'tiifl f mmSDAY, OCirOBEB 4, 1951 THE NEWSaOUBNAL State Fair Judges Are Well Qualifi^ ~ ■ ' - ^fr' Outstanding agricultural lead ers of North Carolina and five other states will serve as judges as the 19611 N. C. State Fair to be held in Balei^ Octdber 16-20. Three of the out-of-state jucU;es are Agricilltural Extension Ser vice specialists. iRabert W. Shoffher, assistant State Ooll^ Extension Service director and assistant to Ih:. J. S. Dorton as manager of the State Fair, says that the exhibit judges are carefully selected for their experience and knowledge of farm products. John iMorris, Extension dairy man of the University of Marland, Will judge the dai^ cattle ex hibits; Charles E. Bell, Jbr., of the UnivCTsity of Georgia Extension staff, will decide the winners in the swine show; W. A. Tuten, South Carolina Extensdon market ing specialist, will judge the dres ser turkey and egg shows; Colonel E. .A. IJvesay of file University of West Virginia will pick the beef cattle and sheep winners; and B. F. Ricketts of Zanesville, Ohio, Announcing A New Service To Save Your Tires Our Bear Dy-Naniic Wheel Balancing Service can give you greater tire mileage. Unbalanced wheels pound and bump away good tire rubber ..We can stop this waste ful wear. Our Bear Py-Namic Balancer tests wheels at all speeds up to 100 miles an hour. The electric “Spark Dial” re veals the amount and location of every ounce of unbal ance. Tires are valuable, why waste them? Don’t delay. | P Come in today for an inspection. | i McDonald’s Esso Servicenter i Phone 541 14 MIlllOH BUYERS CAN'I BE WRONG! i Raeford, N. C. « i Come in and see filMIRE America's Ne. I Refri0erator Here's one of today's biggest values in refrigerators! Has more room and conveniences than many .other refrigerators priced much higher —plus dependability and operating economy that can't be matched. 11 ou. ft. size. Holds 29 lbs. frozen foods, nearly ♦Noonecan match Frigidaire’s bo. of fruits and vegetables in twin Hydra- experience! More than 14 tors. Has famous Meter-Miser mechanism wHh million refrigerating units boift 5-year Protection Plan. NEW SHIPMENT FRIGlDAHtE APPLIANCES JUST ARRIVED, COME IN AND SEE OUR LINE OF FRIGIDAIRE RANGES, AUTOMATIC WASHERS, HOME FREEZERS, WATER HEATERS, ETC. ALL ON EASY TERMS! BAUCOM APPLIANCE CO. EAEFOBD, N. C. Silver Satin Dancing Feet State College Answers Timely Farm.Questions Question: How does the yield of Arlington oats compare with those of older varieties? Answer: During the four-year period 1947-50, Arlington oats pro duced an average of 96 bushels per acre in 20 Experiihent Stations and Official Variety Tests in N. Carolina. In 15 tests conducted during the past two years, the average was 100.5 bushels. In the same 15 tests, Fulgrain averaged only 77.2 bushels and Victorgrain only 75.8. In eight of the 15 tests mention ed, hay yields were taken. Arling ton led in these tests with 9,200 pounds per acre—onore than 4% tons. Lee produced 7,300, Fulgrain 6^^, and Victorgrain 6,500 Ibe. G. K. Middleton, small grain breeding scientist, says Arlington is an unusually vigorous variety which is resistant to rust, smut, and mosaic. The latter is a soil- fbome virus that is becoming more widespread. On farms where it is present, susceptlfie variet ies should not be sown. Question: How many acres of cotton were grown in North Caro lina this year for certified seed production purposes? .Answer: The crop improvement Association has inspected approx imately 15,000 acres of Coker 100 Wilt cotton for certification. This compares wttfc 3JB9 adraf! ed last year. Inspection inshiikv estabUsbing the source of seed smd deterndning unifonnity plant and staple type. The seed wHI be checked later ior purity and viability, 0 Fugenn-Todd, Bertie County 4- H Club member who produced 126 bushels of com on one acre last year, is one of the leading contend ers for county honors again tins year, says County Agent B. B, Grant. ‘[■'m When paid for eggs accordings to quality, as measured by official grades, fanners make an extra effort to produce better eggs. This was shown in tests conducted re cently in Ohio. Mala Powers poses in a polished silver satin bridal gown with but ton-up . front fitted bodice and full skirt and train. A rose point coronet veil tops off the Sonia Tafd creation, available at Saks Fifth Ave. Just beat out some rhythm when Yera-EUen is around and the tempo starts her tapping. The vivacious little artiste co-stars with David Niven and Cesar Romero in RKO’s Technicolor musical, “Happy Go Lovely.” CONGRATULATIONS TO a licensed judge, will award the poultry department premiums. North Carolina leaders who serve as judges include: W. H. Darst and R. W. 'McMillen, corn; T. T. Heber and G. K. Middleton, small grains; G. C. Klingman and S. H. Dobson, legume seed; Ralph W. Cummings, hays, P. H. Kime and C. C. Miller, cotton; Lymn B. Satterfield, W. G. Wbltz and J. M. Carr, tobacco; M. K 1 Gardner, fruits and nuts, Robert Schmidt, vegetaibles; N. W. Wil liams, poultry; and Carl H. Tower and James Ritchie, Jr,, eggs. Cotton fairoers should make every effort this fall to save seed produced from cotton planted to foundation seed stocks or seed of known purity, says J. A. Shank- lin, cotton specialist for the State College Extension Service. BON MART ON THEIR OPENING IN RAEFORD We are happy to Iiave done the FLOOR w6RK and PAINTING V SOUTHERN CONTRACTORS, INC. RAEFORD, N. C. How does it feel to drive a Buick? I F you think perhaps we’re hinting that it would be a good idea for you to try out a Buick —mister, you’ve never been so right. It does a lot of things for you and to’ you that will.be something new in your driving experience. Take the way it feels beneath your hands on the wheel—eager and willing and anxious to please. It spurts when you want to spurt—rolls with effortless momentum when you want to cruise. When you take a curve, it snugs down to the road with sure-footed confidence. After you make a turn, the front wheels instinctively seek a straight course. This car seems to guide itself. gQuipment, aeeessoriet, trim and modelt are subject to ehdnae without notice. ♦Standard on RoADMASTEB, optional at extra east on other Series. When you come to a bumpy stretch, each separate wheel on its own coil spring steps yOu smoothly along on a level keel. Then there’s power that surges into action at a nudge of your toe — sends your speedometer needle soaring up to any speed the law allows, in a matter of seconds. And there is also thrift —the gas- saving thrift that comes from a high- compression valve-in-head Fireball Engine found in no other car. To top all this, there is Dynaflow Drive*—that feeds power in a steady, falterless flow—lets you ride relaxed II in busy traffic or on a day-long cross country drive. We’re willing to stand on the statement that no other car rides, performs or drives like a Buick. • But why take our word for it?.Come in —take over one of these lively lovelies —and see for yourself. MO oraMM CAB PMOviBMs ALL Tam OVNAfLOW DfaWE* • F/REBAU ENGINE 4-WHEEt CO/L SPRINGING • DUAL VENTILATION PUSH-BAR FOREFRONT • TORQUE-TUBE DRIVE WHITE-GLOW INSTRUMENTS • DREAMUNE SIVUNB BODY BY FISHER WHEN lETTEt MnOOOtm AKE MM.T 8CKX WHl HNC 1NBM 'Smart Buy's Buick" \ r>tn ICaw ^ Vov ey to G^eoter Vo/ve MORGAN MOTOR COMPANY PHONE 322 Phone 738 Centra.1 Ave. Raeford, N. C. i • BE SMART - SHOP READY TO WEAR AT POPULAR PRICES” THE bon mart GRAND OPENING FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5TH