I ^ - P f ■A. >.^w VOICE OF FREEDOM GUARDIAN OF LIBERTY a News - Journal N / VOICE OF FREEDOM GJASZ'-U't Of 1:3; aiY The Hoke County News The Hoke County «^urnal VOLUME XLII NO. 30 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1947 RAEFORD, N. C. S2.00 PER YEAR CONGRESSMAN DEANE EXPLAINS FUEL OIL SHORTAGE IN N. C. The News-Journal received a telegram from Eighth District Congressman C. B. Deane in Washington this week concerning the fuel oil shortage'in North Carolina. This follows in telegram is considered self-explanatory and its entirety. / “Concerning the fuel oil shortage in North Carolina I wish to advise your paper that I have spent considerable' time this week determining^he facts. Some oil-eainpaniesJ greatly underestimated requirements and refused to chase'^il tankers last summer. Local dealers are n^ re sponsible for commitments to supply since they acled on' suppliers’ promises- Facts reveal that, even thoughseveral^ areas in North Carolina face serious shortages,'there is an actual oil shortage in meeting overall national needs in' Iview of enormous conveifficpu to oil. I I “There is no Federal Legislatioft which can control or allot oil. It is purely \Vithin discretion of oil companies.- Oil shipments to foreign nations arc more than balanced by imports from abroad. The feeling exists that many consumers are unconsciously wanting tremendous amounts. “My personal feeling could be that the Governor of our state issue a proclamation calling for conservation of oil in order to spread available supply and perhaps name an •individual to work with oil dealers on conservation pro gram. A ten percent saving can be accomplished by fol-j lowing two simple conservatoin measures (1) Daytime thermostat setting never above 70 degrees and (2) reduce night temperature to 60 degrees.” C: B. Deane Concerning the fuel oil situation locally, it is thought that no one has had to do without oil ujp to. this time, al though available, supplies have been sprei4 thin.‘As to prospects fop^e future, officials of the Raeford Oil comp any were Unable to say yesterday. Representative Of Highway Visits Raeford Thursday Poole’s Medley BY D. SCOTT POOLE Last Thursday afternoon Dr. W. H. Morgan of Hartsville, S. C. a retired minister who is now a full time public relations and goo-d will traveler for the Lafay ette Highway Association, was a visitor in Raeford. Dr. Morgan has , recently returned -from two frips of several weeks egch .to the North and—East, going north as far as Canada and west as far as Minneapolis. His work ■ in those areas, as it is in this, is to promote good will for the U. S. Highway 15-A, run- hing between Creedmpre, N. C. 'and Walfcrbor: I, S. C.__ He does this by .contacting oil dealers, tra- \'el r/;;encie.''. h;!tel chains and by inserting adx'c lisements in the metropolitan I'.ewspaper.s of the North ah.'i. East.’ His literat.u’re and hi.s advertisements all carry strip maps ,of the Lafayette High way, ‘‘The Short Highway, Nor- th-S.outh,” of which" 15-A is a Ipart." W'/ile here Dr, Morgan visited in totvn and was escorted by Neill A. McDonald. He also’ at tended the meeting of the Ki- waniis club on Thursday night, where he told the group of his mission and stressed the impor tance of tourists to every com munity they pass through and the importance of "courtesy to ward strangers. 0 Sam Jones said he had no use for these old long-faced Christ ians who rjoped around like their Heavenly Father had died and left them no legacy. I often think of what people will do when wages drop, because income will not justify the pre sent scale. I hope we will not have one of|^ose su'dden chan ges, and ruino'as drops in incomes, but such happens’ in Anis^'ica. The Sunday School lesson for November 16th showed how peo ple should continue to grovi) bet ter as the” days go by. You hear folks say they are the same old seven and six. They are pot. They are better or worst eachbsucceed- ing day. I have been really surprised at the strangeness of the names of people,, expeci'ally the Poles. Those names are ’ ridiculously strange. I do wish we could a- dopf"'one, languaM whole .world. But tlj«y said there is none so-difficult to^learn as the English we use.' Folks walked to church for six miles Sundays iin the 1860’s. Women carried their shoes, stop ped on top of the hill above^the church, and put them on. The Bible gives warning of just what Russia is apparently trying to do. That country is not so popular with the other coun tries of the w.orld. There is no necessity for laws against immi gration into the country. McLean Gets Three Lay Day Hunters This, column has warned the people against Wallace, That man is America’s ' Hitler. Hitler was one of the most brutal-mur derers the world has known. I l^emember the grain-fed beef my father had to kill about hog killing time. That was fine, fat beef, and he had a whole hind quarter for spring eating, ^ and Gome Protector H. R. McLean got three hunters last Friday af ternoon in the Antioch section of the county, Friday being lay cay.. James McNeill and James D. Mc Cormick, both colored, were hunting rabbits and they were brought before Justice of . the Peace Mrs. Barrington for trial. Their hunting licenses were re voked for the remainder, of the season and they were fined $5 • ■ i ■ and the costs each. , The same day McLean caught Lamar Rucker, also colored, hunt ing in the same section with an unplugged repeating shotgun. Mrs. Barrington fined' him $5 and the costs also^and revoked his liqpnse fer the remainder of the season. 0 Recorder Hears Light Docket Tuesday A. M. Only five cases were tried yes terday morning in Hoke County recorder’^ court before Judge Henry McDiarmid. . Others were on the docket but were either con tinued or bonds were forfeited. Bolston Burke colored, got three months suspended on pay ment of the costs and $50 dam ages to Erwin Collins when he entered a plea of guilty of care less ahd reckless driving. . L. B. Seals, white, was involv ed in the same acci.’Not as Burke and entered a frlea_aPguilty of il legally parking on a highway. Thirty-day sentence was .s'uspend- ed on payment of the c'xst.s, Jacinto Campbell. wiiite of California. ’ was charged.' ' ith speeding and ue to hi.^ great rate of .speed Stale Highway Pa trolman Kitchen required a bond of SIOO. Campbell did not appear for trial and forfeited this bon';. Willie Bowen, colored of Vir ginia, also forfeited a bond for speeding and having imprope:- equipment, $20 for each offen.se. Isadore Abrams, white o f Pennsylvania, forfeited a S2'5 bond for speeding, and Jack Gross, white oV New York, for feited a $50 bond for speeding. James McNair, colored of Shannon, was found guilty' .of speeding and resisting arrest- in a charge brought by Officer Clark of the Raeford police force. Sen tence of 30 (fays in each case were suspended on payment of the costs. Organ Barton, .Indian, got 30 days suspended on payment of the costs for being drunk and dis orderly and assault -wiith a dead-' ly weapon. Johnsie McCrimmon, colored, was' charged illegally' begetting offspring and the non-support of same. He was found guilty and sentenced to one year on the roads. This sentence is to be suspended on payment of the costs, related hospital and doctor 'bills and $5 weekly toward the support of :the child. Defendant gave notice of appeal to Superior court. In the immortal words of Henry Van Dyke, "I am, think- ing of you today, because it is Christmas. And I wish‘you joy. And tomorrow, because it is the day after Christmas. I shall wish you joy. Mayhap I cannot tell you about it from day to day, for you may be far away, or we may be entangled with Ithe things of life. But it makes no differ ence — my'thoughts and my wish will be with you. What ever of joy or success comes to you, I shall be glad. Clear through the year, without pretense, I wish you the spirit of Christmas.” From us all at The News-Journal iff' Iff ^ ■?. -Cl “o *ci ti V. -c. t -cJ ^ TSi Group Raising Money Tf Build Factory Here PROPOSAL FAVORED AT MEETING HERE LAST THURDAY NIGHT A 5 ; V ‘ .n o; ; sponsor-':! ,yoer oi C-, courrhous- a corr.T.i:: la.t Th r ^ ee cess ie j be ■ g a meeting Raerord Cham- a: the riday night, esent in pre- .n a-t'troor- ouh' a 6'. 4. -a ?a, t. • I T. G...T.C Army Offers Many Nearby Assignments To Former Members 3-WAY WRECK MONDAY At 12:30 o’clock Monday after- we enjoyed it very much. Food stuffs have g'one down a little in price, but-very little. Pi'o- duction iis better” than control. If we produce more, than we need, prices will drop .too low. But if you have plenty of your ^own, you will not grow hungry. Re member the ear\y 1930’s. - I have seen people, 'men and women, wearing clol’hi.ng,, . ..that \9as just' rags tacked together...t hobe I'll never see any more such. I have never in m'V life been^' where I" could not have all I _wa.nteidyl^~^^:^ and that good .enough for ai*iyb'ody. plain too miiehY that Folks com- One women' in this state has a The Blues were all'^g'ood pro viders for their families, ’’They had plenty of bacon, lard, beef, (fresh and dried) and cribs erf corn and bins of wheat. That was living at -home” And they say the Anti-Closed Shop Bill is here to stay, I am glad of that. I do not believe any man has the right to say I shall not work. ' “ .Ch-ristmas is not like it used to be but much better, and I Want it to last twelve and "’h”half hib'h-' ths cv,ery C!%tistmas, hereafter. noon L, B. Sealsfwhite, pai’ked: his 1946 .Ford coachlon the pave ment near Buck Roper’s garage in the west edge of town just be- Producers Average $42.66 For Tobacco Through November Lauder Stedman T'uneral MoTiday yond the Mill Vi^ge. Erwin Col lins, white man .bF.Camteron, was behind him when a truck went by him going^in the.other direction. Bolston Burke, colored, was go.- ing the same direction as Seals and Collins-, wave' facing ,.jnd when he saw truck corning he .hit-t.he back “of (Collins' car which in tun/' rammed the car of Seals. Cpllins’ car was consid erably damaged on both ends and Burke’s -car also suffered minor injuries. Seals^and Burke vVere in dicted for t'faffic violations by, the: investigating officers gf the sher iff’s office.. • 0 ■ This .is not a capitalistici’coun try. Any man xWio wilDsaVp his money and invest his ' earpings !(ird • have that to help him earn his daily bread ami then some, he •becomes what" the x^orld calls a capital'ist. But if l^e-eats, or goes somewhere, or drinks and ' thus consumes his earnings as he earn, hobb^ gathering-shoes. She has,he can die a papper. Take your siloes from all the states in this j choice. Of course, you can get Union, and frO'm foreign countries, help to massacre your income. JEIESUME SQUARE DANCE SERIES NEXT WEDNESDAY The regula'r sd^iare dances held' at the Armory each 'Wednesday night wilL start again next Wed nesday night, December'31, New Year’s Eye. Two dances were , sk ipped due to thd-Glen Gray dance which had been previously arr anged for last Wednesday night and tonight js Christmas- Eve. Producers’ sales of flue-cured tobacco on North Carolitr\a mar kets this season totaled 695,795,- 570 pounds through' November and the season's average, price at the end of November •vyas $42.66 per hundred * pound's, tW Fedei'- al-State .Market l^feWs'-l^^vice re ported. T^al;^^ides and averages , by belt^Nvere.: Border Belt, 140,940,- 872 pounds, $43.07; Eastern Belt, 446,149,253, $43.55; Middle Belt, 147, 927,064, -$43.07; and Old’ Belt, 100,893,033, $38.10. The highest average- price paid this season through November was attribyfted to Wilson, with an average c/f $44.53. Rocky Moinit paid $44.p. Durham paid $44.08; and .7Tab“r City-paid $44.04 ‘t-o complete the list of markets with a seasonal, average exceeding $44. The-November average on the Eastern, Middle and Old Belts was $41.60. Last year’s November average on those belts was $44.30. 0— 757 as.^ignmeiits in over 30 ciif- t'erem job categories have beeii thrown open for direct enlistment in the Fifth Infantry Division with duly at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, in' grades ranging from Prix’ate up .to and incluaing Staff Sergeant, according to an- an nouncement made today by M.Sgt. M. L. Shore, Recruiting Sergeant of the Rockingham Sub-Station of the Army and Air Force Re cruiting Service. Only former members of the armed forces are eligibld for these assignments, which are authorized as a part of the Army’s new policy' of of- ferimg former members of th,e Army Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard the opp.ortunity of enlisting in the Regular Army with an initial assignment of at least a year’s duration- in the vi cinity of their homes. .'\moftg the job categories in which there are a large number of openings are: motor mechanics, cooks, clerk typists, stenograph ers, light truck drivers, medical technicians, duty NCO’s,. medical aid men, mess sergeants, and sur gical technicians. , Sergeant Shore will be at the Court House every Monday from’ 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. . -0 Kiwanians Eat Lightly; Send Europe Saving Ine Raetor’ci Krwa.'us club iiad a rather unusual ;jieal at the re gular weekly meet; r.-g last Thurs day night. Histead of the bounti ful supper usually served by Mrs. Lucy Smith, a co.m:r.ittee header, by Tommie Upchurch pre pared a meal bas'ed on the aver^ age standards of living' m Eu- ■ .-'V- C r|;.':vo^'r .f .Co:nr:: Crawford- Thomas committee sell .;h,e,, W'.-rk began :r fer the -meet.mg. It raise the money 1. ■•veek ;n .jrder may be sigr.e'.i ;er coin can v md appoir.ted a the. -tcck and tmed.ately a:-^' -i P'.an -0 tract Wrim tnat tne .to.n- ■ at af- Lauder Stedipan, 48 died his home here last Saturday ter a long and painful illness. H^ was born in McColl ,S. C. and > I cent ■ NATIONAL GUARD DRiLL Battery A, local .National Gu ard unit, did not drill on Mon day hiight'*‘of this week, and will not have it*s regular •drill on- next Monday night. jTh.e next regular meeting of tM unit w,ill be' at the Armory bn the night of Mpn- l?ay, January 5, 1948. ha.i been an employee of the cot ton mill here for 38 years. Funeral services were conduct ed Monday afternoon at three- thirty o’clock at ,the People’s Ta bernacle. Burial followed in the Raeford icemetery^ Surviving . are his- wife, Mrs. Lottie Thames Stedman: three sons, James Curtis, Lauder Ho ward and- William Ray Stedman, all of Raeford: one daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Baker of Raeford; two brothers, John of St. Pauls and Walter of LatOInburg; two sisters, Mrs. Kate Gales of Laurinburg and Mrs. Tonic Rye of Rocking ham. ' ■ rope today. - No tablecloths were used and the meal consiste.: of one tea cup of soup, one slice of brown bread, one small boiled potato, one ap ple and some salt and pepper for each one present. During the lueal Upchurch explained that he had studied calorf.es some and learn ed that the average European was living on 1500 calories a day at the present ti.me. He” the;: item ized the.calories in the meal ser ved and they ad.’ed u.p t.'i 550. over one-third of a day's fai’e i.n Europe. The sav;ng on the cl'.ib's food bill, together with a contri'oution, all totalling $60, was , sent 'to CARE, or" Cooperative American Remittances to Europe, for the purchase of food to be sent to Europe. _ The rneetin-g being the .in^. 1947. Retiring' president Kenneth Mae^mald made his fare.vell ad dress to the club, thankRfs the men-'.bers for their /t'Jx'peration and urging them, tc perform.even 'oetter next yean for. President Lewis Upchurch. Speaker of the eve.-.;:'.g, was Dickson, Sr., who the club about her re-r to the Territory of Hawaii, Her talk- contained many interesUng anecdotes and de scriptions .and was- enjoye,-; by all present. .Y-arte.: as ; :>c I' as possible. In ex-p!aming the proposition, to the group. Thc.m.as told them that the American Wn.nger Co.m- pany is a nfty-yea.r-oId. finan cially strong institution' with sev-- erai plants .n the United States and Canada engaged :r. the man- facture of wringers, rubber rolls., elastic, rubber thread, and other allied rubber pr'>,''’acts. He also said that they desire to establish a r;abber thread plant here initi ally-. a pi'ocess in 'w’nich'raw, rub ber and cotton yar.n are co.mb.ned to make.the rubber thread used ;r. girdles, stoc'xing tops. and other items. It is their tentative intention to employ about 150 persons when they initially get into full, production, about 80 percent of„'.vhioh '•x'.il be women. They plan to offer -wages and working conditions which will cdm’p’rtT5"fa'oo’ra‘b’’.y-;'wvth any in this section.. The build.ng to s to be iease-d bv for 2ii> vea: c: Mi;s,v Paul Visit ?e constructed the company an option for' iti'- original urmg the'life Fhey '.viil pay an an- ir its use and will al- tne purchase pric.e or” five percent each ? '.vitn •• It at t.-re c MAYOR RECEIVES LETTER F'ilOM GRATEFUL-TOl RLST • Jir.y eixe. p»Uw*.i * so an'.ort.ze in pnyroerr.s yea’’. Several very strong financial instituti'Cns have indicated inter- ^ est in m.aking a 'loan to the buiild- I ing corporation since the name I of, the leasing co.mpany has been .released, and .it- is the intention ^of the'group forming the corpor- ;o sell as much',stock as pos- atio: T COM.Ml'NITY CHAPEL REVIVAL SERVICES Mayor W. L. Poole received a , , , “letter this week from A. S. Hickev percent) and to of .Kingston New York. i«^ic-! According to J. ,,Lavvr*^nce 'McNeill, chair* man of the committee handling this, slightly over $30,000 of the up to yester- k'e.V’s-car caught fire day' last June and he express his deep appreciation fur, i the h% given- hm; at the Cra- ii. ■ There 'ai'I be a series of ChMs;- mas;-sei'v'ces ^^DK^ducted at Conn- munity Chapel Mpthodist ch'arch by-the Rev. Wallace M. Ellis of Richwood. Ohio. The servit'e will begin at seven-thirty this-even ing'((Christmas E.ve), arid will be held nightly at' seven - thirty through next Sunday ni'ght,j^J>ec- ember .28, except that thgr^will be no service next, Saturaay. night and there will'be a ser'^ce ).at three o’clock next Sunday ternoon. , , , / ham.'s Service Station iiad by the Raotord Fire and Police Depiart- ments. . • ' • c^'Lioting' from the letter: '-'A; the Mmc of tp.^ agc....entu .n'.im- ber of citizens' of Kaef'o’.'d gath ered around aiuT were most help- I'al. . kind and sympathetic. I should like to thank them also. Raeford inust'be a pleasant place m whic'n to liv^ whett.sych w’nole- heai'toa and unselfish- a'ssista'ffc-e is given cp' stranger in distress." T 0 ' f . ay jRame Protector H. R. McLean Wish-Bs to call to. the attention of plPhunters of the co)inty that ’the open season for hunting' dtvr, squirrel and wild turkey will end on Janucuy 1, 1948. ernoon.. If half the money up locally it wilf ’.'eturn s.igiiT.y over two percent annu- ■put I rf*'' ally Th;s figure will accoi'iunce with tl' half which is •e higher in amo'unt over p looaliy by eason of the inieres'. saving on money not borrowed, best 'local estimate’s. 0— acL-oruing to STORES OPEN TONIGHT Best, information available yes terday was tha.t the stores here^ would be open tonight (Wednes day'), following the Same, hours they usually dx^ .^on Saturday’s. They will be' closed Thursday j ■ and. Friday, as na? been previ ously announced. ' I 1

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