THE NEWS-iOUBNAL » THURSDAY, DECEMBER |$, 1S47 Sets For Ladies ISets For Men Max Factor 1 Cotys ETvening in Paris Yard leys Ayers Shulton i Mennen Old Spi^ Yardleys Rogers and' Gallat I I I # Also Remington I and Scheck Electric j Razors ■I. Also i I Also Norris Rusell McPhail' CANDIES Parker Fountain aterman ( Nylon Brush sets Ladies and Men’s Pocketbooks We Car|y a Complete Line of All Good Perfumes and Shaving Creams Christmas Cards and Wrapping Materials SHOP EARLY AT HOKE DRUG COMPANY PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS. PITONE 272-1 RAEFORD, N. C. CHRISTMAS FLOWERS H See me for your cut flowers, potted plants 1 and corsages for Christmas'. GIVE FLOWERS — ALWAYS APPRECIATED Mrs. G. W. Brown PHONE 249-1 RAEFORD, N. C. r > 1 'A When YburUjfHeOne CcrfdiesCdd r st-known home remedy srou can use to relieve dMress of children’s colds is wamilng, soothing Vicks VapoRub. It starts to work instantly... and keeps working for hours to bring relief wMZe the child ilwpii No wonder most mothers ^ways use Vleks VapoRub when colds strike. Fine lor grown-ups, too! av^Msme rub tbroat, chest and baofc with Vicks VapoBnb. Its reUtf-bri^. ins aetioD starts inraptbr torslieMdistress... ^ WORMS AS CHIUS SUm to bring comlortlng rdief during the night. Often by morning most, misny (d the cold is gonel V^>SS It Pays To Advertise By DANIEL F LINDSAY th^ kitchen * ioor. His wife looked up with a hop( ful sm'ile as he entered. He just shov k his head. •'No mail at all?” she said as she went on fixing dinner. "Oh, there were a couple of ads and a bill from the seed company.” He hung hi^^Jiat on a hook and crossed to tli? pump. His white hair was damp around his face w^n •he straightened up again. “It’s just not like Bill,” she sighed. “Bill’s got an unforgivin’ streak, always did l^ve, even when he was a little feller.” Pa's ol^ briar gave off a pungent odor as he lit it. "But this is different,'■ Tqm,” she' said, putting a pan of biscuits in the oven, ’’tomorrow is Christmas|' It’s a long way to the coast. Maybe he wrote but didn’t mail it in time.” ’•’Ma,” his tired old voice was filled with bitterness, "there’s no Christmas Rose Hds Real Significance Legend tolls us that a young shep herd girl was weeping bitterly as she watched the Wise Men on their way'tn take gifts to the Christ Child'. ’'‘She could see Pa striding into the living room.” need to stick pins in yourself by hopin’. Christmas or no Christmas . . . that boy is still mad." The old lady's eyes shone with faith. "He might stay mad all year long but when Christmas comes . . . he’ll write. I know, I’m. his Ma.’’ "Don’t forget,” Tom said as he blew smoke at the ceiling^ His eyes crinkled at the corners, "I’m his father.” “Dinner’s ready, Pa,’’ she said, filled with a deep longing and fought to keep the tears out of her voice. “I c’n understand that boy still bein’ mad at me, but why does he h^ve to take it out on you?” “You’re wrong, Tom,” Ma replied as she lifted her head and smiled. "The day after Christmas, first de livery, we’ll get a letter. You’ll see.” "Not from him,” he shook his head grihily. '“You’re forgettin’ Judy,” she re minded him as they sat down. "She’s a good daughter-in-law.” “Oh, I’lii not blamin’ her,” reply ing as he covered his biscuit^ with gravy, "Judy’s a fine girl. It’s hjs bull headed pride.” She got up and taking the coffee pot off the cook stove filled his cup. They ate on in silence. Finally he pushed his plate back. "You aren’t eatin' much,” he scolded. "I’m just not hungry. Pa.” “I see,” he stood up. “I’m goin’ out and turn the heater on in the hen house. It’ll be cold tonight” His old shoulders slumped forward as he went Outside. She shook her head and started picking up the dishes. Hen mind sank back into the past To the days when Christ mas was alive with the excitement and laughter of young voices. She could see Pa striding ihto the liv ing room bearing a large evergreen on his shoulder. Behind him there was always a highly excited little boy, bearing an axe. She wondered If the little boy ever thought of it." P A CAME back on the porch. She smiled as he kicked his toe against the threshold. It’s a wonder, she thought, that there’s any threshold left after all these years. He came Into the kitchen, dumping an arm load of kindling ip the box behind the range. "Snowin’. Pa?” He shook his head and took off his wraps, replying, "Stopped.” She hung the dish towels up to dry. He pulled a rocker In from the living room and sat down. "Everything all right in the bam?" Ma asked as she threw a few lumps of coal in the "Sure,”' Pa said. A sad smile crossed his Ups, "What’s the use pretendin’, Ma? We’re both feelin* blue." She sat down at the old kitchen ta ble and starts peeling apples, ut tered, "I know it.” I "G^a bake me a pie?” he asked. She QOdj^ "A&ple was always Billy's faWj^, too.” "Now, in, what’s the usa of.. ha stopped as they heard a car drive 4ip In the yaj&^^fliSust be Jim Rogers. Said today thaK new calf of bis was sick." He oj^ned the kitchen door and peered out into the night She could hear, him catch his breath as he watched a man and a woman get out "Ma, who qo yjou think?” his votbe was lo)^. 1 7 ‘1 knew,’* Ma laughed as shp lai^ the paring knife down with a hap py smile, "I knew it all the time.” ,An aiisel' appeared, and aftei\ as certaining why the young girl was crying, she waved her wand, and instantly the ground was carpeted with gliUering , white Christmas roses. The young girl quickly gath ered these blooms. When she pre sented her gift, the Christ Child smiled, 'and as"'his fingers touched the white flowers the petals became tinged with pink. Giving long life to harness is simple. ”A11 that is necessary is to keep it clean and w’ell oiled 'with a good harness oil. 22; thence along jts line 67 feet to Lot iCd'. 20; thence along No. 20 a distance of 75 feet to Laurin- burg & Sou. railroad line', thence with it 220 feet to the beginning. I. Lot No. 22, beginning at the northeast corner of Lot No. 21 and iin edge of said street, and runs with line of L'bt No. 21 a distance of 67 feet to a stake; thence with line of Lot No. 20 a northeasterly direction 33'feet to a ptake; thence with line of Lot No. 23 in a northern direction 75.5 feet to a stake in edge of street; thence .with edge of street ^2 feet to, the beginning. For. further reference see Book of Deeds Nos. 67 and 69 and pages 60 and 549 respectively, of Hoke County public registry; and J. N. Maxwell subdivisioiT map made by J. H. Blue in October 1927. . . Arthure D. Gore, Commission er. . . 27-30C .^LEGALS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tl^e' undersigned, having qual ified as administratrix of the es tate of J. E. Sumner, deceased, late of Hoke Conjnty, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them, duly verified, to the un dersigned adiministratrix on or be fore the 13th day of November, 1948, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will plea^ mahe immediate pay- ment^cT the undersigned adminis tratrix. This 13th day of November, 1947. iMrs. J. E. Sumner, administra trix. , 24-29P NO'nCE OF SUMMONS Chauncy- ^cLauchlin vs Jennie MoLauchlin The defendant aboye named will take notice that an action has been instituted in the Superior Court of Hoke County, N.C. as entitled above, by the plaintiff for an absolute divorce on the grounds of 2 years separation; and said, defendant is hereby* re quired to appear at the office of the clerk of the superior court ^within 20 days after the 5th day of January, 1948 and answer or demur to the complaint filed herein or the plaintiff will apply to the court for relief as demand- ,ed in said complaint. This the 5th day of Decemb 1947. J. B. Oameron, Clerk of the Superior Court 28-3'lC NOTICE TO CREDITMIS The undersigned, having qual ified as executor of the estate of Mrs. Margaret Livingston, de ceased, late of Hoke County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent them duly verified, to the undersigned executor on or be fore the 4th day of December, 1948, or tKis notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned , execu tor. This 4th day of December, 1947. George Leslie Livirigstoh; exe cutor, 405, North Poplar St., Apt. No. 2, Charlotte, N. C.. 27-32P NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under authority conferred by Deed of Trust executed by F. D. McDonald and wife, Pennie C. McDonald to J. Vance Rowe, Trus tee, for J.^Earl Parker, dafod No vember 26th, 1946 and recorded in Mortgage .Book 80, at page 577, in the office of the Register of De'eds of Hoke County, the said Trustee will at 12 o’clock NOON on TUESDAY,' JANUARY 6th, 1948 at the Court House door of Hoke County in Raeford, North Caro lina, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder,- the following described property: FIRST TRACT: That certain tract of land in Antioch . Town ship, Hoke County, North Caro lina, and bounded and described as follows: Adjoining the lands of Locklear, formerly O. Leoh Seymour and C. H. McDonald and others and described as follows; Lying on the east side of the Raft Swamp and beginning at a point in the run of Raft SWamp under what is known ' as “Bethune's” Bridge where the road leading from Red Springs to what is known as the "Old Timothy Cur rie Place” crosses said Raft Swamp, and runs thence with said road N 44 deg. 15’ E 8 chains; thence with said road N 34 deg. 30’ E 9 chains; thence continu ing with said road to Antioch to iShannon Road and crossing said Antioch and Shannon Road N 41 deg. IS’ E 21.30 chains to an iron stake in C. H. McDonald’s line on the north side of said Antioch to Shannon Road; thence with C. H. MdDonald’s line S 60 deg. 30’ E 8.44 chains to an iron stake,' with two red oak pointers, Mc Donald’s corner; thence S 32 deg. W 1.20 chains to center of Antioch to Shannon Road; thence with said road S 52 deg. E 6.17 chains to the run of a branch; thence down the run of said branch about S 40 deg. W 44.00 chaiTjs to the rpn of Raft Swamp; thence up the various course of n of Raft Swamp to the ing, containing the 61 acre tract as shown on map made by G. S. Harrell, Registered Land Surveyor, of the “Currie” Farms of J." H, Huggins, copy of which map is in possession of the party of the second part. SEOOND TRACT: Adjoining the tract described above, the lands NO'nCE OF LAND SALE Pursuant to authority granted by order of court I as commis sioner will offef-for cash -at pub lic sale at the courthouse door in Raeford, N. C. at 12 o’clock, noon, on the 3il day of December, A. D., 1947, the following part of the real estate of Mrs. Julia Ann Black, deceased, to-wit: Lots Numbers 20; 2H^nd 22, lot No, 20 bounded by a line be ginning at the corner of Lot No. 21 next to Laurinurg Se Sou. rail road and in a northeasterly di rection 39 feet to corner of lot No. 19; thence with Lot No 10 in a northwesternly direction 86 feet to corner otLb'tS 22 and 23; thence with line of Lot 22 and a distance of 33 feet ;.to corner of Lot No. 21; thence with Ijne of Lot 21 in a northwesternly direction 75 feet to the beghaijing. Lot No. 21, beginmng at a cor ner in edge of a streeet and runs thence about 223 feet to lot No. of Currie and others an'd de scribed as follows: Beginning as a point in the Antioch to Shan non Road where said road crosses the branch known as the “Tim othy- Currie Branch”, said point being the sixth corner of the “FIRST TRACT” above describ ed, and runs thence S 69 deg. 45’ E 14.79 chains to an iron stake in Miiss Trissy Currie’s line; thence with her line S 42 deg. W, 55.48 -chains to the run of Raft Swamp; thence up the run of Raft Swamp with its var ious courses to a point where the “Timothy Currie Branch” runs into Raft Swamp; thence up the various courses of said .Branch about N 40 deg. E 44.00 chains to the beginning, containing 71 acres> ' more or le§S, and” being the 71 acres as shown on map or plat made by. G. S. HarrelirHegistered Surveyor, of the “Currie” Farms, of J. H. Huggins, a copy Of which map or plat is in the possession bf party of^ the second part. , This sale is made on account of default in the payment of the indebtedness secured by the said Dee^ of Trust. , A deposit with the Clerk of the Superior Court, of 10% -will be required of the successful bidder. Dated this 2nd 4iy of Decem ber, 1947. ' t J. Vpnee Rowe, Trustee. 28-31C SANITARY L QU n DPV CLEANERS ❖ Raeford Theatre 4 Theatre Ppens At 5:00 P. M. Daily — THURSDAY & FRIDAY — “ Desire Me’^ Greer Garson Also Cartoon and Traveltalk — SATURDAY — “Riders of Lone Star” Charles Starrett* ALSO “Second Chance” - jiT — SUNDAY — Shows 3 and 9 P. M. “Fear in the Night Paul Kelly Latest Universal-News >» — MONDAY & TUESDAY — “Blaze on the Mooi^’ Anne Baxter — William Holden — Sonny Tufts William Bendix Also Crime Doesn’t Pay Short - * — WEDNESDAY — OPEN 3 P. M. ^^Apache Lose” Roy Rogers Also Stoog Comedy ' DECEMBER 25-26 Open December 25 3 P. M. “Angel and the Bad Man” John Wayne — Gail Russell Also Cartoon and Musical Short i 1 Collins Department Store ' Is Grateful To All Those Who Helped Us Make _ '• ' • I The Visit of Santa Claus To Raeford On Tuesday Such A Pleasure For $0 Many Children Again We Say, Thank You * COLLINS DiMiRTMENT STORE r "X Phone 5476

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