■J;- i VOICE OF fREEDOM HOME sFtrvti mm CUARSIAN OF LIBERTY ourna The Hoke County News The Hoke County Journal ■ ^ r >ra» ^ VOICE OF GUAMIAS IREEPOM OF llSEJtTT MO^g 0VtU. .i- ^0 ' VOLUME XLIV; NUMBER 20 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1949 RAEFORD. N- C. j YOUR j jSCHOOL news! I By K. A. MacDonald 1 ! i Patroijs oi the school who have chika'e'n riding on buses will be iuteresteci to, know that on Mon- cay and Tuesday before the tra gic bus -wreck in Nash County the .superintendent made .a check on the operation of the buses. The principals of Hoke and Upchurch, the head mechanic, and the high way patrolman were all contact ed and questioned in regard to the operation of the buses. They all reported that the buses were operating in a most satisfactory manner and that they had had no complaints \\-hatsoever. Since the "Nash County affair we have had several suggestions for improve ment in the operation and these have been acted upon. Anytime a patron has sugges tions for the improvement cT the bus operation the school authori ties will \Velcome them. Should 0 an infringement of good safe driv ing practice occur these same auth orities will welcome and appre ciate inform.ation regarding it. ' Next Tuesday at 3:30 p. m. part of the staff qf the Division of In structional Service will be in the Board of Education office for a conference with the principals of the white schools. A conference with the Negro principals will be held at a later date. Tuesday ev ening at 8 o’cock these same staff members will have a part on the program of a county wide teach ers meeting held at Hoke High. An order has been sent to the N. C. Department of Agriculture ■for the following surplus commo- diites that we have been notified are available: fresh apples, can ned- tomatoes, tomato paste and creamery butter. These commodi ties should begin arriving the last of this week or the first of No- vemiber. Bucks Tie Apex In First Home Game Friday Night / — Hay-wood Faircloth’s Hfcoke County High school Bucks played the Ape.x High football team to a scoreless tie in Armory Park in their first game before local fans this season, and the second score less -tie the Ducks have figured in, the other being \vith Hope Mills in the season opener at Hope Mills. Se\-eral times Friday night the Bucks got deep into the territory of the visitors, but each time fail ed to have the scoring .punch which would have won the ball game. The entire Hoke team played well on defense with Robert Mc- Girt, Bruce Phillips and Malcolm Glisson doing outstanding work. Fred Holland for the locals was a constant offensive threat to the opposition, getting away for long gains off tackle aud around end ;m\-eral times.. Tomorrow the Bucks will jour ney to Elizabethtown where they will play at eight o’clock tomor row night. Last year Elizabeth town took a close one from the locals, 7-6. ’* Health Dept. Says 4,644 X-Rays Made In Survey The X-Ray Survey in Hoke I County ended .last Thursday, Oc tober 6, 1949. with fairly satis factory results obtained. The Health Department believes that had it been possible to hold the survey at a different time of year a better response would' have been noted. The final count_ was 4.644. All reports that have been re ceived from the State Board of Health have been mailed out and the remaining few will be sent out as soon as they are received. The Technician will be in the Hoke Coupty Health Department on 'Wednesday, October 12’ and Saturday, October 15 of this week, also, Wednesday, October 19 and Saturday, October 22 of the next week for the purpose of making large pictures on those who have been notifiecl by letter to return. The State Board of Health, the j Hoke County Health Department and the Tuberculosis Association j wish to thank everyone cooperat ing with them in the survey. Fme Driver For Passing Loading School Bus Three Men Pay Costs For Assavilting \Vives When Wives Don’t Testify Only Two-Thirds Of Vets Filed For Dividend The Southeastern School As- se:ncly Association, an organiza tion that brings several education al and recreational entertainments to the schools during the year, sent an acrobatic exhibit to sev eral of the schools in the county on Monday. Reports are that the exhibition was very good and was enjoyed by all the pupils who satv it. . The Hoke Beta Club held its initiation expeises yesterday. Quite a number were taken into ■the club. High scholastic standing is one of the requirements for a ),i:l to -the club. COLORED NEWS Last Friday the colored princi pals of the county attended a mcet- ii'.g held on the campus of State Teachers college, Fayetteville. This meeting was called by Dr. N. C. Newbold of the State De partment of Public Instruction. The Jean’s Supervisor attended a meeting held in Kinston last week dealing with the Christmas Seal Sale program. The meeting was under the auspices of the N. C. T. B. Association. Last week Bowmore, Burling ton, Laurel Hill, Lilly’s Chapel, Rockfish and White Oak schools had entertainments of various kinds for the benefit of the schools. .A.11 were well attended. Preparations are being made by the Hoke County Unit of the Nor th Carolina Teachers Association for the entertainment of the Southeastern District meeting that will be held at the Upchurch school early in November. Princi pal A. S. Gaston attended a pre liminary meeting held in Clinton last week. Veterans Administration reports that its central office in Washing ton has received applications for the National Service Life Insur ance special dividend from ap proximately two-thirds of the veterans who are eligible for the payments. This means that some thing in the neighborhood of 5,- 000,000 veterans have yet to mail in their applications. VA m-ges World War II vete rans to give this matter their at- tension, as dividends will be paid only to those who make applica tion. According to VA, the large volume of applications must be processed before they can Write the chercks and mail them, com mencing in January, 1950. The central office reports that .some 50,000 applications have been received unsigned. Veterans are cautioned that to be valiU the applications must bear vetedan’s signature. ' Other mi.stakes that have been found in applications are as fol- 1-jws; .Some veterans have failed to write in their .ser\-ice serial numbers. This number is very : important for identification. Some ■ veterans have written the'ir date of enlistment in the space where i the service serial numbers should I be written. j So:tic veterams have sent in j saTnplc application forms torn j from a ne-ivspaper or magazine. The V.A machines can use only I the official VA forms. Also, volerans are reminded j they should write plainly the ad dress where they can be found for the next six months, for the .mailing of checks. Dividend application forms are available from all post offices, veterans’ service organizations and all VA offices. The VA will commence mailing checks to eligible veterans in Jan uary, 1950. It estimates that at the rate of 200,000 checks per working day, it will require sev eral months to complete the mail ing. Q: I know that $150 is payable for burial expenses at a veteran’s death. Is the same award made at the death of his widow? A: There is no provision of law that would allow a burial award based on the death of a widow. PTA TO MEET MONDAY A group meeting of teachers was held at Bowmore yesterday (Continued on page 4) The Hoke-Raeford Parent-tea cher association will hold its first meeting of the school year at eight o’clock Monday night in the auditorium at the Raeford Graded schopl. Parents and friends are invited to attend. After the pro gram open house will be held. Aberdeen Blaze Razes Warehouse Early Tuesday Aberdeen, Oct. 11—Fire early today destroyed Carter’s tobacco warehouse here, causing damage of more than $50,000. Police were, checking the possi bility that the fire might have been set, although Lloyd Mills, the warehouse owner, sa.id he did not believe the blaze was of in cendiary origin. Mills expressed the belief that a man seen fleeing from the. warehouse shortly after the blaze was probably a transient sleeping in the building. One of Mills’ Negro employes. Jack Teal of Greenville, was se\-erely burned before awakened by the fire. A search of the ruins was made after Mills reported that transients frequently slept in the warehouse. Four transients slept there night before last, he said. There were no indications of- casualties. Firen-ien kept the flames from .setting off. fire in a nearby oil .storage plant where gasoline was in a 250.000 gallon t:'.nk. The -cn'ce around tiie oil storage tanks was burned. Assistant Police Chief Bob Pugh said he was near the warehouse on a routine inspection of the town when the fire started about ‘3 a. m. He first heard an explosion and then noticed a man fleeing fro.m- the rear of the building. Flames ■v.ere shooting through the roof by the tim.e he entered the struc ture, Pugh reported. The officer said that police were trying to determine the iden tity of the mail who fled the building to determine if arson was involved. Police have not ruled out a spantaneous combus tion as a probable cause of the fire, he added. Fire companies from Aberdeen, Southern Pines, Pinehurst and Pinebluff fought the flames and kept them from spreading to ad jacent buildings. Several hundred spectators gathered until the fire died down about 5 a. m. 'I — Caldwell Talks To Rockfish Grange state Grange Master Harry B. Caldwell was guest speaker at the meeting of Rockfish Grange which was held at Wayside on Monday night. Members of the grange were also pleased to have as guest former Master Fred P. Johnson of Raleigh. At the meeting at Wayside plans were formulated to buy the old church there for a grange hall ' and for changing the name of the ^ grange to Wayside Grange and to I change the meeting time to the I first and third Wednesday nights I of each month. Ji'dge Henry ,McDiar:r.id fi.hed C:ell Beatty, ccioro:*.^ S20 and the court costs in recorder’s court ' Tuesday for having no brakes ] and failing to stop for a school bus I which was loading. Sentence cf I 60 days was suspended, j Three cases of wile beating 1 came tip for trial and In all of I - ! them the defendant was let off i with payment of the costs when ythe bruised wife did not wish 'to further prosecute her husband. : They were Erne.'t McCall and j Floyd Cameron, colored, and Wh j D. Wilson, white. Wilson’s wife i did not appear. ! John Leonard Mault.'^by. white. I was charged with careless and ; recltless driving and .'Speeding, and j the judge accepted his plea of : guilty of speeding rmly. He was ' fined $10 and the- costs. Tom Chappell, white, paid the cost's for possessing non-tax paid liquor. Green Locklear, Indian,. got 90 days for violating the pro hibition laws by having a liquor still. Sentence was suspended on payment of $25 and the costs. Willie Graham Hendrix, white, and Lewis C. Stubbs, colored of McCain, were each charged with driving drunk. Hendrix pled guil ty and got 90 days to be suspend ed on payment of $100 and the costs. Stubbs, who was also char ged with caiyfless and reckless .driving, was C^'iy found guilty of the latter offense and sentence was 90 days to be suspended on paj-ment of $50 and the costs. Daniel A. Lowder Buried Tuesday At Ashley Heights Funeral services were conduct- c.:! Tuesday afternoon at Ashley Heights church at three o'clock for D. A. Lo'wder, 61, who died c.f a hetrt attack at his home o;i Monday nminting. Ser- v;ce- w as conducted by the Rev. H. R. Randall end interment lol- ’p.vfd in the family plot i:i the Ashley Heights cemetery. Surviving are his wife, of the home, one daughter, Mrs. Robert Strother of Raeford, Route 3; four sons, Harold, Thad, Alton and Adrian, all of Aberdeen, RFD. 0-^—^ , Feature Folk Music At State Fair Mrs. McCain Named On State Health Group Committee Mrs. i' r--- -'.h aci.'. o: pr ..F i:' tr; L-omniunr. dth progra;r.s. I: Guard Unit Federal Inspection Planned Orders Inive been received by Battery A. 130th .A.nti-aircraft automafic ■.capons battalion, lo cal National Guard unit, to the effect that the Annual Federal inspect;o:i of the unit will ' be con;'uc;ed, at the armory'on Mon day. O'cto’ae' 24, 1919. by Col. John G. i-lv.va.rd of the Inspec tor department at Thiivi Arm;.- hva'!;iiiartcr.s,, Atlanta. Ga. This ..iil' the fourtii Federal inspectlo:''. ot the local battery, and its third annual one. The firs: federal i;'..--pection • was on March 10, 1947 an.d was Tor initial rec ognition 0 the unit at its organi zation. .-Xi tile inspection last, year Battery .got a “Satisfactorj’" rat- I ing wit!'! ;io deficiencies noted.. Only t'A'o i j’Jngs are given, s.at- isfactoi'y. ;.:k! unsatisfactory. The ..-.t present has its full quota of 115 enlisted men and a' small.waiti'.’.c list. There is a fair ly constant turnover, however, due to the fact that in so large a number of men some are always moving away or joining the Re- i gular Army, . Navy or Marine Corps. Raleigh, N. C., Oct.' 11—-Choirs and quartets will sing the old time religion, banjoes will twang, and the lilting client of "docey-do” and “swing you pardner” will r;n.g out at the N. C. State Fair next 'week — October 18-22. It’ll be State Fair Folk Festi- v.'dl time then with the "iMinistrel of the Appalachians.” Bascom La mar Lunsford, conducting danc ing tea.ms, instrumentalists and vocalists in a fight for the state champ.enships and cash prizes. Dr. J. S. Dorton, fair manager, announced today that more than $1,000 in cafth prizes — along with loving cups to first place winners — will be handed out to the state’s best church choirs, gospel quartets, dance teams, fid dlers, string bands, banjo pickers, clog dancers, and ballad singers. ‘‘In addition there’s a sweep- stakes prize for the best novelty number not listed,” Dr. Dorton said. Winners froi^..qther fairs in the state, including the Southern State' Fair, plus a long string of ( Contmuea on page 4 ) Yates To Manage The Johnson Co. Tile Joitnson Compan\- an nounce.- this 'A'eek that M. D. Yute.- is 'p.c'A' ir'.anagcr of the company. ■'icrGeriins the late Cecil Detv, 'who was killed in Ln’.irinbm'.g on .August 24. He will n to work next Monday. iCr. Y.ntcs iias considerable ex- ,.'L'r!c:'.CL'' i.: the lines of business of The J; huson company! having been for some years manager of B.undarrach Trading company. Since leaving Dundarrach he has been associated with the Robbins Cloth Mills in Aberdeen. of Soutl ern other . bershin tee o. f organ:;-. state . The dinato: vate . : ■ state, f . and St.:--.’ orgariiZat';.,;'. fulij-.ved a f.vo-year study by a special co:r.mittee ao- pointed a; the first annual North Carolina • Health conference. Dr. Will!a!Ti p. Richardson, of j Chapel Hill, director of. iield j training f-.r '.ne L’NC school of j public healtii -was elected presi- j dent of the council, -vvith Mrs. I Marie B. .\'ocll of Raleigh, execu tive director of the N. C. Nurses association, res \'ice-pres;dent. Ser\'ing '.viti; Mrs. McCain on the execu:i\e committee are Dr. •Ellen Wii'iston. Raieigh, state sup erintendent o;. public •.veitare: Dr. J. W. R. Norton, state health of ficers: Mrs. Ernest Hunter, Char lotte': :.nd James H. Clark. Eliza- bethto’wn, chairman of the Medi cal Care commissio.n. i\Irs. McCain has served for some time on the board of trus tees of the N. C. Sanatorium and is a trustee of the University of North Carolina. She is a member of the trustees’ special commuttee for selection of a president for the Greater University of North Car olina, a committee whose work has had the deep interest and con cern of the state for several months—and incidentally, one of tne hardest working bodies of people in North Carolina just now. , —0 Require Declaration Of Frozen Game S2.09 PER YEAS Lumbee River REA Plans Annual Meeting Nov. 2 .'I. .\gv. fun Xoir.inated For L'i 'cttor in Rtan McBpyde \a'fi;nty; Cui'iyle To Speak I X. AMERICAN LEGION PLANS MEETING NEXT WED. Commander Julius Jordan of the local American Legion post has announced that the regular monthly meeting of the post would be held next Wednesday night, October 19, at the High school cafeteria. He urged all legionnaires to be present and said that a chicken supper would be served at seven o’clock. 0 RED SPRINGS VFW DANCE The Red Springs post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars an- ! nounced this week that a square dance would be held at the post ^ clubhouse on the Raeford road in Red Springs on Saturday night, October .15 and that all veterans j with foreign service were invited ‘ to attend. There will be no 'cliarge for admission. • I Ingatlierings Tiie annual harvest ingath erings will be held by churches in the county at various times during the fall. Meals will be served, with the main dishes in m'ost cases being chicken salad and barbecue. There will be sales of food, handiwork, produce, cakes and the like at all of them. For the benefit of these churches and the people who wish to attend the in gatherings we will carry a schedule of those we are told about in this space until they are held. Antioch Presbyterian church Thursday, October 13, meal at noon, sale following. Lumber Bridge Presbyterian church - Wednesday, October, 19,' Meal at noon, sale follow ing. Galatia Presbyterian church- Thursday, Octobfer 20, meal at six p. m., sale following. Bethel Presbyterian church- Thui'sday, October 20, meal at community house at noon, sale to follow. Raeford Methodist church - Thursday, October 27, at Rae- ford Armory, meals at noon and night, sale following sup- oer. According to District Ga;ne Prb- I J tector H. R. IMcLean. spoi-:s'.;'.e;'. I arc permitted to store and . htil.i game indefinitely after th.o H-rso ' of the seaso'.i in which it '.vas e;i. provided t’nat the qua;;::;!. • a:id .species are declared; I Hb .-tated f-L'.rther t!'.at o .'. .'-crs 1.. home p'a;;:- as well ..s :!:.c:e renting rofriiCrate..'! space ,i.e '.e- '-.pgiredi to declare. This ceei.tra- , t;on ;'i'iust bo completed and .-;:._n- ed in duplicate, or.e copy to be retained by the declarer, the * other copy to be retained by the ga:r.e prot’ector. No one will be allo'wed to store more thtv.i the ■ postession limit. Forms ntay be obtained and fdle.'l oi:t at the local freezer lock er plant. plan; f-.e- I:,- ;-h;::h Ar,.-.Lia: Meet- m.g to !:e held o;t'X v. eir.ber 2nd i.a the High School Auditori'am in rled Springs. The Honorable Ertel Carlyl-c, member of the IT. S. House o: Representatives, is to 'ce guest .speaker for the occasion. . In, line .vit.h this yearly m.eeting the Corporation has j-ust had a .meeting of the following Nomi nating Co.m.T.tttee: - W. J. Britt, Fairnvont; W. F. Chason. Lumber Er.dge: Lee McFarland. Maxton; Gecrie W. McIntyre. Maxton; Gord r; Ne-.vton. Fayetteville; D. H. Wiikerson. Maxton; A. K. Ste- ■eens. Raeford; and J. M. Andrews, Raeford. This comm.ittee renomi nated the follo'.ving rr.embers for the Board of Directors, the first five of whd.-r. are charter mem bers who .iVe been with the Co- eperative .-...ce 1940; C. A. Alford, Rowland; j. R. Caddeil. Maxton; Mrs. Lucy' Smith, Raeford; J. E. Morrison, Maxton; J. McN. Gillis, Fayetteville; C. L. Ballance, St. Pauls; H. C. Newton, Wagram; and Rowland R. Sealey, Fairmont. The Nominating Committee al so nominated Marshall Newton of (Raeford to fill the vacancy creat ed by the recent death of Ryun McBryde. Mr. Newton was a charter member of the board; ■•• vvj ver; be ba^' not ’=?’ ved 'S'nth the Cooperatit^f fbr last taree years. The com.mirtee also com mended the Board of Directors and management for the outstand ing job that had been done :o date. The committee's report will be submitted to the me.mbers fir their action at the r.e.xt yearly meeting. Under the present by-Ia'.vs. addi tional nominations may be made providi.ng' 15 n'.e.mbers petition same in writing and additional :r,embers may be no.minated from the floor. . The Cooperative is now in the act e; maki.ng its final plans '.vhieh ■.viil • attract most of its members te rite meeting, .-kt'pre sent it plans to give away many electrical ap;ch.i.r.ces as attendance urizes. Southern Pines Elks Entertain Editors John Park, pu'blisher of the Raleigh Times, addressed a lun cheon gathering at the Southern Pines Elk home at noon last Thursday on the subject, •’Oiu: Newspaper Heritage.” The event was held in honor of National Newspaper week, and invitations were extended to publishers and editors of newspapers in Moore, Scotland, Hoke and Richmond counties. Mrs. Paul Dickson, Sr' represented The News-Journal. The meeting was, arranged by the Elk lodge, of which Col. Don ald Madigan is exalted ruler. Mr. Park’s address was broadcast over Radio Station WSTS. —0 REVIVAL AT SHILOH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. J. \V. Ewart of Rad ford, Virginia, son of the Rev. and Mrs. S. Ewart, will begin a series of services a: Shiloh Pres byterian ch'drch next' Sunday morning. October 16, at eleven o’ clock.'Services will be held there each nig’nt during the following '.vee’s.. 'oeginning :tt 7:30. The pu’o- l.. is cordially i;tvited to attend. Fire Prevention Week, October 9-15 This '.veek is being observed as Xationa' Fire Prevention week. Mayors, tire chiefs, building in spectors and others are urging the i.mpc'rtanee of this week and its , emphasis on the deadly m.enace of fire in -American homes, busi ness houses, theatres, schools and J churches. ' People are urged to get rid of ■ all fire hazards, rem.ove collec tions of inflammable material ' from premises, and make sure that there are no danger sgipts which inv’ite fire. Chimneys and flues should be inspected and carefully checked, as many fires originate from deflective flues. Prevention is better than insur ance, better than the tears and disappointment which often re sult from fires. 0 COUPLE CELEBRATES 62ND ANNWERSARY Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright cele brated the sixty-second auiniver- ary of their marriage on last Fri day. October 7. Mr. Wright’s eighty-third birthday was on September 36. G Miss Patsy Blue spent several days in Sanford with her aunt, Mrs. Max Heins, last week. Misses Marian Lewis and Ann Graham of Salem spent the week end here with home folks.