: WAin'ADS '^.kBvc fw rcBt: DiivNil Beds dnin. Cteir KcBtalK. Dtel M7$, e, N. C. 44-$lC »• STM want t* bay «r sell a bos- iMH? If ss K win pay yaa to eaataci aiy aeeacy. For Sale: A Iracfciac traarfer badacas — loarist eabias and grill — Small lactory, a-oald aiake wonderfiU Chick hatchery- CoBvaiescent hoeK in Soathem Pines — a hakery business. Giet full infor- Mifisn Tague Realty Agency, 275 North Ashe Street, SonOeni Ftaes. N. C. TPC SSStt.tf buys a self service li rette that cost S6200.00 three years ago. Now paying over per week profits. Milist sell at once^ owner going into service. Tague Realty Agency, 275 Noidi Ashe Street, Southern Pipes, N. C. TFC Am buying heavy hms. Also cow for beef. Spike Morris, LAS Depot. 42-45P •ay leagtt. dcllvaeai If yoa Warren PhiDipa. Eoate S TFC STEPS: Cement Any sine. See ton. tor sale. Coving- TFC FOR LIFE INSURANCE: See Nelli ■ Blue, Special Agent, New York Life Insuranee Co. TFC have F.H.A. and GX Loans avaUable now. Julian Wright. TFC FOE SALE: Gulf kerosene and heating oiL Telephsiie 596S. Teal Oil Company. TFC For Electrical EUiott. 643L Repairs call Jim Raeford, N. C. 45 ment - S water. Z Highway. hot Lanrlnburg Bfra. D. J. Dalton. 45-47C FOR SALE: Tractor drawn to- acco setitar, praetieally new. W. M. Thomas. for RENT: One bedroom. Mrs. Dougald Shaw. 45-46P authorizing $275,SM SCHOOL BUDLDING BONDS male HELP WANTED: Floor sanding machine operators. Must be experienced - top wages. Apply to Mr. Purser at the C. M. Guest office, Robbins Mills. 45-46P FOR SALE: House trailer. Can be seen at Bill’s Club, Raeford, Cpl. Huggins, after 5 p. m. 45P WHEREAS, on March 19, 1951, The Board of Education of Hoke County passed a resolution find ing that in order to comply with the constitutional requirement for the maintenance of schools in Hoke County six months in each year, it is necessary to erect and equip additions to two existing, school buildings, and erect and equip an additional school build ing; ahd WHEREAS, said resolution shows that it is expected that funds will be received from the State of North Carolina for pay has carefully and has detenpUnbd . aaf ^ hereby find ag- p fudi statements of ^ afetovfr resolution are brqe,* and thirp lt has become ^ duty of said’Board of Comm^^ew, actlnr.as an administraftve- agent of thfe State in providing''a State system of public schools, to order the issu ance of $275,000 bonds of the County so that the school im provements set forth in para-r graph 1 of this bond order and mentioned in the resolution pass ed by .The Board of Education on March 19,1951, may be provided in order to maintain the six months’ school term in Hoke Coun.- ty as required by the ConstitU' Notice Of Special and Supplemental Registration j v ; - : ■ in the j£diiatty Qf Hoke, North Carolina ; ing a part of the cost of erecting j-jqjj; now, therefpre, _ t : 4.1«« o/4/:)ifinna1 * .AVON PRODUCTS: Year around opportunity to earn. Woman to act as representative in McCain. Hours at your convenience. Write Mrs. Max T. Hester. 305 Cool Spring St., FayettevUle: N. C. for private Interview. 45-47C and equipping the additional . "nr school building, and shows that no NOW OPEN: Mill End Shop, Ab- i available and no pro- ^ I vision has been made by local tax erdeen, N. C. FOR SALE: Lespedesa Bfay. Stanley Crawley, Arabia. CARD OF THANKS: We want to thank each and everyone for the kindness shown us at the tinup of our mother’s death. The Adams family. *5** or otherwise for paying the bal ance of the cost thereof, and for paying the cost of erecting and equipping the additions to the two existing school buildings, and WHEREAS, said resolution Would you like a business of your j gjjows that it is estimated that the « -M- ... . jt-ji 15-A own - no lay offs, full time work, car needed - openings near me for Watkins dealers. Write Mrs. Mary B. McBry^e. Raeford, Phone 5177. 45-46C DRIVE-M THEATRE SHOWS START 7:15 P. M. FOR SALE: Baby Carriage - col lapsible, good condition, $12.50 which is Vs original price. Phone Mrs. Eddie Morden 525-1 45C DAILY AND SUNDAY SUNDAY—APRIL 8 SLEEPING CITY’? Richard Conte MONDAY AND TUESDAY — APRIL 9-10 During World War II, clothing a soldier for a year took the wool produced by 26 sheep. sum of $27'5,000 will be' needed, in addition to the funds expected to be received from the State of North Carolina, in order to pro vide such school improvements and requests the Board of Com missioners for the County of Hoke to take all necessary steps, by the issuance of bonds or otherwise, so that the sum of $275,000 may be provided for such purpose, and WHEREAS, the Board of Com missioners for the County of Hoke POULTRY WANTED “THE KID FROM TEXAS” Audie Murphy WEDNESDAY AND THURDAY — APRIL 11-12 “MY FRIEND IRMA GOES WEST” Marie Wilson - Jerry Martin - Dean Lewis Adm. 30c - Children Under 12 FREE Our truck will be in Raeford, N. C. from 11:00 A. M. til 12:00 Noon, Friday, April 6, near depot. CASH PRICES lb. HEAVY HENS 26c BRING ALL YOU HAVE TO SELL LEE POULTRY CO. SANFORD, N. C. INVEST BE IT ORDERED AND REL- SOLVED by the Board of Com missioners for the County ' of Hoke: 1. That, pursuant to The Coun ty Finance Act, as amenefed, bonds of Hoke County, North Carolina, shall be issued in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $275,000 for the purpose of pro viding funds for erepting' and equipping additions to two exist ing school buildings and, with other funds available therefor, for erecting and equipping an addi tional'school building, in order to maintain the six months’ school term in Hoke County as required by the Constitution, such school improvements being briefly de scribed as follows; Erect and equip an addition to the 'Raeford Elementary School. Erect and equip an addition to the Upchurch Union School. Erect and equip an Indian Un ion School in Blue Springs Town ship to replace the Antioch Indian School and the Masedonia Indian School. 2. That a tax sufficient • to pay the principal and interest of saidT bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. 3. That a statement of the debt of the County has been filed with the Clerk and is open to public inspection. 4. ThaLthis order shall take ef fect when approved by the voters of the County at an election as provided in said Act. The foregoing order was final ly passed on the 2nd day of April, 1951, and was first published on the 5th day of April, 1951. Any action or proceeding ques tioning the validity of said order must be commenced within thirty days after its first publication. J. E. Gulledge, Clerk, Board of Commissioners. 45-46C A qweM bond election will be held throu^OTit Hoke County be tween 6:30 A, M.-and 6:30 P. M., Eastern Standard Time, on Mon day, May 7, 1951, at which there will be submitted to t{ie qualified voters of said County the follow ing question: Shall an order finally passed April 2, 1951, authorizing not ex ceeding $275,000 School Building Bonds of the County of Hoke for the purpose of providing fuiids for erecting and equipping addi tions to two existing school build ings and, with other fuhds avatl- afble therefor, for erecting and equipping an additional ■ school building, and a tax for said bonds, be approved? The order referred to above au thorizes School Building Bonds of Hoke County in an aggregate prin cipal amount not exceeding $275,- 000 for the purpose of providing funds for erecting and equipping additions to two existing school buildings and, with other funds available therefor, for erecting and equipping an additional school building, in order to maintain the six months’ school term in Hoke County as required by the Cons titution, such school improve ments being briefly described as follows: Erect and' equip an addition to the Raeford Elementary School. Erect and equip an addition to the Upchurcl^ Union School. Erect and equip an Indian Un ion School in Blue Springs Town ship to replace the Antioch In dian School and the Macedonia Indian School. If said bonds shall be issued a tax ;WiU. be levied for the pay ment of the principal and interest thereof upon all, taxable property in Hoke County. . , - For said election the regular registration books for elections in said County will be used, and such books will be open for the regis tration of voters, not theretofore registered, from 9 A. M. until sunset on each day beginning Sat urday, April 14, 1951 and closing Saturday, April 28, 1951. On each Saturday during such registration period said books will be open at the pollipg places. Saturday, May 5, 1951 is Challenge Day. I The poUing places in the several precincts and the registrars and judges for each precinct are as follows: Precincts Antioch Polling Places Registrars Judges Community House J- W. (Watt) McNeill, D. McPhaul M. B. McBryde D. A. Currie T). N. McGougan W. H. Currie School House Mrs.'T. C. Sinclair M. A. Robertson W. L. Thornburg Mildouson Dundarrach Com. H. N. A. MeInnis Allendale Community House Ashemont Puppy Creek Parkers Com. H. R. D. Parker Little River Lobelia Com. H. E. B. Blue B. Springs Bether School C. J. McNeill Rockfish School House W. F. Townsend Raeford N. 1 Courthouse L. J. Campbell Raeford No. 2 Town Hall Kate B.- Covington W. L. Smith J. L. McFadyen Lacy McNeill Hugh Hair N. A. McGill C. H. Marks J. R. Hendrix J. F. Chisholm C. M. Koonce G. A. Monroe J. B. McLeod M. M. Culbreth J, H. Blue G. W. Cox J. E. Gulledge, Clerk of Board of Comniissioners. G. B. Rowland, Chairman of County Board of Elections. 45-47C the highest bidder one Dodge Half- Ton 1949 Pick-Up Truck, with motor number “T142-104225” be- ! longing to the estate of Hu^es Jones, deceased. Posted April 3rd, 1951. Arthur D. Gore. Admr. 45-47c FULL SIZE TRACTOR NOnCE OF DODGE TRUCK SALE At the Lentz Funeral Home in entz Fime [orHvXlar Raeford, NorHv-^arolina at the hour of 2:30 P. M. on the 25th day April, 1951, (Which is Wednesday) I will offer for sale at auction to The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator the estate of Hughes Jone^, deceased, late of Hoke County, N. C. this is to noti- THE ONLY TRACTOR With Only Two Cylinders Fewer Parts Longer Life CHEAPER TO OPERATE Backed By A Reputation of QUALITY SERVICE and Experience This JOHN DEERE Model “M” Tractor Was Designed and Built After a Care- ful and Complete Study To Determine The Smallest Practical Farm Tractor ■ One That Would Have Balanced Power To Fill All The RequiremenU of Mod- em Tractor Farming At Minimum Investment. Mother of Two Praises Hadacol HADACOL Suppli^ Deficient Systems With Vitamins Bi, Ba, Niacip and Iron Mrs Elmer Hisel, 3225 Ave, Council Bluffs, Iowa, 2nd is a g 0 0 d mother, and like al go o d mothers she keeps careful watch for the welfare of her two young children. And when little four - year - old Lucille Hisel wasn’t feeling as her mother knew she should she decided to NOTICE TO CREDITORS fy all persons hdving claims a- gainst said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at his home on or before the 5th day of April, 1952, or this notiefe will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 5th day of 4prll» 1951 Arthur D Gore, Administrator. 45-50C SEE THE JOHN DEERE BEFORE YOU BUY I Lucille Hisel —-- do something about it. Mrs. Hisel gave Lucille HADACOL because she had heard how much it was brfpltig children who had poor appetites and stomadi distress caused by deficiencies of Vita mins B>, Bt. Iron and Niadn. It hdped her so much that now Mrs. Hisdi^CT HADACOL to both of Here is what Mrs. Hisel says: daughter has taken two bottles of HADACOL and She has been eating more than befisre and nian slecps better. 1 think HADA* C(Mi is the best thing for children vriio do not have an appetite. My daughter is four years old. Before faking HADACOL my daughter complaiT)cd of her stomach hurting her, ai u I got her a bottle of HADACOL and she says her stom ach doesn’t bother her any more. I tviink HADACOL is .wonderful. I am also giving HADACOL to nay three-year- M daughter.” HADACOL Ls So Effective An important thing about HAD ACOL is that you get Vitamins Bi, B,, Niacin and Iron in liquid form, which means that they are quickly absorbed and dispatched to the plood stream, ready to ^go right'til work. HADACOL helps buiid dp the hemoglobin content of- ■ thf blood (when Iron is neededti to carry these precious Vitamais and Minerals to every part of your body. Each $1.00 invested this year in /mm CHILEAN NITRATE of SODA PAYS BIG, EXTRA PROFITS! Dollar retom: 30011m. of Chil ean Nitrate in creased yields of onto 35-4Q bu. per acre, almost 4 to 1. Chilean Nitrate also improres the feeding quality and the pro tein content of forage crops. 200 to 300 lbs. of Chilean Ni trate produced 150 to 200 pounds more lint cotton per acre. Dollar re turn: about 10 to 1. You can’t afford not to invest in natural soda this year! C0J 300 lbs. of Chil- . can Nitrate in creased yields of corn about 20 bushels per acre. Dollar return: almost 4 to 1. Chilean Nitrate means maximum yields for maximum profits! HEMV WHY: NHrogen COntMlt — all nitrate nitrogen ... fast-ncting ... completely available .... the only natural nitrate in the wwld. Sodium' content — contains 26% sodium (equivalentto35% aedimn oxide) ... sodium is essential.\o maximum yields... substitutes for potassium, 'where lacking, and makes soil phos phate more available ... helps “sweeten” the soil. V Other plonMoods—natural traces of iodine, manganese, potassium, magnesium, boron, calcium, iron, sulphur, copper and zinc. Uncle Natchel soys: “Look for the bulldog on the bag. It mean natchel soda in free* ffowin’ pellet form. Used now for over i one hundred years.” PaaufT pstivssr D ^,1

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