rfSj VOICE OF iREiPOM HOME GUARDIAN OF lIBERTt P!?a.s, V¥- ) »' ,1 VWEWS The Hoke County News The Hoke County Journal VOICE OF IREIPOM HOMf , »«■»!*. i GUMUHAN or usiRfv ^ VOLUME XLIV; NUMBER 8 THURSDAY. JULY 21. 1949 RAEFORD. N. C. S2.00 FEB Knee-Pants Teams In Tournament Today, Tomorrow Youngsters From Four Towns Play Six Or Seven Games At Armory Park The mayoi's of Raeford, Red Springs. Southern Pines and Ab erdeen ha'. e arranged a baseball tournament among “knee-pants” teams lor the four towirs and the games v.ill be played in Armory Park in Raeford starting at 10:0,0 o'clock this morning. The lOin'nament is being iocal- 1\- sponsored by the Kiwanis club of Raeford who are expected to arrange- dinner and . supper to day and .; ir.oi'i'O','.' for the, visit ing players. First game at 10:00 will betwesn' Southern Piiies and Red Springs and second game at 2:00 o’clo k loday Will be between ^ Aberdeen and Raeford. Games' between :ho two losers \v o’clock today, respectively. Tomorro'.v afterntjon there EDUCATION BOARD SETS OPENING DATES FOR COUNTY SCHOOLS two \\ iimcrs and the I ill be at -four and si:-: 1 At a recent meeting the Hoke county board of education dates of opening, closing and Christ mas holidays for the. white, '■olored and Indian schools In 5 the county were set. The white schools of the county will open the I&i3-5D term on Thuisday, September 3 and will close for Christmas on December 20. They reopen or. January 2 and close ti.e year on May 30. The colored and riicliun schools opc’i on Monday, Sep tember 26 and close for ClrriSt- rras on December 21, reopen ing January 2 and closing the I year on May 31. TI'.c- Eoar.'l also had a I’.car; ig on the State school insurenf-e plan as opposed to the privatc- Iv o-wnert slock compar.y i::- snrance now carried. Xo ac tion was taken pending fiuther iicaring. jc'fy imi W; -i. Recorder Hears’ Traffic, Liquor- Tussday. n 25. Cases Heart!; Soltlmrs . Pay Fines For Enterin'? Peach Orchard; Rape Case ''' .A ;■ .y* •iwiitf •V \', crc' W'csi.c.v G . .;:sre !ii and Clay C fined ?1.1 a:i:-i the McLean, coiored. .•ill i be gamer a:'two ah'd four O’clock and the iinals will be at eight o i J’ - tilt Siipposi; ’eed Export Levy arm t •■cririf-e • 1 clccl: to;-;.orr.o'.v night. There will be no Lid'.r.ission char.gc to ai>y of th.] game? except the finals Friday I'llght and this will be used to de fray necessary expenses in con ducting the affair. Public is in vited to ‘'dl' -eames. t i By H. E. Vernon, County Agent j f .. irr the ■Tobkeco :s c.t Saturday. Jul; T?.eferan-: i.2 is pro bably h-ie largest part, the average lartv er •.•. iL .olay in soaping our Xati'inh F.'-.m. Program i'.:i rc- spee. T. ...icco. Let me iogai.-i Lirgc yrt'i ;tt: to ncgioci this oj;- portti.r.' v .u'it. nuty. Ihc fc.o ciuct- tions i.a, .ite rci'erenoums• are en- tircl\- seg.arate aitd can be t oted on indi'vitlually. In the. Tobacco Quota Rel-t’.ettdum tr.e gro'.ver may vote for guotas for three, years, one year or against all quotas; while witii another poll holder he can vote lor or against the annual assessment of ten cents per acre for 1950, 1951, .and 52. The 1947 Legislature passed an enabling act to permit growers to \-ote This .assessment upon them selves to support' an export pro motion program, handled by . To bacco Associates. Inc. There has been sonte opposition to the To bacco Associates' latel.v, so;r.c a- gainst the ' type of organization and some against it claiming it hasn’t iteen ■ effective in promot ing the si.Ie of tobacco overseas. While o.n the other side. Farm Organization Leaders claim that the problem has been effective and L. T. Weeks,'Manager .of the Stabilization Corporation says, “The work of Tobacco Associates in opening up sales channels has enabled us to move large quanti ties o'f tobacco that would not have been sold otherwise.” De cide whether you think the pro gram is worth 10 cents per acre of tobacco, then vote accordingly. In the other referendum on to bacco quotas, which is more fam iliar to us, I_ thing that the Im portant thing is getting a large percentage of growers, to vote. Generally the attitude of most growers oh quotas and support prices is already' fixed, but the influence that this referendum has on the Tobacco Program in Wash ington -.vill ’oe dOlermine.d largely by the percentage of tobacco growers who actually vote on Saturday. 0 TO BROADCAST SERMON • IMiu'ke'.ing Quotas and Tobacco .;oci: to.'’ export program , arc ■'aecessary to the prosperity of the due-cured belt,” T. W; Allen, Creedmoro, N.- C., Chairman of the Grange’s National and S'iatc Tobacco Committees has declared foday in urging a 100 per cent vote on both in the refcrcnclums -Saturday, July 23. At the same lime, B. F. ‘'.Vill- ;:'.mso;'i, Jr., Darlington, S. C., Chairman of the .South Carolina .F-arni Bureau’s llobacco Commit- 1. "f¥ ^ ' te.'', said “a market for tojacco is tiio lifo of the business.” ■The p.’ogrc.v- of Tobacco .\s- a; bates, ihelpirg u.ba’mi.;hed 'vCics to place t' bscco in fo;.-- el, i* CGU'ntries has been vor.'c gra- tboV-' -•V' t In Recorder’s '.court Tp. May ,’;0niiri,a three ''wnice ^onuc:' en- cred- plc:;s of guilty of ‘.re- .ass- in Wr. -ren Pi-.iliip's pea-., or- b, rd. .They cre' Vbe.-^t.cy C :ey. P'-' icr ui .anri Clav : '.ok.., ■O-Sts. was r:y i wiih rape by Eculah Mc- f:..--.c-r. .Alter prolimin.ary LoaB- Juu..e A'lciliarmrl lound pro- :le rausu and ordered AIcLean .b,i r Superior co'.'.rt. ■.Tu'bvr McD...inld ;,:Kt Bill Mc- • lii.'i'o.h (I'iored, -o.oro charged .separate' cu.-e.? with assault and '.en ao: 3o ci.ays su'spencleti .on S’, '.erit• of the cp.st.-- and two i.'d behavior. pAy C.-.-ooly, -Ahite, tva's c’n.arg- t ir'- dri'.'ina drunk and ■.■.x'S ,:'wrn.t cuiw. -('rsonnel of ;l .ire mem .atio'nal, Guarfl, 'i \ Cbimp 'SieV- art, | :’ur two V ev!-.s- * ; it look.? i'i if S| me of thes': w iil. ;t ■ \ I . i I won w'e v.ill 0-“'s! in the.sliop' for i weeks and de- j on ib.c ladiep; IIP- warr- , ■ idcrs and • i am. them .-to j - i'lcvs.and ads f r ; •■.•ill be sure U), | n nexi' ww-b, i ;. O’. 3Io;-da''-. if.! I Hoke Farmers To' * 1 ' (I Vote Saturday Tobacco Quotas AU Tobacco, latrovrers filivihle; Poflin? Places At. Announced ,■ ■’ . but by. the' final. 'ti-l ::jO 3-c:ireii.: s County or tne i,- t 'M wer'catipn ■ i.irmers- to line-cured to rn Safurday, 'V r-a. Lab, LPFEPEKBUTI LLMlXPLr.-'Tm no lo'nwro -Vorn.g l.orry Alien c't Wrdic C. : n N C.. or; C.. an hr.po; taint c’lUo fc,r everybody. T'u.i’s the '-'y c' rrower—Itindowtu;. Lcn.sii: niid bharccrep'per—.s.n''•: r luunity polhn.g r.lr.ee to vute on lOo.bCCO .-.S. I.IARKLTiNU QLCTAS. . M.V D-.id.v . s;:.vs tobacco in best pro:;r';i;i Imy've ever In.P. but they must vote 23 to keep Ihct pi u;.;raiii.” OM ■Jui.,'. m el! 15 9 new- EniMffig Lr3ave Saturday For Caaxip Stewart Begun On New Erick t trifjt'brc E:-:pecled To T: V? About Yeur To Ir tnlsh The sermon by the Rev. W. B. Heyw.ard at the Raeford Presby terian church next Sunday morn ing .will be broadcast over radio station WEEB, 1360 kc. The ser vice will begin at eleven o’clock. i'vi'.ig,” Allen said. “Tlio Grange ^ IccL- the need of continued ser- : \ice of an organizcitio'ii of this j type as serve? the farmers as j well as allied interests whenever tobacco is placed in foreign coun- trie.s at profitable prices. “The change in business opera tions in foreign countries since World War II makes it more im perative that farmers and allied interest work together on the pro blem of exportation of flue-cured tcbacco. “We solicit the cooperation and hope to have the continued sup port of every flue-cured tobacco producer. whether he is a land- o-wner, tenant or sharecropper in U':C July 23 Tobacco Associates .Referendum and Marketing Quo ta,?' Referendum. Both programs ■;,ro necessary to the prosperity of the flue-cured bol'..” William son pointed out that “Tobacco .Associates was started, paid for and is run by farmers and others who have an interest in getting our t.obacco used throughout the world.” “While production control and government support loans are necessary for fair prices,” Will iamson said, “a .market for tobacco is the life of the' business.” He added that he was sure Tobacco Associates ■would continue to get the “support it has had and should have.” -0 W. F. McFarland Is Buried Sunday Winton' F. McFarland, 74, died icst Saturday noon at Moore coun- ;y hospital and funeral services were conducted in Sanford Sun day afternoon. Burial was in Ml. Hope cemtery. Southern Pines. The deceased was a native of Moore county and is survived by two sisters and one brother. For 5ome time he lived at the Hotel Raeford and operated the lunch wagon on Main Street next to Baucom Appliance Co. His health had been failing for several mon ths. :'xi;ivu:ib:i fur the base’iient j'o'md.i'Lm for'iiie ne\y Aleth- i b.>t'ciau’'h began titis week at ii'.c lo'. on Main street 'where the, rJ.d church stood until fire de- r'troyocl it last December 20. Ti'ie church is to be built under the supervision of F. C. Rosser, Carthage builder, who supervis ed the construction of the Eaeford, Baptist church. It is to be a col onial structure of brick veneer on cinder block and will cost in excess of $100,000. Members of the building committee estimated this week that it would take a- bout a year to complete. It will be a T-shaped building with columns on the front and a c’ouble-story auditorium. The cross of the T in the rear will be three full floors, including the basement and this .section will be used for the Religious education depart ment. The new church will sit about 50'feet back from the street.''the cl /rch /aving acquired additional property to the rear of the old lot and adjoining it. 0 — Dr. Hiatt Becomes Certified Specialist Dr. J. S. Hiatt, Jr. has recently been certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine as a specialist in Internal Medicine. Dr. Hiatt has also been-appoint- ed aLa Visiting Instructor in Med icine'at Duke. University School of Medicine. DrI Hiatt ' has ' been Associate Superintendent and Associate Medical Director of the North Carolina State Tuberculosis San atorium at AIcCain. N. C.. since 19-16. He is president of the North Carolina Trudeau Society, secre- tary-^treasurer of 'the 5th District Medical Society, and chairman of the Committee on Tuberculo'sis for the Medical Society of North Carolina. 0 Mrs. Charles Morrison has been sick and confined to her home for the past several days. Frittery -;A LWth Battalion, 'N. A N.-tlc.nJ''! ''i.ird, Raciord anil, ; S' ■ _ ^ ^ ..'iil iea'\'c''h. ' trday mornutg 'uy '.iLick cai ■">>■ : r its ann'i.al 16- day sunv.. ; on ; npment at Crm i . .. Approximalciy iOO v:iL' ■ ' ua and five- ui'ii- L-er? ■. .ncct,:! to make L;: Ca;r,er:.)U, '.vhitc. was ,i:7a beini; drunk ar.d He -was f '.und r.ot guil- iaut .'.as ordered lo pay the for having an .'pen rot .la . t L'Umr in hi.? possession. Rni.eson Ilairc, Calvin ' Stezey.. '.vhL.'.'. and Cl'.arlie .Spell.?, colorod, '.vere each guilty of baving- no uri\'ing, license. Sentences were. ;i0 day.? e-ach't'O be suspended on payment of .$^5 and. tire costs. Willia:n H. Odom and Ray mond Williams, both white, each paid the costs for being drunk and ^ disorderly. i Ja-.-nes L Gamble, 'o.-iut': 'Lho C.. V . At-A Lab;,:'.n iSSippi, gro'Uip s- ef ginn, , \'.;'!red. 'i' . tory and vel'.'ped a: also visi.v.;' mon.g so., .o ’- experimon'.ni , drying, con I electronics, . . lioned seed ths ■A'3 5ee lion At L'tsissippi ■ 'e.s A?o- ■. .• . an ! Whik y projects' '.■.'as p ■on co:tonsoe:i I cu.taiy'sii oy j ** 'i'.'.e ,. i cendi- | I t' 1 ^ iie. 'ae.g •ap;''2 ^A:j> citt. , roj Ac the en.s!;)- 'I'or carelC--:.--hmd | 5 ■ dri' in.a. Eli Wade. nain i h'-cl the !)r. laid I'thu Delta dr- rr.d j 5;at ion wliki' 1 Jr.. i -■"J-: f ,. Iv Ol Cl'f: on ' ;• oc t ,'i th. C't.. 'oss i Is u'ji'OM'.:.' .r.. ■. nn T' -,' Fr. iiad Al'en. ;ul:i Tiic '-'.n: ill go with the B:!!- talior. . 0: .'''yuarters. also in Rac- iorci. liic iieadqunrters battery cf Red S: and Battery_ C. of Sanfciai. T;ic.group will bivouac one nA'.n en route cind will ar rive' a; Camp Stewart Sunday morning. . The first week of the encamp- inent 'svi’'. be spent on a field training exercise and the second week will be occupied by firing the 40 millimeter and 50 caliber sntiaircinn'; guns with which the unit is ar;red. The 30 caliber car bines 'wi-.r fired in week-end I trips to rrsi Bragg in May. j - Lt. Co’.. William Lament, Jr., ' is bat'.ah'vi commander and Copt. Paul D;c'.:.-'on is coinnianding of- li'ccr of C.'ittery A. , 0 TWO EATRA TEACHERS T'ne county has been alloted two e::t;':i “helping teachers” for the I'iext '..rm. These teachers will be on a 10-month year and will assist principals and teachers in the graded schools with their in struction.;! programs. They will be paid by the State and one will serve the colored schools and one the white and Indian schools. 0 WORK ON COUNTY BLDG. The portion of the county office building to the rear of the library is being renovated and an assem bly roo:r. is being prepared there. This ’m'''-'''' ''O used by the HoiViC l\'monsu\\on clubs of the count.'.' :md will be used by the Raefor.i Lions Club as a meeting ■c'lace. : C VIrs. M. S. Thrailkill and -two .son.? iMontgomery, Ala, are visiting Ml'S- Thrailkill’s 'grand mother. Mrs. W. J. McQuage. Mrs. Thrailkill was formerly Aliss Marcello Mayhue .and visited in Raeford often before her marri age. 0 Mrs. Max Heins of Sanford is spending several days with her mother, Mrs. J.' A. Blue. Mloivd,. CkiLilie Dial.. Indian, all ',;;id $10 ml the cost? for violi-^ rious of tiic road la'.vs. Ralph Con- for. white left .behind a ,$25 bond lor the sr:'ne, offense. Jesse P.:ikcr McCaskill. colored, got ■ 60 d::ys suspended on pay ment of $'35 and the costs for hav ing improper equipment on hi? car and having no driving license. Three transient speeders, one a bus driver, left $25 bonds each and dici not appear for trial. A fourth. Delight Muchols, white of elsewhere, left $50 as ho was ex ceeding 75 miles an hour. 0 Commerce Chamber To Hold Annual Meeting August 17 Alembers of the Raeford Cham ber of Commerce, Inc,, this week received official notice that the annual meeting of the member ship of the Chamber would be held in the courthouse on Wed- nes'-iay. August 17, at 8:00 P- m. At this meeting the Chamber will elect four new members to its 12-man board of directors as ;? 'y-.v wxf ;ting tractors. ?!.;;■ ir to co'.urcl grass '.vlti.lt , t for ■.■'techanieal Srray;:t*'is d'One for ins tfol. (We dust in the . .. 'v aftojments for' the same'''3S''tha ’^1 t . r any farnt whicfi , p to 7 5 per rent of ,';-age in any one of . years. There 'will . . jcoage ;:r Adjastmeirfc» .t 'allotmsr.ts, and for -g' .'.Ilotments on farms tcbacco h,;s 'seen grown lit five years.' s'-ipply and demand si- '.varrants. the Secretary .ilttire can. increase allpt- V "0 'up to March 1. •t ■■ t ..vho Itas jh intsr- i.wC- "C'.p 'ti flue-;ursd^ o,-;..'M>e\'Vst:t. -or shai -. ■ : i'. .i .0. v; ;e f.i the .f tt .t. person is en- ... . ''.ate even to':ate." ■ in it ■ :t . 'tilts. CO un- air. Hasty sj-d. “I believe it is up to us .to show our interest ’oy -oing to the polls .and. voting one Carolinas.) c.'a.v. the other. Th:s is the de- Last season cotton '.vas produced at the rate of 1 1-2 bales per acre mo.cratt: way o: deciding this important iss^-.e. and I urge that at the Station, with 2'1 hours of!every flue-cured tobacco grower' labor. 14 of which was for hand j i:t the county go :0' his commun- .'I labor to remove large weeds. The j By voting p.ace on Saturday, .j average hours required per acre j July 23. and vo.e in this refer-,:,s for producing cotton throughout the cotton bet is around 150. The ginners had the opportunity of visiting the Stoneville Pedi- i greed Seed Company’s processing plant and farms. .-A-tour of new cotton gins was t'. v.o by the group. Gins costing SlO'i.OOO or, more were visited. S''“0 of the buildings -.vere 136 ft. i.ng compared with the Car- ,.i;;t..s'-80 ft. gin buildings. Ginners in Mississippi are for tunate' in having natural gas a- vailablc for their power. For some of the larger gin plants, ap- yroxitnately 400 HP is needed to operttte aU of the machinery. Those making the trip were: H. C. Council, Parnell and McColl, endum.” The Polls will open at 7:00 M.. and close a: 7:00 P. M. Voting; places in Hoke County will be as || ijilows: -Allendale — .Allendale Com-j, munity House; .Antioch — Anti— och Community House; Blue rings — Blue Springs Commim.'fl tty House; Little River :— Littlel River Com.rvnity House; Lauchlin — Rochf'ish CbmmunityJ House; McLauchlin — 'Waysidel Community House; Quewhiffle —■ -As'hemon: School House; Raefocd| — Hoke County Courthouse' Stonewall — Dundarrach Com-" munity House. I ■ XS ... . .. - , St. Pauls, N. C.; Clyde Upchurch, I Miss Helen Rosser of Fort Bragg is customary and these directors Jr. and J. W. McPhaul. Hoke Oil. v^-as the week end gues't of will elect the Chamber’s officers | and Fert. Co., Raeford, J. F. Me- ^ate Blue Covington. It is also planned to put a pro- ! Leod. Farmers Gin Co., Dalzell, 1 .;;; posal ■ to the membership to 1S. C.. J. J. Lamm. Royal Gin, Miss Mary Stewart CovingtMfc pusdl tiic lliCiiii-/d Oiii^ tv I—'• — -- « change the year of the organiza- Company, Aurora. N. C.: Meyers ' of Charlotte spent the week end tion to'the calendar year, instead Tilghman, General Utility. Dunn,' •’ ’ - - - '• - of having it begin each July 1. as N. C.; James I. Owens. Liberty at present, If this change is pass- ^ Alanufacturing Company. Red ' '^'.ii'ings: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lutz, Waco Gin. Waco; and L.^uis G. The Chamber has 67 mem- | McGdl. Executive Secretary. T;tc ed changes of terms for officers and directors will be proposed to a arc I, 'ter?, firms and individuals do- business in Raeford. 0 with her parents. Mr. and Mrs^ Roland Covington. A** LOCAL FIREMEN HEL r RED SPRINGS The Raeford Fire Dcpal-t:r.e:'-: went to Red Springs Monday af ternoon to help fight the fire which partially destroyed the Ne- .gro high school there. The blaze, was started by a flash of lightn ing and the Maxton Fire depart ment assisted as well as the Rae ford outfit. -'..roiiuas Ginners .Association, i’,,,; Springs., 0 MISS WATSON CHOSEN GI IDANCE CONSCLT-YNT OK JEO . BOXSCOREj N . C . H I GH WAY sM KILLED Miss Miriam Wa:so;i of Red Springs, teacher of English and Vocational guidance in the Hoke Co'.inty High sc’nool, has been in vited to be a consultant in a vo cational workshop in Asheville this fall. Leave of absence for her has ’oeen asked by the State July 16 thru July 18 ... 2^ Date To Date in 1948 INJURED July 16 thru July 18 To Date disector of vocatijjnal guidance. [ To Date in 1948

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