I-*' -J ’■it Fvr-’e*’: rmt NEWS-^OURNAi: T^[fjBSDA¥» NOVEBI^B 3I» 1*^ •kale Coi^te Plan* Faim Short Cooneo Short courses in beef cettte production, crop production, and dairy production will be held at W. C. State College, Raleigh, from January « to February 2, it'was aonounced this week by Dr. J. H. Hilton, deafi of agriculture at Uie college. The courses, deigned to be of practical value for any farmer and especially for young men just beginning full-time farming, are open to anyone above 16 years of age who is interested in improv- mg his knowledge of agriculture. Veterans eligible for training may take these courses under die “G. I. Bill.” ^ t) plication should be made as cs.''y as possible but not later til an December 15. Application Wanks and furthen information may be obtained from Eugene Starnes. Division of College Ex- . tension. State College Staticn, Raleigh. The beef cattle production course, under Professor Lemuel G'>ode, will cover such subjects starting a beef enterprise, fending and management, control ol .diseases and parasites, market ing pa=ture and forage crops, and fiinr maangement. A three-day tour of leading beef farms in the ' Coastal Plains and Piedmont sec tions will be made. The crop production course, di rected by Professor E. X. Yorx, v.dU emphasize farm and soil management, weed . control, ^ to- lacco, corn, cotton, small grain, p.istore and forage crops, soy- 'beans, and peanuts. Professor F. M. Haig will sup ervise the dairy production course wtiich v.ill cover herd manage- • tnent. pasture and forage crops, judging and selection, disease . milk sanitation, ^nd artificial bleeding. Mb. S at page 28, aefluenea to which b herAy made for a more deaaiptim> (There is located on the^bove described land a two-story nine foom dwelling) noiPBin IN THE I South edge of Fifth'^Aventm N. TOWN OF EASF01U> 188.44 W. 779 feet to a stake; Fronting on Fulton Street and thence S. 1.41 W. 200 feet to a bounded as follows: Beginning at stake; thence S. 88.44 E. 779 feet intersection of Fulton Street and! > stai-e «n f Fifth Avenue and runs with the ^ Fulton Street; thence with Ful ton Street N. 1.41 200 feet to the beginning, the same being and comprising Lots No.’ I to 27, in clusive, as shown oh blue print made Nov. 1950 by J. H. Blue, C. E. which blue print or Map is registered in the Ofnee of the Re-, fdater of Deeds for Hoke County in BodE of Flats No.. S at page 29. reference to which is hereby made I for a more particular description. (There is located cm the above property a two apartmmit Resld-. ence) Thb Novmber 10th. 1950.^. W. S, THOMAS, Commissioi^, Raeford. N. C. N9V .16,2340 Dec 7^ \bout 40,000 turkeys are being] produced in Pamlico County this year, according to turkey special- , icts at State College. -0- The 1950 apple crop in Aus tralia was below normal and prices paid by fresh users and | canners were high. Meat production under Federal inspection during the week ended November 11 totaled 339 million pounds -0- MORE ABOUT McDiarmid Sale YOUVE lOU) CROStEY Plats No. 3 at page 27, reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description. TRACT NO. 11 Known as the P. H. Wright Farm Beginning at an iron stake on tlie East edge of the old Road that crosses the Mill Race on Toney’s Creek just below the old McQueen Pond and being near the c^er of an old fence, and being 1.8 chains ;from the stone comer on the North east side of the Mill Race and runs thence -as the line of the McQueen Pond tract (now McDonald & Thomas) N. 23-00 E^, 10.10 chains to a stone by a lightwood stump on the 'West side of the road; thence as the old road and Holland’s line N. 51-09 E. 29 ciiains to an iron at the bend of li.p Highway; thence’N. 53-50. E. £07 chains to an iron; thence N. 4r- = 0 W. 1.10 chains to an iron opijosite the end of a ditch; thence '■'i the ditch N. 60-40 E. 11.00 •jnain.s thence , leaving the ditch very' gradually (Ditch to Right) N. f.6-15 E. 17.30 chains crossing Toney's Creek to an iron in a root ditch at the- edge of woods, oak pointer, McLean’s corner; thence as McLean’s line S. 36-25 E. 7.62 cka.ns to an iron in a lightwood stump near the edge of the old S','. amp, gum and poplar pointers; thence as McLean’s other line N. fg-fO E. 9.22 chains to an iron at the head of a drain; Dalton’s corn er; thence as Dalton’s line S. 36 30 W. 43.13 chains, crossing Toney’s Creek to a stone at the edge of woods, Covington’s corner; thence as his line and beyond S. 52-00 W. 38 chains to an iron at the edge of Beaver Dam Creek Swamp thence N. 3-00 E. 3.75 chgirts to a stake at edge of swamp; thence K. 24-40 W. 6.18 chains to stake at edge of swamp; thence N. 10- ; .40 W. 5-00 chains to the begin ning, containing 165 acres, more ' 0! less, according to a survey ana Plat mede .November 195 |>y J. H. Blue, C.E. of the Mrs ■ .*■ Carrie McDiarmid estate lands geld Plat is recorded in the OftiM .(il . the RegUter of Deeds in Book of Plats TttcfnfW c. % V. s V YOU HOMEMAKERS all over tlie coun^tell Crosley what you want... specify improve ments and refinements you’d like to find in hew home appliances,-television sets and radios you're planning to owm Does Crosley listen? Lookatthe 1951 Crosl^ models—styled with new beauty, engineered i and built with lasting sturdiness to incorporate ' new features, designed in dozens of ways to RiaVe your life easier and more enjoyable. Here they are at our store, inviting you to come in and see for yourself how well Crosley has lived up to its continuing promi^ of “Better Products for Happier' Living.’* mi Mee-xrmno OBS/Ms /eef eoMtM fnoM CROSLEY...Cooking Miracle lor 1951 « EASY TERMS CUSTOM Moua CACa Capacity 11.61 cu. ft. ms MATCHUSS HIW SHUVAm COWtHKHa ms we HIW mm Of , •soFT-eu)‘ mmoR stvuhg No fuss, no muss, no bother. Nothing else like it! These great new Shelvadors defrost them selves automatically in 2 to 10 minutes! Efeven fftiinning models—choioe of “SOFT-GLO” In terior Styling with gold-colored trim, or vdiite withdirome. Ctoslty Worksaver Design giyesyou twte as tmich fo^ vriMfcyou want it—in fimit, in sight, in nadi... all qnoe at the’’convenienoe fevd.** No stooping dear to the floqir. iujVm BEAUTHM Nlllf MOOEU fOK It’s Crosley’s new miracle electric range that cooks any w^you like—automaticafiy! You roast, bake, broil, fry, boil, barbecue by clock con- troll See the dozens of great Crosley features for fast, clean, cool electric cooking. Ten sensational 1951 models styled to your needs, priced to your budget! EASY TERMS MOAl cunoM icoo-i. CROSLEY £/ectric WATER HEATER Keeps you hupplfyiu HOT WATER $50TRADEIN We’ll allow you AT LEA$T $50 on your old refrigerator on all 9 and 11 foot models and AT LEAST $40 on smaller models- REGARDLESS Of CONDITION See our furniture and appliance sales personnel— \ Eugene Matherly, Roscoe Currie \ and Dewey McQuage about our EASY WEEKLY OR MONTHLY TERMS AND I CiMloni Rounii Model ’ EASY TERMS No danger from flames, fuQies, flues, vents. Clean—no messy fuel, smoke, soot. Thrifty, cm- venient, dependable, easily in stalled. Capadties 30 to 82 v/H A compact radio you’ll want to take wbetevR you go. AODC or batteries. 5 odor oomtdnations. LAY-A-WAY PLAN Cresloy Kilchta Radio. BaSt to givn s^wrb tone in looms with hard surfaces. White and 5 odon. Conor Medrt. E>- pedaDy desigoed to fit into any nn- uwd comer under a standard kitefaeo work turlaoe. iNsaT raa amd/oe TEMS HOC the new 1951 CROSLEY FREEZERS ..freeze faster at 20° below zerol \9 SiriMll40l CrosUy DYNAMIC Radio. gniartly designed, toneng|- neeted. Six handsome colors to match the dficor of any room. inseit ma amo/m temu hem DeLuxa TaUo-lop MmM. With flat top for extra work tur- Cnoo* Crosley FM-AM Radio. Brings you the static-free bril- lianoe of superb FM plus AM. Simulated leather plastic finish cabinet in4color combinations. 0g|ht great new Oosley Freezers from 4.1- to 20-cubic-foot capacity ... hold ing from 144 to 700 pounds ,of food. Crosley’s quiet, dBSdent, economical compressor unit is backed by a 5-year warranty. . Save time, money, wdrk—with a Crosley Freezer... thriftiest thing you can add to your home! mun ma and/m tems Hm iIMM • Taodo. OCfS-S INSERT PRICE AND/OR TERMS HERE wmson