I V Mrs. W. L. McFadyen (Mrs. N. P. Sinclair, Mrs. Glenn Grove Beach. Maxwell and son, Barry, Mrs. D. The Ashemont FTA will meet There will be a movie. All parents are urged to attend. R. Huff, Jr. and son, Ralph, spent' several days last week at Cherry .(Mr. and'Mrs., Fred Riley visiting relatives in Edinburg, Medical Directory are Va. “ * C. MEDIbAl. DOCTORS \ . DR. R. A. MATHESON PHONK OPPICK SB31 • RES. a«ll DR. R. L. MURRAY PHONE-OPPiei BSE1 • REE. BBBI DR. A. L. O'BRIANT PHONE OPPICE EBBI • REB. BEAI DENTIST * DR. J. F. JORDAN PHONE OPPICE BIOI PHONE RES. BIBB DR. M. R. SMITH PHONE OPPICE 1041 PHONE REB. present them to the undertigned at ' thv vwi-'uoy of September, 1952, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their -- — SdllU ' vSTcriic —masMss mediate payment. This 6th day of Septeiriber 1951. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Langdon and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cole. Washington, D, C. was a vfsttor last week in tlte home of iMV cousin,'Mrs«.£t|fl|lfcKay GilliS. iMr. and Mrs. Bill Broadwell of Raleigh spent the week end with Mrs. Broadwell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wall Covington. (Mrs. Broad- well remained for a longer visit. EBBI Good Health To All FROM REXALL HOWELL DRUG CO. Fhone 3«5 FOR YOUR HEATING NEEDS Mrs. F. L. Eubanks is visiting her parents, Mr. and (Mrs. Mc- Lauchlin in Charlotte. The Ashemont Home Demon stration Club met Wednesday afternoon. (Mr. and Mrs. Carl Riley left Friday for Kannapolis where they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Sill for a trip to the mountains of Western North Carolina. Kerosene €ssa Fuel Oil RAEFORD OIL CO., Inc. PHONES 3ie- & 541 READY-MIX CONCRETE For immediate Delivery on your job. We contract floors, porches, drives and Commercial Buildings. We will pour and finish your floor complete. SCOTLAND CONCRETE CO. LAURINBURG, N. C. Jo^ph R. Easley, Mgr. (Miss (Marilyn Johnson of WC- IMC, Greensboro spent the week end at home. LEGALS NOTICE TO GAETANO (“GUY”) VITTOBIA The above named is a defen dant in an action by his wife, Mrs, Thedus G. Vittoria, begun by her against him for absolute divorce upon the grounds of adul- try, and the defendant will fur ther take notice accordingly ther- of, and the necessity of his ap pearing at tihe office of the under signed Clerk of Superior Court of Hoke County, N. C., and answering or demurring to the complaint al ready on the file against him in such action. The summons is or dered to be piiiblished in the News- Journal, a newspaper published weekly in said County. It will be published September 6th, 13th, 20th and 27. 1951. After 7 days then the defendant will ibe adjudg ed as in court lawfully and will have 20 days from the "expiration of said 7 days in which to ans wer or demur as aforementioned. This September 6, 1951. J. B. Cameron, Clerk of Hoke County Superior Court. 15-18c NOTICE TO CREDITORS having qulified as administrator of the estate of Henry C.McBryde, deceased, late of Hoke County, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against said estate to Phone 692 See how different driving con be ... how easy, smooth and enjoyoble ... and you’ll never want to drive any other woy Powerglide is first . . . finest . . . and only fully proved automatic transmission in the low-price field. Gives you simplest, smoothest, safest no-shift driving at lowest cost. No clutch pedal—no gearshift- ing—not even a hint of gear changes in forward driving! And— outstanding as it is—Powerglide is only one member of Chevrolet’s automatic power team. Come in and let us demonstrate. Chevrolet alone offers this complete Power Team! l»OWER^l£afe Automatic Transmission* ‘ Extra-Powerful 105-h.p. Volve-in-Heod Engino EconoMiser Rear Axle ^Combination of Powerglide Automatic Transmission and 105-h.p, Valve-in-Head Engine optional on De Luxe models at extra cost. Take Your "DISCOVERY DRIVE” HOKE AUTO COMPANY Phone 363 Raeford, N. C. I Who asked you to pay for electricity used by people you never even heard of, a hundred or a thousand miles owoy? Nobody! But you do help pay the bills for hundreds of thousands of favored people and hundr^s of privileged businesses using electricity from certain federal power systems. Your taxes helped build those Sys tems. Your taxes are used to subsidize service to their customers. Who asked you to fool the bill so that this country could have socialized electricity? Nobody! Yet, there 4re 72 federally owned power systems already in operation, under construction, 'or authorized at a total cost of over 10 billion dollars—and hundreds more are planned at a total cost of about 60 billion dollars. That’s your money that’s financing socialism! Who asked you for permission to keep on building expensive socialistic jiower systems when every tax dollar and every pound of .^critical material is needed for defense? Nobody! But the backers of socialized power are planning to use more of your tax money to build costly electric lines that actually duplicate fadliti^ of business-managed companies! Why? To put the government further into useless and killing competition with business-managed -^oompanies. ^ Who asked you whether you hove enough electric power or not? Nobody! The “planners” who favor socialized electricity speak vaguely of a “power shortage.” Yet, the business-managed companies have more than doubled this nation’s power supply since Pearl Harbor. And they’ve got a lot more coming! ^ • "MEET CORLISS ARCHER"-CBS-Sunday$-9 P. M., Eastern Time. IF V S! CAROLl OOMPANVJ King Cotton---- \ ' ■ . ^ ■ - I IS STIU KMC. LETS KEEP OLD MAI COTTOmiMG lY: | t-PICKING ONLY WHEN DRY 2- 4>ICKING FREE FROM TRASH 3- KEEP IT DRY AFTER PICKING 4- DELIVER IT TO A GOOD GIN FOR GINNING I Number 4 Is Right Down Our Line Our Equipment, Personnel and Services Are Unexcelled. May we be permitted to gin all yourcotton this seasoa. For cotton hauling service call Raeford 5163 collecL PROFIT MORE BY GINNING WITH us Dundarrach Trading Co We Strive To Satisfy Dundarrach, N. C. *> -'W. -S ’ •