T ■! “i j-rf.' THE NEWS-JOVSNAL M54SHINQTC)Ni CONSIMER CEEDIT hundred and eighty million; air- .OulJtariding consumer credit de- craft procurement to $16,840,000,- clined $336,000,000 in January, 00; all national defense to $78,300, according to the Federal Reser\'e 000,000. The recommendations Board, bringing the total sonsumer were made in a 19,000-word report credit .outstanding down to $13,- 043i000.000 compared ■wnth the $13,379,000,000 peak reached on Dec. 31. The drop was entirely in charge account indebtedness. on military and civil air policy by a ten man board, headed by Sen. Owen Brewster (R.-Me.) and Rep. Carl Hinshaw (R.-Calif.) EXPORTS TO RUSSIA U. S. Exports to Russia last year just about doubled' this country’s imports from Russia, according to the Commerce De- Exports to Russia DEFENSE The Congressional Aviation Policy Board has wiarned that the L'.' S. must prepare quickly for atom.ic war by .spending upjpatment. tc $7S-bill;on for nstibnal defense j amounted to $149,504,067, includ- in the next five years. It urged'ing $32,072,343 in UNRRA goods these miliiF-ry Expenditures cur-j and $16,367,371 in lend-lease. inc the itve years beginning July jThiis country purchased $77,110,- 1: .V.i r.-.iiitarv aviation. $35.390,-; 760 of-goods from Russia, mostly C‘C'0.000 to $39-biKion and three-: in furs and scarce ores needed to make steel. The bulk of Russia’s imports from the U. S. were heavy machinery, chiefly machine- making tools, construction, mining and oil refinery equipment. Virtu ally all of the U. S. Russian trade is now on a “cash on the barrel head” basis. BUILDER’S SUPPLIES Inventories of building ma- le^i als .present “a consJidjErabjly brighter picture” than a year ago, according to the Commerce De partment. Record high quantity production was achieved during 1947 in: hardwood, flooring, cement asphault, roofing materials, struct ural clay tile, gypsum board and lath, and warm air furnaces. MOTOR VEHICLES ' The automobile industry ex pects to build mope than a half million vehicles during March, barring unforeseen difficulties. This would ;be the highest, single months volume since June, 1941, and/,would bring first quarter pro duction well over t^ 1,300,000 mark. ROCKFISH NEWS Miss Lucille Jones is spending some time with her sisters, Mrs. Wren Leiler of Albemarle and Mrs. W. G. Bandy of Lincolnton. NEW CONSTRUCTION A net gain of nearly 3 per cent in new construction activity was noted in the iourth quarter of 1947. The total reached $3,782,- 000,000 as private construction in creased 6.5 per cent over the pre- .’ious quarter. JOB INSURANCE The National Industrial Con ference Board recently reported that funds available for unem ployment compensation benefits reached an all-time peak of $7,- billion and one-hundred million on Sept. 30, 1947. From liie beginning of the program to June 30, last, $9,800,000,000 was collected, by the states from employers under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act. An additional $600,000,000 was collected by the states from em ployee pay roll taxes. Besides this $700,000,000 was earned in interest on the money in the unemployment trust fund. Benefit payments dur- Mrs. Ai A. Jones and Mrs. H. A. Bullard of Lillington spent last Sunday with their sister, Mrs. D. P. Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wood went to the Sanatorium Sunday to visit Mrs. Wood’s uncle Ben Johnson, who is a patient there. Mrs. Ida Johnson’s Mr. Johnson’s sister of Miami, Florida, and Mrs. W. M. McLean of Raeford wlent with them. I We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Beat Willis has not been very well lately. - fitrfttnrg - I ing the same period amounted to etteville visited Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Britt of Fay- only $4,100,000,000. We Will Close Wednesday Afternoons at 12:30 o'clock Beginning next Wednesday, liareh 31 Belk-Hensdale Co. Israel Mann TEACHERS One million new teachers will be needed in this country during the next decade, yet fewer than 500,000 will be trained, accord ing to the National Education Association. As the result, the United States forces a desperate shortages of teachers, which, un less checked, will seriously im pair the education of millions of children. mother, Mrs. Sunday. D. Mrs. Britt’s P. Andrews Raeford Baptist Church J. D. Whisnant, Pastor 8:30 A. M. Baptist Radio Hour. 9:45 A. M.—Sunday scbooL 11:00 A. M.—Morning Worship. 6:00 P. M. Trainickg Union 7:00 P. M.—Evening Worship 8.-00 M.—You are invited to attend the services at the Pre^y- terian church. 7:30 P. M. Wednesday Prayer Meeting. . -r-0 Parker Methodist Church Rev. P. 0. Lee, Minister 11:00 A. M.^unday school. 12:15 P. M.—Regular worship services each first and third Sun days! 6:00 P. M.—Dinner on grounds. 7:30 P. M.—Easter service. Mrs. Dan Mclnnis arud children, Janice dnd Dannie of Raeford, spent last Friday with Mrs. Mc lnnis’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. .G. Wood. D. P. Andrews and ^G. D. Dee’s visited relatives in Asheboro last Sunday. Collins Dept. Store • i. % I I I . ' / mi S'- ls , ;v ttXlU um I HOWTO FLY A KITE > ^ ... iiillWii iiiiili it fROiii OTMCWiiiE; 10 isE iir eOTTOM STPIIG o6«'t ciiiB ; fOlES TO ' BECOVEP KITES BONIT VSI wmm mm 11 ' ' A ilpll IKTAl/srRllli KITES i/i 'im 9 % 9 A CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY NAVY ROCKET A new Navy rocket spurted 78 miles into the sky and reached a speed of 3,000 miles an hour, ac cording to the Army and Navy. This is the highest and fastest that an American niissile is dis closed to have gone. The per formance of the new Navy roc ket ,the Aerobee, greatly exceeds the altitude of 34 miles and speed of 2,100 miles of the only other American rocket so far announced. The rocket carried 150 pounds of instruments for recording sosmic ray activity. NEW FLAG An official flag is being created for the Secretary of National De fense, the newest Cabinet post. The flag will be medium blue silk, with a jB^e-pointed star in each ^corner. 'l^the center is an American bald eagle, wings out stretched. The talons of the eagle hold three crossed arrows and on its breast is a shield of thirteen stripes, alternately silver and red, topped by a blue chief. Mrs. Sam Minter spent the latter part of last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Bristow, while her husband- went on a short visit to see his mother in Georgia. Lumber Bridge Presbyterian Church 10:00 A. M., Sunday School , 0 , Dundarrach Presbyterian Church Rev. J. W. Mann, Pastor 2:30 P. M.—Sunday school. 3:15 P. M—Preaching every 2nd and 4th Sunday.. Raeford Presbyterian Church W. B. Heyward, Pastor 9:45 A. M.—Church SchooL 11:00 A. M.—^Morning Worship 6:30 P. M.—Pijoneer Vespfirs 6:30 P. M.—Youth Fellowship Vespers. * • 8:00 P. M. Evening Wor^ip 7:30 P. M.—^Wednesday Pray/^r Meeting. 8:15 P. M.—^Wednesday Senior Choir Practice. Ephesus Baptist Church E. B. Booker, Pastor 10:00 A. M.—Sunday school 11:00 A. M.—Morning Worship 4th Sunday. 7:30 P. M.—^Evening Worship 1st Sunday. Bethel Presbyterian Church 10;00 A. M.—Sunday school. Ryan McBryde, Supt. Raeford Methodist Church -0- , Mr.and Mrs. Clyde McGill of Fayetteville visited Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Bristow Sunday p.m. Shiloh Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Bundy anid' fami^ly of Raeford were all-day visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Bundy last Sunday. 10:00 A. M. Sunday school. Rev. C. M. Gibbs will preach every 1st Sunday. A. A. Wright spent the past week-end with his daughter, Mrs. E. T. Brock and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. Si Pickett and baby son, Ronnie, of Fayetteville visited Mrs. Pickett’s mother Mrs. M. R. Knight last Saturday. Ashley Heights Baptist Church Joseph F. Woodson, Pastor 10;00 A. M. Sunday School IIKIO A. .M. Morning worship 6;00 P. M. Training Union 7;00 P. M. Evening worship. 7:30 P. M. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting. Mr. and' Mrs. H. T, Dundy and family of Raeford were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Bundy last Sunday p.m. Spring Hill Baptist Church Miss Bessie Wright has recently accepted a position witth the Mill- End store in Fayetteville. FOREIGN TRADE Commercial exports dropped, in January to the lowest value since November, 1946, according to the Commerce Department. The January value of the exports was $931,900,000, 11 per cent below last December. Imports, however; showed a brighter picture in Jan uary, totaling $543,700,000, 14 per cent higher than the monthly average for 1947, alth(Dugh 10 per cent below the unusually high December value. AIR parcel POST Air parcel post was opened as a service between the United States and twenty-one foreign countries on March 15th,accord- ing to the Postmaster General. The countries are: Austria, Bel gian Congo, Bermuda, Czecho slovakia, Denmark, Egypt, Eire, Finland, Gold Coast Colony, Great Britain and North Ireland, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Swiitzerland, Tunisia, Turkey and Union of South Africa. . 0- Milk production on North Caro lina farms totaled 106 million pounds during January, an in crease of 4 per cent over the _ 10- year average for the month. Mrs. Lester Rives,* who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Her bert Long for some time, returned to her home in Hartsviille, S. C. Tuesday. J. D. Whisnant, Pastor 8:30 A. M. Radio Baptist Hour 10:00 A. M.—Sunday School. 6:30 P. M. Training Union 7:30 P. M. Wednesday Prayer Meeting 0- Tabernacle Baptist Church Miss Pauline Davis of Asheboro visited her uncle, Floyd Monroe and family, and other relatives in this community over the past week-end. Rockfish Grange wiU meet Fri day night of this week at the Rock fish community house at 7:30. OoTbis Ibr COUGHING, MUSCULAR TIGHTNESS OF E. B, Booker, Pastor. 10:00 A. M.—Sunday school. 11:00 A, M.—Morning worship, 1st and Jtrd Sundays. 6:00 P. M.—Training union. 7:00 P. M.—Evening Worship. 2nd and 4th Sundays. 7:00 P. M. Thursday—Prayer service AT BEDTIME I T Vicks VapoRub. s relief-giving action starts instantly ... WORKS FOR HOURS to relieve distress in the night even whila ycur child sleeps! Rev. P. O. Lee, Minister 9:45 A. M.-MHhurch school. Program: “Dedication of the Lily” 11:00 A. M.. Morning worship, 6:30 P. M., Meeting of the MYF. 7:30 P. M. Wednesday Choir Practice. :—0- Community Chapel Methodist Church Rev. G. W. Crutchfield, Minister Sunday School each Sunday af- ternootf at 2:00 o’clock, Mrs. H. W. Ellis, Superintendent. Preaching services 'each second and fourth Sunday afternoons at 3;00 o’clock. 0 Pittman Grove Baptist Church *Rev. .Taylor, Pastor.^' 10:00 A. M.—Sunday school. 11:00 A. M.—Worship service each 1st and 3rd Sunday. 7:00 P. M. Thursday—Prayer meeting. Antioch Presbyterian Church ❖ Raeford Theatre ❖ Theatre Opens At 5:00 P. M. Daily — THURSDAY & FROJAY ^‘Albuquerque” Randolph Scott Also Cartoon When you rub it on tlmoat, chest and back, Vicks VapoRub starts right to work to soothe irritation, ease cough ing, relieve muscular soreness and tightness. And 'VapoRub keeps on working for hours ^ ^ ^ in the night to m# | C K 9 bring relief. Try it! v vapor us - SATURDAY — King Of Bandits” ALSO “Fall Guy’ In- J. W. Mann, Pastor, 10:00 A. M.—Sunday school. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worsliiil 0 Philippi Presbyterian Church ' 2nd and 4th Sundays 11:15 A. M.—Sunday school 12:15 P. M.—^Worship Service « J'f ANNOUNCING The Opening of MRS. MILL’S NURSERY SCHOOL ' April 1, 1948 FULLY EQUIPPED PLAY AREA CHILDREN AGED 3 TO 5 FOR FULL INFORMATION PHONE 355-1 RAEFORD, N. C. - SUNDAY — Shows 3 and 9 P. M. “Riffraff” Pat 0‘Brien Also Latest World News — MONDAY & TUESDAY — “Captain From Castile” With Tyrone Power Note: Due to the length of this picture feature starts at 4:45, 7:05 and 9:25 Steve Brodie — WEDNESDAY — “Desperate” , Audrey Long J.” ,--K