m ■ W? 'V •• a''**-' ^^MkCSFOITB ■ ^ ^ i. 5 ^ ^•»-' ,,^'^ ^*t ^ ^ ^ •s.'- , , / 5 -' / -Ti . *’ ^ ^ ^ ^ . If The New^Journal > Cwolma I ^mss ASspciAT Published Every Thursday at Raeford, N. C. Subscription Rates $2.00 per year in advance PAUL DICKSON Editor and Publisher Entered as second-class mail matter at the post office at Raeford, N. C., under the Act of March 3, 1870. On Joining the Farm Bureau A farmer has a perfect right not to belong to the Farm Bureau if that is his desire. He should, however, think over the financial benefits all farmers have received from the ef forts of the Farm Bureau and then ask himself if he is not taking advaintage of his neighbors who belong to the Farm Bimeau. It appears that he may be doing this by accepting benefits which their Farm Bimeau memberships helped pay for when he contributes nothing himself. j The Farm Bureau is, as we see it, primarily a lobby outfit, and in these days when every other organized business or labor group in the country is represented in Washington it is highly important that the farmers have their representa tives there also, defensively if for no other reason. Existence of the Tobacco Stabilization Corporation, off spring of the Farm Bureau, should b^ sufficient by itself to get ever3^ farmer in this county to pay his $3.00 and join the Farm Bureau. In its maintenance of a good price for tobacco, at no cost to the government, it returns much more than the $3.00 to every tobacco farmer every time he sells. We don’t see how a farmer can conscientiously not be a member of hte Farm Bureau—unless he objects to it in prin ciple, and that objection would certainly appear to be un realistic. The Farm Bureau membership drive runs until the end of November. ,, —0 ^ We Need To Spend This $125,000 We think that the approval of the bond issues for the im provements of the water and sewage systems and the streets in the town of Raeford is vital to the town’s future. We think that each of the projects is important and that they should be approved even if a higher tax rate will be necessary, which the mayor doesn’t think will be the case. " Citizens of the town should realize the fact that Raeford does not compare favorably on any of these points with other towns in this section of the state of comparable size and that the town must have these improved facilities. Realize also that they are not luxuries but necessities. Property owners of the town who do not have water and sewage facilities are entitled to them just as much as those who do. Fire insurance rates on all the property in the town is another consideration in favor of the added water facilities, not to mention the pos sible loss by any of us of our home or store by fire due to lack of water. Consider these questions and register and vote for the bond issues. ground equipment on the school griiunds. They plan to add quite a bit more. HOEE ABOUT SCHOOL NEWS the occassion. This is the first time a district teachers meeting las ever been held in Raeford. We feel sure everyone will coop erate and help to make the meet ing a success and help Prinicpal Gaston and his faculty make a good impression to the teachers from 13 counties. Several of the colored schools have operated their lunchrooms already and Burlington and Up church will open next week. Ev ery school in the coimty is being pushed to operate this year with out getting in the red. All are making plans to raise additional money for their lunchrooms, caution while the buses are on the roa± This has been done throu^ a letter to each driver. We appreciate the interest of the grand jury in safe transpor tation and we believe that every parent in the county appreciates it. The 4th through the 7th grades at the Raeford Graded school will see “Dad Was. A Fullback” at the Raeford Theatre on Friday. Mr. McIntyre and the Raeford Kiwanis club are putting on this show in honor of National Kids Day that is being sponsored in Hoke Coun ty by the Kiwanis club. Profits accruing to the Kiwanis club will bp used in underprivileged chil drens work. Mrs. R. A. Matheson is teach ing the fourth grade at Raeford Graded school since Miss Black’s resignation. COLORED NEWS The Trades and Industries class at Unchurch Hi^„^is doing a lot to get the building in good shape for the Southeastern District Meeting of NTA which will be held at the Upchurch school on Saturday. They are installing buL letin boards, fixing desks and do ing various jobs that will be of great benefit to "the school per manently and will help to make a good impression on the hund reds of teachers who will be in attendance on this meeting. The faculty is also hard at work get ting everything in readiness for exercise all possible care and 0 MILL VILLAGE SERVICE The Rev. Reuben Jones, of Fay etteville, will conduct a special service at the Mill Village Chapel next Tuesday night, November 22. The service will begin at 7:30 and plans will be made to hold a re vival there later. THE NEWS-JOURNAL WANTEDi Land to break or disk with tractor. Paul Dickson, tfc FOR SALE: Three piece living room suit in good condition. See Mrs Jamra Stephens or call 5746. 25C FOR SALE: Coker strain seed wheat (Red Hart) cleaned and treated, $3.00 per bushel. Ful- grain seed oats untreated, $1.35, treated $1.50 per bushel. Clar. ence Lytch. " tfc FOR RENT: Two 3-room apart, ments or 6 room house. Two miles south of Raeford on the old Maxton road. Mrs. Mattie Tyson, Route 2, Raeford. 25P LEGALS WANT ADS FOR SALE: Limited amount of Calhoun barley for seed pur poses. This barley was develop ed for combine purposes and it will stand up when ripe as good as wheat until cut. It is as good as corn for feed and stock like it better than wheat or oats. Germination 92%. So far no bug bothers it. Henry McDiarmid; 24-26C FOR SALE: Seed oats and barley. N. L. McFadyen. TFC HELP WANTED - FEMALE: Big demand. Avon Christmas Gifts Sets at this time. Representa. tive wanted. Write Mrs. Max T. Hester, 305 Cool Spring St., , Fayetteville, N. C. for inter view. 23-26C MATTRESSES Sterilized and re-built like new. Best materials and workmanship guarantee^ factory prices. Drop us a cai^. Inner Springs A Specialty —^Pick-up and Delivery— SANFORD MATTRESS COMPANY SANFORD, N. C. Phone 950-J FOR SALT: Seed Oats. J. R. Hendrix, Route 1, Raeford. * 22-25P NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having quali fied as executors of the estate of Hugh A. Cameron, deceased, late of Hoke County, N. C. this is to notify aR persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at their homes on or before the 17th day of No vember, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. This the 17th day of November, 1949. R. B. Lewis and Thomas U. Cameron, executors. 2'5-30C NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the estate of Sam Epstein, deceased, late of Hoke County, N. C. this is to no tify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at his home on or before'the I7th day of No^ vember, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bat of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme-. diate payment. This the 17th day of November, 1949. Mitchell Epstein, administrator. 25-30C FOR SALE: 100 bushels Coker’s 100 cottonseed saved from high land. One year from breeder. W. L. Poole. TFC Thanksgiving and Christmas tur. keys for sale. Hens 40c per lb., Toms 35c per lb. N. H. G. Bal four. 25-28P A film strip on Time has been shown to grades 4.7 by Mr. Tur lington. This is in with the study of time in these grades. The Rockfish PTA has made a good start in the erection of play- REWARD: Lost Monday night, November 7, slim, dark blue ticked male hound, about one year old. Round collar with name J. C. McLean under neck. Return to J. C. McLean, Rae. ford, N. C. 25P COMPLETE HOME APPLE OR CHARD COLLECTION, consist, ing of 6 trees furnishing fruit from earliest to latest, as fol lows: 1 Early Red Bird . Very Early, Scarlet Red. 1 Yellow Transparent - Favorite Yellow. 1 Summer Delicious . large yel- low[^ Summer. 1 Maiden Blush - Golden with red cheek. Late summer. 1 Red Delicious . pop ular. Fall and winter. 1 Virginia Winesap - Well known red. Win. ter. All six trees 3 to 4 ft size Postpaid. Special Offer No. 1.9. $6.85. Write for Free Copy 48- page planting guide in full color. Salespeople wanted. Waynes, boro Nurseries, Waynesboro, Virginia. 25C NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having quali fied as executrix of the estate of J. L. McLeod, deceased, late of Hoke County, N. C. this is to noti fy all persons having claims a- gainst said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at her home on or before the 10th day of No vember, 1950, or this notice wiU be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment. This the lOth day of November, 1949. Mrs. J. L. McLeod, executrix. . 24-29P NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the estate of John C. Thomas, deceased, late of Hoke County, N. C. this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at his home on or before the 20th day of October, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 20th day of October, 1949. Arthur D. Gore, Administrator. J1-26C THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 194» and holder thereof "to exercise the power of sale therein contain ed: NOW. THEREFORE, under and by virtue of the authority con ferred by the said deed of trust the imdersigned Trustee wiU on the First day of December 1949, at the court house door of Hoke County, North Carolina, at twelve o’clock noon offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing real estate: All that piece, parcel or tract of land containing 88.5 acres, more or less, and being in Rae ford Township, Hoke County, North Carolina and about 4 mUes soutlj or southeastwardly from Raeford, and on west side of a road leading northwardly to Rae ford, and on the east side of Watery Branch, and composed of two separate conveyajjees and contiguous tracts, of 39.5 and 49 acres, more particularly bounded as follows as one tract, to-wit: BEGINNING in the center of said highway over a ditch just south of the old Norton residence, and runs thence as the highway S 10 E 850 feet; thence S 65-30 W 1511 feet to a stake in a bay, gum pointers; thence N 82 W 762 feet to a stake, original eomer be tween Lots 4 and 5 of the Norton division; thence N 80-3Q W 210 feet to a stake in said Watery, Branch, corner of a 26-acre tract of said division; thence as the traverse or rim of said branch N 12-15 E 296 feet; N 4 W 156 feet; N 9-30 E 185 feet; N 5 W 723 feet to a stake, another corner in the outside line of a 96.8 acre tract designated as Tract No. 5 in said division; thence as the latter line N 60 E 403 feet to a corner; thence N 25 W 775 feet to a stake in a branch; thence N 61-10 E 902 feet to a corner of a 20-acre tract sold Nov. 24, 1941 to J. Vance Norton; thence the dividing line of said 20 acres and said 49 acres (reversed) S 45-30 E 928 feet to a stake in the west side of a ditch; thence S 30-40 W 1220 feet to a stake in line of said 39.5 acre tract, and its 5th corner; thence as its lines N 88-30 E 700 feet to a junction of two ditches; thence N 88-20 E 239 feet, along a ditch to a bend; thence as it again N 57 E 498 feet to the be ginning, except cemetery in north west portion. For further refer ence see Book of Deeds No. 81 at page 556, and Bog^ of Deeds No. 81 at page 591 of Hoke County pubUc registry, where these lands heretofore were conveyed to M. M. Culbreth and wife, Ethel Nor ton Culbreth. This property is being sold subject to an outstanding deed of trust executed toy M. M. Culbreth and wife, Ethel N. Culbreth to The Federal Land Bank of Co lumbia, recorded in Book 59, Page 47, in the Office of the Re gister of Deeds of Hoke County^ North Carolina. * A deposit of 10% of any amount bid not exceeding $1000 and in addition thereto 5% of any a- mount bid in excess thereof may be required by the Trustee. If said deposit is not made at the close of the bidding when re quired, the property will be re sold at two o’clock P. M. of the same day. This the 31 day of October, 1949. W. O. McGibony, Trustee. G. B. Rowland, Agent and At torney for Trustee. 23-26C it » I WQUALITY 11 FOOD STORES FOOD STORES I | I Stock Your Pantry NOW for THANKSGIVING! | I READY-TO-SERVE JELLIED CRANBERRY SAUCE ^ fOOEAN SPRAY 21-lbcans 31c| I DEL MONTE WHOLE PICKLED YELLOW CLING | iSPICED PEAeHES no2^jar 39c| ¥ Assorted Flavors JELL-O pkg 8c C S .Tiny Sweet Old Va. Mince PEAS MEAT no-2 can 33c 14-oz pkg 25c “Jiffy” Pie CRUST 9-oz pkg 17c NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND WHEREAS, on the 28th day of June, 1946, M. M. Culbreth and wife, Ethel N. Culbreth executed and delivered unto W. O. Mc Gibony, Trustee for Land Bank Commissioner, a certain deed of trust which is recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Hoke County, North Carolina, in Book 59 at Page 43; and WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured as therein provided, and the trustee has been requested by the owner Give us your order now for that Thanksgiving Turkeys! We will have top-quality birds at lowest prices, fresh from nearby Carolina farms. POPULAR BRANDS, 4 TO 6 LBS. AVERAGE Smoked Picnics, lb 39c CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS, lb 61c ARMOURS STAR SAUSAGE, lb 45c SALT MACKEREL FILLETS, lb 39c ‘Salior Boy" Select Oysters 87g lb. SWEET JUICY FLORIDA ORANGES 2-doz 29e SINGLE ROSE BUSHES, 2 fir 99c U. S. NO. 1 WHITE POTATOES, 10 lbs .... 37c FRESH COLLARD GREENS, 2 lbs . ... 23c NEW CROP RUTABAGAS, 3 lbs 17c Sunshine Hi-Ho ^ CRACKERS, lb 30c | C S Fancy Fruit ^ COCKTAIL, no-1 tall 23c ^ ' Libby Pie ' PUMPKINS, 2 17-oz 29c i * Chocolate Covered CHERRIES, lb box 51c M & * Starkist Light Meat Solid TUNA, no can J. 47c I Ga. Mkid Sweet Whole ' PICKLES, 22 oz 41c | Edenfield Shredded ^ COCOANUT, 8-oz 25c | Dole Crushed Hawaiian ^ PINEAPPLE, no.2 29c % $ Heinz Tomato ^ KETCHUP, 14.0Z 27c | Stokely Golden Cream ^ CORN, 17-oz 20c 8 I Laundry Soap ^ OCTAGON, bar 8c 8 * Floods of Suds p SUPER SUDS, Ige 29c 8 Regular Size Soap ^ PALMOLIVE, bar 8c 8 i You41 Say It’s The Finest You Ever Tasted! SOUTHERN MANOR FRUIT CAKES 1-lb cello - 79c — 2-lb box r $1.79 -4-lb box - $3.25 — 6-lb box $4.49 NATIONAL KIDS DAY NOV. 19 HELP THE KIWANIS CLUB HELP AN UNDERPRIVILEGED CHILD Support National Kids Day By Attending "Father Was A Fullback” t , , _ with Fred McMurray ) at Raeford Theatre - Today & Tomorrow - Regular Admission Prices 7”

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