be sup ported here. When the plan to ins.tall the lights was conceived it was pro posed that the Legion provide half the money and the county (owner of the park) the other half. Due to certain circumstances it is impossible for the county to assist in the project at this ti.nre, so the Amercan Legion is under taking to raise the entire amount. The Legion’s fund for the lights has $1335 from the dance. It will be necessary to raise other funds from firm and individuals who are interested in seeing the pro ject successfully co.mpleted. $8000 is the total amount needed for the project. Clyde Upchurch, Sr., is heading a group of non-leglonnaires who are intensely interested in the project. Hand your contribution to Mr. Upchurch or to any of the following me-mbers of the com mittee: R. A. Matheson. R. B. Lewis, R. L. Murray, Clyde Up church, Jr., or J. H. Blue. Names and amounts contributed will be plblished in The News- Journal each week. So far they are Clyde Updhurdh, Sr.. SlOO, J. L. McNeill, SlOO, T. C. Scar borough. $100, J. H. Blue. 550, , L. W. Stanton. $10, J. L. Warner, $5.00. STATE ALUMNI MEET The Hoke County chapter of the N. C. State alumni association met and had a barbecue at Clyde’s pond Tuesday night. Coach Beat- tie Feathers of State College was the speaker. 0.. . The tour that had been planned I to The U. S. D, .4. Experiment I Station at Beltsville, Md. will be' I canceled as the date planned is already filled by another group. It may be possible to make this tour in September. GEORGE ROSS HERE George Ross, Moore county man who for the past several years has been with the Department of Agriculture in Ral^l^, was a Raeford visitor on Tuesday. Combines should be put in good working condition at once in order to harvest the wheat, oats, barley* and rye crop. All moving part* should be checked against wear and greased with the proper lu* bricant. Badly worn parts shooMl be replaced. Adjustments be made for i»^r speed. It payt to get machinery in geod order belore startinig 4a (OontimMid on paga «> r ....

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