^ ^EiSir' W'- ■' f’*> ff'l ■ ■■■^■L!'* 'the NEWS-JOUitNAt ^ ‘’: ■ ■ - r,■■■ -^, PERSONALS Mrs. J. B. Hoyl of Fl. Lauder dale, who fell and injured her hip a few days after arriving in Rae- ford to attend commencement and the graduation of her grand daughter, Bettie L i^churc.'.. .e- tumed 10 Rieford Monday from High.«mith ho-^pita: Her hip was fracl'n'-'' .n 'r.e la^* j**.* ' a r.i^:. ILr- Ho>'i w. xn o\v Pe here .-va.ig.'her Mr?. Upchurch, ,■ nc^ bn- Ml. Kcyi is rc- F' L rderdaie today. - . ’--1 c'. i-,-' Far? b-U arc Joan White, which took place Sunday afternoon at four o’clock in the,First Methodist church in Hickory. Mrs. Cameron and dau ghters spent Sunday night in Winston-S.dcm and Mrs. Robert %:cCle.sky\ returned to Raeford '-til Mrs Cameron and Florence Monday. craar. Cameron, Eloise Up- h'urc'V .ri.d Lilmar Sue Gatlin, .copmpanied by Miss Alice Suttor. .'• left Raeford Monday :he' night in Raleigh. Raleigh Tuesday for '.'.ood, near Waynes- :■ -weeks.. Miss Math-1 . ; as a counselor. .1 Test Soils Now, Farmers Advised ot Oliver spe t i ’.am with reh.'.i'. vciaily to at-jend '. exercises ^ i t North Carolina :■ hew, David D duate. : • ‘-.3*^ T -S’ r ''** I?*' chi-.' •i M.s. K. A Cameron. Miss Flor ence Cameron and Miss Mane Cameron spent the '.vee. end in t.’.e Western par: ot t.he state: Fhxrence vv.th airs. Da-.'id Tutt.e in G.istorna. and Mrs. Cameron with Mrs. Ed ward Dar ts i;t Mar-j gir.ton. Miss Marie Came-ron •.vas, rraid of honor at the wedding of j bel’ friend and roommate. Miss j tlrs. Howard Baucom* ^ :t of Goldsboro were; ;';t e:'.d visitors in the home of i and Mrs. J. A. Baucom. I Miss Margaret McKenzie of Gibson visited Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Robitison Sundry. Miss .McKenzie '.eft Tuesday for Boone to attend I mmer school at ASTC tor the ne.xt six weeks. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE GOSPEL Tent Meeting at H. VV. Eilis home ^ P. M. Nightly June 14 thru 20 Preaching Jjy Rev. Wally Ellis of Richv.’ood, Ohio Farmers planning to seed La- dino clover pastures this fall should have their soils tested early in the summer. This will permit them to receive a prompt r'-port on the soil test and give tha.T. more time to obtain ihr- iinie and fertilizer they need. .A recent sumhaary of soil test r. .•uit.s shows that larr.-. tnro.mahout the State are seedi;ig pastures on fields that arc crallx'- more acid and at a lower fertility le-cel than other crop- :;>nd. This emphasizes the im- . ■.. '.'i me of. liming bad fertiliza- .ion I., establishing productive , - -‘ures. , . T rie no need or farmers tc • ue^. at li'.e a.r.oimts of lime anc f.’rtilizv;' 1.ceded on a prirlioulai piece of land. By having .‘^oil test: made they' -.'.i’.i receive lime and fertiliser rero.i'.merdaiions based ; on field studies conducted by the X. C. Agriculfyral Experiment Station. Containers for samples rnay be obtained from county agents, vo- canoraL agriculture teachers. Soil Conservation Service person nel, PMA offices, or by writing to the Soil Testing Division, N. C. Department of Agriculture, Ra leigh. Full instructions for taking samples and filling out the infor mation sheets are given on the containers. 0 Ur^ss farm income for 1950 is Citimr-.ed at 32.1 billion dollars, I'most equal the 1949 figure of 2.2 billion. This gross includes -he \-alue ot home-consumed farm products, rencal value of farm d ' ellings, and > government pay- ;-r”;;.s to farmers in addition to '•ash receipts from marketing. n Laciino clover-orchard grass .r.lxiure is excellent for hay as ..cl! as for pasture, say Clyde Xeislor and O. A. Adams, both of ■’.’ake County. krproved equipment and adop- o'l of bette’.' practices are helping orth Cai-olk'i;-: poultrvmen put .elter quality eggs on the market, ■av po'iltry’ specialists at State College. Eggs are perishable and will deteriorate rapidly in warm wea ther unless given the proper care, say poultry specialists at N. C. State College. 1 MORE ABOUT Your Congress Most prices temporarily are in a lull—but what miay happen when heavy defense spending '.■all- takes hold, H«w much anti- nf n force will be contained .n ti.j new j;■./.■ oin-iations and tax oiil.-i—which \,on'l be finally act- ji upon until well after June 30. No'.v, as Ir.-'. Ju'yv. many mem- oers of C6.!,!W^? arc uncertain ibout what ' And now. ■ -• Barucji comes orth with h: ■ recommendations. M'hat eficci :hcy will have this ime cannot • e m’.mediately fore seen. But tl.c fact remains that -he EaruQh IM'.cr will "be widely liscussed. WANT ADS KATES Maximum 15 woi-ds, on ii^ser- tion 30c Each additional word .... 2c Five or more insertions with out change 5c less per issue. These are cash rates and for customers with regular ac counts. Slabs for sale - any amonnt, saw- any length, delivered If yon wish. Warren Phillips, Route 3 TFC Do you want to buy or sell a bus iness or any kind of property? If so it will pay you to contact my agency. For Sale: two miles East of Raeford on Highway 13-A, a 58-acre farm about 3 acres tobacco allotment, house, barn, several outbuildings and tenant house. Land all cleared and in perfect condition. In spect this property. You will like it. Tague Realty Agency, 275 Xorlh Ashe Street, Southern Fines, N. C. Dial 2-6791. TFC StD ALLIS - CHALMERS C Tract.ui- with cultivator and piar.^ers .SidS'.OO, two years to pay.. Used Allis-Chalmers W-C Tractor with power take-off S:t25C.O:', two years to pay. Also Used G. Tractor fully equipped SS50.00. Red Springs Implement Company. TFC LOST: In or near Raeford Theatre light brown leather billfold containing driver’s license, etc. Finder return to D. B. Parker, Route 2, Raeford for reward. 3p FOR SALE: A.K.C. registered Cocker Spaniel puppies. Blonde and Black. See Mrs. W. D. Mc Leod or call 3231. 3-4P .’iIALE HELP WANTED: Due to expansion we need tw-o more men to Call on farmers. Exper- icrcc nbt necessary. Home every right. References required. Write Mr. JlcVey. Candler Blilg., Baltimore 2, Md. 3-4P FOR SALE: Good tig^ wooden barrels with heads. S3.00 each. Upchurch Milling Company. 3-4 Glads: S2.00 per dozen, mixed bunches of flowers - 50c up, dish gardens and potted plants. McLean Flower Shop. Phone 5186. 3C LEGALS NOTICE At the meeting of the Board of Tow-n Commissioners June 11th 1951 the ordinance of January 2nd 1951 imposing a sewer charge of $1.00 per month was repealed. At the same meeting the water rate was increased thirty three and one third per ceftt with a minimum charge of $2.00 per month, both will be effective July first. C. R. Freeman, Clerk Town of Raeford. 3C years next preceding , the insti tution of this suit, and the defend ant will take notice accordingly thereof, and of the necessity of his appearing at. the office of the undersigned Clerk of Superior Court of Hoke County, N. C., and answering or demurring to the complaint already on file against him in such action. The summons is ordered to be published in the News-Journal, a newspaper pub lished weekly in said County. It wip be published May 31st; June 7th, 14th. and 21st, 1951. After 7 days t'-ien the defendant will be adjudged as in court lawfully, and will have 30 days from the expiration of said 7 days in^which to answer or demur as afore mentioned. This May 29th, 1951. J; ]^. Cameron, Clerk of .Hoke County Superior Court. 1-^ NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having quali-* fied as administrator of the estate of Miss Mary Edna Cronise, de ceased, late of Hoke County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims, against said estate to ex hibit them to the undersigned at his home on or before the 24th day of May, 1952, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please niake imme diate payment. This the 24th day of May, 1951. James W. Cronise, administrator, A. D. Gore, Atty., Raeford, N. C. 52-5P 1^1# (fte same FOR SALE: Otootan beans for hay. See Dick Neeley at Louis Parker place. 3P 'OR SALE: One Frigidaire auto matic electric dryer. Practical ly new. See James Currie at Post Office. 3-4C NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tl^e undersigned, having quali fied as executrix of the estate of J. P. McCormick, deceased, late of Hoke County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at her home on or before the IC’th day of May, 1952, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said .estate will please make immediate pay ment.. This the 10th day of May, 1951. ; Betsy McCormick, Executrix. (. , 50-3P f' 3 Rggsons why NOTICE TO GAETANO (“GUY”) VITTORIA The above-named is a defend- ent in an action by his wife, Mrs. Thedus G. Vittoria, begun by her against him for absolute divorce upon the ground that she and defendant have lived separate and apart for more than t-wo YOU diould own an ALL-CROP Harvester 1. Be ready the day your crop is ready. 2. If a storm strikes, save down, lodged grain before it is lost. 3. There’s no binding, sweaty shocking or threshing. 4. Low first cost and low operation cost with your regular farm tractor. ^' 5. Grow crops that pay best — the All-Crop handles over 100 different grains, seeds and beans. The All-Crop harvester gives you a home harvest — lets you control your crop in your own way, Without waiting. For more information stop in and see us. AND SERVIi Gel TWO-OVEN Coayemuiee at the PHca of a Slagh-Ovoo OTHERS FROM $162.75 D* Luxe Model RO-60 $364.75 Hie new Imagine cooking r convenience like this! / 1. looKi irs TWO oms! Each oven is sepa rate-each has its own heat control. Compact, thrifty — plenty of room for, oil normal needs. 2. PRESTO! ONE OVEN! Just drop center unit to its bottom portion —and you hove one giant ovon. Big enough for o 30-lb. turkey. IM lenge of Hs Mnd l Two complete evens or one big even In (ust o twinkling. New you con pair up controlM with cak% peifc dwpt wMi pie—or broil end bake me time bi tfw seme even. FOR SALE: Wringer type wash ing machine, A-1 condition. BAUCOM APPLIANCE CO. 3 Genuine TORO Power Lawn Mowers are among the best made. Sold on easy terms, too. BAUCOM APPLIANCE CO. 3 Wanted: Salesgirls, Harry’s 5 & 10. 3c Have your piano, tuned. Call 5531, Raeford or 2478, Fayetteville. Write J. C. Melvin, 112 Rowan St., Fayetteville. Work guaran teed. 2-5P PIANO: 1 have a used Spinet piano in Hoke County for the balance due. Small down pay ment plus a few back payments. Write F. B. Merritt, RFD Salisbury, N. C. 2-4P I ame moving my radio shop from 6th avenue to house on West side of Roy Long’s store. Dan Holt. 2-5P Eleelrie Range wHh 'iNonder Om*! •al ThoM Other Advaetages, Toal lonuliM MW styling iaow Ceek-Moilw deck Control tto froos you from ovon> wotddng x 11 thrifty f-ip^ ladontubo sinfoco unlh;: i and UfnHmo Porcoloin* on stool flhUv Inddo and ouL For cooking convonlcnco, sot Iho Prigldolro "Wondor Ovon" Bongo nowf Genuine FRIGIDAIRE Ranges, Refrigerators, Water Heaters, Automatic Washers, Home Freezers, etc, Baucom Appliance Co. Sales and Service since 1936! PHONE 3221 — — — — — — raeford N. C. OFFICES FOR RENT: Over Rae ford Hardware. See W,. D. Brown at Raeford Hardware. TFC ED SPRINGS IMPLEMENT CO. RED SPRINGS, N. C. PHONE 3861 Give Him Gifts He Will Enjoy! Jine nth Mac’s Welding Shop is now open for business. Clothes line posts for sale. J. H. McAnnlty, owner, Johnny Locker, (prater. TFC Sober and reliable man to work in Furnltnre Store. Written re ference. Amos A Co. TFC Wanted: Waitresses. Raeford Hotel, tfc Let ns help yon own yonr own home. FHA, Direct and GI loans. Home and business property. Take advantage of our experi ence. 4% GI» 4H% FHA. Act now. Henry L. Graves, Aiken Building, F|ione 2-2201, Sonth- em Pines, N. C. TFC FOR SALE: Gulf kerosene and heating oiL Telephone 5966. Teal Oil ConqMUiy. TFO I have F.B.A. and GX Loans available now. Julian Wright. TFC LET US HELP YOU CHOOSE TOOLS Pocket Knives Flashlights Rods & Reels Tackle Box Guns & Rifles Electric Fans Thermos Jugs McLauchlin Co., Inc. /'