h? - THE NE1tn»40UllNAli Socials-Personal Items ... LINEN SHOWER FOR MISS CURRIE MISS JOHNSON HONORS, BRIDE-ELECT THURSDAY MRS. BROWN BRIDGE HOSTESS MRS. McPHAUL HOST TO WEDNESDAY CLUB On Thursday afternoon Miss Agnes Mae Johnson invited' very close friends and contemporaries of Miss Leonora Currie in for two tables of bridge. After a most interestihg round of bridge and conversation, Mrs. A. K. Currie, mother of the honoree, Mrs. Luke Bethune and Miss Maude Ppole, aunts; and Miss Peggy Bethune joined the party and all enjoyed a most delicious buffet supper. In the game of bridge, Mrs. Robert MoCleskey of Winston- Salem made highest score and received the prize. Miss Johnson had given Miss Currie a lovely corsage when she arrived, and after the game she gave her silver in the pattern she has chosen. 0 LITTLE - FAIT Mrs. Dwight Brown was hostess to her bridge club Thursday even ing at her home on North Main Street. As soon as the guests arrived they were served a dessert course and during the game an iced fruit drink was served. Attractive flower arrangements were used in Mrs. Brown’s living and music rooms where bridge was played. Mrs. Arthur D. Gore received high score for members and Mrs. J. S. Johnson received visitor’s high. Both were given attractive gifts. Mrs. W. M. 'Thomas was also giveq a gift for winning in the bingo game. 0 JOHNSON - WAGONER Mrs. John McPhaul was hostess to the Wednesday afternoon club last Wednesday. There were two tables in play; six club members and two visitors. Mrs. Chandler Roberts and Mrs. Herbert Mc- Keithan were those other than club members playing. Mrs. Bill Lament won the club prize and Mrs. McKeithan the visitor’s prize. The hostess served a delicious and pretty dessert before the bridge game and an iced drink during the progress of the game. ■ ■-! > H ■ MR. AND MRS. JOHNSON HONORED BY COUSINS Miss Sadie Pait and Sgt. Silas Little of Fort Bragg were married Saturday night, June 9, at Ben- nettsville, S. C., and are honey mooning at Daytona Beach, Fla. Sgt. and Mrs. Little are both, from Lumberton. Mrs. Little has been employed at Morgan Motor Company since the first of the year as bookkeeper, arid has made her home with Mrs. Preston Kelly. Upon their return Sgt. and Mrs. Little will be at home with Mrs. Kelly. A very attractive picture of Miss- Joan Johnson, daughter of Mrs. Adelyne Roberts Johnson of Raeford and Fred Johnson of Raleigh, appeared in the Sunday State papers. At this time her engagement to William Eugene Wagoner of Sanford was announc ed. The wedding is planned for early fall. 0 Mr. and, Mrs. Harold Stone of Falls Church, Virginia, spent Sat urday night with Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Warren. DRIVE-IN THEATRE SHOW STARTS 7:30 P. M. DAILY AND SUNDAY Tonight — June 21 **BOPE OF SAND” Friday - Saturday — June 22-23 . ‘‘GOING TO TOWN” Sunday — June 24 “SENSATION” Dennis O’Keefe - Eleanor Powell Monday - Tuesday — June 25-26 “MEETS THE INVISABLE MAN” Bud Abbot - Lou Costello , Wednesday - Thursday — June 27-28 “NABONGA” ^^Adm. 30c - Children Under 12 FREE | Mr. and Mrs. June Johnson and Miss Agnes Mae Johnson gave a pretty party Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Johnson, Senior At this time Mr. and Mrs. Phil Johnson, their cousins, who were married in the Spring, were the honored guests. Many young married couples were invited to meet Mrs. John son, who recently joined her hus band, after havirig finished her work as a teacher in the Morgan- ton schools. It was a most inter esting get-to-gether. They played games and had a number of con tests full of fun. Prizes were all toys, appropriate with the games played. The honorees were pre sented a useful and pretty gift Punch was . served during the evening and an ice course after the games. -ri PARTIES CONTINUE i’OR MISS CURRIE Mrs. Alfred Cole and dau^ter, Mrs. Ken McNeill of McCain, en tertained in honor of Miss Leonora Currie Friday evening at 8 o’clock at the home of Bilrs. Cole. Six tables were placed for bridge in rooms made attractive with ar rangements of mixed summer flowers. Miss Currie’s place was marked with a dainty baby orchid corsage. Mrs. Dave Willis, laugh ter-in-law of Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Willis of McCain, a recent bride, was also given a corsage. After many interesting progres sions of bridge, scores were coimt- ed, and Mrs. Tommie Upchurch, holding highest score, was given the prize. A very lovely salad plate with iced tea was served. Favors on the plate were tiny baskets tied with pink rosebuds, holding in dividual cakes. After enjoying this most re freshing repast, the bride-elect and guest* were invited into Mrs. Cole’s bedroom. Here the bed was heaped with beautifully wrapped packages; all linen gifts for Leo nora. She opened these and was enthusiastic in showing her ap preciation. The gift froiri the hostesses to their honoree was a cake plate of an old pattern. Mrs. Cole and Mrs. McNeiU also gave Mrs. Dave Willis a gift. «■ Mrs. J. H. Blue and BUss Kath erine Blue are visiting Mrs. Blue’s sister at Myrtle Beach. y Miss Shirley Blue is at Duke University working on the thesis for her Master’s Degree. She will complete the thesis this sunnner. Starr McMillan attended the N. C. Waterworks school at State college last week. This school is held annually for the advance ment of waterwork technique. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Jones and children left Sunday for a week’s visit with Mrs. Jones’ brother, Clyde Meinnis in Miami, Fla., and her sister, Mrs.'Leo Bishop at West Palm Beach. Miss Lavinia Wade is spending this week in Oxford in the home of her grandmother, Mrs. R. L. Dixon. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Lester and daughter, Andrea, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. F Carney in Wilmington the past week end and several days the first of the week. Mrs. Archie Howard, Mrs. Ar«fo McEachern and Mrs. J. M. An drews of the Antfoch Presbyterian church, attended the Synodical Training School at Peace College in Raleigh lasj week. Mrs. NeiU A. McDonald also attended this training school the first week in June. Mrs. McDonald is now sec retary of the Women of the Church of the Synod of North j Carolina. j Mrs. E. R. Gatlin accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Yqunger Snead and family to Kinston Sunday and returned the same day. Mrs. Gat lin went especially to see Mrs. Guy Taylor, who is in a Kinston hospital. Mrs. W. B. Crumpton is in Kinston, staying with Mabel Gatlin Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Upchurch and children have moved back Raeford from Indian Gap Trail, Hoffman. They are occupying their home. Mr. md Mrs, Bfll their guests Vtiday night kfe, Mrs. Graham Fisher of Alb Mr. and Mrs. Fann accompi Mr. and Mrs. Fisher to Saturday and returned to Raefiwif' Sunday. , H. D. HARRISON JR. LAWYER Office ewer A. A P. Store Phrae Mil - Kacferd N, C. Tom Speed of Henderson spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Hu bert Cameron and Mr. Cameron. Miss Leonort Currie, popular bride-elect continues to be the inspiration for a number of pretty parties, both formal and informal. On Friday morning from 10:30 to 11 Mrs. Marcus Smith and Mrs. Neill A. McDonald gave an in formal coca-cola for her at the home of Mrs. McDonald. About twenty friends - of Leonora and her mother were invited in for this hour. Coca-colas with a var iety of party accessories were served and the honoree was given a gift of crystal. 0 MORNING COCA-COLA FOR BRIDE-ELECT ❖ Raeford Theatre •> OPEN AT 5 P. M. DAILY THURSDAY — FRIDAY “The Enforcer” Humphrey Bogart Also Latest World News and Comedy Mrs. Joe Hoffman of Ft. Bragg, Mrs. N. B. Blue and Miss Bonnie Kate Blue gave a coca-cola for Miss Leonora Currie Monday morning at 10:30 at the Blue home. Mutual friends of the honoree and her mother and the hostesses were invited to share this hos pitality. Du^ring the hour of lively Conversation hors d’oeuvres, many kinds of party sandwiches, cheese biscuits and other tid bits were served with the coca-colas which were brought in embedded in ice on a large silver tray. All ap pointments were most original and pretty. The honoree received from her hostesses a handsome odd piece of silver in her pattern. e— BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT SATURDAY “The Savage Horde” Wild Bill Elliott Also Cartoon and Serial ff SUNDAY ONLY “Lucky Nick Cane , George Raft MONDAY - TUESDAY “Branded” Alan Ladd - Mona Freeman WEDNESDAY - Bargain Day Adults 30c — Children 9c “Johnny Allegro” George Raft Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge Bobbitt of Route 1, Aberdeen announce the birth of a daughter, Brenda Audrey, at Moore County hospital Tuesday, June 19. This is the second child born to Mr. and Mrs. Bobbitt, the first being a son, Jimmy, who is now 3 years of age. 0 ^ — Mr. and Mrs. Younger Snead and Younger Jr. took Jennelle Snead to Camp Junaluska Wed nesday! Jennelle will be at Jun aluska for two months. The other members of the family are ex pected to return the latter part of this week. FORMER RAEFORD GIRL MARRIES IN VIRGINIA A lovely candle light marriage was solemnized Friday evening June 8, in Cradock Baptist church, Cradock, Virginia, when Miss Irene Baker Spivey became the bride of Edward Lockstamp- fer. Jr. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Harvey L. Bryant before a setting of palms, candel- abras, altar baskets of white gladioli and baby’s breath. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of blush satin with illusion neckline and dainty rosebuds. Her fingertip veil of imported illusion was arranged from a satin half hat with rosebuds. She carried a white Bible showered with baby’s breath, fern, ^ancKtopped with a white orchid. Mrs. Herman MeClenny, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. The bridesmaids were Mrs. C. B. Spivey, Jr., Mrs. L. D. Edwards, Misses Barbara Ann Spivey, Joyce Domer, Joy Sloan and Janet Oliver. Little Gary McClenny, nephew of the bride, was ring bearer and little Deanna Edwards was flower girl. Edgar Lockstampfer, brother of the groom was best man, ushers included John G. Lockstampfer, Charles Spivey, Jr., Herman Mc Clenny, Duayne Black, Fred Far ris and Jack Stewart. The bride’s mother wore a gown of powder blue crepe and lace and a corsage of white carnations. The groom’s mother wore a gown of acqua and corsage of carnations. Mrs. Lockstampfer is the dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Spivey, formerly of Raeford, and a niece of Walter and Millard Baker and Mrs. W. J. McNeill of Raeford- Rev. Lockstampfer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lock stampfer of Cradock, Va. Clarence Willis, Mrs. W. J. Mc Neill and Miss Edith McNeill of Raeford attended the wedding. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Freeman and daughter, Carlene, spent Sunday in Cheraw and Lancaster, S. C. They went especially to bring Miss Mary Raye Freeman home for a few days vacation. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Palmer of Raleigh spent the week end in the homes of R. L. Bethune and Mr. and Mrs. Starr McMillan. Mrs. Margaret Cummings and little son, Starr, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Palmer to Raleigh Sun day to spend this week. Medical Directory MEDICAL DOCTORS DR. R. A. MATHESON PHONE OFFICE 3S3I - RES. 2611 DR. R. L. MURRAY PHONE OFFICE S32I - RES. S55I DR. A. L. O'BRIANT PHONE SFFICE 2231 - RES. 2241 DENTIST DR. J. F. JORDAN PHONE OFFICE 3101 PHONE RES. SISS DR. M. R. SMITH PHONE OFFICE 2041 PHONE RES. 2691 Good Health To All FROM REXALL HOWELL DRUG CG. Phone 2331 . P Experts Agree Correct Grinding Gives You Better Coffee Fiavor AND Plus U. S. Tax Union Bus Station Experts agree that fresh coffee, ground exactly right for the way you make coffee, gives you bet ter flavor. Homemakers evidently agree, because the coffee that outsells any other offers “Custom Ground” service. There is no extra charge for this, either. In fact, compared with “factory ground” coffees of like quality, this American favorite offers substantial savings. What coffee Vigorous & Winey jg jt? Superb A&P Coffee—the coffee of magnifi- 8lc flavor. 'Try it! You’ll agree with the experts —Custom Ground A&P Coffee does taste I: -’ :r. AT YOUR A&P com INI ASK US FOR A DEMONSIXAnON! Choose from three delicious blends! Mild & Mellow Eight O’clock 1-lb. bag 77c Rich & Full Bodied Red Circle 1-lb. bag 79c Raleigh. N. C. '^'harfeston. S. C. Columbia, s. C. \ugusfa, Ga. 'it'ar.fa. Ga. Birmingham, .41a. '?acksonv;ile Fla. '.fiaroi. Fla. Vew Orleans. La. Bichmoed. Va. iVashington. D. C. Baltimore, Md. Sreykeiid’s lev mn- wtj fms a uviag M aay Mp-* aed yta save aa «■ tra Ja% aaali «ay •• a roaad-tria tiokati One Way—R.T. $ 1.65—f 3.ta 3.95— 7.15 3.a5— 5.5i 4.45— 8.#5 7.90^ 14.25 9.90— 17.85 9.50— 17.lt 15.15— 37..3tl 15.90— 28.65 4.90— 8.85 7.15— 12.9f 8.10— 14.68 Raeford Hotel GREYHOUND TERMINAL Phone 239-1 WEIGH-td-save ^WbstinAouse UUNDROMin' ss. Only WNstkighouso Givm You /OBVTfCAi **TWIMS^ tohAoALLtho WORK OUT Of WASHDAY The Laundromat washes, rinses and damp-dries. The Clothes Dryer dries your clothes either bone-dry for storage, or just right for ironing. of course, it* *' lecfric! LOW DOWN PAYMENT — TERMS TO FIT YOUR BUDGET DUNDARRABH TRADING RFD 1, SHANNON, N. C. PHONE 510

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