■. ■ ■ ■ A V ►, . > r^f >- VJ9ICI OF fRIIDOM MOWg The Hoke County News The Hoke County Journal WXtSiM OFUSEim SCHOOL news! By K. A. MacDonald Tonight the Key Club of Hoke High will be guests of the local Kiwanis club. At the banquet to be h»ld in honor of the boys the Key Club charter will be present ed. An interesting program has been ' arranged. J. M. Andrews, principal of the Mildouson school ^ill make the address of the ev ening. Mr. Andrew’s is noted for his interest in young people and also for his ability to make a most pleasing and instructive addre^. The Hoke High lunchroom has just received an A grade rating from the sanitarian. On Moniday Mrs. Ruria Shelton of Raeford Graded school fac ulty and K. A. MacDonald attend ed the first meeting of the State Educational Commission Com mittees. Mrs. Shelton is a mem ber of the fiftance c(}mmittee and Mr. MacDonaid is a member of the resource committee. The 13 conunjittees set up by the com mission are charged with making a detailed survey of education in all its phases and reporting to the Education Commission who fwill use the findings of these commit tees in its report to the legislature of 1949. A new shipment of 225 bags of Irish potatoes has been received for the school.’lunchroom that are on the state lunch program. 90 cases of tomato juice was received last week. Graile Mothers of the Raeford Graded school held a meeting at the school building yesterday af ternoon. The Hoke-iRaeford PTA is put ting on a membershiip drive dur ing the last half of the month. If ■yoM haven’t joined be sure and do so. Miss Miriam Watson, guidance counselor at Hoke High, reports that the guidance program is get ting under way with good results. Miss Watson also reports that all of last years seniors have been written to and that-she has had replies from practically all of them. Glen Gray Bieind Will Play At Armory .Dec. 17 Long known for their smooth, sophisticated dance rhythms, Glen Gray and the Casa Loma Orchestra are coming Mq the Rae ford Armory December 17, 1947, under the sponsorship of Ameri can Legion Post No. 72 of Aber deen. Presenting the exquisite musi cal patterns that have earned them widespread acclaim, Glen Gray and the Casa Loma orches tra bring with them the recent popular and ever-beloved stand ard tunes in -a pleasant, melodious manner. Batoneered by tall, handsome Glen Gray, the Casa' Loma or chestra is distinctive for its ver satility. First of the leading swing bands—three years before Benny Goodnian’s rise to fame—the Caca Loma instrumentalists are noted for their terrific change of pace from romantic ballads to widd bounce tunes. This all-star orchestra has ap peared at the leading entertin- ment places of the country, and has been seen in such motion pictures as “Jam Session” for Columbia and “Smoke Rings” for Universal. - 0 Tobacco Exports To Be Discussed In Washington HOKE HIGH i Miss' Graldine Maxwell, North Carolina Student Nurse and a former graduate of Hoke County High School, visited the high school Wednesday. She made: a talk to the girls of both junior and senior classes and to one section of the ninth grade English class. Miss Maxwell pointed out the re quirements and qualifications of tho^e entering the nursing profes sion. She also spoke informally concernimg the training and an? swered questions asked by the pupils. Approximately one hundred and seventy-fiv*. boys and girls at tended the barnyand dance in the high school gymnasium Friday evening. This program was spon sored by the Raeford-Hoke PTA. Mr. Melvin and his newly organ- ked string band, furnished the music. Mesdames N. B. Blue, I^. B. Sinclair, Lewis Upchurch, and Arthur D. Gore served as chape rones. /■ 'J Tobacco state legislators and representatives of all branches of the industry will meet in Wash ington today for an attempt to' work out a program looking to ward increased exports. Plans for the meeting to last two-days., were announced as se-' cretary Anderson of the Agri culture Department revealed ^lat the quota reductions-, for next year would be between 25 and 30 per cent. Formal announcement will be made within a few days, he said. Both the Burley and flue-cured markets will be represented at the meeting. The list of organizations plan ning to take part was announced as: The Bright Belt Warehouse, The Stabilization Corporation, Tobacco Exporters’ '..Association, The Burley Tobacco Association, and the Toibacco Association of the United States. Tobacco men there for a con ference yesterday agreevd that the British bah on further Tobacco imports had not hurt the flue- cured markets as badly as had been feared. 0 Large Industry Operates Briefly In Hoke County; Ceases Suddenly According, to Sheriff D. H. Hod- gin and his deputies and others a- round here who have seen several of them, the largest whiskey still ever operated in this county ran at a site on Puppy Creek about one-half mile beloiw the Fred Johnson pond for about two weeks prior to Th^arrival of the sheriff and his' deputies on the afternoon of Wednesday of last week. Sheriff Hodgin says that when they approached the still it was being operated by four men, all of whom managed to jump into the creek and escape. The officers put the still out of action and have since apprehended one per? son they beleive to have been connected with the operation. The still was a mammouth affair with two 500-gallon yats for the making of whiskey and a boiler. For storage' of mash there were about 36 vats of about 300 gallons each. The capacity of the plant, according to Sheriff Hod- gin, was from 350. to 50f) gallons of whiskey a day and he stated that it had apparently been ope rated on a 24-hour basis. ^he sheriff had little to. say a- bout the progress of the investiga tion of flie operators of the still, for obvious reasons, ‘but he did state that it was being operated by interests from outside this county. He said that his office was hopeful of more definite in formation for publication by next week. President Crawford Thomas, of the Raeford Chamber of Comm erce, stated yesterday that the Chamber did not induce this in dustry to locate in Hoke County. U. M. T. Advocates Are Encouraged MORE TOBACCO SOLD BUT INCOME REDUCED , . The PTA membership drive be- gs^n- in the high school Wednesday b/ ',i;..apd will close next Wednesday, b. A, prizd is offered to the pupil se- %r, j' ,cj^ing; the • mprt members. Mrs. Mfs.'J. C. Mc- ^(^^Lean are in charge of the members of the Wild Life Iv-i plub' saw the film “Big-jFish*’ at ^.iheir regular meeting Tuesday. Mr. Gibson is faculty adviser to .■^’d-'^heiclub...-, ■, . - , The Varsity Club k sponsoring ( Continued on page 4 ) North Carolina farmers have sold more tobacco so far this year than they had at this time last year, but their Income has been reduced by nearly $59,000,090. The state department of agricul ture reported that through Octo ber 31, tobacco groTjfers of the state had sold a total of 68i6,480,- 383 pounds, for which they re ceived. $295,095,2(10 an average of $42.99 a hundred, pounds. In the same period of last year, the pro ducers marketed 678,040,17 pounds for an average or a total of $358,9011,203 —0— Congressional advocates of uni versal military training believe the foreign economic crisis has strengthened their hand. While they do not plan to press for action during the current spe cial session, they feel that con gress may be willing early next year to make every able-bodied young male citizen eligible for compulsory military training. “There has always been a need for it,” said Rep. Vinson (D-Ga), top minority member of the house armed service ' committee. “What has happened in Europe in recent months has mau'e that need more apparent.” The armed services committee das^ summer recommended that congress enact training legislation, but the issue did not reach the floor of either chamber for de bate. “We do not intend to ask or it during the special session,” Vin son said. “But it certainly will be called up early in 1948. If ever there was a necessity to be pre pared for any eventuality, it is now.” 0 UNION CHURCH SERVICE ON THANKSGIVING DAY There will be a union worship service at the Raeford Presbsrter- iian church on Thanksgiving Day, November 27, at 9:30 a. m. Rev. W. B. Heyward, pastbr, will de liver the.; sermon. Business houses of the town have not indicated their intention to close but one day for the holi day, so it is assumed- that they will be closed on Thursday only. rO CORRECTION File For Social Security Benefits Don’t lose Social Security bene fits by delaying the filing of your claim. All .wage earners, who have worked in employment covered by the Social Security Act, upon attaining their 65th birthday should call at the nearest field office of the Social Security Ad ministration to inquire about ben efits. Those who meet the re quirements should file a claim regardless of whether or not they expect to continue working in covered employment. If claims are filed • promptly ulSbn attain ment of age 65 there can be no possible loss of benefits to wage earners. Survivors of- deceased wage earners, regardless of the age of the ifeceased, should also call at the nearest Social Security Of fice regarding benefiits which may be payable to them under the So cial Security Act. This includes survivors of veterans of World War II, since under certain con ditions survivors of veterans . not covered by the law may be eligi ble for benefits under the 1946 Amendments to the Social Secur ity Act. All claims must be filed as benefits are not automatic. If you are a wage earner age 65 or the survivor of a deceased wage earner and have not filed your claim — don’t delay — file your claim now. The field office of the Social Security Administration nearest you is located ;n the Huske Build ing, Fayetteville, N. C. 12 Defendants Pay Oi^Tuesday In Recorder’s Court m In recorders court Tu morning a two-week accu tion of twelve defendants Judge Henry McDiarmi, f. variety of misdemeanors, ar. paid the costs and some paid as well. Six defendants got 30 days eactit to be suspended- on payment^ m. the costs for violating the rd laws. They were Charles F. W liams, John Davis, Emmitt Your Henry Williams, Neill Purcell a Jennings Maultsby. Leroy McLean, colored, paid the costs for driving without driver’s license and paid $100 and the costs for driving drunk. Sen? fences of one and three months, respectively, were suspended. George King, white tourist of Massachusetts, 1 HIGH SCHOOL GAME HERE TOMORROW AT Ir45 Committee tion Meetings [e Announced a 30-day sen- tenece suspen^d on payment oi bte*' the costs fnmcareless and reckless driving. EhKeiX Gordon, white, in two cases for/-driving without driver’s] license und careless and reckless to driving got 30 days suspended on payment of the costs in the first and 30 days suspended on pay ment of $10 and the costs m the second. John Henry Johnson, colored, paid a fine of $25 and the costs for speeding. Sentence of 30 days was suspended. Jetty Smith, colored, got 30 days suspended on payment of the costs for violating the prohibition laws. William McLean, colored, got 30 days suspended on paymer the costs f^r speeding. Sincifei oi -0- TO HOLD SINGINO--^"^—> SCHOOL MONDAY L, me i/iu- 578,040,17^ of $5>2^ 3. / MECKLENBURG LEADS IN LIQU09 SALES Mecklenburg county leaped to the top in AjB.^,. liquor sales dur ing the first month in which stor es were operated! there. The stdte A. C board report ed that during October—the fiyst fidl month A^.Ci st(wes wefe op erated in Meciklenburg-^that li quor sales at the seveti Mecklen- butig store? totaled $878,907.60. Opening of the Mecklenburg stores resulted in a rec»d-bre!^- ing total of $4,257,638.99 worth of liquor being sold in the state’s AMX2. counties during October $l,219,206jf9 more than Seplem- anidi $.731,868.54 more than in October last year. The Rev. W. L. Maness, before he departed for his new work at Gibson this week, called the paper’s attention to the fact that there were only 200 members re- ceive^d into the church while he was here, instead of. MB tt'RSiOTrSSi There will be a singing school at the Church of God, at the lower end of the Mill village near James Thames’ store, beginning Monday night, November 24, 1947. It will bS conducted by the Rev. C. F.. Tedder of King’s Mountain; Army To Recall Reserve Members jrs in Hoke County will 'notices .within the next Is about annual election ^unity and county farm- littees, T. D. Potter, of the Hoke County ral Conservationn (A- iLttee, said today, the county’s 8 farming fCs will elect' three iman and two alter- /ell as a delegate to the invention where the county committee will Announcement of the Ates, hours and places .the elections are now limed. Br said that approxi- farmers are eligible le elections this year, aers are those who kting iin the 1947 Ag- pservation Program, a contract with the Insurahee Corpora- ^ludes owners, ope- and sharecroppers, ig the coming elec- er urged all farm- pntitled to vote to Immunity meetings, litteemen are re- Jeveloping, adapt- listering national -mogf' IocaI p«^ ^ it is important plected really re- ce of the major- the conimunity. The Department -of the Army has authorized the recall to active duty of member; of the Enlisted Reserve. Corps' on a voluntary basis for not more than 12 months nor less than six months for es cort duty in conjunction with the return of World War II dead 'to this country for burial.. fAppIicaiAs must possess the following qualifications: Meet current requirements for enlistment in the Regular Army; have a mimimum A.G.C.T of 85: be of grade 5 or higher: be high school graduates; have an excel lent character; have no disciplin ary record; have a prepossessing appearance; and have had World War II ser-vic^. Applications should be submit ted to Capt. Paul Miller and 1st Lt. A. V.„ Flock, 0.cR. C. unit instructors, in Fayetteville These officers will interview ap plicants from Bladen, Cumber land, Hoke, Harnett, Lee, Moore, Robeson, Sampson and Scotland counties. They may call at the office in person or send a post-card or may telephone and will be called upon (Continued on Page 4) Mr^ in Guest F. M. C. Mrs; P. Pi;'-es wiUO^' a:'.!iual hpn'*- hiacdondd November, The mo|»ia8 held in tb^ H o’cijck.C^® lin of Southern speaker at the ig day at Flora' on' Saturday, will include ** and greeflli""' ing of She will folj visitors lege at in the d after lunchedif college facu^ the alumnae'^ the college pi ogram will be .auditorium at ; morning, and ram of music business meet- association i alumnae and of the col- jJck luncheon jlmmediately Jfers of the guests of fee hour in HOKE HIGH BUCKS EDGE ROWLAND HERE LAST FRIDAY, 6-0 The Hoke County H.gh ■ senooL football team takes the field for the last time this season at Ar mory park here tomorrow after noon. The kickoff has been set for 1:45 P. M. in order that tfta en tire student body may attend. School busses will run after the game.- The visiting team will be from Lu.mberfon High school. In last Friday’s game here the » Bucks managed to squeeze out a six to nothing win over Rowland High. Tne first half was scoreless’' with Rowland threatening to score in th second quarter and Losing the ball on downs -on the Hoke ten-yard Ime. The Bucks go: their one tally and the only one of the game ear ly in the third quarter when full back John D. McMillan began ripping off so.me long gains through the Rowland line. He finally crossed standing up for the score. McMillan carried, the ball on a line plunge for the point after, but the visitors’ forward wall h’dd. Rowland threatened in . the closing minutes of. the game with several completed passes and at the final gun had the ball on the Hoke twenty. ie-;t:;.n3 AtJCTION here W. L. Pod real estate' another fieit row when he sale here, the McEac^ri; Main street al[ Stewart stated in these coli New Mej To Assume iiiV-i Nitiesln Raeford - 4^' Th Rev. and Mrs. P. b. Lee ar rived in Raeford yesterday and took up their residence in the ■Methodist parsonage on Main street. They came from Stantpns- b&rg, in, Wilson county, where Mr. Lee has been pastor of the Methodist church' for the past four years; Prior to that' he was at Clayton and before that he was at Maxton for four- years. Mr. Lee is a natiive of Clin ton, and graduated from Trinity College (now Duke) in 1923. He took post graduate courses at Southern Methodist University and attended Union Theological Seminary in ffew York. Mrs. Lee was before her marriage Sliss Bernice Buck, of‘ Lake Charles, La. She was a Tester’s assistant in Durham when Mr, Lee was in school there. Mr. and Mrs. have two children, bodi sods. They are Robert E., who is a teacher and athletic coach at Aberdeen^ High school) and Charles O. who Is a sophomore at Eastern Carolina Teachers college, dt Greenville. (Mr. Lee will serve the Raeford Methodist church and Parker’s Methodist church as minister. He is not exactly a stranger here, as he has hunted deer in the coun ty several times while he was pastor of the Maxton church. On one of these oocasioiu he was der prived of a shirttail for hay^ a gun with -a waving muxtle. t^JdeaKb^-tkmds are beiiiig taken at a good rate. . ’ He wishes to impress everyone with the fact that the drive vviiU end at noon tomorrow and he re quests all bond salesmen to cover {heir territories by that time. He urges all who are interested in stamping out T. B. to buy a bond in the denomination best suited to their means. ' ■■■—1 0 COTTON RELEASE!! NEW SEATING PLANT J, B. McIntyre, manager of the Raeford Theatre, announced yes terday that the installation of a new thermostatically controlle gas heating system had been com pleted at the theatre. He said thaii the system is much better than the one it replaces and that the temperature in the building .'is now much more even and easier to controL' R.eports fro.u -jther where wheat is gi-.a-.v;- re^-ea: ,t;:at the crop ntay 'oe c-:).cs:..-ierably shorter t-han last year. Adverse weather cor.ditioris have ‘dslaye-i planting in the heavy wheat growing areas. Weather c.i.-.d.- ditions have not been favorable here, but farmers shoul-d be ready to pu: in the crop just as sco.n as soil conditions permit. The overall gram stock; and outlook for gram next year ;hai- lenge every farmer to out m some grain cpp. -The anticipated 'tobacco acreage br- reductio.n in ings about, new problems. What can be done '.vith these acres? That is for the individual farmer to decide. Certainly part of it should b planted to small grain. The agrici Bureau of; thV partmei^ of figures this ning inKoke^ report hows t0i2 ba 5 of cotton gi count} rotn the crop otifgT prior to No' mber 1, 1947 gg coinpared Wi^ 679 bales ginned. veaoabi 1, 1946. .T^- 0 - TOV HAS CAR Th town of Etaeford acquired a ne 1947 Ford car for the use of th police force in the last few days 0 those that figure to run awa: ix>m a Raeford jAoliceman inay tO take notice thgt toca; will ijetting harder. The L'.nited States Civil Ser.'ice Co.m.mission announces an exami nation for appointment to position of Tobacco Inspector. The posi tions will be open, in all Flue- Cured and Burley tobacco grow ing states. To qualify for the position, ap plicants must have had from 3 to 6 full seasons of experience in the handling or marketing of to bacco. College study in Agricul- ure, Business Administration, onomics, or Marketing may be stituted for part of the requk- “general” experience. No writ- test is required. Application st be received in the Commis sion’s "VYashington office "not later than December 10. 1947. AppL- cation blanks can be secured fro.m. most first or second class post offices, or U. S. Civil' Service Commission, Washington 25, D. C. Prevent forest fires. Saw tim ber is becoming more scarce each day in this section. Fires, retard the growth of timber by burning the natural fertility on the soB, and by burning the growing part of the tree. Fires kill untold num bers of trees and often leave live trees in a weaker condition so that bugs feed on and kill them. Fire prevention is something to practice the year-round. \ ’f ■ H Most sicknesses of hogs take place after they are put in the fattening lot. It usually comee a- bout because the hogs are not fed J L