The Hoke County News Rowland Man Is Indicted As Alleged Vampire Farmers To Join SAYS MEMBERSHIP IS BEST WAY TO KEEP GAINS . ■ . 1. ■ -Journal VOICE OF iUiDOM The Hoke County Journal THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1947 RAEFORD. N., C. S2.00 PER TEAM Glowing reports of the State Fair were torought back by the many students who attended. De spite the rain and mud the pupils enjoyed the trip and learned a lot about agrichlture and indus try in the state. A lot of work this week in the various classes has centered about what was seen at the fair last Friday. Is At a county-wide colored tea chers meetiing last Thursday 'It was decided to continue the' short day schedule through Octo'ber so that the puipils 'could - assist in getting the crops in. The teach ers reported good attendance for the half day schools during the first two ‘Weeks. The attendance in the white elementary schools is usually good for this kind of weather and this time of year. We appreciate the interest parents are liking in keeping their children in school. The enrollment'^ and attend ance and percehtage in attend ance for the first month is giv en below. Ashemont 107, 90.1, 05.0 per cent; Hoke High 8th grade 76, 70.7, 93.5 per cent; 9th through 12th grades 247, 2312.4, 04.2 rper cent; Mildouson 78, Rae- ford "Graded 426, 380.9, 92.6 per cent; Rockfigh 120, 10S.4, 9ir.4 per cent. The siixth grade at Rodkfish has perfect affendance so far this week and they are trying to make it a perfect week. The Raeford Graded school has organized a safety patrol that is now on duty seeing the small children across the street and helping in loading the buses. Mr. Turlington is much pleased with the work being done and wishes to request that all drivers co operate with the patrol in their efforts to see that the children are taken care of. Frank lin Niven is captain of the patrol with Lawrence.McNeill and Mal colm GlTsson as lieutenants. These officers were elected by the mem bers of the patrol. Hookerton, Oct. 23 —Farmers of North Carolina must “join hands" ih^ united effort if they hope to work effectively for the continuation of agricultural mea- sure^tbat have just" recently ibroughMhem benefits long de served,” A. C. Edwards, Hooker- ton, membership chairman of the North Carolina Farm bureau, de clared today. ‘'Parity, based on the principle of fair exchange, and the 90 per cent 'price support program,’ Ed wards said, “is the result of long, hard work by the nation’s farm leaders, spearheaded by the Amei^can Farm Bureau Federa tion^on the national, state, and community level. It would be a tragedy for American agriculture if the farmers of, our nation were to allow these and similar vital gains to slip through their fingers for the want of organized effort to retain them.” The current Farm Bureau cam paign for 100,000 members in North Carolina offers farmers of the state an ideal means to show beyond ’doubt they are determ ined to keep these gains, Ed wards said. The 'voice of one farmer is small and not HkEly to be heard in the tumult going on .about him, he pointed out, but If he joins with thousands of fel low-farmers there will be no mis take about his voice being heard. Edwards said the Farm Bureau campaign, is moving steadily for ward, but he urged all member- sRiip committeemen throughout the counties to re-double their efforts in the closing weeks of the drive, which ends Nov. 15. ‘'North Carolima farmers are determined to move ahead, main taining advances they have made and adding new ones,” Edwards said. “However, they must* com bine -their efforts if they Hope to prove effective, and the Farm bureau offers them the leader ship needed to reach their goals.” 0 T. O. Moses Made, Moderator Of Old Baptist Association HIGH SCHOOL NEWS The home economics the agriculture boys, aetfompanied jland ar rid ay [d Mr. Phil- t the State Idressed the londay. Mr. by Mis; lips, spent last' Fair. IMr. ^W. T. Gibson Journalism Club Gibson told the members what he expected of the school paper. He also suggested several improve ments. The first six weeks of school end today. Report cards will be ready to go out next week. iMiralyn Johnson, Nancy Lee Cole, and Zeb Moss have been se lected to take the test to conri- pete for the Pepsi-Cola scholar ship. Mr. Fridell was at school Tues day for the purpose of checking the mechanism of the bell system. The Monogram club; under the direction of Mr. Faircloth, met Monday ^ discuss plans for or ganizing. The football team will leave Friday for Siler Cirty where they will play at 3:00 o’clock. It is al ways encouraging to have local people to attend out of town games. Halloween Cahiival October 30 The annual Halloween carni val sonsored by the Raeford-iHoke P-T. A., will be held in the high school auditbf^uni Thursday eve- (Continued on page 6) Talmadge^ O. Moses of near Ashley Heights, prominent far mer, attorney and Baptist lay man, was elected Moderator of the Sandy Creek Baptist Asso ciation at the 190th annual ses sion held at the Carthage Baptist Church last Thursday. This is a distinct hShor to' come to Mr. Moses and , the Ashley Heights Baptist Church in which he is a leader. Mr. Moses succeeds the Rev. E. M. Harris, retired Bap tist minister, who was unable to attend this session of the asso ciation due to illness. L'iiimberton, Oct. 21—The Robe son County grand jury today re turned true bills charging James Bledsoe, 33-year-old alleged vam pire, with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill. Bledsoe, who is alleged to have slashed two Indians with a. poc- ketknife and to have drunk their blood, was returned to the coun ty jaiil in default of $7,500 bond. _ The case wafe continued until the next term of Robeson Super ior Court to allow the prosecut ing witnesses, James Cobb, 24, and Leemire Locklear, 25, to re turn home and recuperate from wounds inflicted in an orgy of cutting at the home of Bledsoe on Sunday. Locklear had 75 stit ches closing Wounds on his back and arm, and Jacobs has 51 stit ches in chest wounds. , Bledsoe, at first reported to^e an Indian, is not a member of that race, stated the investigating officer. Rural Policeman D. J. Jones, this morning. He came to Robeson from Bladen County some four years ago and is not ac cepted by Robeson Indians, be ing regarded as of mixed ances try. The father of four children, he had been denied the right to enroll his children in an Indian school, according to reliable sour ces in Pembroke. It was at his home on Route I, Rowland, that Bledsoe allegedly committed the dual acts of vam pirism holding a knife at ._the throats of his vllctims while he blood from .their drank the woynds. Policeman Jones stated that Bledsoe accused Locklear of hav ing stolen a condenser from his still, but that he gave no motive for attacking Jacobs. After both men escaped, Bledsoe was arrest ed while lying on his bed a sleep and holding a knife in his hand, with blood on his mouth and cloth ing. ‘Bledsoe is slated to appear in Maxton Recorder’s Court Wed nesday to answer a previous char ge of illegal manufacture of liquor. 0 Light Docket In Recorder’s Court In recorder’s court Tuesday morning five cases were disposed of ,.,and only three of .these were tried. Laurina A. Bradley, white tourist, failed to appear for trial on a charge of speeding and for feited a $25 bend. Luther Hil ton, Wilmington colored man, forfeited a $50 bond when he' did not answer a charge of careless and reckless driving. Jess A. Max, Raleigh white man, and Richard Cossom, West End colored man, each got a 30- day sentence suspended on pay ment of the costs for driving with imiproper equipment. J.' G. McLeod, white man of South Carolina, paid the easts and got a suspended sentence of 30 days for violating the'prohibi tion laws. 0 War Dead Begin* Arriving In N. C. Charlotte, Oct 2*—The Char lotte Army Quartermaster redis tribution depot today began mov ing by rail and motor vehicle to relatives in North Carolina the bodies of the first solciiers killed overseas in the recent war. Twenty-five bodies, each under escort, were sent today, and the remaining 97 will arrive at the final destinations in the next ten days, quartermaster officials said. The bodies were brought here from • San Francisco, where they arrived on the cargo ship Honda Knot from Hawaii recently. The first shipment of war dead from Europe is expected in New York Sunday, quartermaster offi cials said. The depot here is a redistribution center for North CarolUfe^ South Carolina and southern Virginia. In School Lunchrooms Will Get Tomatoes Local Church Sends Clothing For Overseas Relief other officers elected were; Rev. Y. C. Elliott, pastor of the First Bajptist church of Sanford, Vice Moderator; Rev. Clyde P. Stinson of Goldston, Clerk and Treasurer; W. T. Tyles of Golds ton, Historian; O. Leon Seymour of Aberdeen was elected a mem ber of the executiive committee. The first three sessions of the two-day meeting were held in the Carthage Baptist Church with morning, afternoon and night session. On the second day two sessions, morning and afternoon were held jn the Goldston Bap tist Church im Goldston. The next meeting will be held on October 7-8, 1948. The first "day will be at Mount Olive Bap tist Church; the second day at Flat Springs Baptist Church. The Sandy Creek Baptist As sociation is said to be the oldest Baptist Association in the United States. 130 pounds of relief clothing, collected and sent in by the' Raeford Baptist church arrived recently at the Church World Service Center, New Windsor, Md., according to word received from' Center officials. „ Included were also shoes and bedding all in good, usable condition, dona ted through the church, by Rae ford people. These materials, among the most needed of all re lief articles have already been sorted and packed for shipment and are on their way overseas. Clothing given through the churches in North Carolina is sent abroad by Churchy World Service, the interdenominational relief agency of the Protestai^ churches. North Carolina donaV tions are received and prepared^ for shipment at the New Windsor Center, oldest and largest of nine similar centers maintained throughout the country by Church World Service. Through its workrooms yearly pass millions of pounds of goods bound for thirty countries abroad where help is needed. According to church official who haive been overseas this summer, the winter of 1947-48 promises more hardships for mii- liions than the two winters al ready passed since the war’s end. Hunger threatens life every where. In city after city, in vil lages and towns across Europe, people are barefooted and in ^ags. It is to meet this crisis that the pecfple of North Carolina are called upon to give every gar ment they can spare. The recent contribution from Raeford will be a means of saving hundreds from the threat of freezing. Raleigh, Oct. 21—North Caro lina school lunchrooms, which only a few days tgo received a donation of nearly a third of a million' pounds of dried eggs to enhance' noonday menus, have been notified by the State De partment of Agriculture . of an other contribution to 'Wr’inter diets —16 carloads of canned tomatoes. The new food contribution „ to the ^hool lunch program, dis- |0lose(a here by Jay P. Davis, mar keting specialist with the State Department of Agriculture, marks another step in the Federal gov ernment’s policy of fostering bigh nutritiional standards for school children of the State. The canned tomatoes, he ex plained, were purchased by US- DA with funds provided under the National School Lunch Act. and are being distributed to lunch rooms throughout the nation on the basis of school population and participation in the lunch pro gram. The allocation to North Carolina schools totals 513.400 No. 2% cans (21,600 cases). ‘•■The high vitamin , C content of these tomatoes,” Davis said, “will make them a welcome ad dition to our lunch menus during the months when fresh fruits and vegetables are not so readily a- vailalble. ■ Miss Maxwell Speaks In Campaign To Recruit Nurses ‘Tlundreds of nurses are need ed in North Carolina today and thousands will be needed in the years to come," Miss Alice Ger aldine Maxiv,’ell, ‘IMiss North Caro lina Student Nurse of 1947 ’, told the Fayetteville'»high school stu dent body at a program in the h'.gh school auditorium Monday. ‘North Carolina is proud that it is now a leader in the field of health through the Good Health Program and its success depends on you to seize the vast apportu- r.ities open in this field.’’ Miss Maxwell, 21-year-old stu dent nurse at the Baker-Thomp- scn Memorial hospital in Lum/ber- ton, gave the high school students some thoughts on the advantages of being a registered nurse and satisfaction which comes through the kind of service which- nurses render humanity. ^^bticipating in the prograim /were V. R. White, principal of the 'high school; Miss C. Margaret Johnson, director of the Highsmith hospital school of nursing; Miss Ethelyn Oakley, president of the student body of the school of nur sing; Miss J. Virginia Miles, coun selor of the North Carolina State Nurses association; Mrs. Janie H. Simmerman, guidance counselor, Fayetteville high school; and Louis M. Conner of Chapel Hill, public relations director of the Hospital Savings association. 0— ENTHUSIASTIC SUPPORT GIVEN TO CHAMBER OF COMHERU Local National Guard Unit Starts Membership Drive Battery -‘A’’, local National Guard unit which now has 85 members, is launching a drive starting this week to enlist the 41 men needed to bring the unit up to its allotted strength of 126 men. Two oHicers' are also need ed, and. although it is expected that these men will be obtained by promoting enlisted men in the unit, former officers of the Army of the-' United States are eligible for the positions. The present memibers of the Lumberton Market Closes October 29 Bob Rankin, sales supervisor of the Lumberton Tobacco mar ket, stated yesterday that the market would close for the sea son on Wednesday, October 29. This decision was reached at a meeting of the Lumiberton Ware house association on Tuesday afternoon. .Rankin said , that in bringing the 1947 seaso^ to 'and end the market would chalk up the sec ond greatest year in its history, volume being second only to year 1936. He said sales would total 37 million pounds by next Wednesday and that well over $15 million would had been paid to growers. He said that the av erage for this year would also be second only to 1946. unit are divideded into- two pla toons of equal strength for the campaign and the platoon with the 'oest attendance and recruit ing record for the eight weeks will be entertained at a banquet at the expense of the unit fund. Eac'n of the platoons is divided into four equal squards and the .leading squad at the end of the drive will also receive a prize. Platoon sergeants are Staff sergeants Ebb Barrington and Wal ter Parks in the first platoon and 'Staff sergeants J^e Gulledge and William Lentz in the second. The two platoons are commanded by Lieutenants Sam Morris and Ralp^. Plummer, respectively. Squad leaders in the first platoon are Sergeants Roger Dixon, Clar- ,ence Willis, James Currie and Carlton' Niven. In the second plat9on they are Sergeants Wil son Clark, Robert Currie, Char les A. Pittman and Jack Pope. The unit%jeets at the armory at seven-thirty 6ach Monday night. Men 17 years old to 35 are eligible to join without prior ser- V i c e. Physical examinations, uniforms, pay and equipment are the same as in the regular' army. 0 Two sets of buyers will remain on the market Until the close. Rankin said. Lumberton, by vir tue cf its sales volume this year’, remains the tenth largest bright leaf tobacco market in t^.e world, he st.Ued, 0 Home Demonstration Club Christmas Plan BUSINESS MEN BACK FIRST MOVE TO I GET INDUSTRY Sixty'Raeford and Hoke ^ounty business .men gave concrefe aip- pro'.'al to the program of the Rae ford Cha.m.'cer of Commerce at a meeting of the Chamber at the Kwvanis hall last Thursday night. A’oout 45 members o.f the Cham ber were present and members of the Kiwanis club were invited to remain after their meeting. President C. C. Thomas explain ed to the group that the Cham- er had taken as its immediate objective the obfaining ’of a business or industry with a siz- aible payroll for the community. After hearing a report from the "treasurer the secretary was called, on to summatize briefly the ac- activities of .'the C’namber along this line sp far. This report included contracts with northern firms ■who are planning industrial e.xpansion in the south and efforts by a com- miffee of the Chamber to induce these firms to consider locating in Raeford. The secretary told of the cooperataion offered by the North Carolina Department of Conservation and Develop ment, which has specialists in this field who give communities in the state the benefit of their technical knowledge along tiie lines of irtdustrial development. Followiing the secretary’s report the president told the group of a specific industrial institution which was at least considering the location of a plant in ford. ‘Ke exp^ined that the yould bring a payroll of seven: or eight thousand dollars weeidjij to the community. R. B. Lewis, who had done some researdi Mt the subject, explained to the Chamber that the industrial pros pect mentioned by the president had an e.xcellent financial rating. It was then explained to the group by the president and others that the firm ■wanted a locally The Hoke County Home Dem-| owned building in the communi^ onstration Clubs are sponsoring a plan to send Christmas pack ages to the children in war-stric ken countries. The gifts will be sent through the Church World Service, New Windsor, Maryland, the official overseas agency for practically every churc'n in A-. merica. Each;! person sending a pack.ige , shoiitti tjlecide what age child they I 'want to make happy. BoyS and j girls from the ages of 1-17 years I are in' n^ed of . , f '.out a colorful bath towel, fold it decided to raise Governoi'l Cherry Tuesday pro-; in the middle and se-.v -up two -money on this basis so that clai;'!''.cd October 27 as Navy j sides. Pack in the gifts and sew NAVY DAY help. Next pick they select and that they 'waaf a long term leas6 on it. It was explained also that this is a gen eral practice by northern indu*- tria^p moving south for the firms feel that by ^having community furnish them a buil ding they are j,#:ertaiin of com munity support. After discussion the group de cided to raise money to have available for the construction for an industry if and when the of Comm-erce can lo in case the investor presently be- Day so that the people of North | up t'ne ramainiiig side. To the out- witn was not traded Carolina might “express their | side is attached a card Chamber of Commerce gratitude ■ and sense of obligation ■ the name and address of the send-'speak of tne same money this distinguished branch of: er, the age and se.x of the child talking -.vith another. to our armed forces.” -=3= FARM NOTES By A. S. Knowles ,— The “cry” for more food and feed is not just another “scare" Ask the men and, women that puys the groceries. Also ask the farmer that has to buy feed for livestock. InLhis proclamation the Gov ernor pointed out that this is the first year of the unified com mand of the armed services and said, “The' Navy is a powerful unit of the unified command "withiJi which at far-flung sta tions and aboard ship on all the waters of -the glaber the' men of the United ,^States Navy stand United .States I ready to safeguard freedom so dearly won in the late conflict and lo protect our national in dependence.” for who the gift is intended, and , ^.35 decided that the in- a list of articles included in the 1 dividuals present hand a slip ot ■ I paper to the secretary showiog Clothes of all kinds are sorely amount they would invest in needed. These do not have to be new. but should be ■ clean and wearable. Also needed are all kinds of smaller items such as soap, thread, needles, toothpaste and brushes, coni'bs, pins, safety pins, buttons, wr4ing material, wash cloths, shoe striiiigs, band aids, small toys, etc. Of course, each bag does not have to have I nearly all of the above items. 'Nav>*-:-Day. the Goveror add-' Over fifty gift bags have al- ed, is “a day to signalize the ready been received in the Home the- building. The total aunount pledged was approximately 900 J and the president was in structed to continue his nepoti- ations ■with the firm. The com mittee engaged in raising thf money was also instructed to ac cept more pledges to inc: the $30,000. 0— VETERANS’ SERVICE State of North Carolina to the i Demonstration Agent’s office, and i ^ vei;,erans One way to prevent hunger and improve the health of the fam ily is to have a good garden the year around with a variety vegetaibles. The Freezer Locker Plant can be used as a reservior (Continued .on page 6) ^ men and ships States Navy.” of KIWANIS CHURCH NIGHT Next Sunday morning there ' recognition the 'United'It is hoped that others will bei.'^^^' Raeford Met I broLtghti to be shipped this week. I honor of veterans Arvv'one in the county who haSj"''^Ff‘^ veterans outgi-own clothes is a^sked tO' bring j Particularly invit^ to at it whether it is put in a towel or j not. There will be a Kiwanis church sei'vice at ’ the Raeford Graded oL] school next Sunday night, .Oct ober 26. The Rev. Zeb paudle, pq,stor of the Aberdeen Baptist church, will deliver the sermdn. 'MU To-ward Men." Thi Home Demonstration Club feel that in sending the gifts they have a fine opportunity to help create “Peace on Earth and Good aieab at noaii aai StM Sandy Grave — I INGATHERINGS Raeford Methodist

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