te.'.'SaW'.;' • ■■ YOUR TOBACCO AT Planters Warehoase & «% ? M ■V -■5 tk’- ABERDEEN, N. C. V- WITH Crene Maynard — Bill Maurer — Chester Luxon We are out of the block and can assure you of a sale everyday. ' Contact Bonnie Blue, in Raeford, for floor arrange ment. ■ I , ••FaJl” spells housecleaning to lots of iir.emakersl That means that now is the time to start that extra special cleaning to put your home in first class condition—clean as a whistlel Come im and try, . some of these "specials” for saving your time and energy in-fall housecleaning. SOUTHERN MANOR WAX Gives your floors and fifrnitufe new splendor! Liquid Pt. can 35c Paste Pt can 30c Wright’s SILVER CREAM ‘ MAJESTIC BRO®MS Dri-Well PAPER TOWELS SANI FLUSH BRILLO CLEANSER RED DEVIL LYE PARSON’S AMMONIA WINDEX 20 pz btl 33c 8 oz can each’ 23c $1.29 2 rolls large can small pkg 2 cans 32 oz btl Windex sprayer ea ISc YOUR CHOICE FOR 32c LARGE PKG SUPER SUDS — OXYDOL — RINSO — DUZ Camay Soap Ivory Flakes Ivory Snow Blue Label Dethol Blu-Wlute Sunbrit 3 cakes lb. pkg lb pkg HEINZ SOUP 29c I I Chicken 11-oz can 1'TomrCo. 11-oz can 20 oz cain flakes cleanser' 21c SWEETHEART SOAP pkg 19c j ' - *ca.n 7c i 2 reg cakes 19c bath cake 16c NATIONAL PET WEEK Give your pets extra special attention this week with “extra special foods!” FLAG DOG FOOD FRENCH’S BIRD SEED 3 cans 10-oz pkg Snowdrift 1-lb jdr 37c Sunshine Hi-Ho Crackers Wesson Oil . lb pkg Pt ARMOUR^S Vienna Sausage Treet Can 2 cans 35c 43c GUARANTEED MEATS Large - skinned (whole, butt or shank end) SMOKED HAMS lb 63c Extrartender Round Steak Chuck 'Roast BABY BEEFj boneless lb 75c i lb 51c I For Seasoning 0 Thick Rib or iLoin End PORK LOIN Colon iial Pride ' SIRLOIN STEAK FAT BACK lb 27c lb lb I Fresh 91c 1 BEEF Ground lb 49c GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE CaliforniaLarge and Juicy SUNKIST LEMONS 6 for. Perfect for After-School Snacks - Red^ DELICIOUS APPLES 2Llb8 23 27c U. S. No. 1 - Yellow ONIONS , 3 lb ^IcjBELL PEPPERS U. S. No 1 Red Bliss f SLICING TOMATOES 2 lbs 25c I CRISP CARROTS 2 lbs. Hoke Comb Pasture Am lirazim V > Prdgram-1947-1^ PERMANENT PASTURE RECOMMINOATIONS: 1. Select a fertile,,, fairly well drained soil. •2. Apply 1 to 2 tons ground lime^one as early as possible be fore seeding. Take soil sample for PERSONAL Wd believe that the personal element is the most important factor in retail business. Two persons doing business % together face to face year after year learn fo know and trust each other. At McLauchlin Company we have always tried to know oiu' customers’ needs and to provide them on a fair basis. Crisis, Uncer tainties and doubts come and go, but this ; policy of personal fair dealing persists here. analysis if ^possible. A/pply 500 to 600 pounds of suipeiiphosi>hate per acre just before seeding. * 3. Stubble or cover cro^ps should be chapped up with a disk and left on or near' the surface. This should be done as early as possi ble in the Fall. Disk again and then smooth with a spike-tooth harrow 2 to 4 weeks before seed ing. Apply phosiphate at this time. 4. Broadcast 100 pounds of Mu riate of Potash per acre and cover with a, spike-tooth harrow just before seeding. 5. (a) Fair Seeding (September il5 to October 15.): Dallas Grass or Ky. 31 fes cue 10 libs, per acre* Ladino Clover .... 2 ib^. per acre. (b) Spring Seeding. (February 15 to March 15.). Kobe Lespedeza .... 15 lbs. per acre; Dallas Grass .... 10 lbs. per acre; Ladino Clover .... 2 lbs. per T • ■-' ■ ■ TT^- acre? NOTE: Use twice as much inocuiant on clover seed as re commended by manufacturer. 6. When'seeding, sow half of the seed one way then cross wife the other hal’f for even distribur tion. If seeded by hand, cover lightly wife a spike-toofe. har row or weeder.' 1 7. Do not graze until the grow th is 5 to 6 inches high. Gyaze moderately the first year. 8. Keep weeds under control by mowing. Raise cutter bar a- bout 4 inches above grasses at first clipping, and lower it to heights of grasses at second clip ping, ... 9. After the pasture is estab-* lished, apply 1 to 1^ tons of groun'd'^rnestone per acre every five years. Apply 200 pounds 18?^ Superphosphate and ilOO pounds' Muriate of Potash per acre every year. NOTE: Old carpet grass and native pastures can be renovated by adding lespedeza, ladino clover, dallas grass, or ' comlfeinations of them and by adding 2 tons of lime and 600 pounds of 0-12-12 or 0- 14-7. Disk old pasture thoroughly before seeding. 6——^ Director in Soiithi^ Region, will be in charge of the program while Hoke.County farmers.are visiting the Beltsville Experimenli Statioh. Mr./ShearfieW is a former county .agent arid Assistant Director of Extension in North Carolina. . . . - 0 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our fri ends for their kindness during the death of our husband and father. Mrs. Jv M; Pendergipss and fam ily. WANT ADS FOR SALE—^Red Hart seed wheat and Fulgrain seed oats, prices attractive. CJarence Lytch TFC wanted—One A-1 high grade auto mechanic wbrth a mlniifiiim of $75.00 a week. If yon are a cheap, drunk, or secoj|i& rater, don’t answer this ad. AUTHO RIZED FORD . DEALER, HOOD AUTO, INC., Phone 410, Laur- r- - -iLl' U..1 ^ease caU ]lfc8,-^y MWWyeii at 3361 kn ‘for all occasions. Agent Tor . of’FIowers'*, Fayetteville, N. C., succeeding MErs. C, W. Seale 17C FOR , SALE—House—six rooms and sleeping porch. Box lSl6. Raeford. 17-18P inburg, N. C. 13-17C You’re Always welcome at McLAUCHLIN CO. MORE ABOUl* Farm Notes Relieve Distress ‘As He Sleeps! A t bedtime rub warming, soothing Vicks VapoRub on throat, chest and back. VapoRub’s special relief tpringing action starts to work instantly to soothe irritation, ease coughing, relieve muscular soreness and tightness. And then-^ even while child sleeps— VapoRub keeps right (jn working to bring relief; Remember, it’s the best- known home remedy you can usetorelieve * distress of colds. Try it! W VapoRub quality of, leaf crops. Produces rapid groiwth. In excessive a- mounts, may delay maturity. Phosphoric acid: Stimulates early root formation and growth. Gives rapid and vigorous start to plants. Hastens maturity of crops. Especially imporant in s6ed fpr- mation. Increasles the rdtio of grain and fruit to stalk. Winter kardiness of fall-seeded grains ^nd hays. Potash: Imparts increased vigor and disease resistance to plants. Produces strong stiff stalks. In creases plumpness of grains and seed. Essential in the formation and transfer of starches and su gar in. the plant. Mr. C. A. Shearfield, Extension [orao GUNS repair.ed and restocked. Keys made. Safes opened and repaired. Edwards Sports Shop, . Lumberton, N. C. TFC FOR. Sale—New engine assem-: blies, block assemblies, trans mission asemblies, steering gear assepablies, springs, and parts for Chevrolet, Ford, Dodge and Flymonith cars and trucks. 1935 through 1947. Clark'Chev rolet Co., Apex, N. C. PHone.... 2321 ' V 11-26C OFFICE SUPPLIES—When in need of anything for the office froon a pencil to a typewriter come In to see our line. INxie fainting Co. Aberdeen. 'TFC WAITRESS WAINTED —Wanted nealt, clean 'girl. High Miool graduaite preferred. Apply Mrs. O. W. Holtzclaw, Hotel Raeford. FOR SAL^-One mule. D. W. GU- lis, R-1 Red Springs, 17-18P iOZ ies PLENTY-OF THEM By the dozeifor ky the bu shel. Bonum, Buckingham, York, Staymon, Golden De licious and several other kinds. ■ -I- ; Mr. Farmer: [O U o J] o When You Visit Raeford, Be Sure To^Stop In Our Store * Call 5696 or stop hy Faircloth Fruit Stand We Are Headquarters For C. R. FOLLETTE ANNOUNCES Grand Opening Sale Marlboro County Stockyards BENNETTSVILLE, S. C MONDAY- SEPT. 29, 1947 AT ONE O’CLOCK P. M. We Will Have For Sale on That Day NINE FRESH CARLOADS STOCK Farmers Hardware O D o Consult Us For All Your Fall Farming Needs o n YOUNGSTOWN ^ SHIPPERS INCLUDE: _ Parker Jameson: 50 Head Mart Dillon: One Carload Johnny Sherlock: 50 Head Max Freedston: 50 Head 1 Marlboro County Stockyards: 50 Head henaider” Cabinet Sinks and Matching and Floor Cabinets lend modern beanty to your kitchen with these gleaming all-metal units. TRUCK-INS WILL BE SOLD FIRST Free Delivery Up To 100 Miles For First Sale Oliver Farm Madiinery .'"i ' Bendk Washing ‘Machines 'Free Bar-B-Q Dinner For All Will Be Served On The Premises . Don’t Forget The Time, Day and Place ' 1:00 P. M. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th AT THE’ Hardware Marlboro County Stockyards Department Co, PHONE 435-1 Manager: C. R. Follette ;0] RAEFORD, N. C. xoi 'Si FOR SALE—Houng Jersey Cow, second calf. See Mrs. Millton Parks, Shannon, N. C. 17P 't'.* NEW, WEMi-PAID JOBS ARE OPENING UP IN THE REGULAR ARMY’S FIEIJI ARTHAjERY ALL Exi»ENSES PAID, ANDoS75 A MONTH TO START Startling changes are taking place in the U. S. Arpiy Field Ar- o tillery! Even, veterans of the re cent war would no& recognize the thrilling new equipment ''which today’s Artillerymen are operating. Some men are chosen for the Guided Missile School, working on rockci!s and rocket-launching in New Mexico.. Others learn to fire some of the Artillery's new “sky-busters,” such as “Little David^’ the 914-nmi mtoEttar which hurls a shell weighing al most 2 tons! If yod are 18 to 34, inclusive (or 17 ■with parents’ consent) and otherwise qualified, you can sign up for 3 years Or more wil’h the Field Artillery. If yom are an ex-servicc|man, you can bej^n a secure career close to home, with reasonable assurance of a one-year assigoiment in your . own Army Area. ^ Learn while you earn—receive the highest pay in history, free fdod, clothing, quarters and med ical care. You’ll have the chance to save up to $2,000 during a 3-year enlistment. ^At no obligation ito yourself, (see your nearest U. S. Army and Air Force Recruiting Officer at 105^^ Person Street, Fayetteville. At the courthouse in Raeford every Tuesday. He’ll be glad tb tell you of the opportunities in store for you. 1. > ■v •i i

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