\ TK? "W’B ! THURSDAY, MAY 29th, 1M7 " "f t-'-ji f r..^ Telephone 3521 Published Evwy lluirndny EAEFORD, n. c. Subscription Rates: rear. (In advance). $S.M per f AIT, DICKSON, Editor and l^nblisher Er.tered as second-class mail rna;-£r at the post Office at Raetcrd. N. C., under Act of Mar:!- 3, ISTQ. THAT’S RICH! Facts Concerning The Re-Issuance Of Driver Licehses overseas duly.! Finally in itfoveraber 1945, he went to La; Havre, France, after A National Contributor*s^olupnti By Rich Fowler In accordance with the law passed by the 1'947 General As sembly of North Carolina requir ing the re-issurance of Motor Ve- fighting thr( Germanyr he went or (Copyright .1947, Rich Fowler, Not Inc., Chicago) ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS PAID FOR on acceptance, at our j hi^le drivers licenses, the follow- established rate. No contributions returned. Each must be accom-““ p'anied by signed statement: “This composition is my own, work.” Sign your own name and address, which will be with-held if you request it. Contribiations will be published over your own na:r.e or a pen-name, as you choose, with name of home-town. Type contributions or write plainly. .Address: Rich Fowler, 2 West Walton place, Chicago 10, Ill. Ball Park Lights MEMORIAL DAY 1947 This is a quiet day — The clouds on high Wash the calm surface of a new-glazed sky As they majestically glide their way. }X>- .if -- lie.' The: dove: f.t so re.erican Legion i took as its pro-j ■iping of athle-| ir. school here, lar as to sup-' ple;r.e.-.t tire pa.v of lire coach and't. k vartou.- steps to pro-; mote j..ttendance at home i gantics 1 the high school' teams. They set as their ultimate goal the his'tallion of lights in the ctunfy's baseball park here, where' the high school plays iootball also, in order that these games might be played at night. The project • is still some way from reali zation. but as the people of the county more fully realize the benefit to the school and the whole community that lights will provide its-accom plishment will become easier. All concerned agree that lights in -the park would make high school athletics self-sup-j ' porting and would greatly; add to the'recreational facil-| ities cf everyone in the com-; muniiV. The question of rais-j ing the necessary $8000 poses: the problem. The Legion post has offered - to put up half the money if the cojmty whll put up the ot her hart. The county, although 31 has spent a considerable sum for the park fence, has an oinion from the state at- tomEy general to the effect that the people must vote such .an exjjenditure before it may be made! It appears, how^s'ET, that the attorney general gave his oipnion with out knowdng that the park is used by and will be used by the county high school. He ■was given this information this week and it is to be hop ed that an opinion will be forthcoming which will al low the county to meet the American Legion half way on their offer. We think this project means much to us all and urge all public-spirited citizens to ex press their favorable opinions on.it to the county commissio ners, and to help the Legion post in raising their part of the monev. — 0 T do remember in another land A day like this, sa deep and blended blue — Xbere were small puffs of white in that sky, too, And on that ground, Death also was at hand. I knew c.nt then that I should see this day .4nd stand between these tidy rows of white — I know nrt why they lie six feet in nighty . tMiile I sta.'ul in the blessed light, and pray: ■ “O, Father grant that Peace for which they fought And make us worthy of their .. . Grant Justice for all men, that their great price Be p'aid not vainly Peace, so dearly bought'.” —iLlirpy, Middletown, Mo. aj: # * ■ so UNSTEADY IS THE condition of the World, that by the time these lines appear in print, a new war may hav’e started. This is a sudden age we live in, and the old practice of declaring a war before the shooting started . ' • . . , , .IS NOW VERY MUCH OUT OF-FASHION. Having spent almost five years of my life in the army, I sincerely 'hope the world will be gin to learn that war, like crime, doesn’t pay. IF THE WORLD REALLY LEARNED, if it could only memorize its bitter ' . LBSSCXNS AND REMEMBER TO LIVE in Law and Order among Nations, . . ' THERE WOULD BE NO NEED, after a few generations, OF MEMORIAL DAYS! HOW RIGHT YOU ARE! The cemeterie^ are just full of people who said: “It must be all right—the neighbors do it.” —Ruby Redd, Troy, N. Y, RETURN TO My mother told me I should stay Until Fd put my meal away; But I’d no tinie, so I said No I had too many miles to go. “Son,” my w'eeping mother said, “I’ve put clean sheets upon your bed.” But I'said No For I was bound To sleep afar on muddy ground. My mother said: “The girl next door Has asked for yolu ten times or more.” But I said: “Tell her she must find A man who’s crippled, halt or blind.*’ ASHLEY HEIGHTS NEWS By Mrs. Ralph Cothran At last my mothe told me: “Son Come not again till .you'have won.’’ Now I lie snug Within my Mather, And every foeman is my brother. —^B.. N. K., Elmwood, Ill. • • • WORDS OF WISDOM One does weU to .listen carefully to fools—for there is no man who babbles without sometihies speaking wisdom. —'Maximus, Putman, Conn * * * TRAFFIC THOUGHT FOR TODAY A Holiday is a good time to remember that Dqath never really takes a. . • ♦ • MOTHER GOOSE, REVISED Early to bed and early to rise ' And you won’t be puttin’ those drops in your eyes! —^Walo Worry wart, Armory, Miss. * * * PLEASE PASS THE LADYFINGERS! Dear Rich: Headline in the paper says: LONG GLOVES FOR DINNER? WELL, MAYBE Gosh, has the food shortage gotten THAT bad? ’ —^Dale of Riverdale, Mich. «! ♦ ♦ A VERY GOOD QUESTION “A little hard work never hurt anybody,” says a self-made man. Shucks, no—but where do you find a LITTLE? —Eleanora, Pecos, Tex. * » • REMINDS ME OF THE ONE about the fellow who developed an AWFUL CRICK IN HIS NECK, lying around on a HARD JOB. • * * WITH NOTHING “OVER HIM” but a little old thin STRAW BOSS! it . * * PARTING SHOTS “we shall not rest if you break faith with us.. —R. F. Mr. a.nd Mrs. David Jones and' family spent Sunday with Mrs. | Jones' sister, Mrs. Churchill, at! Cameron. | 2 MORE ABOUT Poole’s Medley Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Green and » family spent Sunday ■v\'ith Mr Green’s sister in Hilisboro. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hardister visited Carthage Sunday. to 1 against Repeal. The majority of those voters are Dem ocrats and constitute the back bone of the Democfatic Party in North Carolina. Now thcy'are be ing i treated as • step-children. Mr., and Mrs. Carwel Almond and fa.mily spent Sunday in Dur ham visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Porterfield. Mr. and Mrs; D. R. Huff, Jr. of Baleigb spent the past week here in the homes of Mr„ and Mrs. N P. Sinclair' and Mr. and Mrs. D. •B. Huff. seem to desire to enslave all hu- Labor is pubishing large ads in the daily pappijs claiming the government is endeavoring to prevent them as free men to earn a livelihood. This is untrue. They seem to desire to ensalve all hu manity. > Mr. and Mrs. J. R., L. R. a*nd B. R. Cothran and their families,' spent Sunday in Raleigh. They', went especially to take Miss Kath- ' leen Cothran, and enjoyed a pic nic lunch at a park there. They eetumed by Willow Springs for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. Fish Rud Mrs. P. V. Sanders. Dorothy Thompson To Be Farm-Home Week Speaker ing schedule has been made: the period beginning July 1, 1947, and ending on December 31,11947, is ;the time for all drivers Mi^nse holders, whose sur-narr.es begiTr with the letters A or B to apply for new licenses. Persons whose names do not begin with one of the above letters cannot apply for re-issurance of license in this per iod. . The period beginning January 1, 1948, and ending, on June 30, 1948, will be the time lor all op erators whose sur-names begin with either of the letters C or D to apply for re-issuance of licenses. All*Motor Vehicle drivers whose sur-names begin with a letter other than A, B, C, or D will be notified by press releases at the^ proper time as to when they should appear for the re-exami nation. '. The operator’s license issued under the 1947 Safety Act shall automatically expire on the birth- daV of the licensee in the fourth year following the year of issuan ce, and jno license shall be issued to any. operator after the expira tion of his license until such op erator has again passed the re quired examination. Everyone will get a complete examination. The examination is made up of four parts. These parts are: (1) An Eye test (2) Highway Sign test (3) Driving Rules test (4) Road test. The poorest visual reading that will permit passing with glasses is 20|50. This may be with both eyes together, or it may. be with best eye alone. The Sign test con sists-of the showing to the appli cant several pictures containing Highway Warning signs. The ap plicant will be requested to tell what a driver should do when he comes to such a sign. Inability to read is not grounds for denying a drivers license. The Rule sec tion of the examination consists of . twenty-five simple questions that deal witb,u,the si^ operation of a motor vehicle. The Road test ^ill consist of i drive of some twelve to fifteen, city blocks. In the past some applicants have be gun road tests with the under standing that the Examiner would ® tell him to pass red lights, exceed speed limits, and otherwise drive improperly. This, however, has not been the policy in North Car olina nor will it be during this re-issuance. Previous practices governing the issuance and use of Learners Permits ’«vill not be changed. The only change that will occur with ® respect to fees charged will be the increase in the cost of an op erator’s license from one to two dollars. >■ 0 h^fance and into m La Havre, France h/^o^ to sail to the dearest land,; of all, the good^^ United Statejs. He was discharged on December 15, 1945 and return ed home. i Today he is living a quiet and peaceful life !on his farm. MORE ABOUT SCHOOL NEWS John Allen Steele delivered the valedictory address. A vocal solo “Oley Speaks” was rendered by Jack Lawrence just be fore the address. After the address by Dr. Clark the choral club gave another num some money in the treasury. They hope to have theirs ready to use next winter. ' It is hoped that. other schools will profit by the example of the above mentioned and make plans either to improve their present facilities ,qr put in a lunchroom. The schools that operated lun chrooms this year were Burlington, Bowrr.ore, Friendship, Laurel Hill, Lilly’s Chapel, Millside, Freedom, White Oak and Rockfish Colored. The Upchurch school is plan ning a combination lunchroom and cannery building. They have on hand quite a' bit of fhe funds for building, and hope to get started early in the summer. The school,, the county wide PTA and friends of the school are raising the funds for this building-. The Timberland school had a ber. Prizes and awards were then program and picnic din- deliver^d.. Next the diplomas were awarded by A. S. Gaston, princi pal. The choral club gave “Get Away Jordan’' and a short talk was made by K. A. McDonald, county superintendent. The clh-^? song came next af ter which the benediction was. pronounced and the class of 1947 became history. A list of those receiving pr.'(ies and awards will be given in next weeks school news. The Trade and Industry Depart ment of the Upchurch school is now receiving applications for a trades class of G. I's. All who are interested should contact C. H. Thigpen, head of this department. All colired schools in the coun ty were closed by Wednesday. A few that taught extra Saturdays closed on Monday and Tuesday. The Freedom PTA and school have started raising money for a lunchroom for their school. They hope to have it ready for use next fall. Laurel Hill is also making plans for a lunchroom! and haveL ner at the school last Friday. A large attendance of patrons was had and all enjoyed the occasion. Antborized FRIGIDAIRE de^er for the past 11 years R^igerators, Ranges,{^lYa- ter Heaters and other ap pliances. BAUCOM’ appliance CO. Phone 3221 - Baeford, N. C. Get our prices before buy ing your monument. Southern Marble Works Lumberton, N. C. From where I sit... Joe,MarsK /f Waht to Run a Collective" Farm?' Was reading the other day about the “collective” farms they have in certain countries. It seems the folks who run them have plenty of help ... good hours ... and the best equipment. Sounds pretty nice—till yon learn that the “farmer” doesn’t own his land, or even farm it, in our sense. He takes orders from the state; produces what they want, at prices they set. Even his off-hours are spent according to state regulations. That wouldn’t go here. We’re proud of our farms... but prouder still of the right to make our own rules. That goes not just for farm ers, but for every American indus try. Like the brewers’ program of Self-Regulation which sees to it that taverns selling beer are de cent, law-abiding places. Prom where I sit, we’ve gone a lot further in this country with self-regulation than other nations have with strict controls. Let’s never change. ®)947( UNITED STATES BREWERS FOUNDATION, North Carolina .CommiHeo Suite 604-4QZ insurance Building, Raleigh. North Carolina. * ■ DON’T FORGET Nail Insurance On Those Growing Crops, Particnlariy TOBACCO $ I KNOW YOUR VETERANS (Sgt. Edward S. Coley) State College Extension Service and secretary of the event. Th nationally known writer is scheduled to speak before a spec ial meeting of the women at the Raligh City Auditorium the morn ing of August 28 at 11 o’clock. ■ Miss Thompson, whose column appears in daily newspapers throughout the country, has re cently returned from a trip through Poland and other European coun tries. Tobacco Plants Available In Georgia And Florida Blocks of iOpro on farms through emt the country on April 1 were If pcBceat larger than on April 1 last year. , An invitation to speak at the 1947 Farm and Home Week to be held on the State College Cam pus August 25-29, has been ac cepted by Dorothy Thompson, noted journalist and world-wide traveler, according to a joint an nouncement this week from Mrs. Glenn Duncan, president of the N. C. Federation, of Home l)em- onstration Clubs, and John W. Goodman, assistant director of the Tobacco growers in North Car olina who are not able to get e- nough plants from local ^tock this year may fill out their crop with plants from. Georgia ■ and Florida, according -to an anounce ment this week from Roy R. Ben nett, tobacco specialist with the State College Extension Service. “I am advised by^^the Georgia’ and Florida Extension Services”, he said “that there are large sup plies of tobacco plants available in those states for immediate transplanting.” ’Growers who fed that they will be unable to gii Bufficlent SEE US NOW 0 $ THE JOHNSON COMPANY Phone 2191 $ I RAEFORD, N. C. On a farm, located about 7 mi les from Raeford, resides Carl J. McNeill, Jr. 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. McNeill. Carl Jr. finished Raeford High School in 1940. One day Carl Jr. received his “greetings” from Uncle Safn and promptly reported to Fort Bragg. Carl laughed when he mentioned Fort Bragg and then told m.e why. He said that when, he completed his' physical examination, a Ser geant approached him and ask him what branch of the Army he would like to enter. Carl, being a bewildered “roo ky”, replied that he would like the Navy. The Sgt. told him that he couldn’t be in the Navy because he was now a full-fledged soldier. He made up his mind then and there that he would make the best of the situation and be a good soldier. He “did just that and has a clean record all the way through. He was first sent to Camip Blanding, Florida for 12 weeks of rugged . Infantry ”basie training. After 12 weeks >were over he was given a 10-day furlough before reporting to Fort Meade, Mary land. ^,^ne day he set sail across the ^lue Atlantic Ocean to the Eu ropean Theatre of . Operations. There he was as^gned to the now famous 30^h Division. He stayed with this division during all his .U I T A B L PURPOSE CLEAR UNOBStRUCTED INTERIORS Easy to erect, built of steel throughout, Stran-Steel “Quonsets” make attractive, permanent buildings, useful for almost «ny purpose. Low in cost, easy to main tain. Three basic styles to choose from—^“Quonset 40” ...“Quonset 24”.,.“Quon8et 20.” Get the facts today. a4ectMu^^ it Stran-Steei “Quonsets" are products,of Great Lakes Steel Corp. •ARNS ' WORKSHOPS • OARAOIS OPFICIS > WARIHOUSIS • CAMPS imiroency housing nuay contact me or their county agents for information as to the plants locally for this years crop, proper persons to contact there.” PROaOR -BARBOUR CO. 3TRAN STEEL DIVISION I Delton King, Mgr. Walter B. Powers a*nd J. L. Brown, Salesmen IZt OiUeepie St. ' Faykttevllle, N. €t. IMal 5185 / /

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