l > State Cdkge Hmb To Farm Hmoemakers Dry milk can be used to good ad^ntage in meal planning, say Bvtetion specialists. Use it in be- irnages, breads, soups, main dishes «id desserts. Jhy milk is easy ta carry home and takes little storage space. Nonfat dry milk has all the nour- idonent of fresh skim milk. Whole dry mill; has, in addition, the fat and the vitamin of the cream part of whole milk. Dry milk products make it oaaer to get more milk into fam ily me.als. especially helpful in families where children or oth- do not drink enough milk. One pound of milk pow'der and four cups of water make one TeReliftv Msrryo^ {^.666 oa T»BiETS”SMii wsf atuw WANTED For lease or purchase large residence suitable for Funeral Home. Joe H. Jernigan JERNIGAN Funeral Home Fayetteville, N. C. qulTrt of liquid milk. In the same proportion 1-4 cup of milk pow der and 1 cup water make 1 cup of liquid milk. One pound packages of both nonfat dry milk and Whole dry milk now are carried by grocery stores. Clothing specialists say the latest style in skirts may be long or short, tight or full, pleated, gathered or dressed up with trimmings, flaps or other fancy extras. But for work around the house or yard, the wise house wife will choose a skirt design ed for safety, comfort and con venience. A skirt which is mod erately wide but not full is safe st for work around the house. Skirts are somewhat shorter this year—^and that is all to the good for working convenience and safety. A gored skirt, the specialists suggest, may be cut wide enough around the bottom to allow for walking, or running when nec essary, also for climbing and stooping. Yet it is fitted about the hips so that it stays in place and does not get in the way. In contrast, a full skirt like a dirndl has a way of billowing out when you bend over so that it may be stepped on in going down a ladder to wash windows, or in stooping to low shelves. A tight skirt which is close around the bottom re stricts steps, may catch and pull uncomfortably and unsafely, of ten just w’hen the wearer is in a hurry. Sashes, bows, flaps and fancy loose pockets are accident hazards because they may catch on door knobs or hooks. Pan^ Poses Problem at VSO BROOKLYN, N. I. — Pretty VSO volunteer Charlyne Eduards anticipates a struggle as she contemplates the task of wrapping the awkward panda which Hospitalman Harold Wilcox, of IFinne6ago, Wis., hands in at the local USO-Navy YMCA for mailing as a Yula gift’ * ' a stake; thence S 73 deg £ 175 feet to an iron stake by a road at a ford; thence N 20-30 deg E 583 feet to a stake in a ‘ field; .thence S 47 deg E 173 feet to an other stake in a field; thence N 70 deg E 310 feet to a stake; thence S 20 deg W 651 feet to a stake in edge of Mulatto swamp; thence S 58 deg E along high- water mark 340 feet to a stake; thence S 40 deg W 635 feet to the beginning, containing 14.5 acres, more or less. George T. Deans. Trustee, By Arthur D. Gore. Atty. 30-33 plaintiff claims the sum of $53.98, based on goods sold and delivered by the plaintiff to the defendant. Said defendant will also take notice that he is required to ap pear before the imdersigned jus tice of the peace at her office in said county on the 12th day of January, 1950, and answer o mur to the complaintr ot plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein demanded. > This 27th day of November, 1949. Helen S. Barrington, Justice the Peace. WANT ADS FOR SALE: 100 bushels Coker’s 100 cottohseed saved from high land. One year from breeder. W. L. Poole. TFC FOR SALE: Seed Oats. N. L. Mc- Fadyen. TFC FOR SALE: Fulgrain seed oats, cleaned and treated. $1.50 bu- sheL Sow any time. Clarence Lytch. TFC. FOR Alterations and sewing, see Mrs. Willis, upstairs at Collins. 32-33F WANTED TO RENT: Farm with about 70 or 80 acres cleared. See Paul Dickson. TFC PENDER*S EVERYDAY LOW PRICES SAVE YOU MORE! SHOP — COMPARE — SEE FQit YOURSELF WHY IT PAYS TO SHOP AT PENDER Delicious Flavor — Helps to Bring Out Goodness In Th^fty Pork Cuts — Serve It Often! C S APPLE SAUCE 2110-2 cans 25c Nourishing Quick • Meal Favorite — and This Low Price Means Extra Savings For You! REDGATE PORK & BEANS 21-lb cans 19c Keep Plenty On Hand for Lunch Boxes and Snacks! IN SALAD OIL American Sardines no 1-4 can 11c Down Produce Lane U. S. JUICY FLA. ORANGES 5 lbs 27c U. S. No. 1 York Cooking APPLES, 5 lbs 45c Firm Ripe Slicing TOMATOES, lb 25c U. S. No. 1 Kiln Dried YAMS, 5 lbs 51c Mother’s Salad Dressing, pint jar 25c Del Monte Fruit Cocktail, 17-oz can 22c Duff’s Quick Hot Roll Mix, 14-oz pkg 27c Sunshine Hi-Ho Crackers, 1-lb pkg 30c Georgia Maid Sweet Mixed Pickles, 22-oz jar 29c SPRY OR CRISCO Guaranteed Meats TENDER, JUICY FRESH PORK ROAST Rib end lb 35c Loin end lb 37c SHORTENING 3-ibctn 79c Center Cut PORK CHOPS, lb 49c Amtour’s Banner BACON, lb 43c Winner Quality SIRLOIN STEAK, lb 81c Plate or Brisket BEEF STEW, lb 35c Select OYSTERS, pt 85c Standard OYSTERS, pt: 75c General Electric 40 or 60 Watt Size Light Bulbs, each 13c Soft and Absorbent Scot Tissue, 2 rolls .. 21c Soap Powder New Oxydol, Ige .. 28c Bath Size Camay Soap, bar .11c 3 Medium Bars, 25c Ivory Soap, pers. bar .. .... 6c 1 Large Bath Size Lifebouy Soap, bar .. 11c Protective Deodorant Dial Soap, bar .. 25c Liy-'V FOR SALE: Thrift plants - Pink Verbena 10 cents each. Also Playpen and pad, baby basket With stand, half price. Mrs. H. G. McLean. Phone 5186. 32P NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having quali fied as adminisratrix of the estate of J. M. Norton, deceased, late of Hoke County, N. C., this is to no tify an persons having claims against said estate to exaibit tbem to the undesigned at her home on or before the 8th day of December, 1950, or this notice win be pleaded in bar of their lecovery, AU persons indebted to sai destate wU please make im mediate payment. This the 8th day of December, 1949. . Mrs. J. M. Norton, administra trix. 28 *330 'The place to get azaleas, camel lias and boxwoods is here at home. Call on Mrs. J. B. Mc Intyre or phone 5376. TFC FOR SALE:, 100 bushels cotton seed. One year from Cokers— $2.00 per bushel. Warren Phil lips. TFC mmmmmimmsms&mmmim MATTRESSES Sterilized jmd re-bnllt like new. Best materials and workmanship guaranteed, factory prices. Drop us a card. Inner Springs A Specialty —^Pick-up and Delivery— McNair's Tobacco Seed: Leading varieties. See your local dealer or write McNair’s Yield-Test ed Seed Company, Laurinburg, North Carolina. 30 & 32C SANFORD MATTRESS COMPANY SANFORD, N. C. Phone 950-J Early Round Botch and'Charles ton Wakefield cabbage, Imper- al lettuce and onion plants ready. E. lUfotris & Son, Johns. Road Maxton. N. C. 32-35P NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having quali. fied as executor of the estate of Major McNeill, deceased, late of Hoke County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigried at his nome on or before the 1st day of De cember, 1950, cr this notice will be pleaded in bar of tjieir recov ery. All persons indebted to .said estate will please make imme diate payment. This the 1st day of December, 1949. Ed McNeill, executor. 27-32P STATEMENT OF ;THE RESULT ^ of the ■' SPECIAL BOND ELECTION * held in the ^ TOWN OF RAEFORD, NORTH CAROLINA ^ At a special bond election held December 27, 1949, 477 voters were “ registered and qualified to vote. • 102 votes were cast for the ordinance authorizing not exceeding $25,000 Water Bonds of the Town of Raeford for the purpose of pro viding funds for extending the waterworks system of said Town, in cluding the construction of a storage tank, and a tax for said bonds, and 20 votes were cast against said ordinance, and said ordinance was thereby approved and is in force and effect. 102 votes cast for the ordinance authorizing not exceeding $70,000 Sanitary Sewer Bonds, of the Town of Raeford for the purpose of providing funds for extending the sanitary sewer system of said Town, including the construction of a sewage disposal plant, and a tax for said bands, and 21 votes were cast against said ordinance, and said ordinance was thereby approved and is in force and effect, 96 votes were cast for the ordinance authorizing not exceeding $30,000 Street Improvement Bonds of the Town of Raeford for the purpose of providing funds for constructing the surface of streets in said Town, including the contemporaneous construction or recon struction of curbs, gutters and drains, and including grading, and a tax of said bonds, and 2'6 votes were cast against said ordinance and said ordinance was thereby approved and is in force and effect. This statement is given by order of the Board of Commissioners, this 28th day of December, 1949. Wm. L. Poole, Mayor J. M. McDuffie Mitchell Epstein Belton D. Wright Archie M. Byrne i T. B. Lester, Jr. Commissioners To The Citizens And Taxpayers Of The Town Of Raeford: No right of action or defense founded upon the invalidity of the election mentioned in the foregoing statement shall be asserted, nor shall the validity of such election be open to question in any court upon any ground whatever, except in an action or proceeding com menced within thirty days after the publication of. the foregoing statement. C. R. Freeman, Town Clerk and Treasurer. 'I FRUIT TREES, Nut trees, berry plants and ornamental plant' material offered by Virginia’s largest growersi; Write for Free Copy 48-page Planting Guide in color. Salespeople wanted. WAYNESBORO NURSERIES. WAYNESBOko, VA. 32C NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having quali. fied as administrator of the estate of Betsy Jackson, deceased, late of Hoke County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at his home on or before the 1st day of De cember, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recbv- erj. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. ' This the 1st day of December. 1949. D. E. Jackson, administrator. 27-32C PLUMBING CONTRACTING FOR SALE: Gulf kerosene and heating oil. Telephone 5966. Teal Oil Company. TFC FOR SALE: Electric 8 column Victor Adding machine, used three months. $225.00 Raeford Hardware Company. 32C Get your tobacco seed now at the Home Food Market. 32C Cabbage plants, onion sets, fresh daily. Hondo Food Market. 32C Just received another track load of Purina Feeds. Home Food Market. 32C LEGALS NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the estate of McRae McLauchlin, deceased, late of Hoke County, N. C., this is to notify Vll persons having claims against said estate to ex hibit them to the undersigned at his home on or before the 29th day of December, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 29th day of December, 1949. W. M. McNeill, administrator. 31-36C NOTICE North Carolina Hoke County Before HeleT- Barrington, Jus tice of the Peace. C. G. Farrell. Plaintiff vs L. M. Brown, Defendant L. M. Brown, the defendant named above, will take notice that an action as entitled above has been commenced before the undersigned justice of the peace for Hoke County in which the OR PLUMBING REPAIRS I am happy to announce that I am now able to serve this county in plumbing service. I handle all standard plumbing fixtures and pumps. FOR EXPERT PLUMBING CALL CAGLE PLUMBING COMPANY Day Phone 237 Night Phone 196W H. M. CAGLE, PROP. CARTHAGE, N. C. ijrrmjTJTJTTirLrirLrinjTriJTrmrLnjTJiJTri^^ The First of the Year is a good time TO THINK NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Pursuant to power an^ author ity contained'^in deed of trust re- gistred in Book of Mortgages No. 80 at page 187. of Hoke County public registry, default in the pay ments therein stipulated having been made and the beneficiary therein haviijg made demand up on me. I wfll therefore offer to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Raeford. North Carolina at I2f o’clock midday on the 19th day of January 1950, the following property: Beginning at a niron pipe in a small branch, and runs through and beyond Ed Baldwin’s 2nd corner N 45 deg 'W 904 feet to an iron stake, PhiUp Pudie’s and church lot; thence N 47-34 deg E 240 feet across Mulatto swamp to 1. Is your property insured for what it is worth? 2. If not, can you afford a loss this year? See us today for complete coverage as rates have been lowered effective the first of this year THE JOHNSON COMPANY RAEFORD, N. C. jxTTJxriJinJTXLjmnJiJiJixiJiJTjTJTJiJiJ^^

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