P^\c S4iJ^~^T't'-- ‘4-.ki: '•^:/ ■ ^' .-,.:^v, ■'* »’• '■• s-4., m! ’-i'. “ K*-- V.'' V-5-t InatanriViriiefftoinheadbold- IT"'' • 1 /inaiMrtelds'niMiidevdcKbjc^f, ' t jta ^cilfaae^ ii^ 9 . V-X- f •'^ ■' "V-■ ••''> i~’ »'' -*1^ /*'y ^ ' >'Adi|ini^urt^ an effort to meet the need ior "Improved -^©^uipment and jpuitaDle- Jot'nmihtipns for—apply ing insecticides"aid fungicidaB?*t5" control msects and plant/ di seases, a resparch^,^ prpject/. has been approved i^der ttie Re search anc^ Mhrketin^ Act pi 1946, the'USDA has announc ^- 0- High school gradual choose your educjatio^ enlist—tunder the U., Av^on Care« -you can .Air •■'.'^•r:'' f'-. k \r\t Mrs. M. iL. Wood and dau^ter, Miss Jane Wood, and M.'L. Wood, Ji;. went to Gastonia Sunday to Aosit Miss. Betty Jean Wood, who is a paient in the Orthopedic hos-. 7 '; . DdW^ spending^ soihe tinre wiith his sisters, Mrs. J^w- rence ^^nard of Beaufort^''^ C. land Mrs. Gorioji Barnard bf Port Royal, S. C. ■• ^ ” V 13 V S'.-! iMrs. M. S. Bristow spent last *"Saturday with > her daughter, Mrs. B. B. Minji^ at FayeW^rSIe. Miss Lucille Jones visited sisters, Mrs.. Bandy Lincolnton and Mrs. RetinLefler at Albemarle. the schdm lunchroom whl was a^^aj Mrs. (Bill Davis is at hoAie f ter being a patient in -a Fayette ville Ihospiital with pneumonia! f ? -v- Milss Catherine Mclnnis is re- cuperaBug-^-art'-l^r home here af ter a ftonsilectomy at Highsmith hospitifl the first of the i3veek. . -V V- r i;" /. ‘ KM VALUES THAI Mrs. M. iR. Knight returned from a v|sit of Several days with her daughfer, Mrs. C. S. Pickett, at Fayetteviijle last Mondayj^^Viiss The Rock|ish^ Civic club ', will meet at tpe school .house^Friday night of this- week. The attend ance at' these meetings, lias not bebn' veiT 'g3od her^fo^e and it is hoped that all whbi are in terested will try to be piifesent. an automobile, wreck sonae time ^o, has nbf completely j-rei^bven- his injuries probably being more serious than he af^first real ized. ■ ■ - ,Mi's Arlene Parnell’s study course fo- the young folks Tabernacle eruJcd in a party at the home of Rev, and Mrs. K B. Booker, where games ^ere. glay-. ed, refreshments served® good time had-by all., . ,. . . O. Fred English, who Avas, home „ i . [for Christmas holidays, has re- •Bessie Wright toc^k her plac^ ^"'turned to Morion, where he is'^ school. P . %:A J ■ .B ,Re iiiiiiiiiiii y ; *■{ '.V , ) ^-r'is-I-. ' .BAN tSF lllllllll EFORD :dte .o| N. tW close of business on Deci 31, 1947 ■a,'*' S/y ■ 1. Qa^'^alanc^^ wiffi]®leS^Bkgy»ijfielu^ijig Tesef^ balances,..,..^ and cash item^ in process of collection ............—(..iJ.—— $ 950,149.39 IQIjlQJSeDICiNt IS BEHER .>lif-SM0Rd rtlief •! Cold Mitcrus %ritb 66( •Tht lorQtif ielling UQuid Cold PreporofioR in Hie U. S ^ LIQUID ODD COID PREPARATlOf Caution Um only os dirociod Are You TradipfTlarsI REGARDLESS OF WHERE OR WHEN —LEX US . FINANCE IT FOR YOU. Mrs. H. J. Smith and chil&en Miss Carrie Smith j Mrs; J-'s^D. , Mclnnis and son, J. D. Jrvisit ed Mrs. Mary Mclnnis and family last Thursday. / and cash iterq^ ii^, process Bf collection 2.^nited Stages GoverifaneptydbUgatjpns, directi ahd^guaran V teed - - 1,776,300.00 v' ’ ■ ! 3. Obnga|iaps:pfe^S^e^^|-:"^^fe,f«bdivisions ‘4,450.00 Lo^^lahd ’dise^J95g;Jt^elU&S256fdverdifa^t§^ 297,940.80 7.!Tj^il|4'^eihises,|>^i^'f4loM^f^^ fcnitu^.an^'^tures ; l4^^II5r-^ asSetS';jC^:,.|iXV-.^®/^^-----.-p-----¥^ 2,848-60 Lumber River S iTomen’s Missionary Uuion rnagle church^ met with B.^Boo^r la^ Monday p. m. with- a^^^iy^o'od attend ance. / Circle No. 2, Woman’s. Auxi- liarx,_Galatia church, will meet wiith Mrs. M. S. Bristowrthis af ternoon at 2:30. Mrs. Bristow anti Mrs. Bernice Bostic, joint hostesses. 4 Raeforjd Baptist . Church « -_P. J. P. Whisnant, Pastor^ 9:45 A. M.—Sunday schooL 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship Church Conference immediately after. * ' , ^6:00. P.” M^JCrain^ linion ^;’'30 P.*” M. tVedhesday' Prayer Meeting. Radio Baptist Hour Sunday mor ning 8:30. Dr. Kyle M. Yates subject; “Loye-^God to Man”. __o— Bethel " Church L ' I ^ 10;00 A. M.-^unday school. Rj%n Mc^ryde, Supt. ■ 0 1 Spring Hill Baptist Church J. D. Whign^t, Pastor 8:30 A. M. Rad» Baptipt Hour ■■ • 10:00 A. M.—Spnday School. 6:30 P. M. Training Union- .7130^ P. M. Wednesday Pray» Meeting ® ' ^''^B^hesus Baptist ‘Church Raeford MethMM » ChiirA*^^' ' ^ Rev. R O. Lee* 9:45 A. M.—ChuxtA adidibii^ 11:00 A. M., li^^ping wmbi]^ Subject, “Is It moag^ To Ckj; AngPy.” , 6:00 P. M., Meeting the •• 7:30 P. M., Evening wotffi^y Subject, “Moving ,Together.*M^t ‘ . ■ , ■ ■ Raeford Preifi^erian!^^i Church ; ^ " VE. B. Better, Pastor ; 10:00 A. M.—Sunday school 11:00 A. M.—Morning Worship 4th Sunday. - ,6:30 P. M.—Evening Worship 1st Sunday. , Philippi Presbyterian Church , 2nd and 4th Sundays 11:15 A. M.—Sunday school 12:15 P. M.—-Worship Seiyipe- .. > —tt- ^— Community Chapel Methodist Church All the college students have Rev. G. W. Crutchfield, Minister returned to their respective col- Efaone 767 South Elm St* lumbebton/n. q. AL' ASSETS 3,046,601.33 |'.LIABILITIES "Jk *'-• ' ' '■ ” ‘V k t ^ V* . ii:V‘sLvcfer■ ^2,277,668.73^ y V; r4:^me-deposits^^f-p^nerships, fend corpora- -5^' ■ ; ' - 507.542; ' * ' ’ Goverjimenr niidu|itog postaU , ^ !yfl ; . .16.yPppQsits o'£ ^^;ate,s -cuad^ subdiv 25^07^ 69,844.51 ms^iOHS y 18. checks, etc.) 1 7\^l,048-92 ' -.23! ' .15,8^.82: ' ^ ■-:-%* ^ ,V*, *• “v -.1 » " J \ \ ' W^iAcluding subo^dij^^ ■y.y i ’ /; CAPITAL ACeOUI^ ! Hardy a mont]( gojes by] ! during jwhich mem- jber't>f the fa^y doesn’t] I have a cold ot upset ,stom- jach, earache^or minor in-| KeepHlhem all minor [ I by Consulting your phy§i- | jcian first; '^d by having! us fill bis description in! ir fine pharmacy depart-| ! ment. ‘ ’: -^S-^r^urplus - ' - ^T'-'lJnd^^ed pi^dfits '.-29. *!v'7fQTAEi CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 50,000.00 100,000-00 3,924.48 153,924,48 HOWELL DRUG STORE L^ges since Christinas. Miss^uby Wood to,i IFlora h^Qc^ionald, ^Miss Eleanor idng -to tLouisburg,. and. Miss Vera King to .Wajce Forest. Chicken Stew & Oyster Slipper •There wiil be a .chicken stew and oyster supper at Rockfish ^hool house next Tuesday even ing, January 13, sponsored by the Home (Demonstration club. The public is invited ’to attend. Snow-White Laundry WUmlni^n St., Maxton, N. C. , — 4- I - All n^ern new ’’equipment I^repared to do all types' Of Laundry Business nday School each Sunday terSmn, at 2:00 ,o’aock, Mr^. H. W. Ellis/ SUjpRrintehdent. Preaching services ea^ second and fourth Sunday afternoons at 3:00 o’clock. , 0- O Parker /Methodist lurch W. B. Heyward, Pastor!' #1 " 9:45 A. M.—Church School. |J 11:00 A. M.—Morning Worship ll 6.30 P. M.—Pioneer Vespers ^ and Youth Fellowship. 7:30 P. M. Evening worship, 11(1:00 A. M. Wednesiday,fAuxi liary Mission Study. 7:00 P. M. Wed&fesday«iiPrayer Service. ♦ ^;45 P. M. Wednesday, Choir Practice 0 :- 1 ' . ■ ' Lumber Bridge Presbyterian Church 10:00 A. M., _ Sunday School *• -^) ^ Dimdarrach Presbsrterian Church Rev. J. W. Mann, Pastor 2:30 P. M.—Sunday school. 3:15 P. M.—^Readilng every 2nd and 4th Sunday.. Shiloh* Presbyterian Church ^ i«0( for Business Now Op« i Picq up and delivery service All Work Guaranteed (ev. P. Oi. Lee, Mini :00 A. M.-^undaj .12:15 P. M.—^Re^lar^; services each fnSt .and days. 0—— 4! Pittman Grove Baptist 'Church •* Rev. Taylor, Pastor. 10:00 A, M.—Sunday school. ^:00 A. M.—^Worsfip“”^(ervlce :ea^ 1st and 3rd Sunday. 7:00 P. M. Thursday—Prayer- neeting. ' 10:00 A. M. Sunday seBdfd. — o__— Antioch Pre'sbsrteriaii ^ Church J. W. Mann, Pastor. * 1,0:00 A. M.—Sunday school. 'IIKM) A. M. Morning Worabip ®- ■' Ashley-Heis^to Baptist Church Jos^h P. WoodsOn, Pastot 10;00 A. M. Sunday ^chool 11:00 A. M. Morning worship 6-00 P. M. Training Union "^V ^®^^*** worship. \7:w P. (M. Wednesday, Prayer.^ Mating. 3Q.>S^|iTM: LIABILimS aM CAPITAL AQCQUNTS .. 3,046,^01.33 s c; aon stodf^th Im. i-t ^ it^l consists of cc r^iue of IsOjOQQjj -memoranda.'! ‘ 31.ts pledged-or., assigni^^tb secure liabilities and for ^ other pur^ses ^ 209,800.00 ■ ■ — • ^...^ w*; I, .R. B. Lewis;, fx'0j|i^'h'%^e^;preSide|ip, .of .the above-named bank, do scileniniy. swear that th'&;,^h6ve( Stat^ent iii|[|iie,\and that it fully and i’. - ■>/?■' ^ ' • " correct Iv c epresents ,the-tru‘e’'sf^e of . the/sev^rol matters herein contained • ' . ■ ■- - and set forth, to the b^t of my knowledge-'and belief. ... T..B. Upchur!ch,,jr,|,’'U. L! Gatlin, J. L. McNeillr-^Directors. ‘ -State of,^NirtL,GarpBfla;;®ounty^oLHQ .■ . ' ’V’.! ■ >• , -. „ ■ . ' ' . ' ?worn to anmstflD'set^^^^^efore jne ifei^'-^tf'dSy of January, 1948, and I hereby certify I an officer or-idireekaijif^his^ai^ V , :My cpmn^ssipn esiri^res March. 18^ 1948. Clara Mae jGibson, v* Public-'' I “there is one thing about McLauchli I Company, if you buy anything ithere ai^d it ish’t right, ^ they’ll make it right”. It’s cost U3 3 lot gf money and some grief to have our. customer" 3f.iy that about uS ■ 3ut ■w: think it’s worth- ~ ^ • ^hat it CO ;l.s and we’re go ing to keep on doing it. Tabernacle Baptist Church »,^E. B. Booker, Pastor, qn. 10:00 A. M.-^unday siAool; ' 11:00 A. M.—^Morning worship, 1st ahd 3rd Sundays. 6:00 P. M—Training uniop . .^7:00 P., M.—Evening Worsl^ 2nd and 4th Sundays. ’ ’ ■ 7:00 P. M. Thursday—-Rayer January clearanci! i '■ ...>> 1: All winter dresses, suits and coats reduced Speciat price on cost^me jewelry and bags Come in and see our nevjj^' «i5 ?5 ^RING DRESSES Winter hats at wss than Vz price^ N. y.--