”, v ‘5':j v>- ^ 1 S'v v>' ' ■’ % - 52^- . ' : 'C* r f- - ->. '*. ’•t* -7 « > -t :r "\’ ,h 'cl •>/ ?, ^.v” ‘ A. ' I • I'.. ."l^', - t\ ) Voice of IRIEOOM GUAUMAN OFIIBMTY HW|, VOKC OF fiffOOM The Hoke County News The Hoke County Journal OFUKRTT VOLUME XLII NO. 17 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25,1947 RAEEORD, N. C. S2.0e PER TEAR ISCHOa NEWS! Recorder Hears KNEE DEEP IN COTTON i By K. A. MacDonald All-Day Session ! On Tu^ay The principals of the white schools are holding a meeting in ftie . office of the Board of Educa tion this afternoon at 3:30, 24 CASES DEAL WITH LIQUOR, CARS, BAD CHECKS, FitiHTING IMiiSs Irene Downer of the Mil-' douson faculty is improving after an operation in a Charlotte hos pital. MrS; Archie Howard is sub stituting for her. , , J. M. Williams, ceretified. pub- iTjc a'ccountant of Raleigh, has just’ finished an audi,t of 'the books of]T>ition lajws, and 'Johnny Locklearf An unusually large "docket was tried in Hoke County recorder’s court before Judge Henry tMc- Diarnlid Tuesday in a session that lasted all dayi Alfred Barnes, Indian, was char ged with careless and reckless driving and violating the prohi- Open Seasons In Area Listed By Codunission WILDLIFE AGENCY GIVES REGULATIONS FOR HUNTING HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM PLAYS MASSEY HIU FRIDAY Anderson Man Makes Survey For Ginner’s Association PLAY IN FAYETTEVILLE BOWL AT EIGHT O CLOCK the Board of Education for the school year-1946-47. He wiiU miake his report 'to the Board of Edu cation ,an^ commissioners on the first Monday in-October. Two delegations from Robeson County have been over this weeh to look over the new tJpchurch school buildings. They were very much pleased with the' layout. There will be a county-wide colored teachers meeting held at the Upchurch school on Friday, October 3, at 3:30 p. m. Prepara tion wiiU be made at this, time for the opening of the colored schools on Monday, Oct. 6. J. W. Turlingtqn, W. T. Gibson, Jr.-, and K. A, MacDonald attend ed an administrative conference held in Wagrairi by Dff* J. Henry Highsmith and his staff on last Wednesday afternoon. 0 ' HIGH SCHOOL NEWS 'The-Hoke County Board of Ed ucation, the PTA’s of the county, and the last year’s Senior Class joined in making ^ contributions ( for. a number of improvements for the high school. A new stage cur tain, a bioscope and additional laboratory supplies, lunch room and kitchen' equiment, a new add ing machine, typewriters and a numher of library books are some of the major things purchased through these agencies. One hundred and fifteen new books have been added to the library since the beginning of .school. A new 1947 edition of Compton’s has also been purchas ed for the high school. The band,. under the direction of Mr. Melvin, has been organized and practice has already been started.. A call meeting of the Key club was held Monday to discuss plans for the year and to get into work ing order again. The abject of this club is to introduce the high ^hool boys to the world of busi- ess. IMiss Owen, director of the glee jub, has had auditions for mem- ^rs and has begun work. ,1'. the first PTA meeting of the year, the members voted to spon sor a Frid,ay evening recreation program again this year. Plans are being worked out and the meetings will be announced later. ■ I ■■ 0- U ■ ^ TODAY IS CLEAN-UP DAY At ANTIOCH The Rev. J. W. Mann advised The News-Journal last week that today was to be clean-up day at the Antioch Presbyterian church, but it was unintentionally omitted from last week’s paper. He urges all members, former members and others who may have loved ones buried there to come or send someone to help witli the import ant work of cleaning the grounds. BUILDING FUND DRIVE BAPTIST CHURCH SEPT. 28 The Rev. J. D. Whisnant, pas tor of the Raeford Baptist church, has announced that a speciqL-ef- fort will be made to raise &oney for the building fund drive of the church at the Sunctey School hour next Sunday morning. Mr. Whis- nant said that those who -had mode pledges could pay on their pledges at that time and that others could also contribute. Indian, was charged with violat ing the prohibition laws. 'The state took a nol pros in the cases in volving the prohibition laws and accepted Barnes’ plea of guilty of speeding^ in the other. Sentence was 30 days suspended on pay ment of $25 and the costs, Foster Carthren, colored, was found hot guilty of driving druidc. Charlie Shipman, colored, plead ed guilty of driving drunk and with improper nghts. Sentence was. 60 days to be suspended on payment of $100 and the costs. Frank MdRae, colored, got 30 days suspended on paymehit of $10 and the costs for careless and rdckless driving. John Me Am, cotored, -paid the costs for driving with improper lights. John A. Blue, Bracy Godwin, J. L. Leach, Essie Smith, all color-- ed' paid the costs for being drunk and disorderly. Thomas Tate, V. D. Bennett, Fred Bennett, - all colored, and Freddie Burkett, white, all paid the posts for possessing non-tax- paid liquor. ■Willie C. Edney*. white, forfeit ed a $25 bond by failing to appear for trial for speeding. iBooket' T. Little, colored, paid the costs for driving witth impro per license. Johnnie B. McGoogan, colored, waived preliminary hearing on a charge of forging a check on -Dave Hendrix which was cashed by J. A. Jones'. He was held for Super ior court under a bond of $360. Willie B. Currie, white man of Eliizabeth/town, made good a bad check he had given A. 'A. Graham and paid the costs. Johnnie Thomas, colored, was found not guilty on charge of as saulting Ella Leach, Tom McRae and Wilford McNeill both colored, and Evelope Hen derson, Indian, were charged with running whiskey stills. McRae’s plea was nolo contendere and the others .pleaded guilty. Hendertt)n and McNeill each got three months' suspended on payment of $25"and the costs and McRae got six mon ths suspended on payment* of $26 and the cpsts. Dave McNeill, colored, entered a plea of guilty of assaulting Ad- die Dupree, colored. He was given 30 days in jail and turned loose and told^ he would have to serve the sentence if^ he' came back to Hoke County. Boll'weevil control^ experiments on the H. B. Ashley farm. Route 1, Red Springs, indicate Benzene hexachloride^ the new chemical, may be'the answer to llhe cotton farmer’s prayers. 'The above picture shows Ashley is expecting: a good harvest in spite of had weather and the boll weevil. With Ashley are George Ashford, (lef|!;>. President, Carolinas’ Gin- ners Association and Dr. L. O. ^ver, (right), Directot*, N. C. State College Experiment StalHon. GETS CUT — KEEPS MUM Sometime after midnight last Sunday morning Jones McNeill, local white man, drove his car into town , bleeding profusely and in serious condition from loss of blood. He had'been cut on the bridge of his nose and on the temple. He was taken to a Fayetteville hospital where he is said to be recovering satis factorily". Sheriff D. H. Hodgin said yes terday that he interviewed Mc Neill; on Sunday and that he was in fairly good shape at that time, but that his memory was n’t too good about who cut him or where it took place. Appar ently it was generally between Raeford and Shannon. • . 0 — Dr. Alvis B. Dickson, of the U. S. Navy, was operated on for an abdominal cancer in Hawaii recently and is recuperating sat isfactorily. FMC Announces Lecture Series The Flora iMacdonald college Concert and Lecture committee takes pride in announcing the series of attractions planned for the current college J^ear. Each year this committee has endeav- ered to present bigger and better artists to the increasingly large number of patrons and friends who attend these events, and the high standard established in' past years has 'been maintained in the selection of the well-balanced program' of fine artists secured , * this year. ^exander Uninsky, who will open the series oh Oct. 27, i^ one of the outstanding pianist of ■ to day, and has won international fame in the world of music. Anna Turkel, soprano, and Miriam Sol- oveif, violinist, are both musi cians of high order. *, Margaret Bourke-White, Amer ica’s foremost wonian photogra pher and an author and lecturer of note, will be fresh from a six months’ assignment in India when she comes to Flora Macdonald Dec. 8. Jeanne Welty, mono-dra matist, is making a return ap pearance at Flora Macdonald, where she won the hearts of her audience two years ago, as “Theo dosia Burr.” William A. Lydgate, who has made a name for him self in the editorial and literary world and is a top-ranking lec turer, will be\of especial interest in his capacity as editor of Gal lup Poll, when he speaks here on April 5, world interest will be increasingly focused on the 1948 Presidential election. Kiwanians Hear Dr. Willis On Thursday Dr. H. Bi. Willis, superintendent of the Norm Carolina Sanatoria who has recmtly returned from a trip to EuroM where he repre sented the UiMed States Tuber culosis associ^on at several con ferences, was guest speaker at last Thursday ni^t’s meeting of the Raeford Kiwanis club. Dr. Willis,'accompanied by Mrs. Willis, visiited Oslo, Norway, Stockholm, Sweden, Copenhagen, Denmark, Bnjssels, Belgium, Paris, France, and London, England.. At each of thesj^laces he met with leadini^'' tublrculosis specialists -and exchanged ideas infor- taation about the disease. At the British Empire conference in Lon don and a world conference in Paris he delivered addresses on the subject. His talk to the Kiwanis club iwas not about tuberculosis but was a most interesting collection of ideas and impressions about the people and the places he visit ed and their political and econo mic ideas and conditions. The following open seasons and regulations for taking game in the Fourth Wildlife district in North Carolina for the 1947-1948 season have 'been published by the North Carolina WildEfe Re sources Commission: “Bear: October 15 through January 1. Bear bunting allowed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sat urdays only. Daily bag limit 2, possession limit 2, sedson limit 2. “Deer: (Male) deer must have antlers plainly visible to hun ter. Deer hunting is allowed from October 6 through January 1 on Tuesday, Thursd^(s, and Satur days only. Daily Nh^g limit 1 possession limit 2, seasoh limit 2. “Opossum - Raccoon: 'With gun and dogs October 15 /through February 15.. No bag limit. “Quail; November 271 through January 31. Quail hunting is al lowed 'on Tuesdays, 'mursdays, and Saturdays only. Dhily bag limit 8, possession limit 16, sea son limit 150. ' ‘‘Rabbits: November 27 through January 15'. Rabbit hunting is al lowed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, season limit. “Squirrels: October 6 through January 1. Squirrel hunting is allowed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays only. Daiiiy bag limit 8, possession limit 16, no season limit. Two fox squirrels can be included in daily bag. “Turkeys: Hunting for turkeys is allowed in Bladen, Cumber land, Harnett, Hoke, and Scotland counties ffom November 27 through January 1 on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays only.. Daily bag limit 1, possession limit 2, season limit 2. All other coun ties in district closed to turkey ^hunting.” Farm Bureau Head Urges Farmers To Join Hoke Unit Wildlife Secretary Here Yesterday Ross Stevens, executive secre tary of the North Carolina Wild life association, was in Raeford yesterday in the interest of re organizing the somewhat dried qp Hoke, county Wildlife club; While here he made arrange-, ments for an organizational meet ing of this cluih tt) be held at the courthouse riext Wednesday, Oc tober 1, at seven-thirty p. m. All sportsmen and farmers and pttiers interested in wildlife are invite'd to attend. 0- METHODIST MEN TO MEET OCTOBER THIRD The Methodist Men’s Club -will hold their second meeting at the L. M. Upchurch Air Port, on Fri day night of next'we^, at seven o’^clock. A good supper and pro -am is being planned. _0 REVIVAL CLOSES SUNDAY The Rev. Fred W. Pasdhall is assisting in revival services at the Methodist cMfcrch this week, holding services each evening ,a£ 7:36. There will be no Saturday evening service and the rfideting will' close Sunday morning. , “The North Carohna Farm Bu reau campaign for 160,666 mem bers should have the support of everyone for only through organ ization can agriculture hope to survive and contribute its share to the prosperity of our state, and nation,” Richard Neeley, Hoke County Farm Bureau president, said this week in a prepared state ment. “Farm Bureau^nembership com mitteemen are hard at work en listing new members to boost the 62,657 members to -166,066 by November 15;” he said, “However, this task is of such importance that -wepan’t be content to let just a few do the work. If a commit teeman does not call on you, do yourself a favor and look one up. The campaign means much to the future of the farmers of North Carolina. If we farmers are to be represented properly before our state and national legislative bodies, we should see to it that the Farm Bureau can point to a memibership so large that there will be no doubt liow N. C. far- nvgp^kfa'nd on important issues.” Vame drive is attracting wide in terest,” Neeley said, and “meet ings of the past two weeks have shown that farmers are concerned about their future.” . He said that it is up to the com mitteemen and other members to put the oamipaign over and it is up to the men and women of Hoke county to show that they are 106 percent behind it. i BETDEL INGATHERING It has been announced that the annufl ingathering will be held at Bethel Presbyterian church on ’Thursday, October 16. * and Saturdays only. Daily bag limit 8, poSession limit 16, no For complete list of regulations, for North Carolina, write to the Wildlife Resource Commission, P.O. box 2686, Raleigh. The district embraces Bladen, B(runswick, Columbus, Cumiber- land, Harnett, Hoke, New Han over, Robeson, Sam^n. and Scotland counties. PEANUT REFERENDUM A last minute reminder to all Hoke County peanut growers was issued today by T. D. Potter, Chairman of the County Agri— cultral Conservatio.n Committed. “October 1 is tliB deadline,” the chairman said, “for returning the Questionnaires on peanut acreages and production which were sent from the Agricultural Conserva tion office. Infomation needed by the county office for establiisbing peanut acreage allotments^ on each farm in 1948 will be taken from -f&cts furnished by the farmers themselves. These questionnaires also establish each grower’s right” to vote in the coming referen-r, dum.” The chairman explained that, if the county committee does not have complete information on a certain farm by the time allot ments are established,' that allot ment must be made from the lim ited county reserve. Failure to file the questionnaire by October 1 may result in smaller allotments for some farms. Whether marketing quotas and acreage allotments are to be in effect next year will depend upon the results of the referendum , to be held later this year, the chair man ^points out. The referehdum date wijl be announced shortly. ’The county office then will noti fy fanners of . voting places, and provide other information about the referendum. ■ . LOUIS G. McGill Announcement was made today of the appointment of Louis G. MoGill, Anderson, S. C- as Field Representative of the Carolimas’ Ginners A^ociation to conduct a general survey of all gins in the Carolinas and Virginia. This sur vey will enable the organization tq provide improved service to ginners and cotton farmers alike In announcing the appointment, George T. Ashford, President of the Association, said Mr. McGill will study types of equipment, building and q'jerations now em ployed and interviiew farmers and ginners to obtain a cross-section of ideas on how the group may better serve them. Mr. McGill, Ashford added, will inquire par ticularly into ginning methods in an effort to coordinate the better features of various systems and recommend them for wider use. “This survey,” Ashford said, “will be thorough and painstak ing. The Carolinas’ Ginners As sociation is eager to provide the best service possible to ginners and cotton'farmers. We feel that through such a study the Asso ciation will be far more adequate ly prepared to recommend im provements in ginning that will assure farmers proper handling of their products'and give ginners additional incentive to process cot ton more rapidly and efficiehtly.” Coach Hayw-ood Faircloth’s Hoke County High School foot ball eteam starts its ten-gam schedule against the Massey Hill team in the Fayetteville High School bowl under lights tomor row night at eight o'clock. The Ho.ice team, '.vhiich has be«n work ing out at Armory park here for the past five w'eeks will; 'de seek ing to avenge a 6-0 'S'efeat at the hands of Massey Hill in last year's opening gam.e. The Massey Hiil team defeated the Wagram team last week 38-0 in Massey Hill. The Hoke team’s first home game of 5 is to be play ed here Friday of next week at three p. m. against the Wagram team. Coach Faircloth has had his 32- man squad -working out for the past fixie ■weeks and reports are that tile team looks promising. 11 lettermen from last year’s team are on the squad, which is ap parently in ejjcellent condition buit lacking somewhat in polish. ^ Faircloth said yesterday. he would probably start MacDonald and Lee at the ends, George Free man and Alton Clark at the tack les, John Sinclair and Alexander at guards, Neill B. Sinclair at cen ter, and Murray, McMiUian, Mc- Bryde and Moses in the backiield. Others sl^pwing -up well in the practice sessions are Blue and Leach, both guards. 'VVhitley and Glisson at tackles and Niven, Johnson and Yarborough at end. Bobby Huff, converted lineman from Siller City has been looking good at fuUback and will tin- doubtedly see action there as -will Joe Gulledge at wingb^ick. GuU- edge was out most of last season -with a broken collar bone. Homecoming Day At Bethesda Next Sunday ' Plans are shaping toward a big Homecoming at Old Bethesda church in Aberdeen on Sunday,, September 28. Tho various com mittees are actively at work, roun ding out the many details neces sary to make, the event a spiritual and neighborly success. This year promises to be an out standing event. The program com- niittee has arranged with Dr. Walter L. Lingle, D. D., LL. D.. President Emeritus ' of Davidson College; former Moderator of the General AssemJbJy of the Southern Presbyterian Church, and one of the le^iding theologians of the nation, to deliver .the morning sermon.,This will be followed by a basket luncheon in the grove where the local memers wiil be host to the returnees and visitors.. At about two o’clock in tffe af ternoon, the congregation will I'e- assemible in the chxurch to hear Dr. Charles G. Vordell, President Emeritus of Flora Macdonald College. Dr. Henry G. Bedlnger, Pi'esident of Flora Macdonald Col lege, will be present with youm ladies from- the College Gl^ Club. 'Immediately therea^r, amd as the closing feature of the day, the congregation willi be addressed by Honorable J. Melville Broughton, former Governor of North Caro lina. Tobacco famers should begin selecting and preparing their plant bed site if they plan to tireat for weed coritrol. The material should be applied at least 90 days before seeding. Two different treatments are recommended. Ap ply 1. pound of' eyanamid ' per square yard, or use 1 pound of uramon and one-half pound of eyanamid per square yard. The latter treatment is recommended especially on permanent plant ed sites as it will help control diseases as, well as weeds. Winter and spring ^jHihg crops can relieve the. short feed crop. Plant ext'ra acreage. Plant early and 'fertilize with 300 pounds of 4-10-6 per acre. Use sufficient seed to insure i good stand. Top dress with nitrogen sooh after the' crop is up to a good stand. About 60 acres of hybrid seed corn is being grown in Hoke Coun ty this year. The bulk of it will go to a large seed producer in Indi ana. This seed supply -wiE help relieve the shortage of hybrid seed in that a^ea. Tobacco prices were generally unsettled during recefH weeks.- Most famiers report' satisfactory sales on the middle belt_rnarkets. By the way, a good project for the newly formed Chamber of Commerce-would to get a tobacco maurket established in Raeford. This would be a big asset to the whole community. X ^"The- chief functions of three plant nutrients are nitrogen: Im- jparts dark green color to piapts- Promotes increased leaf and stem. growth. Produces crisp improved (Continued on Page 4) -I - -hi i

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