V. f \ ) i PRICE — COTHRAN VOWS SOLEMNIZED (Miss Pearl Kathleen Cothran, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Cothran'', became the bride of Jei- -6ie Floyd Price, son of Mr. and (Mrs. W. L. Price of Clarendon, -in a candlelight ceremony per formed at ttie home of the bride’s (parenti, Saturday afternoon, Oc tober 18, at 7 o’clock. Rev. Joseph Woodson officiated. Wedding mu sic was rendered by iMrs. Sue Woodson, pianist. i The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a suit of ice blue gabardine and a corsage of white orchids. She was attended by her sister. Miss Thel ma Cothran, as maid of honor.. She wore a black gabardine suit with a corsage of white carna- t'ions. Little Barbara Annette Cot hran, niece of the bride, was jun ior bridesmaid and wore a pink suit wRh a corsage of whMe car nations. Van Ptrict of Raleigh attended the groom as'best man. Immediately following the cer emony the bride’s parents enter tained at a reception for members of the wedding party and guests, after which the couple left for a wedding trip to unannounced points. After October 21 they wiil be at home in Raleigh.. IMrs. Price is a graduate of Hoke County High school and Raleigh School of Commerce. She now I holds a position in Raleigh. Mr. Price also attended the Ra leigh School of Commerce, and is now connected with the Cur- ti$s Candy Company of Raleigh. Among the out-of-town guests attehding the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wood of Angier, Mrs. Carry Maddox, Miss Mary Heath and sister, Mrs. Newell, all of Raleigh, Harvey Stephens of Angier and Miss Ethel Tyson of Ap^x. , ‘ 0 CAMPBELL — JOHN On Saturday afternoon, Octo ber 5, Miss Margaret McRae John •of Lumber Bridge and Benjamin Thomas Campbell of DtUon, South Carolina were uniited in marri age in the home of Mr., and Mrs. Lacy John of Lumber Bridge. Rev. G. F. Kirkpatrick officiated. Sitacy Kirkman and Henry M. John lighted the candles. Miss Carrie Brown, pianist, presented a program of nuptial music. “To A Wild Rose” was played while the vows were spoken. At the close of the service Mrs. C. C. Adams sang “The Lord’s Prayer”. The bride wore a dress of blue crepe with an orchid corsage. Immediately after the wedding Mr. and Mrs. John entertained at an informal reception. 0 Guests in the home of M rs. Luther Seals over the week end were Rev. Hilton Seals of Chapel Hill, Lawrence Sea^s of Maxtbn, Mrs. J. W. Bowen, iMiss Ruth Bowen and John Walter of Mont rose. CHAMINADE MUSIC CLUB MEETS AT McGOQGAN HOME TUESDAY The Chaminade Music club met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. J. A. McGoogan with Mrs. W. B. MpLauchlin as Joint hos tess. Mrs. Luke Bethune, president, presided, after which Mrs. A. L. O’Briant gave a report from the executive board of the "Woman’s club. She also announced that the Woman’s clulb :banquet would be held in the Kiwanis hall on the evening of November 11. Mrs. Araft^. Stuart had charge of the program which was as fol lows: A paper “What Is Amer ican Music?” by Mrs. Fried Cul- breth; Piano duet, “Moondawn,” by Friml, played by Mrs. Walter Baker and Mrs. A. L. O’Briant; Sextette, “Beautiful Dreamer,” Foster, sung by Miss Blanche Owen and Mesdames R. B. Lewis, Fred Culbreth, T. B. Lester Jr., J. S. Poole, Luke Bethune. Mrs. Walter McPhaul played the vio lin obligato. Mrs. Dwight Brown accompanied the sextette; Piano solo, ‘‘Beautiful Isle” by Cook, Miiss Jessie Bright Ferguson. At the conclusion of the pro gram the hostesses served refresh ments. 0 GARDEN CLUB TO SPONSOR TREASURE-TEA r The Raeford Garden club will sponsor ai treasure-tea, Friday, Novrimher y,^t the home of Mrs. Younger Sn^d. At this time all kinds of treasures will be dis played, and anyone who has any thing that they think will be of interest to others and would like for them to be on display is ask ed to notify Mrs .T. B. Lester, Jr., chaiirman of the Garden club. — 0 ATTEND BALL GAME Among those who attended the State-iFlorida football game at Raleigh Saturday night were Crawford Thomas, Neil A. Mc Donald, Marion Gatiin, Neil Sen- ter, MT.'and Mrs. Clyde Upchurch, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gatlin, J. H. Blue, Alfred Cole, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Niven, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Upchurch, (Heywood Fair- cloth, James Currie, Jack Pope, James Morris, Cecil Teal, William Currie, Mitchell Epstein, Willie Walters, Jake and Devoe Austin. 0 WRIGHT — WALL Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford Wright of Raeford announce the engagement of- their daughter, Geraldine Doris to Ernest Com modore Wall, son of Mr. of Mrs. G. L. Wall of Knightdale, N. C. The wedding will take place in early November. 0 Wanda Williamson, da'ugther of Mr.' and IMrs. Jim Williamson, ■underwent a tonsilectomy at a' Fayetteville hospital Monday. % m I I $ Join the “Hoke Mutual Burial • Association” for the 9 I i i. assurance of a dignified service—and convenient fijn* $ ancial arrangements. $ JAMES C. LENTZ MORTUARY PHONE 5646 tt MRS. SHAW HONORED ON BIRTHDAY I Mrs. Colin Shaw was honored on her 77th birthday, Sunday, at a dinner given by her family at Benton Thomas’ club house. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Wilson and son, J. K. Jr., of Char lotte, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Carter and sons of Fayetteville, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McLeod and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thomas. 0- ■ ATTEND FLOWER SHOW AT FAYETTEVILLE Among those going from the Raeford Garden club to attend the flower show of the Fayette ville Garden olub at the new A- merican Legion home on Greene Street in Fayetteville Tuesday afternoon were: Mrs. J. S. John son, Mrs. J. A. Baucom, Mrs. Her bert McKeithan, Mrs. J. C. Thom as, Mrs. Clarence Lytch, Mrs. Lil lian Oliver, Mrs. G. B. Rowland and Mrs. Marion Gatlin. 3 CAMPBELL — COLLINSON INVITATIONS ISSUED H. ' „ ’V- ' ' S’ - O. Mary l^aocea Taiv of ^ort Bragg underwent a tonsilectomy at a post' hospiital the first of. the week, after which she sev eral days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Tapp. (Misses Anne Graham and Marie Williamson of Coker college will spend this week end with home folks here. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Campbell announce the forthcoming mar riage of their daughter, Kathleen to. Cpl., Glen'Collinson of Fort Bragg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Up ton Collinson of Tamp, Iowa, Sunday, . November 7, at 5 o’ clock in the Raeford Presbyter ian church. No invitations are being sent in town. Friends of the couple are invited. 0 ENTERTAIN AT PARTIES Mr. and Mrs. C., E. Enfield of Newport News, Va., were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Stevens. Miss Elizabeth Parker of WC UNC, Greehsboro, spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Parker. Miss Eloise MlcBryde, who is a ■member of the faculty at Fayette ville city school,, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Foster McBryde. IMiss Jean Carroll Sherill spent the week end in Fayetteville wiith her grandmother, Mrs. J. B. Ward. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Alexander, Jr., students at UNC, Chapel HiU, spent the week end here with re latives. . Mr. and Mrs. Hector McNeill, Jr. moved into the house belong- ^ ing to Mrs. C. W. Seate yesterday. They moved from an apartment in the MdEachern home on North Main St. ^' i Miss Marilyn Stanaland and Miss Joy Russ of EMC, Red Springs, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Gatlin Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Upchurch, Sr. had as^Iieir guests several days the first of the week, Mr. and Mrs. Clarendon Jefferies of Oak Ridge, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs.. Starr McMillan have as their guests, this week Mr. MldMillan’s brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly McMil lan of Berkeley, California, and Miss Margaret Saunders of Seat tle, Washington. This is Mr. Mc Millan’s first visit to Raeford in 35 years, and he is anxious to meet all old acquaintances. On the way here they wsiited Mr. and Mrs. George Cummings at Rochester, New York. Pearl Sessoms spent Friday in Petersburg, "Va. Mrs. EUa Juat of Aberdeen was a visitor in town Monday. Daniel Baker has accepted a position with Farmer’s Furnishing Co. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Holtzclaw and Mrs. Eddie Morden returned Sunday night after spending sev eral days at Norfolk, Va. and Washington, D. C. Neil Senter of Henderson spent the week end here with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Wood and family, Douglas and Buddy Dixon attended the State Fair at Ral eigh last Friday. tMrs. Arch Graham and Mrs. Frank Tapp were charming and 'gracious hostesses when they en tertained a number of their fri ends on Friday of last week and Tuesday of thiis week. Friday morning at 10:30 they entertained at a rook party, at the home of Mrs. Graham, after which 3 delicious luncheon was served at 1 o’clock. Mrs. W. T. Covington won high score prize. Tuesday they were hostesses when they entertained a^t a brid ge-luncheon, at the home of Mrs. Tapp. Bridge was played at four tables placed in the dining and living rooms from 10:30 till 1 o’- ® clock. Mrs. M. T. Poovey was the recepient of the high score prize and Mrs. Colin Scarborough cap tured the floating prize. Again the same day they were hostesses at a party given at 3:30 that afternoon. After several in teresting progressions, played at 3 tables, Miss Sara Blue was a- warded a prize for high score and Mrs. R. L Murray held the float ing prize. Mrs. Ta^pp and Mrs. Graham served a delicious din ner at 6 o’clock. On these occasions the homes were lo^^’ely with arrangements of fall flowers. Mrs. Kate McPhaul, Misses Louise Blue, Jessie B. Ferguson, and Sarah Neal Stephens spent the week end at Myrtle Beach. Mrs. W. F. Walters’ sister, Mrs. Dan MdLaiuchHn of Vass, is ser- ifuosly ill Bt Moore County hospi tal. Miss Joan Johnson of Peace college spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Adeline Johnson. ■Piiip (Mrs. R. UtzSimon and daughter, who have been visiting her parents, Sir. and Mrs. Ryan (McBryde for the ipast several weeks, left over the week end to joiii Mr. FitzSimons at Macon, Ga. GOSniE UlM FDR MnDlinY (Mrs. Luke Bethune attended the North Carolina' library Associa tion meeting at Hotel Rolbert E. Lee in Winston-Salem on Thurs day, Friday and Saturday of last week. ^ (Mr. and Mirs. Harry Mitchell of Fairmont were visitors in town Sunday. ,r Miss Alma Ferguson of Sanford spent the werfc end here. Mrs. Harry Black of Fayette- 'ville visited ip the homes of her sisters, Mrs. J. A. Baucom and Mrs. Herbert McKeithan, Sunday. Johnny lege spe^ the bis mother, Mrs. avidson cbl- week end with J. A, Walker. 'Mrs. Hugh Lowe of Charlotte arrived Sunday night to spend several days in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Poole. ■Miss Leonora Currie of UNC, Chapel Hill, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Currie. Make McKeithan of Presbyter ian college, Clinton, S. C. spent the week end at home. Seaman 1st Class Glenn Max well returned to Norfolk, Va. last' Thursday after spendiing a leave with his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter Maxwell.' y— J J. W. Turlington spent the week end with home folks at Fremont. Pbolo courtesy Sew York Dress Instissstt Natural-colored suit in wool mixture weave for mothers-to-be. Mr. ahd Mrs. J. B. Faircloth of Roseboro visited their son, Hey wood Faircloth, Sunday. ■Mr.and Mrs. W. J. McNeill and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Willis attended the State Fair at Raleigh Friday, Mr's. G. B. Farnsworth of Ash- land, Ohio, arrived Tuesday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Hinton McPhaul. Today’s mother-to-be, just as ev ery other fashion-conscious woman, plans her wardrobe around one basic costume. This Fall and Win ter, such a costume can be equally right for day and after-dark, simply because of its soft, dressy look. An example is the New York suit pic tured, in a natural color weave combining wool with a- small ranouht of fur. Tiny gold bar but tons are an extra, bright note. Talk this new season about more -.abric naturally applies to mater- terers, flaring gracefully in frbnt and back, and detailed with gener ous pockets. The skirt beneath haa an easy flare, and. of course, be coming length. Its full-length box pleat extends from an adjustable waistline. Expectant mothers who feel their best in suits, and who can have more than one, will also want one of Fall’s casual styles. Several New York maternity collections feature them in wool gabardine airl cordn- riity clothes, too. Such jackets as : roy. the flare-back jackets des.gned the style>ho\vn'are all-around flat-! to be worn with or without a bel* IMiss Blanche Owen- spent' the week end at Norfolk, Va. HEATERS t- HEATERS ttmumm msummesf PREPARE HOW FOR 4 4 Cold Weather Torridairs HEATERS Available in 2 Sizes Similar To Illustration Buy Your Coal or Wood Heater Now While Our Stocks Are Complete. Be Prepared For The First Cold Blast of Winter. $95.00 Modeh All Sizes # All Styles $ 4 immX HEATERS Different Models, Priced From $10.50 YOU WILL FIND A HEATER FOR EVERY PURPOSE IN OUR LARGE STO^. VISIT OUR STORE TODAY! Torridaire HEATERS Available in 2 Siies Similar To Illustration $49.50 Hardware Department / McLAUCHUN GO„ INC K >3^. ’■a>>: '-aiC!-:: >aissc IvC. -.ft

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