■t \ ■lisi mm 'SM GIBSON REUNION OUT OF TOWN VISITORS HONORED 1- f^- Mrs. N. A. McDonald and Mrs. Julian Blue gave a yery lovely luncheon at the home of the latfer Wednesday of last week. The pSr- ly was in honor of Mrs. McDon ald’s house guest, . Mrs. Claude Bishop of Greensboro and Mrs. Blue’s house guests, who were Mrs. Don Marion of Miami, Mrs. Earle Fisher and Mrs. P. R. Floyd of Fairmont. Bridge was played at five tables before lunch. The prize for high score was won by Mrs. Lawrence Poole. The hostesses presented their honor guests with lovely^-gifts. They also remembered with gifts, Mrs. Shaw McEachern of St. Pauls who is visiting her mother, Mrs. Will Blue and Mrs. Guy Taylor of Kins- tornwho is visiting Mrs. B- R. Gat lin and Mrs. Arab Stuart. ^—_o WHISNANTS ON VACATION ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Whisnant and son will leave Monday for the West ern-^art of the State where they will visit relatives. Mrs. Whis- nant’s people live in Taylorsville in Alexander County and Mr. 'Whisnant’s in ■ -Catawba County, neat Newton. Mr. Whisnant will preach in Raeford next Sunday but there will be' no preaching for the remainder of August. 0^^ MIS^ .MARY GREY HELTON HONORED MRS. HIATT HAS BRIDGE PARTY AT SANATORIUM On Wednesday afternoon of this ;Weeb Miss Elmira Whitley entertained a number of friends in honor of Miss Mary Grey Hel ton, whose engageinent to Wil liam Alexander was anmounced last week. The girls enjoyed an informal hbur of conversation, during which time each one wrote her favorite recipe on index cards which were put in "a file.;,and pr^-- sented to the bride elect. A fro zen salad course With iced tea was served, and the hostess gave her honor guest a gift of china. As a complete surprise, at this time, little Donald Dixori came in* -pulling a. decorated wagon which .was laden with gifts from those- present for Miss *H.elton. EASTERN STAR TO SANFORD Raeford Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star sent -a delegation to Sanford Monday night. The oc^ casion was the official visit of the Mrs. Joe Hiatt of Sanatorium entertained with a dessert bridge last Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Levy/who/is leav ing soon to make her home in Norfolk, Va. -On arrival guests were serv.ed a very delicious and refreshing desert course. Bridge was then played with Mrs. Law- son winning high score brize. Mrs. Lawson also won at Bingo which fpllowed the bridge game. Mrs. Levy was holding the float ing prize at the end of the game and she was also the, recipient of a lovely gift from the hostess. Mrs. Clyde Upchurch, J^. » and Mrs. Arthur Matheson of Raeford were guests of Mrs. Hiatt at this time. 0- . The children of the late J. E. and Fannie ‘Gibson met at the old family./ home Sunday,' July 27 for a family reunion. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gibson and family of the home; Mr. and Mrs. R. H. and family of Shannon, Route 2, Mr., and Mrs. Joe Livingston and family Rae ford, Route 2, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Davis Of Parkton, Route 2, _Mr. and Mrs. James E.. Gibson and family of Fayetteville, Route 3. Their were several visitors Mr.. and Mrs. Montgomery of Richmond. Va., Adjt. Cooper of Washington, D. C., Capt. -Mills of Fayetteville and Mr. and Mrs. ■H. D.» Grimes of Fayetteville^ Route~^'2. Their were 40 present altogether, children and grand children. Mrs. Mary Bgll and Mr. Edwin Gibson, both of Richmond, were unable to attend. Or SHOWER FOR MRS. WILLIAM JONES Mr., and Mrs. Lawrence McNeil and children are spending this week at Assembly Inn, Montreat. Don Cameron, who has been quite sick fOr several weeks, re turned to Highsmith hospital last week and undei;went an operation there Thursday. His condition at this time is reported as satisfac tory. • Mr. and, Mrs. NeiH Senter. and daughter' spent Sunday in Kip ling. They took Maiy Glenn John son, ni#ce of Mr. Senter, who had . Dr, and Mrs. R. A. Matheson spent Sunday at .Mytile Beach', They went especiaRy to tak« Alice Sutton Matheson., .Bonr.Iai^ spent the week in Raeford with the Senters back to her home. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Gatlin, Jr. and Leon Gatlin left yesterday fori a' ^sit of several days with Mrs. Gatlin’s father. T., A. Mafsh- burn at iMayport, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Lewis join-r ed Mr. and Mrs. Allen McGee for the week end at , Bogue Sound. Marian Lewis spent the week at Bogue With her aunt biJt return ed to Raeford with her parents Sunday. bride-eEect honored Miss Katherine Baker entertain- Miss . Helpn Dickson Of High Point is a guest of Mrs. Paul j Dickson, Sr. She spent several days the first of/the week with Mr. and Mrs. Benton Thomas are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bob Foreman in Elizabeth City. They will spend some time 'at -Nags, the g'-ris r er.'.ione'l fr Head before, returning to Raeford. Kate BIjue, Joan Johnson and Deris White McNeill to join a hou.se party at the beach. Mr. and Mr.s. Wara;e Nelson, of Vv’a'grarn are chape"':r.ing the part-'/ mace up of Wagram -beys and girls and ' H'e.'-mrL '.r iMr. and Mrs. Sam Snead andiliam Alexa.-.cipr I twin daughters Helen and LouisejGrey He'r.or of Red Springs, visited Raeford Alexander - friends and. relatives Sunday. Mr..and Mrs. Tommy Upchurch attended a meeting of the Cotton Council at Blue Ridge the first of the week., They went to the mountains .On Saturday. in Belm.cnt L. B. Pcole. a.-.d- M,ss jby and ■:'re d y h Mr. ar Mary 'n-my .mdriy M"s. Miss Phj i.a.-:er snent the Miss end at Wake Forest -A'iti: Faye Baker, wr.c Is.taki.ng sepec- ial work'"at sUrr.'.T.er school there. WRss Faye Baker, -A-ho majors in • (Mr. and Mrs. John Blue and Sociology will, be a senior at Mer- John and Frances of Sylacai^ga,' edith this fall. ' • ’ Alabama are visiting Mr. Blue’s^ r- -mother, Mrs. Jennie Blue. ed on Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Mary Grey Helton, who will be parried ,on Sunday, August 10th. Twelve guests enjoyed Miss Mrs. Frank McGregor, r^rs. J. I Bakers hospitality. Two games W. Gonoly and, Mrs. Kate Mc- Phaul entertaine.d for Mrs. Wil liam Jones, formerly Miss"^ Clara Jenelle Snead is in camp at Camp Leach on Pamlico' Sopnd near Washington, nT* C.‘ Grnad Worthy Matron, Mrs. Nell Mae Gibson, on Tuesday night at Porter of' Asheville to the San ford’Chapter. Those going report ed a most interesting meeting and, corhmented enthusiastically on the hospitality of the Sanford .Chap ter' and courtesies shown Mrs. Potter. Going from Raeford were: Mrs. Starr McMillan, Mrs. Paul Dezerne, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Gul- ledge. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith, Mrs. Frances ' Suddreth and Mrs. W. L. Alexander. the Dundarrach community house. Thirty-two guests were., present who enjoyed a lively bing'o gamp. Prizes w.ere - awarded ' after each game. An ice course- was very much enjoyed. The honor guest was*then given instructions for a treasurer hunt which took her, here, there, and everywhere and at every , place a gift was found. At the end of the longest trail she found a laundry basket filled with beautiful gifts from those present, —0- ■pertaining to bridal showers were iplayed after which the honoree- was presented with a shower of- lovely, gifts. The. hostess ^ave Miss Heltoq china in the jDattern which she has chosen, and she also gave Miss Retha Howell, bride elect, a gift- of crys.tal. An ice course with Bride’s cake was served. Miss Baker will be an attendant at the Helton-Alex- ander wedding.. -0 — (Miss Katherine Baker spent TWO PARTIES AT EIOME QF MRS. GORE Mrs; Dwight Brown and Mrs. A. ■ D. Gore entertained most de lightfully on Wednesday with two partie?. In the morning guests making up 5 tables Came in for bridge. Tables were arranged in sun room and living room. Both rooms were cool, inviting and most attractive with! brilliant flowers of late summer, attractively arranged. Mrs. Alfred Cole won the prize for making high score and Mrs. Clyde-Upchurch,. Sr. held .the floating prize!* A deli cious lunch was served after the gcj-iie. At,four o’clock five tables were again In play. A high score prize and floating prize were gi ven at this time and Mrs. Ed. Bethune of Hamlet, gilest of Mrs. A'. K. Currie .was , remernbered with a gift.. Refreshments after the game_ were served- in ■ two courses. , 0— Mr.' and Mrs. H.' L. Gatlin, Jr. ' Harold Thomas, USN is at home on furlough. Mrs. Frank McFadyen and da-Hghter.,, Ma.ry of Sarasota, Fla. are visiting Mrs. Chandler Rob erts. - Mr. McFcdyen is a brother of Mrs. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gore and Hal returned to Raeford Friday a.fter ■ a shorf stay at Carolina Beach. ' iMrl, and Mrs/June-Johnson and Shirley Few to "j Goldsboro one day last week and spent the day with Dr. and Mrs. Howard Bau- com.. Sunday in Asheboro. She ■ went especially to see her grandmother, Mrs. W. D.' Spoon, who has been a patient in Randolph Hospital. Mrs. Spoon’s condition is report ed better, •- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Blythe spent last week end at Myrtle Beach. MRS. CLAUDE BISHOP GUEST OF CLUB Mrs. Younger Snead was lun cheon hostess last Thursday to the B|Ook -Bridge Club. Two ,^tables of club members .we're present, with Mrs. Claude Bishop of Greensboro an honor .guest'. Lunch was served at one o’clock and bridge was played in the after noon. -.Mrs. Graham Dickson won club prize .for high score. Mrs. Snead gave Mrs. Bisho-p and Miss Maude, Poole, wffo was also a guest of the club, gift's. ' • i • (i - , Mrs. H. V. Stuart and daugh-*- ters, Mary Elizabeth and Martha Kate' returned to their home in Charlotte' Sunday after spending the past week with 'Mrs. Stuart’s father, W. A., IVIjiLean. Mrs. Tpm Cameron and children are a-t the Breeden cottage at Myrtle Beach for two weeks. Dr. and Mrs. L. .Athons, Ga. several da-ys last week with Mr,, and Mrs. H. W. B. ■'vV'nitley. M-.-s. '.Vh.tley ac companied' her ?.ryrtle Beach fer . se’-'e-?. 1 Whitley a.'vcl K! W. brothers. . • , iMr. and Mrs.. Jim. Warner and Jimrny spent S-anday in Ciarkto.n with Mr. and Mrs. Langdon W’ar- ner. ' . ' ' , ■ Mrs. Etta JIcKa'y B'.ue left Tues day with her r.eices. Misses Jane Grajiam and Katherine Hill Mc Kay of Maxten, for a trip J:o ■western North Carolina. ■Mr. and Mrs., Lawrence Poole spent’-Sunday with- Mrs. Poole’s father, J. M. Coble, near Liberty., ei'.cs :. A -•. % 4:- -:♦> Mrs. J. W. Baxley is a patient at- Moore County hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Don -Russell and son, Charles, of Miami, and Mrs. C’eon Spoon . of Asheboro spent the - past Saturday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Baker; Mrs., Russell is a niece of Mrs. Baker. Mrs. Jack Durham returned to her home in' Norfolk yesterday after spending the past ■ three weeks with her moth’er, Mrs. L. B. Brandon. Mrs. A. R. Morris visited her sister, Mrs. Ellen Russell in Troy last week. Mrs. W. B.. Gulledge is visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Gulledge in Kansas City. She went espec ially to. see her, new grandson. 3 "Vaues — Priced just right I But hurryl Th-is week-end only ! RED WING CATSUP SHOEPEGCORN DEL ItfiOiVTE PEAS Fancy 2 14-c-z bottles Colonial 16-oz Cans Earlv'Garden No. Cans 33" 39" For Refreshing Iced Tea, Use •-i lb. pkg 27c. ^2 lb pkg ale -The- Bleach' -that Whitens qt btle 21c V2 gal btl 31c Mr. and ., Mrs. Colon Scarbo rough and two little girls spent the week* end at the Driftwood, Myrtle Beach. LILMAR SUE GATLIN birthday hostess Single and Double-Breasted. In Highest Quality Fabrics Smart grey striped all wool suit, double-brested with peaked lapel. We are again receiving Fine'Suits and invite you to come in and look them over. . ■' FOR QUALITY CLEANING CALL 267-1 OR USE OUR CASH AND CARRY PLAN Raeford Dry Cleaners Lilmar Sue Gatlin was hostess to ab36ut thirty of her young fri ends on Thursday gfterribon, the occasion being her seyenth birth day’. The young people gathered at Lilmar Sue’s bpme ■ where they were served ice cream and cake. After that they enjoyed a mbvie party at the Raeford' 'Theatre. 0—■ . , CIRCLES TO MEET The following Circles of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Rae ford -Presbyterian' Church will meet Monday, August 11, at 3:30 o’clock. ' No. 1 with Mrs. A'. K. Curiae; No. 2 with (Mrs. Rufus' Bedk; No.’ 3 with Mrs.' M. B. Warren; No. 4 with Mrs. T. F. Culbreth; No. 5 with'* Mrs. W. M. Blue; iNo. .6 with Mrs. J. C. Mcldeanj and! No. 7 with Mrs. Henry Monroe. —0 (Mrs; Carrie Nash of Goldsboro spent Thursday night in Raeford with IMr; and Mrs. N. A. McDon ald. Mrs. Claude Bishop returned tio Goldsboro Friday with Mrs. Nash. Mr. and Mrs.' Carlton Niven are with a party at Caroliria Beach this week. •Irvin Hubbard,-manager of the local Collin’s Store, is on vaca tion this week. * 'lyiiss Jacgueline Thompson who has. been visiting her sister, Mrs. Rose, has returped home . Mrs. Hugh Lowe - of Charlotte is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D, £cott Poole this week. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Snead and son of Rockingham were w^k end guests of' Mr and MrsAYoun ger Snead. Mrs.' Ed Bethune of Hamlet jeame to Raeford Tuesday for a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Currie. * ,Mr. and Mrs. fjpaul Dicteon and Mit. and Mrs. ’ Muffich spent the week end a| Wrights- ville Beach. - - Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Upchurch, Jr. sp^t the we^,e^d in Gastdhia. Howard Falls,^ of Mrs. Upchurch, came, back to Raeford •with a i j Comes out of the can In one piece, ready to slice. Excellent as a colorful c^ecora- j I tion as' well as a delightful taste tempter. , - . . j I OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAUCE 16 oz'can 25c j j ■. . ... ■ ! ■ Don't wait! House-cleaning can't either. Limited supply on some items. CAMAY SQAl DUZ “«!oes everything 3 cakes large pkg. 33c OXYDOL BORAX large package 32c 2’4 mule team 1-lb. pkg. 17c Boraxo 8 oz can 17c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 cans 19c IVORY SOAP IVORY SOAP 2 large .cakes 35c medium cake 11c Armour’s Canned Meats TREET easy to serve ED MEAT 3 1-4's cans It) oz..can' 39c' :oc VIENNA. SAUSAGE 2 4 oz cans CORNED BEEF HASH - 16 oz can ooc 29c Nabi^o — Maker of Fine Products Social Tea Bisciiits 5 oz pkg ISc $1.39 sciul CIGARETTES carton For Your Siiiiiiner Menu! Dress up- your hot-weather dishes with tasty, thin- sliced cold-cuts.'' Try a 'selection from our varied assort ment, • SPICED LUNCHEON MEAT ' lb. 53c PEPPER LOAF BOLOGNA lb lb SALOMI lb. 69c 45c 55c FRANKS skinless lb 49c THURINGER lb' 55 c BRAUNSCHWEIGH lb 57c Stiew or Roast VEAL BREAST lb 29t Colonial Pride — Shoulder LAMB ROAST lb 53c Dressed arid Drawn Frying Chicken lb 63c Take Advantage of Peach Time. Start Carinmg''fd^ay- PEACHES Fancy Elberta 3 lbs 19c Bushel Basket $2.69 Calif. Mountain— Delicious , BARTLETT PEARS i lbs 27c *-r Crisp ’— slicing CUCUMBERS 2 lbs 17c U S No. 1 Red feliss POTA'TOES 51bs 29c Fancy, Home Grown Well-Filled — Fresh FIELD PEAS 2 Ib 23c BUTTER BEANS 21h«23k ■- Dr.. 7 are -e Mr-- ''Mrs. ’ ■ Mrs. ;?h 'a '.e .yard ■rany i fri- . '.V,-

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