.Tib'S *i\ ■ ' • r; iss^nssDAT, December 30/1948 -I ^ ^ -'"-s-. '.'c" '‘^T. / . i - . ’ ..§''' ■ ' /' ■ THE NEWS-JOURNAL K-V'-y^a Socials-Personal Items ... -•r -TiSr-.-.J' DR. AND MRS. WILLIS •keep open house ON CHRISTMAS EVE ?* Outstanding aonong the many holiday, social affairs was the very.-lovely C5hristjmas eve party ^ven by Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Willis at ibeir home at the Sanatoriunu yery beautiful and dignified were the arrangements of flowers and Christ!ma[s greens used for decora- tioii^ A silver contjuner holding white roses with tourning white tap^ (»i 4ither side formed the centerpieM of the dining room itable from winch frozen punch, confections and nuts were served. A nuknber of people from Rae- ford, Aberdeen and Southern Pines as well as the surrounding community enjoyed tiie hospital ity of Dr. and Mrs. Willis. 0 WILLIAMSON - WARNER -■4 and Mrs. G. W. Williamson adunce the engagement of their lighter, Marie to Jimmy Warner, , of Mr. and Mrs. Jiames Warner. wedding is planned for March in the Presbyterian church. CHRISTMAS CLUB MEETING MRS. MARCUS SMITH AND MRS. W. D. HOWELL HAVE CHRISTMAS TEA A ■?/ 1949 9 «(: k Aim in THE JOYS OF * THIS SEASON STAY WITH YOU ALL YEAfl The Educational Department of the Woman’s Club held its annual Christmas meeting in the home of Mrs. Tom Cameron on the Tuesr- day before Christmas. Mrs. Paul Dickson, Jr., Mrs. Robert Gatlin and Mrs. P. O. Lee were assisting hostesses. Mrs. Cameron’s living room and dining room Were lovely with Christmas decorations. An interesting Christmas tree with dolls and toys of many countries yras in the living room. ‘Miss Flora Boyce and Mrs. Neil Senter had charge of the program for the afternoon. The subject of the programi was Christmas in Other Countries. Miss Boyce pre tented six of her kindergarten children who sang two Christmas songs and told the Chirstmas Bible Story. These children were Crawford Thomas, Jr.. Evans Mc- NejlL Tom Cameron, Jr., Gerry Decha'hle and Judy Lee Dowdy. Mrs. Ne^ Senter then present ed the following girls -who repre sented different countries. As each girl appeared, the club sang the Christmas carol native to that country. These girls were Betsy Ross Gatlin, England; Lilmar Sue Gatlin, America; Eloise Upchurch. France; Carol McPhaul, Spain; Lillian Scarborough. Germany; and Suzanne Cameron, Wales. Mrs. A. D. Gore then played wire recordings of the High Schoob Glee Club and her Latin Class sing ing Christmas Carols. The entire program was interesting, good, appropriate to the season and ed- ucationaL The hostesses served,a dessert course that was both pretty and delkiouSi ^—0—.. MISS FAYE BAKER HAS OPEN HOUSE Mra W. D. Howell and Mrs. Marcus Smith entertained inform ally on Thursday afternoon with a very pretty Christmas tea at the home of Mrs. .Smith. To this affair they invited the members of their bridge clubs. Mrs. Hey ward, Mrs. NeiU A. McDonald and her mother, Mrs. Nash of Goldsboro were guests other than club members. Festive decorations, a gracious welcome, and delicious party food made the occasion a most enjoyable one. —^ 0 JACK McDUFFIE HAS SMALL DINNER PARTY Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Fitzsimmons and daughter of Macon, Ga. spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ryan McBryde. Mr. Fitzsimmons returned to Macon the first of the week and Mrs. Fitzsimmons and daughter remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gatlin, Betsy Ross and Anne are visiting in Washington, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cole, Al fred, Jr;, Betsy Ann and Sarah Jane spent Christmas day with Mrs. Coles’ mother, Mrs. N. W. Jenkins in Fairmont. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Daivs of High Point were guests l^unday and Monday of Miss Louise Blue. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mitchell of Fairmont visited Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Lester Sunday. Mr. nd Mrs, John Luther Mc Lean and children ad Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Newberry of Lumberton were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neill McFadyen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Gatlin spent Sunday, their tenth wedding anniversary, in Wilmington. Raeford Dry Cleaners Miss Faye Bakel^ kept open house on Sunday evening from five to six when a number of her contemporaries called. Her out- of-town guests were Miss Anna Lean MoLamb of Benson, Dr. Burgess Marshbanks of Lilling- ton and Miss Bennie Lee McGou- gan of Lumber Bridge and guest. Miss Johnny Gardner of Lumber- ton. A salad plate with coffee and sweets were served to the happy crowd, filled with holiday spirit. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel (Sunny) Blue and daughter, Danee Sue, ar rived by plane from Sacremento, California, to spend Christmas day here with his Grandmother, Mrs. J. A. Blue. While here Mr. and Mrs. Blue will visit his mother, Mrs. Anna Patch Blue in Southern Pines for a week. ■ Mrs. J. M. McDuffie gave a small dinner party Monday night in honor of Jack McDuffie who was at home for the holidays. Misses Alma Ferguson, Ellen Cur rie and Peggy Bethune Were din ner guests. The evening was spent in playing bridge. Jack is leaving today for Charlotte,- from there he will go by plane to Chicago and then to Oakland, California, where he teaches in Castle Mont High School. ‘ 0^ MISS JOHNSON HAS GOFFEE HOUR Mr. and Mrs. Neill Ross of Ra leigh and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ross of Washington, N. C. were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gatlin. Mrs. J. F. Ross, who has spent the past month with her dughter, Mrs. Gatlin, returned to Washington with her son. On Sunday afternoon Miss Ag nes Mae Johnson had a few fri ends in for an informal coffee hour. The girls home for the holi days who were present were; Ellen Currie of Richmond, Mrs. Keith Tovey (Mary ^ib McBryde) of Chicago and Mrs. A. R. Fitzsim mons (Frances McBryde) o^f Macon, Ga., Mollie Cameron of Gastonia, Elsie Upchurch of Shel by and Josephine McLauchlin of Burlington. ^ 0 — Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Upchurch, Jr. spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Caulk near Wash ington and Lt. (jg) and Mrs. Mal colm Collin at Patuxent Naval Air Station, Md. Page Robinson, Jr. of the U.S.C. spent Christmas here with his mother and his aunt, Mrs. Hallie Gatlin. Mrs. Robinson, who had been in Riieford for about a month with her sister returned to her home in Darlington, S. C. Sun day. There were several intermis sion parties the night of the pre- Christmas dance. Mr. and Mrs. MitoheU Epstein entertained with an elaborate turkey supper and Sonny McIntyre had the yoimger set for a party at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mc- Intsme. Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Eulxinkc from Wii^ate spent Christinas with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar HaR. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Graham and family of Fayetteville spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Lytle. * ! Mr. and Mrs. Martin Scarboro of Fayetteville spent Christmas Day with Mrs. Scarboro’s rnother, Mrs. Will Davis. On their return trip from Shel by Tuesday, Mrs. Clyde Upchurch and Mrs. Julian Johnson went by Bessemer City, Gaston County to see Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lowrahce who are living there now. Mr. Lowrance is Superintendent of Schools. Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Keith and baby daughter of Charlotte visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Keith the past week-end. Miss Doris Keith accompanied them home Sunday- for a short visit. Miss Margy Campbell of China Grove spent Christmas vacation with Mr. and MrS. Ernest Camp bell. Miss Helen McKenzie of Lan caster, S. C. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J; W. McKenzie over the holidays. Miss Sally Currie of Red Springs was also a visitor in the the McKenzie home. Mr. and Mrs.. Clyde^Campbell of Butner were in .R'a®f5rd for Christ mas. Frank Dickson and daughter, Mrs. Marion Dickson McNeely of Orlando, Fla. came by plane for a short visit to Raeford relatives Monday. John Blue, of Sylacouga, Alaba ma spent the Christmas holidays with his mother Mrs. J. A. Blue. Mr. and Mrs. O’Rourke and daughter of Lan^ey Field, Va. spent the holidays with Mrs. O’ Rourke’s parepfs. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Walters."^ Mrs. H. A. Cameron, Misses Marie, Mollie and Florence, and Donald Cameron went to Asiheville Monday to see Mr. H. A. Cameron who is in a hospital there. They also visited friends in Morganton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Collins. Mrs. Collins’ sister and Dr. Roy Collins of Holly Springs visited Mrs. H. A. Cameron Sunday. Mrs. Collins is a first cousin of the late T. B. Uiyhurch. Mrs. Frances Davis and daugh ter,, Betty of Greensboro arrived last Thursday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Coving ton and Miss Mary Stewart Cov ington spent Sunday in Laurin- burg with Miss Alice Covington. Miss Mary Stewart sang at the morning.service of the First Meth odist Church in Laurinburg. Pel ham Covingtoi}, former Raeford resident, was also a guest of his sister. Miss Alice., He has been quite sick but is better now.. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Phillips spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie PhiUips at Cameron. Mr., and Mrs. Ed Brown and son )f Charlotte spent the holidays witti Mr. and Mrs. Clay LiUy. Buster Maxwet! of Hie V^' & Navy at Sen Diego anfved the Tuesday before Christmas to tpeod the holidaye with his father, day- ton MaxWeD. He left this week to report back to duty.. Guests in the home of Mr. and and Mrs, D. J, Dalton for the holi days were Mr, and Mrs. T, C- Carrowan and Tommy Carrowan from Lumberton and Maxton, Miss P®ggy Bullard from Richmond, Va. and Mr. and Mrsi. Hinson Walters of Vass. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dixon and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Willis ^>ent Sunday in Oxford with Mr. Dixon’s father, W. B. Dixon. Nathan Epstein of Latta, S. C. was a visitor in Raeford over the week end. Boz Bethune of Wilmington was in Raeford Sunday. Jim, Wiliamson, Ed McNeill,. Bobby Carter, and Jim Stephens left Monday morning to go duck hunting. They spent Monday and Tuesday at Bogue Sound, Wednes day at Lake Matamhskeet and re turned , to Raeford Wednesday night. Dr. and Mrs. Marcus Smith and children spent Sunday and Mon day 'ATith Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Cameron at Lake Waccamaw. Eldred Helton is spending the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Mary Helton. He will return to his duties with the National Ad visory Committee fry Aeronautics or. .January third. 0 ^ It Pays To Advertise John Walker of Oak Ridge, Tenn., who spent the holidays with bis family here, returned to his work Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Bethune and Jennie Blue spent Monday in Raeford. Jennie Blue remained for a ,longer visit with her great grandmother. W Wp Earl Wilfong spent Christmas in Gastonia with his parents. * • Miss Lona Graham and Mur doch McDuffie spent the holidays in Faison with Mrs. D. Newton. Mr. and Mrs^ Ledbetter Nichol son spent Christmas in Ellenboro. E Sgt. and Mrs. Bob Staley spent the holidays in Monroe and High Point. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Campbell had the following guests. Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McCall and children, Mr. and Mrs. James Bostick and children of Laurin burg; Mr. nd Mrs. Arthur Camp bell and children of Florence, S. C.; and Herman Campbell and son of Kings Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Stuart and family spent the Christmas holi days in the home of W. A. McLean. Miss Nora Mae Garner of Franklinton spent Christmas with Mrs. A. R. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Hartman Yarbor ough and son of Columbia, S. C. spent, Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Yarborough at Oakdale Farm. LmUL V lake way Q for a Bright © New Year, ^ with every good wish for you. I ■\r ANd Coffee Shoppe Mrs. Clyde Upchurch and Mrs. Julian Johnson took Miss Elsie Upchurch back to Shelby Monday. They spent the night and shopped in Charlotte Tuesday. Ampi;^ those going to the Sugar Bowq^1Ct are; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Willilc^-^. Mr. and Mrs. James McDiarmid, Buck Blue, Jake Austin, Mitchell Epstein, Jack Morris and Devde Austin. Miss Betsy Ann Cole, who spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cole, returned to Hartford, Conn. Monday going by plane. * Mr. an Mrs. Douglas Tolar and daughter of Newbern spent the holidays with Mrsi Tolar’s mother and; granclmother. Mrs. Ruth Bridges and Mrsi Bennie Cox. Mr. nd Mrs. J. H. Blythe and Sandra spent Christmas with Mr. Blythe’s mother in Huntersville. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Miller of Washington spent Tuesday night and Wedneday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Campbell. Mrs. Miller is a neice of Mrs. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert McLean and children left Sunday to spend several days in Charlotte with Mrs. McLean’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Campbell. Harlee Jobe of .the Farm and Home Administration Office spending this week in Raleigh. We send you our kindly greeting as the New Year dawns. IS Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Monroe went to Kannapolis Friday to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hendrick. • MjSgt. and Mrs. Ed Willis spent Christmas in Kenansville with Mrs. Willis’ mother. Nat White 'of the Soil Conserva tion Office is spending this week at hdme in Henderson. I? ^Mu/[Ky Charles Ellis of Hartsville, S. C. who attends the Citadel in Char leston, S. C. arrived yesterday for a visit with his aunt, Mrs. Ernest Campbell. , Clyde Upchurch and Joe went duck- hunting at Lake Matamus- keet the first of the week. I Morgan Jewelers Raeford Florist Mr. Mid Mrs. H. L, Gatlin, Jr, and Leon and Pete Dickson spent the week-end at Topsail Beach. Mr. and MrsilMarvin Scull of Daytona Beachj] Florida spent Ohfistfnas here with relatives. Mr. Scull .returned Tuesday but Mrs. Scull ^remained for a longer visit. Mrs. W. L. Senter pf Kipling ar rived Wednesday for a visit in the home of her son Neill Senter and Mrs. Senter. Paul Fuller of Hickory and Allan Fuller of Washington. D. C., soris of George Fuller, came by plane to Raeford Sunday to see Mrs. A. J. Fuller and Mrs. Dwight Brown. Mt. and Mrs. Daniel Jones and son of Gastonia spent Christmas with Mr. Jones’ sister, Mrs. Agan- ora Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Moon and daijghters of Graham were holiday guests of Mrs. lifoon’s mother. Mrs, W. E. Blue. A Steady flovF of happy days an through the New Year is our wish for you. BAUCOM APPLIANCE CO. RAEFORD, N. C. -nffpi Jll 11 Oa fte dawn d the New Year, we pause once y / again to eigness our best We trust yonl cat many fancy Figure fights on jm BELK HENSDALE CO.