A v.^-, ■4'!i:S^, ■' LOOK! BRAND NEW SLATE SURFACE ROOFING DIAMOND - POINT ■ PATTERN RED, GREEN, BLUE - BLACK 90 LB. PER ROLL ROLL - BRICK - SIDING 3 IN 1 - ASPHALT - SHINGLES LUMBER GERMAN - SIDING 1 X 6 D & M SHEATHING SQ. EDGE - BOARDS 2x4-2x6-2-8 INSULATION - BOARD PLUMBING - HEATING & HUNDREDS - OF OTHER ITEMS WE ALSO HAVE ON DISPLAY SECTIONAL BUILDINGS OF ALL SIZES DRIVE OUT TO CAMP DAVIS HOLLY RIDGE, N. C. Halfway Bet. Jacksonville & Wilmington .. Route 17 Gate 27 'WRECKING P. O. Box 814 C O M P ANY Ph. Holly Ridge 201 THE NEWS-JOURNAL THURSDAY, AJ^% 1948 c€crrisn news — By Mrs. A. A. Mclnnis. The Rockfish school enjoyed its Easter egg hunt last Friday with a record breaking attendance. I Several of the pre-school children j ca:no for the hunt. The grade 1 mothers who visited the school j witjvn the last few days were iMrs. Pittman, Mrs. Scull, Mrs. ; Brock, Mrs. English, Mrs. Scar- I boro. Mrs. Slagle, Mrs. Adcox and I Mrs. Lambert. The school has en- I joyed good chapei programs lately, given by the‘pupils. Miss Margaret Koonce, R. N.,.iof Winston-Salem, spent the week end with home folks. At last account Mrs. Marshall Newtori was still in the hospital. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Jones and Mr. ahd Mrs. P. C. English attend ed the sunrise Easter service at Winston-Salem last Sunday morn ing. Fairley Livingston of Lumber Bridge spent last Sunday with his sister, Mrs. M. S. Bristow. Mrs. Bristow also had as her guests, Mr and Mrs. Clyde CcGill and Sgt. and Mrs. Sam Minter of Fayetteville. Mr. andi Mrs D, P. Andrews went to Charlotte and visited their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Williams and family, during the Easter holidays. Mrs. Mary Mclnnis, Miss Cath erine Mclnnis, Thomas Mclnnis and Rev. H. L. Hemphill attended the wedding of Ed Mclnniis and Miss Elizabeth Dixon in Dillon, S. C. last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Bundy and sons, Wayne and Jerry, and Mr. and Mrs.. A. A. Wright of Raeford spent Monday with rel atives at Rockfish. Mr. and Mrs. Manly Grooms spent the past week-end at Roa noke Rapids visiting Mr. Grooms’ mother, who is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barnard and chiLdiren of Port Royal, S. C. visiitedi Ms. Barnard’s parents Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dove, Easter, Mr and Mrs. Cecil Reynolds spent the past week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Wood and other relatives in this community. Mr. arudi Mrs. N. A. McKeithan and son, Cecil, Mr and Mrs. Melvin McDowell and Mrs. W. F. Wright visited Mr. and . Mrs. William Motley at Burksville, Va., over the past week-end. Charles Grooms spent the past week-end -at Bonnie Doon vlisit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Nash Grooms and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grooms. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hinson and' son, Alton, of Rockingham spent last Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Capps and family. Miss Annie Ray had as her guests over the week-endl her sister, Mrs. Clara Everett and family, of Portsmouth, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Braddy of Wilmington spent the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. R, D. Braddy. Miiss Ruby Wood of FMC, Red Springs, spent Easter with her mother, Mrs. C. L. Wood and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. E. T Brock and family visited Mr Brock’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Brock, at St. Pauls Sunday. J. L. Wood and Claude McLeodi of Asheboro visited Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Wood and family last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Koonce attended suhriise services in Fay etteville last Sunday and wdre dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Furman Martin. Beginners, Juniors ^nd Primary Sunday ■ School classes of "Taber nacle church had an Easter egg hunt at the home of Miss Bessie Wright last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mclnnis and children and Mr. and Mrs. James Wood and daughter of Raeford, Mr.*and Mrs. Ed Newton and child-, ren of Lakerim, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Smith and daugljter, Brenda of Maxton, Mr. amdi Mrs. Cecil Reynolds of Newport News, had a family reunion at the home of thek parents, Mr. and Mrs. T- G. Wood) last Sunday. Little Miss Anita Jean Williams of Charlotte is spending two weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Andrews. ret' REAL TIME /■ERVICE Take Watch MARTINS JEWELERS All Watch Repairs GUARANTEED " FOR ONE YEAR “One Week Service” n /-' JCWELERS 445 HAY STREET FAYETTEVILLE, North CAr3lina Beside Cairolina Theatre 0^vned and Operated By' ' . Charles W. Seate J.C.MgLEAN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING -r- HOUSE WIRING Phpne 5791 Raeford, N. C. ' XI. '■L GULBRAXSEN NEW SPINET PIANOS... SUPIR VALUES COLE PIANO COMPANY NEILL A. COLE, PROPRIETOR Piano Sales and Service PHONE 92.L THREE POINTS — SANFORD, N. C. JW -i. GEIGY COMPANY, INC. Originators of DDT Insecticides** Announce The Appointmentment of HOKE AND FERTILIZER COMPANY Raeford, N. C. as distributor Of COTTON POISONS ax' '1 foY tfiB control of BOLL EEVIL and other cotton pests A ■