THURSDAY; 8#n B 25, mi # THE MEWS^builNAL ^ TJkBB ilVE !m:'a8Ki3aec}a«K^M@«OM@« &y' ■■w *««C GAS Refrigerator g;-' *>! Come seel The famous silent i Servel Gas Refrigerator now brings you a bushel-size Frozen v Food Locker-^hig enough to hold up to 60 standard-size \ packages) . . . plus moist-cold and dry-cold storage for fresh meats, fruits and vegetables ; ; ; plus. Servel’s different, simpler freezing system that more than 2,000,000 owners know can’t wear or get noisy. ., Stop in and see the new 1947 Servels now on display! Southeast Butane Co. Phone 2135 Lumber Bridge, N. «» ' C. • FOOT ITCH HOW TO STOP IT IN ONE HOUR If Not COMPLETELY pleased, your 35c back. Ask any druggist for this STRONG fungicide, TE- OL. Made with 90 percbnt alcohol, it PENETRATES. Reaches and ^ills MORE germs faster. Today at HOKE DRUG CO. MISS HOWELL LUNCHEON HONOREE (Miss Retha Howell, whose mar^ riage took place Friday afternooh, was honoree at a lovely luncheon ^ven by Mrs. J. W. MoLaudilin last Thursday. Covers were laid for Miss How ell, her mother, Mrs.'Dewey How ell, and six of Miss Howell’s friends. . 0 GREEN —KING' In a pretty home ceremony Sat urday night at 7:30 o’clock. Miss Helen King,, daughter of the late L. O. King and Mrs.v Mary C. Wright of Ashetoo^, became the bride of Jessie L. Green, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elsie Green of Wa- gram. Only memibers oi. the family and close friends were present. The Rev. W. B. Heyward offi ciated. and the wedding music was rendered by Miss Jessie Bright Ferguson, pianist, The vows were spoken before an improvised altar of pines, white chrysanthemuiris and can delabra holding white tapers which were lighted by Jene Wright of Asheboro. The bride - wore an aqua two piece suit with brown accessories and a purple orchid shoulder bou quet. . Miss Annie Earl. .Chappell of Goldsboro was the Unde’s only attendant. She wo^e a red two piece suit with a shoulder bou- quet of white chrysanthemums. Bill Shaw of Wagram was the groom’s best man. Immediately after the cere mony the couple^ left on a bed ding trip io the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. Upon their return they will make their home in Wagram. Mrs.' Green was graduated from the Hoke High school and is now em.ploycd by the Bank of Raeford. The bridegroom is em ployed by the Service Oil Com pany of Laurinburg. ^^0 COZART — ODOM lip Socials-Personal Items Educational club MEETS WITH MRS. UPCHURCH. The Educational Department of the Woman’s okib held their first meeting of the year Tuesday ev ening of this week >at the home of Mrs. Clyde Upchurch, Jr. with Mrs. Clyde Upchurch, Sr., Mrs. LeWis Upchurch and Mrs. • Tom Cameron serving as associate hos^ tesses. ^ Mrs. H. Gatlin, Jr., chairman, called the meeting to order. After a short business session Rev. W. B. Heyward gave an interesting talk titled ‘Recreation At' Home And In The' Community.’” Miss Owen, public School musiq teach er, delisted the .club with two charming vocal selections accom panied by Mrs. Clyde Upchurch, Sr., at the piano. At the close of the meeting the hostesses served a delicious iced course followed by demi-tasse. 9^ Mrs. A. L. O’lBriant and Mrs. R. L. Murray attended the annual district meeting of the, North Carolina Women’s clubs which was held in Rockingham last Wednesday. George Wells of Sanfard, Flor ida, spent the week end in the home of Mr. arid Mrs. D. S. Currie. Mr. and Mrs. George Burris and son of Fayetteville were guests of Mr; and Mrs. Hector McNeill, Jr. Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Greene returned to Raeford last Wednesday after spending the past three months at Saluda. Mrs. J. T.'Ross of Washington; N. C. is’ spending several weeks here in the home, of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Gatlin. William Adcox left Saturday for Chapel Hill to enter the Univer sity of Nofth Carolina. Mr. and ,,Mrs. William A. Ben nett, Jo# sfper^ Saturday in (Jhapel Hill and-Durham. - Mrs. Archie McGougan is spend ing this week at Red Springs With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Turner. MISS RETHA HOWELL BECOMES BRIDE OF SISGT. SYLVAN S. ASH, jR. CONNIE CULBRETH HAS BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Morrison have moved from the home of Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Brown to an apartment In the home of Mrs. C. H. Giles. Mr. and ,Mrs. Martin Webb have moved..-from the apartment in the McEachern home on North Main St. to the home of J. R. Hampton. Mrs. J. C. Thomas has returned home after a three weeks visit in V Raleigh and Cary. Mr. and Mrs. William Edgar Cozart of Rockwell have announ ced the engagement and approach ing marriage of their daughter, Thelma Gladys to Charles Edwin rOdom,' son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Cornelius Odom of Raeford. The .marriage ceremony will follow fhje 11 o’clock service at St. James Lutheran church, Rock well, on Sunday morning, Octo ber 19. 0 MONROE — WOOD Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Monroe announce the engagement of their daughter, Edith Grace to Clyde Thomas Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wood. The wedding will take place Sunday, October 5. Mr., and Mt^. Roland Covington spent Tuesday in Raleigh. While there* they visited Misses Mary Stuart Coviington,- Joan Johnson and Marie Cameron .at Peace col lege. Rev. H. R. McFadyen of Oak Ridge visited im the home of Mrs. J. W. McLauchlin last week after attending the Synod at Red Spr ings. Mj's. McLauchlin also had as her \Veek end guests Mrs. Ed Buchanan and Miss Agnes Lynn Buchanan of Laurinburg. Miss Allyne Smith of Raleigh spent the week end with , her mother, Mrs. Lucy Smith. Scott Poole of ECTC, Greenville spent several days at home last week. Luke McNeill and Eugene Smith left Sunday for Greenville to en ter "their freshman year at ECTCi Mrs. J. M. McDuffie and Mrs. Mildred Brinkleiy spent last Thurs day in Raleigh. 'Mrs. Roland Ivey and family Mrs. Will Reed and son, Billy, attended the funeral of Joe Page at Lake 'View, S. C. last- Wednes day. Mrs. J. W. Flo5rd of Lumberton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Smith. '■‘■'"■.1 William Poole, Jr. will leave over the week end for Charles ton, S. C. to enter his second year at The Citadel. l Mrs. P. T. Hines of Greensboro ,was a guest of Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Murray and Mrs. Pritchett Monday and Tuesday of this week. I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holieman of Winston-Salem spent Tuesday night and Wednesday here with Mrs. Holleman’s sister, Mrs. Riley Willis,-and Mr. Willis.. - A- ' , . Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Wright and Morris Underwood of New Lex ington, Ohio spent^ few days last week with Mr. Wright’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. 'Wrightl. CLOTHES Properly Dry Cleaned HAVE THE MARK OFDISTINGTK CLOTHES DRY CLEANED AT RAEFORD DRY CLEANERS ARE PROPERLY CLEANED Call Us today • ^ For Prompt Service A Trial Will Convince You! Send Washables With Your Dry Cleaning For Our Economical Damp-Wash Service I , Call 267-1 RAEFORD DRY GLEANERS Mr. and Mrs. Bob Benbury of Haimlet were guests in the home of W. A. McLean Saturday. Mrs. W. R. Barrington, Ebb Barrington, Mrs. Marguerite Britt and son, Wayne, returned Monday night after spending the week end at Murfreesboro and ■Virginia Beach. ! Lacy Clark spent the week end at 'Concord with,. Mr. and Mrs. George Bethune. Mr.^ and Mrs. T. B. Lester, Jr. and Mrs. Anganora Andrews spent the weeS end at Gastonia in fhe home of Mr. Jones. and Mrs. Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Woody Hendrick of Kannapolis spent the. week en(L here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Monroe. Sim and Mary Glenn returned with them after spending some time here in the Monroe home. end with home folks at Parkton. endwith home folks at Parkton. Mis's Louise Blue attended the meeting of the Production and Marketing Administration in Fay etteville last Thursday and Fri- ■I ' ' ‘ day.' Miss Peggy Bethune spent the week end with friends at Spring Hope. She was accompanied to Raleigh by Mrs. William McFad yen who visited friends there. Mrs. John Walker visited her mother’at -Spartanburg, S: (i. over the week end. Woodrow McLean of ’ Clinton spent Sunday here with his father, Vf. A. McLean. ' i • Mrs. Harry Halfrison has return ed to her home at' Wake Forest Sunday after visiting in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Baucom. , ' The 5(>4th Parachute Infantry Chapel of Fort Bragg was the scene of a lovely wedding on Fri day night, September 19th, . at 8:06 o’clock .when Miss Retha Howell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Howell of Raeford became the bride .of S Sgt. Sylvan S. Ash, Jr., son of Mrs. Syian S. Ash, Sr. of Trainer, Pa. Chaplain J. M. Holder officiated, using the double ring ceremony. Before the .ceremony, TiSgt. S. R. Waterfield, organist, played “The Bell’s Of St. Mary’s” by Adams, “Ave Maria” by Schubert, “iLiesbestraum” by Liszt, and “Cl^iir De Lune” by Debussy was used during the ceremony. Mr. ^Robert Gatiin, vocalist, sang “Be cause,” “Always,” and “The Lord’s Prayer” as the benediction. The tradiitional wedding march from Lohengrin was used for the pro cessional and Mendelssohn’s Mar ch- from '“A Midsummer Night’s Dream’’ as the recessional. Palms, southern smilax, and white gladioli decorated the Cha pel. interspersed by seven-bran ched candelabra holding lighted tapers. The pews for the families and special guests were marked with sprays of white gladioli tied with satin ribbons. The bride was'given in marri age by her father and she wore a wedding gown of> ivory dut- chess satin designed with a high neck and yoke of Chantilly lace outlined with seed pearls, long rpointed sleeves, basque • bodice, -and a full skirt which ended in a train. The fingertip veil of bridal illusion was worn with, a coronet of seed pearls. She carried a white satin prayer-book, topped with a purple-throated orchid, showered with tuberoses tied with white satin streamers. The Matron-Of-Honor, Mrs. Pete Sawyer of Montrose, wore a light blue gown- of taffeta, de signed w^thv.a..^ high neck, fitted bodice, -and a small peplum,.,She carried a bouquet of American Beauty Roses and wore a match ing bandeau in her hair. Linda Andrews of Raeford, cou- sin-of-the-bride, was flower girl. She wore a dress of pink taffeta and net and carried a basket of pastel rhixed flowers with a mat ching bandeau in her hair. PFC. Pete Sawyer of Laurance Harbor, New Jersey, was the groom’s best man. Ushers were: Sgt. "VVilliam 'Wa:gamon of Wellman, Iowa and Cpl. Joseph Tansini of Chicago, Illinois. 1, Mrs. Howell, mother ' of the bride, wore a lavender taffeta gown with matching- mhts and a brown orchid shoulder bouquet. " The bride is the only daughter of Mr; ajj^d Mrs. J. D. Howell. She was graduated- from Hoke High School in 1944. Since that time, she has held a _ secretarial posi t-ion with the local Health De partment. ■ The bridegroom is the -only son of Mrs. Sylvan S. Ash, Sr. of Trainer, Pa. He attended Camden High School, Camden, New Jersey. Since that time he has served with the Armed Forces overseas and is now stationed with the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg. After the wedding, a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents on Central Avenue in Raeford, North Carolina. Im mediately following the reception, the couple left for a short wed ding trip after which they will be at home in Raeford'. For tra veling the bride wore a cocoa brown gabardine suit with green cobra shoes and bag, green {rat, and “the orchid from her prayer- book. , 0 ^ Little Connie Culbreth, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cul breth, celebrated her 4th birth day at a i)arty, given: at the home .of .her parents,' last Saturday af- , jternoom from 4 till 5;30. 30 guests Were present and enfoy^ playV ing garn^, after" whichythey were iserved sUces'*'of Connie’s" iisrthday cake with ice crcjinr.. • 0- ‘ . LEGION AUXILIA'ilY. TO MEET ■ * 'fl. COMIRG Raeford 1 Day Only " Mon. Sept. 29 SHOWBOT — SOUTH ON HIGHWAY — 15-A / ( A meetlmgvbf the .American" Le gion Auxiliary wi’d 'je held' WAth Mrs. Israel Mann Monday even^ ing at 7:30. All members are ur ged to attend. 0— MRS. SUTTON HONORED liVlr. and Mrs. Harvey Cole had as; their guests Su.nday, Mr. and Mrs. Neill Cole and Mrs. Maiy Avent of Sanford,. Mr. and IVlrs. H. C. Langdon and daughters of Lumberton. They aiso have as their guests for the week Mr. Cole.’s sister, Mrs. E. C. Workman of Newport News, Va. Mrs. A. R. FitzSimons and daughter of Savannah, Ga. ^"'are visiting her parents,/ilr. and Mrs. Ryan McBryde. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Fay Morris og New Bern .s'pent the week end with Mrs. A. R. Morris.. Mrs. L. B. Sutton of Live Oak. Florida, who is v;isiting her dau ghter, Mrs. R. A. Mathespn, was ^ honored, Wednesday aftgrf^n of i last week when Mrs. Robert Gat- i lin and Mrs. Frank Tapp enter- ; tained at a bridge party a: the j home of Mrs. Gatlin. ; • High score prize was awarded' to Mrs.-Lewis Upchurch, and the i hostesses alsq presented Mrs. Sut ton an attractive gift. During the afternoon refresh ments of ice cream ar.d cake were served. ^ 0 ^ BHRS-AARNK CIRCUS SEMINAR I OM- r' Those going Pu.eford- t.) the Methodist ^Women's Mlisl-or.- ary Society Seminar '.neeting in Rockingham last Friday were Mrs#. W. L. Maness. Mrs. Jesse Gibson, Mrs. M. T. P.-ovt-y. Mrs. Carl Freeman and Mrs. C. L. Thomas. BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis an nounce the birth of a son, John Wayne, Tuesday, September 16. . 0 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Parker » and son, Eddie, of Arlington, Va.. were guests of friends and rela tives at Raeford last week. They were en.route to New Orleans. La. where they plan to niake-theif home. ■ Mrs. Parker was formerly Miss Eula Conoly. 25 AWIMLS mm AOTS A _... lSB Trowi MftvYN OMAT RATH9VRM ADMISSION OVER 12 — 65c UNDER 12 — 30c Including Tax YOUR u / SUIT YOURSELF FOR FALL IN A smart lOO ^^o WOOL Why spend more when you can impec cably t lilored,' 100‘w all-wool suit for-less'? Stop in today and permit us to prove our point From $32.50 to $39.50. BELK - HINSDALE COMPANY Shot) and Save at BELK’S / V.-

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