I » J I: oi liliEETSIK ■ • ■ MRS. MURRAY BRIDGE CLUB HOSTESS FRIDAY (Mrs. R. L. Murray was hostess to her bridge clUb on Ftldey after noon wltii several visitinf placers. There were three tsl>les of cltA> meini)er8 and guests who enjoyed a delightful afternoon of Inidge. Mrs. Marshall Thomas was award ed the club prize for making the hi^iest score and hSrs, Benton Thomas the visitor’s prize. A de- licioiu frozen salad with suitable accompaniments and hot coffee was served. All of those present took this opportunity to welcome Ito. Prit chett, Mrs. Murray’s mother, back to Baeford fca* the winter. 0 ' ■ — Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Harrison had as their guests for several days last week Mr. Harrison’s mother, • Mrs. H. D. Harrison, Sr., of iWil liamston, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bohmer Of Baltimore, Maryland. COUPLES CLUB MEETS Members of the couples cliib were entertained on Tuesday ev ening of this wedt at the home of Mr. and Mrs. NeU Senter. Dr. Julius Jordan, Murdoch McDuffie, Jake Austin and Miss Dmris Brad ley were guests other than club members. At the end of the game Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morrison held the highest score for members and Dr. Jordan for visitors. Both were given prizes, (Refreshments were served after the game. —0 :— BRIDGE PLAYERS INVITED to FAYETTEVILLE Mrs. Clyde Upchurch and Mrs. Clyde Upchurch, Jr. spent several days the "first of the week in Winston-Sal«n with Mr. and Mrs Robert McCleskey. The Fayetteville Bridge Asso ciation is holding a series of dupli cate bridge games each Thursday evening at the Hl^land Country Clid>. Raeford bridge players are invited to play in these games. No reservation is necessary. Jus'; have your partner. ^4) Rev. and (Mrs. P. O. Lee are spending this week at Bogue Sound. 1' MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER FOR MRS HERBERT McLEAN Mrs. Herbert MoLean, Jr., re cent bride, wim the honoree at a very pretty party last Wednes day evening given by Mrs. Hubert Wooten and Mrs. Charlie Morri son at the home of the latter. When Mrs. McLean arrived die was given a,beautiful shoulder corsage. Guests, making up three tables of bridge, were present. Alter a number of interesting rounds Mrs. Luke MdNeill was holding the highest score and won the prize. Mrs. Jack Durham of Norfolk, Va., the only out-of-town guest was remmnbered with a gift, anc Mrs. McLean was given a piece of silver in her pattern. After the game the hostesses served a pretty plate with a most tempting salad, sandwiches and other accessories, with coffee. The climax of the evening came when a large basket filled with a variety of gifts from those pres ent was presented to the honoree. (> BIRTHS Mflkft the sensible- dq^jrsHe mildness tesi:— ^ ^ (notjustn puff or a sniflF^. Moke your own 30-doff ^ SAS TIME PUNTING (Meek 1 Our Stock Of Seeds Direct From Coker Fulgrain Oats & Victorgirain 48-93 Oats Also In Stock Arlington Oats Ky. 31 Fescue Atlas Wheat Ladino Clover Crimson Clover napan Rye Grass Orchard Grass _ • . ' , Hairy Veteh Aaatriai Hiitar /Ihruzzi Rye The Johnson Co. phone 550 Raeford, N. C. u :*' t i ‘-A ri. /i u: K iJAL CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. John D. McPhaul of Charlotte announce the birth of a son, bom Friday, September 28, at Presbyterian hospital, Char lotte. Mrs. MdPhaul is the former Miss Brooks Tapp of Raeford and Mrs. J. D. Tapp will leave this week for Charlotte for a visit with her daughter and family. The evening circles in Districts 4, 5, 6 and 7, msking up Evening Group H of the Women of the Church, FSyetteville Presbytery, met in aimusl conference in the Raeford Church Septenober 30. Reglstraiion began at 8:80, af ter whidi, supper was served to 150 women . Mrs. George McLeod, district chairman of Johns, N. C., presided. After the invocation by Rev. W. B. Heyward, Mrs. T. N. Mc- Lauchlln welcomed the delegates. Mian WUla MdLauchlhi responded. Highlighting the meeting was the inspiratimial address by Mrs. Lacy Godwin, Presbyterial pres ident. A devotional message, "FaiW’ was brought by Mrs. Hal bert Jones of Laurinburg. Causes presented by Prestoyter- ial committee chairmen were: “StewardsWp” by Mrs. J. M. Mc Neill of Laurinburg, “World Mis sions,” Mrs. Wilbur Ourfie of Carthage, “Caiurch Extension,” Mrs. L. C. LaMotte of Maxton, “Education,” Mrs. S. H. Fulton of Laurinburg, *1Spiritual Growtii,” Mrs. J, M. Andrews of Red Springs; “Aimuities and Relief,” Mrs. George FosSler of Fayette ville and “Assembly’s Special Causes,” Mrs. Ray Dickens of Max- ton. Mrs. H. C. McLauchlin of fered a prayer for world peace. —I 0 — SKINNER - BAREFOOT meeting oi the Baefii^ Woman’s Club will be held at Hoke County High School n«Ml Wednesday. October 10, at 148 p. m. All members are urgsd to attend. Auningtou and saveral days last! jFtMpmj Cpl. and Mrs. Jesse C. Tew an nounce the birth of a daughter, Cynthia Rose, Saturday, Septem ber 29, at Scotland Memorial hos pital, Laurinburg. On Monday evening at 8:30 Miss Doris Virginia Barefoot and Char les Edward Skinner were united in marriage. Mrs. Helen S. Bar rington, Justice of the Peace, of ficiated at the double ring cere mony, which took place in the spacious living room of the Bar rington home. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar D. Bare- \ foot, uncle and aunt of the bride, stood with the couple during the ceremony. Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. L. *1116 bride, a Hoke County girl, Guin, a daughter, Mamie Diane, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs BIRTHDAY PARTY SCOTTY ASH Master Scotty Ash celdbratad his fliird birthday 'Diursday, Sei^* tember 27, at the home rf his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D HowdJ. About thirty of his smaU fri ends were entertained from four to five o’clock at a party. Games were played and ice cream and cake were served. A color note at blue and white was carried out in the refreshments. Scotty received many iiice gifts. 0 — IVffiS. HAIR INSTALLED AS PRESIDENT OF WOODMEN CIRCLE I? The Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle Cedar Grove No. 179 met Tuesday, October 2, in the Wood men of the World Hall. Ibe meet ing was called to order by Presi dent Florence Macko. Installation ceremony'was held with new of ficers being installed. Mary Ruth Hair was elected and installed as president for the year 1962. 0 Mrs. B. P. Robinson has been quite sick at her home here in town for the past two weeks. Her daughter, Mrs. Frances Davis, who teaches at the Long Hill School, out of Fayetteville on the Raleigh road, and Miss Betty Davis, who teaches in the Dunn Hi^ School, were here for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. 81R Crawley, Jr, and Mrs. Stanley Crawley recently Joined Stanley Crawley amd spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Crawley In Lynchburg, '^firginia. Mrs. Stanley Crawley remained for the week with her son and wife and returned home last Thursday. ib*. and Mrs. Peter have as their guests Mrs. : jetant* lUuet, Mn. Stevenson spli two dkUdren, Cbristyn amt rill, of Snyder, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Csuneron are making considerable additions to their home on Main Street, which will make it much larger and most attractive. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan McLamfc have moved to Sunset Hills from Dunn, N. C. Mr. McLamb is man ager of the A & P Store in town. on Tuesday, September 25. Mr. and Mrs. William Mottley of Burkeville, Virginia announce the birth of a son, Friday, Septem ber 21. Mrs. Mottley is the former Miss Eunice MeXeithan of Raeford and this is the second son born to Mi;, and,Mrs. Mottley. . , James T. Barefoot. She is em ployed at Hoke Drug Company. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Skinner of Ohio. He is a member of the U.S. Awny, and has recently returned from Korea. !) Ebb Barrington, who has been manager of the Progressive Store in Fuquay for the past two years, has 'been transferred to a larger store in Clinton and will manage it. Mr. Barrington will move his family to Clinton as soon as they can find a place to live. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris at tended the State - Wake Forest game in Raleigh Saturday and went on to Franklinton and spent the night and Simday with Mrs. Morris’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garner. Mr. and Mrs. Morris have recently returned from a trip to Florida. libs. Mn. bank Davis is now nwui- agur of the Graded SchMl cate* teria. Mrs. Luke Betbune went to Charlotte Monday where she was guest of her sister, 8bs. Hugh Lowe. She went especially te at tend the Charlotte Music atdte Concert in which Mrs- LOWS played. iMrs. J. E. Eubanks of Wingate is spending this week witJv ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar HaO. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. GiBis of College Park. Maryland, are vis- ifing Mrs. W. E, Blue and other relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hubbard arrived in Raeford Saturday and are making their home in the McNeill apartments on South Main Street. Mr. Hubbard is now back as manager of Collins. Mrs. A. K. Carrie has returned from Moore County hospital where she was a patient for about ten days. Her condition is very muds improved. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Corbett ef Clayton were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Benner. Mrs. Benner and Mrs. Corbett are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Luther W. Clark announce the birth of a daughter, Wanda WcKenzie, Friday, Septem- iber 28, at Scotland County Mem orial hospital. This was the third daughter bom to Mr. and Mrs. Clark. Master Sgt. and Mrs. E. C. Calligan of Duluth, Minn, an nounce the birth of a daughter, Linda Sue, on September 19 at a Duluth hospital. This is the first child bom to Sgt. an(J Mrs. Calligan. Mrs. Cal ligan is the former Miss, Bennie Lee Davis, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. T. F. Davis of Raeford. 0 Roland Covington conducted prayer meeting at" the Methodist church Wednesday night in the absence of the pastor. Rev. P. O. Lee, who is away on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tapp re turned Tuesday after a visit pf several days in Black Mountain, where they w^ent to visit Mr. Tapp’s sister. Mrs. H. E. Stinch- comb, who was a patient at Mis sion Hospital in Asheville. On the way to Black Mountain Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Tapp stopped in (Charlotte and had lunch with Mrs Thpp’s sister. Miss Maude Wil liams. Mr. Will Lament has rented the house which he recently built to Cpl. and Mrs. Kenneth Wright, who have been living at Mrs. Aganora Andrews. iMr. Lamont ex pects to go to Fort Lauderdale for an extended visit with his dau- hter at an early date. Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Matheson, Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Upchurch and Suzanne Cameron spent the week end at Bogue Sound. Mrs. Josephine Carlyle left yes terday for her home in Atlanta, Ga., after spending several weeks here in the homes of her sisters. Miss Reba Roberts, Mrs. Bert Brown and Mrs. Adelyne John son. Miss Marjorie and Wade McDoug- ald of . East Carolina College, Greenville, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs D. A. McDougald. Other guests in the home Sunday were Mrs. Romie Williamson of Dunn, and Miss Laura McDougald of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Plummer and family, who were in Wallace, N. C. during the summer months, have returned to their home near Wayside. Mrs. S. L. Glisson and Milton Glisson spent several days last week in Lexington, (Miss. They went to atitend the fimeral of Mrs. Glisson’s brother-in-law, Hal A Gilliam, who died on Thursday. Mr. Gilliam’s wife who survives him, will 'be remembered in this county as the former Miss Mary Alice Chason of Lumber Bridge. •> Raeford Theatre ❖ Open Monday through Friday— 5:08 P. M. Open Saturday 2:00 P. M. — Sunday Shows 3 & 9 P. M. THURSDAY — FRIDAY “Payment On Demand” Bette Davis Also Latest World News SATURDAY — Double Feature Roy Rogers “Spoilen of the Plains” ' ALSO “The Tougher They Come” Wayne Morris - Preston Foster Ray Buckley - Frank McHugh SUNDAY — Shows 3 and 9 P. M. “South Side One Thonsamf Dan - DeFore - Andrea King MONDAY — TUESDAY “Strangers On A Train” Farley Granger - Ruth Roihan ■ Robert M^ulker ■Mrs. N. B. Blue and Miss Bon nie Kate Blue returned Tuesday night from a trip to Sylacauga, Alabama. They were accompanied home by Mrs. John Blue, while John Blue was taken from his home to Duke Hospital by ambu lance for treatment. Bonnie Kate returned to Queens College yes terday morning. While gone Mrs. Blue and Bonnie Kate stopped by Fort BCnning, Ga. for a short visit with Oapt. and Mrs. Joe Hoffman, Jr. and son. Mrs. Desmond Kieman, who has an apartment at the home of Mrs. Paul Dickson, Sr., was one of the models showing new Fall clothes at Sarah’s Fashion Show held at Pinecrest County Club, Lumberton Wednesday afternoon. A number of Raeford people were invited to this affair given by Sarah’s Shop of Red Springs. Mrs. Jule Lentz of Durham was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Craw ford Thomas and Mrs. J. K. Mc Neill Thursday and Friday of last week. Mrs. Ollie Lentz Bennett joined Mrs. Lentz here and spent the day with Mrs. McNeill. . WEDNESDAY — Bargain Day “Texas Meets Calamity Jane” WE CONGRATULATE $ I MART Mrs. Joe Gulledge spent several days the first of the week in Greensboro with her sister, Mrs. Dick Paschal. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Epstein, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Epstein and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Epstein and daughters spent several days in Dillon, S. C. the first of the week. The occasion was the observance of Rash Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gore spent the week-end in Raleigh with their daughter, 'Miss Fannette Gore, who is a freshman at Peace College. On Sunday they visited another daughter. Miss Anne Gore ■at Duke University. D. S. Poole, Mrs. Luke Bethune and Miss Peggy Bethune were among those who attended the homecorhing at Old Bethesda Pres byterian Church near Aberdeen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Douglas of Cameron have rented the apart ment in the home of Mrs. Aganora Andrews. Mr. Douglas is employed at Roibbins. On Their Opening Friday I And We Take Pleasure I ■ I In Welcoming This New Business I ■ . I TO RAEFORD 1 ■ I ELK RESTAURANT I i ANTHONY G. DRAKE, Proprietor I •^.1 BE SMART-SHOP “READY TO WEAR AT POPULAR PRICES” THE bon A^ART GRAND OPENING FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5TH Mi