•..F., i \ ♦ A ■ ■ LITERATURE DEPT. HAS FINAL MEETING OF YEAR w The Literature Department was entertained at ijis regular April meeting on Tuesday evening by Mrs. J. L. McNeill, Mrs. P. G. Leach and Mrs. E. H. Robinson at the home of Mrs. Robinson. This was the final regular meeting of the club as all depart ments of the Woman’s Club come together ih open meeting in May which closes the club year. Mrs. G. B. Rowland presented the interestingr and instructive program; International Relations '—Development of British Litera ture since 1M5. A sweet course was served at ^the conclusion of the program. 0— rook club ENTERTAINED .Mrs. L. B. Brandon entertained the Rook Club on Tuesday even ing at her home. Garden flowers in attractive arrangements made a pleasing background for the three tables arranged for the game. 11 club members were present, with Mrs. Harvey Cole substituting for an absent member. Mrs. H.'W. B. Whitley captured the floating prize. After the game a most delicious salad course was served with hot tea. 0 Mrs. Joe Robinson left Tuesday for Lincoln ton to spend the re mainder of the week with home folks. GARDEN CLUB MEETS TUESDAY EVENING The April meeting of the Rae- ford Garden Club was held Tues day evening, April 3 at the home of Mrs. Paul Dezeme, with Mrs. John McPhaul and Mrs. Herbert McKeithan serving as assistant hostesses. In the absence of Mrs. W. T. Covmgton, president, Mrs. Youn-; ger Snead, vice-president, presid ed over the business session. Mrs. Harvey Warlick led the program with an informative talk on “Which Flowers Go Together.” Mrs. Ray Muench fojlowed with an instructive d^ussion on “Flower Containers.” Mrs. W. D. McLeod presented TyTrR- w. B. Heyward who demon strated the making of several flower arrangements. Mrs. Hey ward also gave an interesting re port on MrSj^uth Kistner’s class in Flower Arrangement which she had recently attended in Fay etteville. The Garden Club members brought arrangements which were placed on display. Mrs. Peter McLean won the door prize, a beautiful azalea plant. 1 The hostesses ■'served a salad plate and coffee. After the social hour the club members were in vited into Mrs. Dezerne’s beauti ful garden. 0 Mr. and Mri Johnny Draughon and family have moved into the apartment recently occupied by the C. P. Kinlaws in the home of Mrs. J. H. Currie. The Draughons have had an apartment in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gull- edge since Mr. Draughon return ed to Raeford as manager of Col lins. 4 * 9 We are now Taking 1 SECRETARY OF CLAN MACDONALD A RAEFORD .VISITOR • Miss Agnes MacDonald, secre tary of the Clan MacDonald, of Scotland, Dr. and Mrs. Woodson and Mrs. Paul McCain of Flora Macdonald college, and Mrs. Ern est Ives of Southern Pines-' and Mr. and Mrs. K. A. MacDonald were luncheon guests of Mrs. J. W. McLauchlin on Friday. In the afternoon several local people of Scotch descent called to meet Miss MacDonald. On Thurs day a reception was given at 'Flora Macdonald college in her honor. Many Scotch descendants from this section of North Carolina called at the reception. ; 0 ^ FAREWELL COMPLIMENT FOR MRS. McDIARMID .#^owERiapr BY BAPngT B.W. CIRCLE The Business Women’s Circle of the Baptist church, of which Mrs. O. W. Holtzclaw is chairman, met Monday evening with Mrs. C. P. Kinlaw at her new home on the Dundarrach road. After the circle meeting was ad journed Mrs. Kinlaw served ap petizing refreshments. Then as a complete surprise, members of the circle showered Mrs. Kinlaw with gifts for her new home. MRS. LESTER ENTERTAINS D. dauibter of JfUKm were wmk end guests of lOw Lona Grahani. Mrs. T. B. Lester was bridge hostess on Tuesday evening when she entertained her bridge dub. She served a dessei;t before the game. There were two tables in play, all club members. Mrs. Paul Dezeme won the high score prize and Mrs.'Harry Greene was hold ing the floating prize at the end of the game. 0 CORBETT - CROUCH Mrs. Lucy Smith accompanied her son-in-law and dau^ter, Mr. and Mrs. David Townsend of Rowland, to Wilmington Sunday to attend the azalea festival and to .visit the gardens. Miss Shirley Mann spent Ae week end with friends and rela tives in^ Goldsboro, Mr. and Mrs. I. Mann and Joyce went up for her Sunday and spent the day. Mn. Udk Jaeny. of Nhriidk, VirgbitB, expected to arrive Sunday lor a visit with Mrs. Durham’s mother, Mrs. L. B. Brandon, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Muench. Mrs. Mary McBryde and grand daughter, Pamela Anne Smith, were guests of Mrs. McBryde’s sister, Mrs. Roger Riggan and Mr. Riggan at Ghio Sunday. Pfc. Cecil Teal left Tuesday for Camp Atterbury, Indiana, after spending a furlough here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Teal. Mr. and Mrs. James Meyers visited relatives in Clinton Sun day. H. D. HARRISON, JR. LAWYER Office over A. & P. Store Phone 6611 - Raeford N. C. Or.ders for The Junior-Senior Prom Mr. and Mrs. Israel Mann com plimented Mrs. Mary Niven Me Diarmid last Wednesday evening when they entertained for, her at their home. Mrs. McDihrmid, who left Sun day for YeadOn, Pa. to make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Roy L. Montague, Jr., has been an ac tive member of the sales force at I.. Mann’s for twenty years. Invit ed to be with her on 'Wednesday evening were other members of the store personnel. A delicious turkey supper was served buffet style. The dining table was covered with an Italian cutwork cloth and centered with jonquils. Four small tables, each centered with a miniature flower arrangement, were placed in liv ing and dining rooms. Spring flow ers were attractively used in liv ing room, dining room and den. Mr. and Mrs. Mann gave their honored guest a lovely gift. Those partaking of this hospitality were: Mrs. McDiarmid, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. James Meyers, Mr. and Mr& Crawford Wright, Mr. and 'Mrs. Joe Gull- edge, Mrs. W. B. Gulledge, Mrs. Mary McBryde. 0-- MR. McBRYDE CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. Chesley T. Crouch announce the marriage of their daughter, Bucilla Frances, to Kieth Corbett of Morristown. Tennessee, Saturday, March 24, at the First Presbyterian Church, Raleigh North Carolina. The bride, a native of Hoke County and a graduate of Hoke County High School', , formerly worked in the News-Journal of fice. 0 Mrs. Nelda Baucom and her mo ther, Mrs. H- C. Taylor, and Mr. and Mrs. James Stephens visited the Airlie Gardens, Orton Plant ation, and attended the azalea festival in Wilmington Sunday. Miss Hilda Priest visited friends in Oxford the past week end. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Niven left Tuesday for Boston, Mass, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tracy. En route home they will also visit Mr. and Mrs. William J. Shellem at Town send’s Inlet, New Jersey, Mrs. Sonny McIntyre under went an appendectomy at Rex Hospital, Raleith, Sunday night Mrs. J. B. McIntyre spent Monday and Tuesday in Raleigh with her daughter-in-lew. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Potter spent Sunday in Fayetteville visiting Charles Seate. myi vUtaa m Mrt Dan Cat laat wfefc first of fiits week. He we to Florida^for several latter part of last week. Lt. D. X Johndrow and fa have moved into the^apartmest i the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesaa Gulledge. Lt. Johndrow is. wifii a Signal Battalion stationed at Pbpa Air Force Base. Mrs. Bernard Bray and children spent the week end in Asheboro with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholson and baby son wege week end guests of Mrs. Nicholson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Winstead, in Rox- boro. Mrs. Nicholson and son re mained for a longer visit. D. J. Ray spent last week end with his daughter and her hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collins in Wilmington. He went especial ly to see Mrs. Collins who is re cuperating from a severe attack of shingles. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bethea of Dillon, S. G. spent Sunday with Mrs. Bethea’s mother, Mrs. W. E. Blue. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Montague, Jr. of Yeadon, Pa. came to Rae ford Saturday and took Mrs. Mon tague’s mother. Mrs. Mary Mc Diarmid, home with them for an extended visit. Mrs. McDiarmid has been a valued saleswoman at I. Mann’s store for a number of years and will be missed.. Mrs. Joe Gulledge, who has been at Belk-Hensdale will now be with Mann’s. Miss Elsie Gschwind of Balti more, Md. spent the week end here with her aunt, Mrs. F. A. Keith. Mrs. G. W. Gasque of Fayette ville waS a Raeford visitor Mon day. Miss Ruby Clark, a graduate of the Raleigh School of Commerce, has accepted a position as clerk- typist at the control section at Pope Air Force Base. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Canaday have as their guests this week Mrs. W. A. Barlow, and sons, Charles and Michael, of Williams burg, Virginia. Mr. Barlow brought them do'.vn and spent the week end. Tom Cameron, Bill Howell and Bernard Bray spent from Friday till Sunday at Santee Cooper on a fishins trip. Mrs. Xeiil A. McDonald and Mrs. Marcus Smith spent Wednes day and Thursday of last week in Charleston and Summerville, S. C. If you have not received your Indoctkm Notice or if Tour National Gaaid Unit Has not been Alerted Ten can still Get $5000 Life Insiraiee Withoit War Clause from Neill J. Blue / Special Agent New York Life Insnnmce Co. Phone 5301 - Raeford, N. C Medical Directory MEDICAL DOCTORS DR. R. A. MATHESON PHONE OFFICE 3531 - HES. 2611 DR. R. L. MURRAY PHONE OFFICE 5321 - RES. SSBI DR. A. L. O'BRIANT PHONE OFFICE 2231 - RES. 2241 DR DENTIST F. JORDAN PHONE OFFICE 3101 PHONE RES. SISS DR M. R. SMITH PHONE OFFICE 2041 . PHONE RES. 26SI Good Health To All FROM R E X A L L HOWELL DRUG CO. Phone ?331 V- We also have a good selection of ' ^ FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS i Phone 6871 RHODA’S FLOWER SHOP On Stewart St. to the rear of Dr. Matheson’s Office as* /smsm ❖ Raeford Theatre ❖ OPEN AT 5 F. M. DAILY THURSDAY — FRIDAY “Stars in My Crown” ^ ‘ Joel McCrea SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE “Marshall of Laredo” Wild Bill Elliott ALSO “Tuna Clipper” SUNDAY >■ MONDAY- TUESDAY ■ . - ■ “Lullaby of Broadway” Doris Day - Gene Nelson S. Z. Sukall - Billy DeWolfe WEDNESDAY 3 Roy Rogers COMING “Great Missouri Raid” D. M. McBryde celebrated his 76th birthday Sunday by having all his children, grandchildren and one great-grandchild as dinner guests. TJhose from out-of-town, were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mc Arthur and boys of Waynesboro, Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McBryde and Karen of Camden, S. C. ;—0 Mrs. K. A. MacDonald visited Miss Flora Boyce at the Confede rate Woman’s Home on Monday afternoon. Miss Boyce had been quite sick Saturday and Sunday but she is much better now. This will be of interest to her, many friends in Raeford -who were con cerned over her illness. I IS rr POSSIBLE to photo graph A MIRAGE,? answer: El HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO COOK WITH ©AS ? answer: ^ONUV ABOUT !♦ PER MBAL PER person; YOU PAY FOR UUST THE GAS, YOU USB/ S/ISS£RWC£ BOTTLED GAS AND APPLIANCES Sold by your nearest JOHNSON COTfON CO. —— S TORE NORTH CAROLINA Clarkton Dunn touisburg Siler City , Lumberton Smithfieid Fairmont Raeford Walioco Fayetteville Roxboro Wendell Goldsboro Sanford Wilson SOUTH CAROLINA * Lake City • ■ Conwoy % ■ w: Fpr The Lion At Your Door THERE'S A LlOH AT TOUR DOOR TODAY - TOMORROW - SATURDAY The Raeford Lions Club Members are calling on the citizens in the Raeford area—going from door to door beginning today for the rest of thp week— selling brooms in behalf of the blind of this county. The benefit to the blind from the sale of these brooms is two-fold. They are paid for making the brooms . . . and all the profits made from these brooms will be turned over to them. The brooms that are being sold, as you will see for yourselves, are top quality, long straw brooms. These brooms are manufactured en tirely by blind* workmen. The Lions will have rubber link door mats, too . . .-So . . . when you see that Lion at your door . . . let him in . . . and buy a broom or door mat so that our local aid to the blind can be continued. BUY A BROOM Help The Blind N . HELP THE RAEFORD LIONS IN THIS GOOD WORK