I- CABD OF.fBANKS ^ w« wish to OJqpress our appre ciation tor the londness shown us by our maiiy friends and neigh bors during our bereavement. Mrs. L, E. Brown Mrs. Clay lally and family. WANT ADS MORRIS cabbace eoUard f seed. The Johnson Gopnpany. 8C mi :j*v WtiWlMi FOR SAI£-47nlvenal Olectrte niiige. iMhdry heater with coil in' good condition. Phone 54Si. TOBACCO TWINE 75c a pound. Tike Johnson |Cnnpany. 8C TOBACCO BARN STOKERS. We hive only ^ tobacco stokers left. See ns for n j^al bargain^ Bake Exchange^ \ 8C VKYERS FOR SALE. Phone 5481 We i have a large/^hiipmei^ of tin cans. No. 2 iilaln cans x^3.50, hfe. 3 plain $4.50, No. 3 enainel $4.75 'per hundred. Hoke Ex change. 8C Electric ranges . for immediate deUvery. One apartment size diectric range $110. One used OE range at a bargain. Moke Exchange. $C Baby chicks for sale any day and any amount. Hoke Exchange. Floor sandi^, refinishing and re pair work. Write J. B. Short, Southern Pines or call 5184. 8-llP For Sale or Trade Would like to trade ’38 In ternational 1 1-2 ton truck long wheel base with ser vice license fdr pick-up in good shape. FOR SALE—^Used^dnuns. 75c each good for carryin^nater or gar bage; Taylor Chemcial Co., Ab erdeen, N. C. WANTED—^A job as practical nurse, housework or attending to children. Mrs. Janie Boms, P. O. Box 452. TFC FAIRCLOTH FRUIT l^TAND Phone 569-6 TOU can buy a new BALDWIN PIANO or a fully gujunhteed used piano from the Lnmber- ton Music Store on very easy Terms. Come or write -ns a card and one of our represeh-. tatives will cidl on yon. Lnin- berton Music Store, 4th and Chestnut St., Lumberton, Phone 408. TFC FOR SALE Home in Raeford - 10 rooms 2 baths Also 11 lots across from Armory See W. C. LEE Knowledge about canoer ^ may save your life! Send name mid address on a postcard to Amer ican Canper Society. 28 Ann Street, New ¥ork, N. T. and receive FREE booklet. ..«.... OFFICE SUPPLIES—When in need of anything for the office from a pencil to a typewriter come in to see our line. Dixie | Printing Co. Aberdeen. TFC Southern By.,' and on toe Nqrtlt side of Avenue , in toe Town of Raeford, which property is better' described by metes and bounds as will appear by refer ence to Book of Deeds No, 69,’at page 282, respectively, of Hoke County public registry. This 7th day of July, 1947. Arthur D. Gore, Commission er. 6-9-c ATHLETES FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT. IN ONE HOUR IF NOT PLEASED, your 35c back. Ask any druggist for this STRONG fungicide, TE-OL. Made with 90 percent alcohol it PENE TRATES. REACHES and kills MORE germs faster. Today at HOKE DRUG CO. NOTICE TO CREDITOIIS Having qualified as administra tors of the estate of Beulah Mc Lean, deceased, tate of Hoke Coun ty, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned duly verified, on or before June 19, 1948, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. W.’ T. and J. C. McLean, Ad ministrators. 3-8C IF fisiS m • We 6till have some ]i CAS&KEROSENE LATERNS TOBACCO TWIME ARSENATE OF LEAD ■ LEGALS NOTICE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY The heirs-at-law of the late JEFF. D. MONROE will at 18:00 o’clock, A. M.; on 'l^TURDAY, the -30th day of AUGUST, 1’047, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Mrs. Ruth Gordon Currie, deceased, late of Hoke County, this is to nptlfe all persorfs hiving claims again^| said estate to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, at Raeford, on or before Juhe 26, For yoor Tobacco barns we have m at th. frort door of the residence ^ thls-notice wUl be plead- SAI.E,yr pubbc auction, to the „,u highest bi3deri,for cash, the fol- lowing valuable farm property Mr. Tobacco —'Grower Sell With Cumberland County Tobacco Warehouse Fayetteville, N. C. FULL SET OF BUYERS SALE DAY DATE FIRST SALE , .THURSDAY ...... AUG. Tth SECOND SALE . .FRIDAY AUG.^ Sth FIRST SALE ...... .. .MONDAY AUG. 11th SECOND SALE TUESDAY ....... AUG. 12th FIRST SALE WEDNESDAY .... AUG. 13th SECOND SALE THURSDAY AUG. 14th FIRST SALE FRIDAY ........ AUG. 15th SECOND SALE MONDAY AUG. 18th. AUG. 19th AUG. 20th AUG. 21st AUG. 22Dd AUG.. 25th AUG. 26th AUG. 27th FIRST SALE TUESDAY,„r; SECOND SALE WEDNESDAY . FIRST SALE THURSDAY .. SECOND SALE FRIDAY ...... FIRST SALE -....MONDAY ...., SECOND SALE .......TUESDAY .... FIRST SALE WEDNESDAY . SECOND SALE THURSDAY ...... AUG. 28th FIRST SALE FRIDAY AUG. 29th SECOND SALE MONDAY.. SEPT 1st FIRST SALE TUESDAY ..... SEPT ’ 2iid SECOND SALE ........WEDNESDAY .. SEPT FIRST SALE .. . ... .THURSDAY .... SEPT SECOND SALE FRIDAY SEPt’ FIRST SALE MONDAY SEPT* SECOND SALE ....... .TUESDAY ... SEPT FIRST SALE .. .WEDNESDAY . SEPT. 10th . SECOND SALE THURSDAY SEPT. 11th All Second Sales Are Scheduled for 1:00 P. M. 3rd 4th Sth 8th 9th Location: 2 Miles From Old Market Housb On Highway No. 301 —0— Lumherton Road !*■ George D. Carter & Sons Co. Fayetteville, N. C. Mono 3981 - 'm. SAVE THIS SCHEDULE ;i;'’ t- located in SEVOUNTY - , FIRST TOWNSHIP, CUMB'ERiLAND COUNTY, NORTH CAROUNA, lying on the Aberdeen-Rockfish Railroad, aibDiit eleven (11) miles West of Fayetteville. North Car olina:; Adjoining the lands of F. R, Cook, Ernest Cook, J. MdK. Gillis, and W. M. GiUis, containing about 135 acres, of which there is a- bout 80 acres of cleared land. See deeds registered in Cum- berlaild'County, North Carolina, in Book No. 266, page 185; Book 301, page 93; Book 286, page 237; and Book 341, page 31. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. The interests of certain minor heirs in the pro perty are subject to the approval of the Guardian and by' the Su perior Court of Cumberland Coun ty. A deposit of not more than ten per cent (10%) may be re quired of the successful bidder. Any person desiring to look over the land is requested to call Tele phone No. 2668, Fayetteville, N. C. The sale is subject to the rights of the tenant for the year 1947; and possession is to be given at the earliest possible date. Dated thjs the 18th day of July, 1947. Dougald McD. Monroe, Agent for the Jeff. D. Monroe Heirs. Address: .1219 Hilltop Avenue, Fayetteville, N. C. 8-11C persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. James Gordon Currie, Admin istrator. 4-9C NOTICE . OF SALE OF PERSONALTY BY ADMINSTRATOR As adminstrator of the, estate of W. P. Lester, deceased, \l will offer for sale at public auction for cash at the- courthou^ ddor in Raeford. N. C^.'at 12/o’clock, noon, on the 4th of August, 1947, the -following persohalty, to-wit: Five (5) shares of Bank of Raeford stock. This 14th day of July, A. D., 1947. ^ T. B. Lester 1 7-9C M NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP This is to notify all persons that-the partnership existing prior to. May 22, 1947 between J. D. Edwards and Robert T. Peterson, for the operation of a restaurafat and service station in Hoke Coun ty, North! Carolina, under the firm name of EDWARDS & PET ERSON, was dissolved on May 22, 1947, and the said business is now ' being operated individually by J. D. Edwards, the said Robert T. Peterson having no interest in or connection with the said (business, and neither of the said parties will hereafter be liable for any debts of the other. Dated at Southern Pines, North Carolina, this 15th {lay of July, 1947. ■ ' ■ . JOSEPH D. EDWARDS 8C NOTICE OF TAX FORECLOSURE Under and pursuant to an order of the Court I as commissioner will offer to the highest bidder for cash at 12 o’clpek, nbqn, on the 9th day of August, lOi’i^at the courthouse dpor in Raeford* N, C., all of that lot and improve ments in the Town of Raeford, N, C,, known as the last residence and homeplace of the late L. M. Andrews, deceased, located on the west side of the Laurinburg and Slater — Gibson Contractors Painting & Paperhanging Floor Sanding Se Flnlshiiig'^ Tel. 322-1 ■ Pree Estimates' PERSONAL We believe that the personal element is the most important faictor, in retail business. Two persons doing business together' face to face year after year lea);n to know and trust' each other. At McLauchlin Comp; we have always t ■ tried to know our customers’ needs and to provide them 6n a fair basis. Crisis, Uncer tainties and doubts cpine and go, but this policy of personal fair dealing persists here. ^ You’re Always welcome, at McLAUCHLlN CO. TOBACCO BARN TROMOMETERS BRICK SIDING ROLL ROOFING ASPHALT SHINGLES FURNACE DOORS, GRATIS THIMBLES McLauchlin Co., Inc. 4? > 1^^ the I The cab is ^ RaSU-MOUNTEU-i I cushioned on rubber against road shocks, torsion and vitmtion!. i « jlWver’s compartment is wider, : with more room. Wider, deeper ‘ windshield and windows increase j visibility by 22%!, , Panels and pick-ups have .INCREASED LOAD SPACE. . . . •New, stronger, sturdier FRAMES 'are desimed to carry greater loads •dis' greater distances for a longer time! The Cab that "BraaAet” Fresh air is drawn infromtheout- side'—heated in cold weather —and used air is forced outl* America’s First Advance-Design Trucks • • • acclaimed from coast tM coast! Longer wheelbases give you better ... Ch( load distribution. . Chevrolet’s famous FULL-FLOAT|NG HYPOID REAR A>^LES are geared for thcload 1 Everywhere ... whenever you go ... truck users are praising the sensational new line of Advance-Design Chevrolet tnicks. Reason? They’re really new, really differ^t, introducing the unique cab that “breathes” —that calmost literally ‘‘inhales” fresh air and “exhales” used air,* plus scores of other new features and innovations lohg-awaited—long-vi^anted! Built to be firstt and built to lastt they’re big-looking, big-loading, powerful yet economical trucks to do a more profitable job for you. See them now. *Froth-air heating and ventilating sytlem optional di extra cott, t n-‘ Chevrolet VALVE-IN-HEAD TRUCK ENQINES are world's most eco nomical for their size.... HYDRAU LIC TRUCK BRAKES are exclusively designed for greater brake-lining contact. CHEVROLET TRUCKS yCHEVROLET,^ HOKE AUTO Phoiie 2301 Raeford, N- C. /

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