THE NEWS-JOVENAL THURSDAY,*APEIt 19^11^ Fanning Ml of North Carolina’s 100 coun ties except 10 are now or«anl*ed in soil conservation districts. Forestry specialists at State Col lege report that large areas of pine forests in southeastern North Carolina are being attacked by LIAiN AND EARN M TOUR SRARI TIMI WITH im NtW ^ COTTON-PLANTING witli ^Gct ittthc Swing of Spring) Wtfh Chicken Loaf 9m RATES Maximum 15 words, on inser tion Each additional word .... 2c Five or more insertions with out change 5c less per issue. ”nesc are cash rates and for customers with regular ac counts. Just arrived! New ddpment gen uine Frlgldaire home apidisnces. See ns right away for r6m wants in thl* line. BAUCOM APPLIANCE CO. 47C Notice. Of Special Bond Election and Supplemental Registration in the County Of Hoke, North Carolina FEMALE HELP WANTED —. Teacher - College Student, in teresting summer work. 2360 for 60 days. Reply P.O. Box 311, Kenansville* N. C. 47C If you are interested in used Electric Refrigerator, Electric Range, Ice Boxes, etc., see BAUCOM APPLIANCE CO. 47 1 FOR SALE: Used shallow well water pump and tank. BAUCOM APPLIANCE CO. 47 MALE HELP WANTED; Teacher CoUege student, interesting summer work. $360 for 60 days. Reply P.O. Box 311, Kenans- ville, N. C. 47C When you want to serve chicken salad in a festive atmosphere, combine it with pineapple in a molded chicken lorf as delicious as it is different. Youll like the unusual taste combination of pineapple rad chicken which can be enjoyed to the full, thanks tine. This is a main dish chicken mold to 1 MALE HELP WANTED: Due to expansion we need two more men to call on farmers. Experi ence not necessary. Home every night. References required. Write Mr. McVe/, Candler Wdg. Baltimore 2, Md. 47-48P We have for rent: Hospital Beds and wheel chairs. Chair and Equipment Rentals, Dial 5076, Fayetteville, N. C. 44-51C A ^special bond election will be held throughout Hoke County be tween 6:30 A, M. and 6:30 P. M., Eastern Standard Time, on Mon day, May 7, 1961, at which there will be submitted to the qualified voters of said County the follow ing question: Shall an order finally passed April 2, 1951; authorizing not ex ceeding $275,000 School Building Bonds of the County of Hoke for the purpose of providing funds for erecting and equipping addi tions to two existing school build ings and, with other funds avail- 1 in Hoke County. ments being briefly described as follows: Erect and equip an addition t the Raeford Elementary School. Erect and equip an addition o / the Upchurch Union School. i Erect and equip an Indian Uiy ion School in Blue Springs Town- ship to replace the Antioch In dian School and the Macedonia Indian School. If said bonds shall be issued a tax will be levied .for the pay ment of the principal and interest thereof upon all taxable property ^ V I [J I- C THEPERFEa INKER COnONSEED SINKERS COTTON SEED is easier to haul, handle, and plant; feeds through corn-planters accurately. SINKERS eliminates cldgs, skips, and misses; plants to a stand—thick or thin to suit soil conditions—without thinning or chopping. Graded cottonseed means more cotton. SINKERS cost less to plant. Use only % the amount you do of fuzzy seed. The Johnson Co. Raeford, N. C. canned peas and a salad for a complete meal. The protein the chicken is supplemented by the gelatine whicn is an wl-protein food. Molded Chicken Loaf With Pineapple 1 envelope unflavored gelatine 2 tablespoons lemon juice) cup cold chicken stock or % cup pineapple bouillon ( cups *cedcook^ chicken; % cup hot chicken stock or) % cup cann^ crushed boSillon , ' Vs teaspoon salt % cup diced cele^ Softpn gelatine in cold chicken stock. Add J*®* stir until dissolved. Add lemon juice consistency of unbeaten egg whites. Fold “ celery. Turn into loaf pans or individual molds and chill nm. Unmold and serve with mayonnaise or saladj^sing^V desire garnish with toasted slivered almonds. ServejWShTmiled potatoes and canned peas. YIELD: 6 servings. FOR SALE: Tomato plants, Mar- globes, Stones, Brimmer, Spar- tas,. Earliana. D. R. Johns. 47P 1 FOR SALE: Foar room house and lot 81x212 ft. on Aberdeen Highway near the old Robbins Mill at Raeford, N. C. Phone 5976 from 5:30 till 9:30 p.m. 47p Do you want to buy or sell a bus^ iness? If so it wiH pay you to contact my agency. For Sale: A trucking transfer business — tourist cabins and grill — Small factory, would make wonderful chick hatchery. Convalescent home in Southern Pines — a bakery business. Get full infor mation. Tagne Realty Agency, 275 North Ashe Street, Southern Pines, N. C. TFC I FOR SALE: Lespedeza Hay. Stan ley, Crawley, Arabia. 47p FOR SALE: Gulf kerosene and heating olL Telephone 5966. Teal Oil Company. TFO southern pine beetles. The attack has reached epidemic proportions and the damage may become severe this summer. MORE ABOUT Monroe Deaths Hanover school faculty in Wil mington until last December, when she resigned due to illness. —u— — Visit our greenhouse for potting needs. Rooting and cutting pots and prepared soil plants for your flower garden. Flowers for all occasions. McLean FloWer Shop, Phone 5186, Raeford. 47c AVON PRODUCTS; Year around opportunity to earn. Woman to act as representative in McCain Hours at your convenience. Write Mrs. Max T. Hester, 305 Cool Spring St., Fayetteville, N. C. for private interview. 45-47C able therefor, for erecting and equipping an additional school building, and a tax for said, bonds, be approved? The order referred to above au thorizes School Building Bonds of Hoke County in an aggregate prin cipal amount not exceeding $275,- 00 for the purpose of providing funds for erecting and equipping additions to two existing school buildings and, with other funds available therefor, for erecting and equipping an additional school buHding, in order to maintain the six months’ school term in Hoke County as required by the Cons titution, such school improve- For said election the regular registration books for elections in said County will be used, and sue 'books will be open for the regis tration of voters, not theretofore registered, from 9 A. M- until sunset on each day beginning Sat urday, April 14, 1951^ and closing Saturday, April 28, 1951. On each Saturday during such registration D^fod said books will be open at polling places. Saturday, May / 5, 1951 is Challenge Day. The polling places in the several precincts and the registrars and judges for each precinct are as follows: Precincts 1 Antioch Allendale Ashemont MORE ABOUT SCHOOL NEWS Havfland China. New shipment in Apple Blossom pattern. 10-lnch dinner plates, cups and saucers. Graham’s Gift Shop. 47C Slabs for sale - any amount, saw- ^any length, delivered if you wish. Warren Phillips, Route 3 TFC Mjldouson Polling Places Registrars Judges Community House J. W. (Watt) McNeill, D. McPhaul ^ M. B. McBryde Community House D. A. Currie *0. N. McGougan W. H. Currie School House Mrs. T. C. Sinclair M. A. Robertson W. L. Thornburg Dundarrach Com. H. N. A. Mclnnis Puppy Creek Parkprs Com. H. R. D. Parker lia Monroe were held Saturday afternoon at St. Pauls church with the pastor. Rev. Robert Poole, of ficiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. Active pallbearers were Otha Parker, I^al Kinlaw, Charles Caudell Jr„ Fred Fisher and Wil liam and John McCormick. Miss Monroe was a graduate of East Carolina Teacher’s College in Greenville and a member of New King made the highest 4 year grades and will be valedictorian of her class. Betty Upchurch made next high grades and will be salutatorian. We congratulate these girls. I See our line of infant wear. Slips, dresses, T-shirts, shorts, bon nets, caps, etc. Graham’s Gift Shop. «C I STEPS: Cement steps for sale. Any size. See Roland Coving ton. TFC Little River . Lobelia Com. H. E. B. Blue B. Springs Bethel School C. J. McNeill COLORED SCHOOL NEWS Eighteen boys and two instruc tors from the Upchurch agricul tural department went to Proctor- ville last week for the NFA dis trict contests. They won second place in the livestock judging Contest and third place in the quartet singing contest, and play ed a large part in the baseball [for SALE OR TRADE: Mauser Rifle - caliber 8 ro|m - sport model. O. B. Covington, Route 1, Red Springs. 47-50P IfOR LIFE INSURANCE: She NeUl James Blue, Special Agent, New York Life Insurance Co. TFC Rockfish School House W. P. Townsend Raeford N. 1 FOR SALE: Certified coker - 100 wilt cottonseed - High Germi nation. T. B. Upchurch,' Inc. 47c I FOR SALP: One nice milk cow. N. A. McNeill. 47P TnS^mrihti i> UFE • POST • lOOK • COUlirS • FARM JOURNAL «s4 «i tkt lEXAU lADIO SHOW itirrlsg AMOS 'N' ANDY-Sssday* • CBS cosMEDCs simia to tax more buys 2 'Ji 7!2^PURETEST 1 gr. 10 Im. S4c SUPER VALUES ASPIRIN 2iii55'’ Mi31 79c AKTISEPTIC 2foi 80*^ jWBt PURETCST a hi. AIIBIIIK AUOHOL liatW 'COIWOUNO R«9. 79ePint "■ "" [tooth P*sm 1 5% 01. tub** 3 lor POUND PAPER . 5C Lord Boltimore \ £ii!e Lin-.n Rt-g 75c 2,o:76 ligBMt'iJ4MIIW)$Iit ICHOCOIATE IQ, •ape Almond or 19' I PlinOpioin (limit 2) 50 Env K^g 75c 2*or76( lAVlNDlR SHAVi CREAM BrUshlesi or lather. Reg. 59c 2 for I 1 TURKISH TORIIS 3 for 1.00 ■S: PRO-CAP 1 ADHESIVE TAPE xSYdsO QP ’9 Z lor JUC 1 UlmttS) Pk|.36 jjMoU QUIK-BANDS SUM CUSSES men's & ladles' styles ... Reg. 38c 2 Itr 99c BIVaOKS Medford white, ev, 18's, Reg. 10c 2 hr 11c NUT CUSS TUMBLOS 9^^ oz. size Reg. lOc 2 hr lie AMMONUTED TOOTH NWDER Rexatl. 3 OL, Reg. 43c 2 hr 44c ABCBME COSMniCS any 2 Identical Items Reg 85c ea. 2 hr Me HOUMME CMAM Helen Cornell... 1H bz., Reg 81.10 A hr 1.11 WMBWITLE Victoria 2-qL.. . Reg $2.39 lhr2.4C CCtKMS Powder or Crystals .... 4 oz., Reg33c IhrMc naOOANTISEPTK Rexall Pint, Reg. 79c I hr Me MMMCAICOHOI Renll Aloo-Rex.... PL,lti|.SScShrMc IMHBAl 01. Rexatl Petrotol PM, ltl|. S9c > hr Me fCIKZ 1w atMete’s feet IH ec.,l(i|.C3e ShrMc CVTtOIAn Ewiyday...8-20a30thecls,itic.2ScShrSic sacauMtMUTs y« r- looirt, sic. iijn t hr un onMamHXM Reull 3R . ... Ric.4SePM IhrMc CHlMMi Ocan^eio I er.. Me. Ml f hr Mi CMOMMM ReiaU Thcetriol .... IhrUOl MWBiCfBMM ReiaR tic., Reg Me ShrMc MMI RBiHiSli(fc,lK... Reg35c ShrMc MMYfMI HMartonMl....C«4g(30,RigMeShr1U •OUMM Owancrllarie .ReglOeShrllc lAnftMMi Uwndir 9 oL, Reg $1.10 thr 1.11 Qmrii.. 12*1,Rig4)e ShrMc Belmont RegOUnShrlJI More, or Plain (limit 2 pkgt.) Za* [box Of It EVERYDAY [OREniMG CARDS with onv. $1.50 val. (limit 1 bon) MUSSES OR SAIT WATB I CANDY KISSES 14 MiKo each wwow, (Rinirci I lANOilN SOAR«.SV5«.0(I| 1 fcgBtOMHWrrtW I House Trailer for rent; See Char les Davis at Kinlaw Jewelry Store, " 47P 11 have F.H.A. and GX Loans available now. Jnlian Wright. | Raeford No. 2 ITC I $3300.00 buys a self service laund- rette that cost $6200.00 three years ago. Now paying over $100.00 per week profits. Mnst sell at once, owner going into service. Tagne Realty Agency, 275 North Ashe Street, Southern Pines, N. C. TFC Courthouse L. J. Campbell Town Hall Kate B. Covington W. L. Smith tb J. L. I^cFadyen Lacy McNeill Hugh Hair N. A. McGill C. H. Marks J. R. Hendrix J. P. Chisholm C. M. Koonce G. A. Monroe J. B. McLeod M. M. Culbreth J. H. Blue G. W. Cox J. E. Gulledge, Clerk of BoArd of Commissioners. G. B. Rowland, Chairman of County Board of Elections. 45-47C I FOR RENT: Two room furnished apartment. Mrs. Leon Throwm*. 47P LEGALS CARD OF THANKS . . die letters start. Then many toidefs of THE CHRIS^ tian soencb monitor tell the Editor how much they enjoy diis daily world-wide newspaper. "T6e Moni/or it the most carefully edited) newt- paper in the U. 5. . . .” "Valuable old ht teaeb- iug . . " "News that is complete and fair. ..." "The Monitor surely it a reader's necessity . We would like to take this op portunity to thank our many friends for their acts of kindness and sympfathy during our recent bereavement. The family of Mrs. E. M. Smith. You, too, will find the Monitor informative, with complete world news . . . and as neces sary as your HOME' TOWN paper. • Jse this coupon for a Speciui Intr oductory subscription — 26 -SUES FOR ONLY $1—And n Tuesday nights over ABC bcations to "The Christiar Science Monitor Views the NeT,.s.” game, furnishing five players for the Hoke-Robeson, team that play ed the other counties in the dis trict. They won the game 6 to 2 The 1.8 boys entered all contests except the speaking event. The boy who was to speak had to re main at Upchurch as he . was en tered in the Peace speakipg con test held at the school that day. Two parents furnished the trans portation to Proctorville for which the school 'and all concerned wish to thank them. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having quali fied as executrix of the estate of W. A. Wright, deoeased, late of Hoke County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at her home on or before the 39th day of March 1952, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 29th day fo March, 1951 Mrs. Vella Jane Wright, execu trix. 44-49P acres near head of prong or Under mine branch, and runs as old line S 3 degrees W 8.50 ohs. to a stake thence S 87 degrees E 17.65 chs. to a stake; thence as it N. 3 de grees E 8.50 chs. to a stake in old line; thence as old line N 87 de grees W 17.65 chs. to the begin ning, containing 15 acres, more or less. (2nd tract) Known a^ Mar tha Kelly lot, and runs as that line N 87 degrees W 5.68 chs. to a stakej'thence S 3 degrees W 6.82 chs. to a stake in head of branch; thenge S 87 degrees E 4.13 chs. to a stake in Johnsonville road; thence as it direct to the begin ning, containing 3.34 acres, more or less. For further reference sea Books No. 83 and 90 at pages 2C0 and 621 of Hoke' county registry. Posted 3-2«-51. Arthur D. Gore, Commissioner. 44-47C POULTRY WANTED , Am MMm m Not U Sole Ml*; cl;Lndii,l‘ bvj’ [ Xu'ptionol Vuigi: Too Good To Mc.s! .'t? lEXi Collifls Departs TOenMSn Rmlt ARmoniiM... . 314 a. tube S fir tic aOtMrMCHiranB ..PI«.«l3(IOSIir4lc .... Lord Battiinoit, im||c duk lfcrMc Reull.tonic Rint Stir 141 nuUiWITMRASa astriflcoflt Pint tier Me TOOnmnm Klenzonylon, UirM ttytn....... Sfirttc lEXAUMSOMSALT medicinal PoundSltt4U [SOMrCNOCOUnSVBUP. 7«.6nSfirSti '4IYBM hi|h potency Pint Sfir 141 ^ '*nsuUI 4 es»ntial vitamins....... loo’s S fir 140 ' "oin B capsules100’s S fsrS.lI '‘-Omplex Asa’S Sfsr 141 The Christian Science Monitor One, Norway St., Boston 15,Mass.,U.SA. Please send me an introdnctoty.tnb- setiptioo to The Christian Science Monirac—26 iines. 1 enclose 01. PB9 (tUSe) The Upchurch trades depart ment is making an effort to add an additional bricklaying teacher to the staff iri-order to take care of the applications for admission to this course. This is the only department offering this course in this area. Veterans from Cumber land, Robeson and Moore are en rolled as well as those from Hoke. NOTICE TO CREDITQRS The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator the estate of Hughes Jones, deceased, late of Hoke County, N. C. this is to noti fy all persons having claims a- gainst said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at his home on or before the 5th day of April, 1952, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 5th day of April, 1951. Arthur D. Gore, Administrator. 45-50C Our truck will be in Raeford, N. G. from 11:00 A. M. till 12:00 Noon, Friday, April 20, nead depot. CASH PRICES HEAVY HENS 27c lb. BRING ALL‘YOU HAVE TO SELL LEE POULTRY CO. SANFORD, N. C. Pre-school clinic wijl be held at Upchurch on Wednesday, ApHl 26th at 9:00 a. m. FOR SALE ANTIQUES, CHINA, BRIC-BRAC, LAMPS, FURNITURE AND ETC. 9 A. M., MONDAY, APRIL 23 SANDERS FURNITURE CO. RED SPRINGS, N. C. NOTICE OF DODGE TRUCK SALE At the Lentz Funeral Homie in Raeford, North Carolina at the hour of 2:30 P. M. on the 25th day April, 1951, (which is Wednesday) I will offer for sale at auction to the highest bidder one Dodge Half- Ton 1949 Pick-Up Truck, with motor number “T142-104225” be longing to the estate of Hughes Jones, deceased. Posted April 3rd, 1951. Arthur D. Gore. Admr. 45-47c NEW CARPENTER SHOP We have opened up a general Carpenter Shop at the old home of B. P. Robinson, now owned by Ed Smith, one and one half miles from Raeford on 15-A. Screen doors, window screens, window and door frames and cabinets made to order. I NOTICE At 12 o’clock, noon, of April, 26th, 1951, at the courthouse door in Raeford, N. C. I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following land; In Little River Township, Hoke County, N. C., (1st tract) BEGIN NING at a pine stump at NW cor ner of Wm. Calvin’s grant for 200 Picture frameing, furniture repair and saw fileing. Saws can be left at Raeford Hardware Co. I i $ I E. M. and Ed Smith, Owners E. M. SMITH, Manager