li'i fy -r. : ■ "■- '• ''w.- THtTBSDAT, OCTOBER 13, 1949 ^ ,,, “Sftfi’’ \ .yAc r‘y THE NEWS-JOURNAL Socials-Personal Items ... rii FAYETTEVILLE CLUB MEETS IN RAEFORD The Pierian Book Club of Fayetteville' met Thursday after noon with Mrs. D. G. McFad- yen as hostess at the home of her sister, Mrs. Crawford Thomas of Raeford. Following the business session. Mrs. M. W. Beckwith led a dis cussion of “Selected Topics” the program for the year. Each memV ber responded with a two minute talk on her chosen subject. At the conclusion of the pro gram, guests were invited into the dining room where a two course dinner was served. Mrs. McFayden was assisted in serving by Mrs. Thomas. Guests of the hostess were, her mother, Mrs. W. E. Freeman, Mrs. H. L. Gatlin, Mrs. James Carver, Mrs. Carl Freeman, Mrs. Herbert McKeithan and Mrs. Gertrude Garbutt, mother of Mrs. Fred D. Williams. 0 HINTON McPHAUL HOST AT BACHELOR’S SUPPER Hinton McPhaul, who was the best, man at his brother’s, Johnny McPhaul’s, wedding to Miss Brooks Tapp on Sunday afternoon, was host on Friday evening at a bachelor’s supper. He gave an outdoor steak supper at the Law rence McNeill cabin at which the following were present: John D. McPhaul, Sgt. R. H. Morris, De- Witt and James Tapp, R. B. Mc- Racken, Dr. Julius Jordan, Floyd, Jim, Cecil and Buck McPhaul. MRS. NEIL SENTER CLUB HOSTESS MRS. JOHNSON ENTERTAINS CLUB The time of meeting of 'the Wednesday afternoon bridge club was changed this week, in order not to conflict with the Women’s club meeting. Mrs. Neil Sen ter was hostess to the bridge club Tuesday when she entertained with a luncheon bridge. Lunch was served at 1 o’ clock and bridge followed. Mrs. R. A. Matheson was a guest other than club members. She was giv en a remembrance and Mrs. Bill Howell was given the prize for niaking highest scc|’e. Beautiful roses and chrysanthe- r.-’ums were tastefully used in Mrs. Senter’s living and dining rooms. 0 — COKE CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. McKEITHAN The Coke club was entertained Friday afternoon by Mrs. Her bert McKeithan at her home. There were two tables of bridge in play with three of those play ing being guests of the club. Mrs. A. K. Currie, Mrs. N. B. Sinclair and, Mrs. Neill Senter were the guests playing. Mrs. Currie won the guest prize and Mrs. Chand ler Roberts the club prize. Re freshments were served after the game. —0 Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Bjmum of Charlotte will spend the week end in the home of Mrs. Byrum’s parents, the Rev. and Mrs. S. A. Lwart. Tapp Sisters Are Wed In Doable Ceremony At Baptist Church BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mitchell of Fairmont announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, October ,11, at Pittman hospital. Mrs. Mitchell was formerly Miss Florence Anita Lester of Raeford. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Faye Morris of New Bern and Jack Morris of Franklinton spent the week end with Mrs. A. R. Morris. It was the first tinje Faye Morris had been home since, his recent ill ness. Pfc. John Culbreth, Ijr. of Wash ington, D. C. spent the week end with hi.s mother, Mrs. John Cul breth. Mrs. Julian Johnson entertain' ed the Senior bridge club Friday afternoon at her home. There were two tables of club members present with Mrs. ,L. B. Sutton as guest. Mrs. Clyde Upchurch was given the prize for making high score and Mrs. Sutton was given a remembrance. A very tempting salad course was served after the game. 0 IN QUEEN’S CHOIR Miss Bonnie Blue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Blue, Raeford, has been selected ^s a member of the college choir, Queens College, Charlotte. Members of the choir are chosen by audition, and the 1949-50 group is made up of 2'5 young women. , John A. Holliday, associate professor of music, directs the choir which is featured at the Christmas vesper service of the college and in a spring concert as well as on an annual tour. Groups from the choir furnish the music at the regular chapel services each week. 0 BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William L. Alex ander, ,Jr. announce the birth of a son, S.aturday, October 8, at Moore County hospital. Mrs. Alexander was the former Miss Mary Grey Helton. 0 Fou Bradley of Kipling spent Sunday night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Senter 'with his daughter. Miss Doris Bradley. Jack Knapp of Charleston, W. ■Va., flew down Monday and spent the night in the home of his wife’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Smith. Mrs. Judson Lennon and son. David, are sepnding this week in Columbia, S. C. with relatives while Rev. Lennon is holding a revival at Orrum Baptist church in Robeson County. DON’T DELAY ORDER ESSO FUEL OIL NOW RAEFORD OIL 00. PHONE 541-1 OR 31C-1 STARTING OCTOBER 14, 1949 All Merchandise at Half Price Except Fair Trade Merchandise Morgan^s Jewelry Store ding were; Mr. and Mrs. Em«st Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hin- nant. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bartlett, all of Charlotte. Mrs. K. O. ,Vea- sey, Mr- and Mrs. H. G. Roy croft, Mr. and Mrs. Or,:;, Perry, Dorothy Mr. and Mrs. E, L. and children of Albemarle vHdledl. in the home of Mr. Sheppaortt^ father. J. W. Strother, Sundajr^ Other vi.sitors in the home of Hfe'. Strother Sunday were and Narick, of .O irham, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Porte^eld, Mr. and .Mrs. Commy. Wall. Knjilit lale.! Mrs.' Forrest Porterfield of Dnr- Knjglit lale. j Mr^ Dr.‘and Mrs. P. F.. Brooks and; Miss Margaret .Brooks, |5urling- ton, Eldred Helton, Chincoteague, Va., Mrs. H. E. Stlnchcorr.o. Black Mt.. Mr. and Mrs, Worth Ivey, High Point, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Veasey, South Boston, Va., Mr. and Mrs. George Fox, Roxboro, Mr. and Mrs. Graham McPhaul, Winston-Salem, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Randall, Kinston, Dr. and Mrs. M. T. Jordan, Fairmont, Miss Jean Turbeyvilie, Miss Earline Bobbitt, Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McPhaul, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McRacken, Red Springs, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Norton, Fayette ville, Mr. and Mrs. Joh.i Hoffman, Miss Emily Rhodes, Frank .Robin son. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Pec- and children of Roxboro. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Thompson of Candor vLsited relatives in the county Sunday. Mrs. Tom Strother was a pat ient at Moore County hospital last week. Mrs. Raye Larson of Miami, Florida, is visiting in the home of her sister, Mrs. Hugh Pickilr. Those enjoying a picnic day at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ed Barnet \ve;e Mr. and Mrs. D. , L. Moss, Freiiid Moss, Mr. and’ Mrs. Ira Martin. Harold and Charlie Marti;., M;. and Mrs. Al ton McDonald. Mr, and Mrs. .PIu- bert Moss a:: • chiidren. Mr. a:rd Mrs. Randall Moss and children. Mrs. Comfort and Donnie. Mr. and Mrs. George Freeman spent the week end at Banner Elk and attended the homecom ing at Lees-McRae college where their son, George-, is a' student. George and Foster McBr/de, .Jt. and Mrs. Free- tour over the Skyline Drive to Blowing Rock Sunday. accompanied Mr 1 on a sightseein Sgt. N r Hospital Monday recuoerat ?vl. Fippenger entered No. 2 at Fort Bragg \ an' oDeration. He is Mrs. Ml: MRS. ROBERT H. MORRIS MRS. JOHN D, MePHAUL In a double ceremony solemniz- j Three branched crystal candela- ed on Sunday afternoon, October bra with lighted tapers flanked the Raeford , this. Punch was 'served Mr. and Mrs. Berder Niven spent the week end in Wilson in the home of Mrs. Niven’s sister, Mrs. Richard Duke and family. Mrs. J, W. McLauchlin who has been a patient at Duke hospital for the past three weeks, return ed home Tuesday. Tho’ her con dition is better, Mrs. McLauchlin is confined to her room. Mrs. Marcus Dew is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J: J. Renn in Ruth- erfordton. Mrs. Neill A. McDonald, Mrs. Lawrence McNeill, , Mrs. Craw ford Thomas and Mrs. Julian Blue spent Tuesday in Charlotte. They attended the antique show. Jimmy Sinclair, who is at the University of North Carolina, Neill Blue and Johnny Sinclair of State spent the .week end with their parents in Raeford. The Annual Open Fall Meeting of the Raeford 'Woman’s Club was held yesterday afternoon at the high school auditorium. An account of this meeting will ap pear in next week’s News-Jour nal. Sgt. and Mrs. William Worley have' bought the new house on Sunset Hills from Crawford Wright, which is located next to the new one of Jack Pope. The Morleys moved into the house the first of the week. Mrs. Worley was before her marriage Miss Barbara Woodhouse. Sgt. and Mrs. George Johnson, who have been stationed at Fort Bragg for some time, moved to Greenville, N. C. last week where Sgt. Johnson is with the Officer’s Reserve Corps. Miss Kathleen Dew returned to Charlotte this week to resume her duties at Sears. Mrs. Jewel Klouse and Miss Bootsie Barrington visited Mr, and Mrs. Andy Wood and son at Chapel Hill Sunday. RAEFORD, N, C. Miss Martha Ben Gulledge, who has been employed at John son Cotton Company for the past several weeks, has accepted a position with Colonial Frozen Foods and replaces Mrs. Reid Childress. Mr. and Mrs. Hector B. McNeill, Jr. and Jean Carroll Sherril spent Sunday in Faycttbville with Mrs. McNeill’s parents, Mr., and Mrs. J. B. Ward. They went especially 9. at 5 o’clock at Baptist Church. Mary. Frances Tevpp became the bride of Sgt. Robert Hai'rison Morris and Emma Brooks Tapp the bride of John D. McPhaul. The brides arc the daughters of Mr. and Mr.s. James DeWitt Tapp of Raeford. Sgt. Morris is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn G. Morris of Ontario^- Ore gon. Mr. McPhaul is the son of the late A-. D. McPhaul and Mrs, Annie Currie McPhaul of Red Springs. The Rev. Judson Lennon, pastor of the brides, officiated. The church was tastefully deco rated for the occasion. Numerous seven-branched candelabra with cathedral tapers and floor baskets of white chrysanthemums with greenery made 'a pretty back ground for the ceremony. Pews for the family were marked with chrysanthemums tied with bows of maline. Prior to the ceremony a program of nuptial music was presented by Henry Hodgin of Red Springs, organist, and Robert Gatlin, solo ist. Mrs. Alorris was given in mar riage by her f.-uher and Mrs. IMc- Phaul by her in'othcr, Janies Tapp. The brides wore identical dresses of candlelight satin fashioned with long fitted bodice, sweet heart neckline, long fitted sleev'es ending in calla lily points over the wrists, and full gathered skirt which extended into a sweeping train, their only ornament, being a strand of pearls. The double tiered finger tip veils of French illusion fell from a tiara of pearl- ized orange blossoms. Each car ried a prayerbook topped with a white orchid. Miss Florence Sides, Mrs. Mor^ ris’ maid of honor, and Mrs. Rob ert Veasey, Mre. McPhaul’s ma tron of honor, wore identical dresses of apple green taffeta faille fashioned with marquisette yoke extending to an off-shoulder cuff of matching lace, fitted bod ice, full gathered skirt with slight bustle effect on each side. Each carried a bouquet of yellow chry santhemums and roses. Sgt. Joseph Watson of Camp Campbell, Kentucky, was Sgt. Morris’ best man and Hinton Mc Phaul of Raeford was best man for his brother. Ushers/were Dr. Julius Jordan of Raeford, Eldred Helton of Chincoteague, Virginia, Graham McPhaul of Winston- Salem and Floyd McPhaul of Red Springs. Immediately following the cere mony an informal reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tapp, uncle and aunt of the brides. Mr. and Mrs. Tapp welcomed the guests and they were introduced to the bridal party which made up the receiv ing line. A bride’s book in which the callers registered was kept' for each couple. . Mixed flowers in pastel shades were used in t!u' .living room and all white flowers with lace ferns were used ■ in dining room. The long tabic covered with a cutvvork cloth was^centered with a beau- from a crystal bowl placed at one end and individual hrichil cakes, huts, lu'id mints were served '.vitlt the P'Jiich. After graduatin.g at.Hoke High School !Mrs. dMcPhaul attended "Weuxe and Mrs. Morris grad uated from Rex Hospital School 01 Nursing. Both brides have re cently held important positions at the North Carolina Tuberculosis Sanatorium at McCain. Mr. McPhaul is a graduate of the University of North Carolina and now holds a position with the General Electric Credit Corp'Ora- tion in Charlotte where he and Mrs. McPhaul will make their home. Sgt. Morris attended college in his home state before entering the army. He and Mrs. Morris will make their home at Camp Campbell, Kentucky, after a wed ding trip to Western Noi'’th Caro lina. Since the announcement of their engagements, the two brides iv ve been the recipients of-many social in Raeford, Abordee:i and McCain. The final pronup'i'd affair was the cake-cutting w'-’i.'-h WuS given by the brides’ parents on Saturday evening following tlio rehearsal. This was given iii the T. E. L. room of. the Bajni.^t church. Among the out-of-town friends and relatives attending the wed- Raeford | THEATRE I i Open At 5 P. M. Daily j Mrs. Marian. Dozier _ of State Farm Security ■ Administration spent Tuesday night ".vith Mrs. Hallie Gatlin. lOUSiV Miller r.j:~ t'ne o t teen ser- '. o '.veeks. Mrs. Fluria Shelto.n spent the , week end in High Point with fri~ ■ ends.. Mrs. R. B. G;!c. of Charlotte spent the '.veck home of her ;ri Graha;-;'’.. ena nere m. .tne ■titer. Mrs. J. D, Pi IMrs. Ray Privette iday after ceing : ■.ver.. anc'er.'.r.e’-'v \ J' x: to be with Mr. Ward on hi.s birth- 'lay and to attend his biv'bdav i'tiiul” arranacfuoht of white'liUe.s, dhincr. : ■iircipses :.;;d ui'ite .wer.’vn.i. Thursday - Friday Top O’ the Morning Bing Crosby Also Latest World News Saturday Brand of Fear Jimmy Wakley ALSO Rose of the Yukon Sunday Shows 3 & 9 P. M. Pride of the Yankees Gary Cooper Monday - Tuesday The House of Strangers Edward G. Robinson Wednesday Pride of the Plains IMonte Hall COMING You're 3Iy Everything Dan Dailey ewATfj L/>i p "NOV/ IF YOU MUST SMOKE IN BED-GO AHEAD!" National Fire Prevention Week OCTOBER 9-15 I0HNSON COMPANY INSURANCE RAEFORD, N. C. Oil-Sming HOME HEATER with the "MIDGET” PILOT lorge Heot Copocity low Operating Cost This TINY Pilot Flame—a true pilot, not a low fire—burns over 40 HOURS on one gallon of oil; keeps your heater always ready to do a giant job of heating. Beautiful Finish %Q- Simple Operation 1’^‘ON’' 217-1 ,"Floor-FIp” Blower G i\ cs you .in extr-a carpet of ■warm air across the floor. More comfort on less fuel. IIR.I1TURI CO. RAEFORD. N. Cl

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