If I, iocials-Person^l Items.. . sggflxgggtsstytgg SENIOR BRIDGE CLUB ENTERTAINED FRIDAY Mrs. B iton Thomas was hos tess to th .■ senior bridge club at its regular lime last Friday evening. At this time she invited the club members and their husbands and Mr. and Mrs. Bowman, who make their home with the Thomases. Mrs. Tommie Upchurch made highest score for the wom en and Mr. Bowman for the mem Both received prizes. 0 CLUB HOSTESS Mrs. Paul Dezerne was hostess to her bridge club on Tuesday evening of this week. Before the game delicious banana splits were served, and at the conclusion of the game Mrs. Israel Mann was awarded the prize for having hte highest score. Mrs. K. A. Mac Donald, who was the only visitor other than members, was given an attractive gift. 0 Mrs. Roland Covington, who has been quite sick for the past two weeks with laryngitis, is up and out a^in. Let Us Give Your Watch A Spring Cleaning! MRS. BUNN SPEAKS AT OPEN MEETING OF WOMAN’S CLUB OOPS! DID YOO DROP IT? The annual spring open meet ing of the Raeford Woman’s Club w^ held Tuesday afternoon, March 25, in the fellowship room of the Raeford Methodist Church at 3:30. The fellowship room was lovely with spring flowers. On the speak er’s table was a large crystal vase of flowering peach. King Alfred daffodils, white iris and wisteria, on either side of which was an attractive nest of Easter bxmnies and chickens. Vases of flowering redbud were used elsewhere in the room. Mrs. W. B. Heyward, president, presided. Mrs. H. S. Willis, pro gram chairman for the afternoon, introduced Mrs. W. W. Bunn of Raleigh, president of the North Carolina Federation of Women’s Clubs. Mrs. Bunn spoke most in terestingly on education through the three mediums of federated woman’s clubs, formal schooling, and travel. She highlighted her talk with episodes from her tra vels in Europe last summer. Mrs. J. B. McIntyre, president of the Garden Club, presente I Mrs. Bunn with a beautiful cor sage of camellias and azaleas. During the social hour follow ing the meeting the hostesses ser ved refreshments. 0— AMERICAN LEGION AUX. TO MEET NEXT MONDAY The American Legion Auxiliary will meet next Monday evening at 7:45, at the home of Mrs. Hallie Gatlin. All members are urged to attend. 0- Neill B. Sinclair, who returned returned from Highsmith hospital last week, is still quite sick and confined to his bed. OFFICERS INSTALLED BY OES CHAPTER MONDAY Raeford Chapter 226, Order of the Eastern Star, held its annual installation of officers for 1952- 53 on Monday evening, March 24, in the Masonic Hall. Prior to the installation, the invocation was given by Ed Smith, past patron, and the welcome address by Mrs. Mary Tapp, worthy matron. The installing officers were: Mrs. Margaret Swanson, district deputy grand matron of Erwin, installing officer; Mrs. Grace An drews, installing marshaU; Ed Smith, past patron, installing chaplain; Mrs. Clara Kinlaw, in stalling secretary; Mrs. Faye Ba ker, installing organist. The new officers who were in stalled were: worthy matron, Mrs. Thelma McPhaul; worthy patron, Hinton McPhaul; associate ma tron, Mrs. Pearl Cole; associate patron, Willie Jones; secretary, Mrs. Annie Dezerne; treasurer. Miss Ila Graham; condructress, Mrs. Edna English; associate con ductress, Mrs. Pearl Warlick; chaplain, J. M. Andrews; marshall, Mrs. Dorene Duncan; organist, Mrs. Isobel Smith; Adah, Mrs. Sarah Maxwell; Ruth, Mrs. Louise Koonce; Esther, Mrs. Elizabeth Livingston; Martha, Mrs. Lois Maultsby; Electa, Mrs. Dorothy Amos; Warder, Mrs. Clara Mae Jones; sentinel, W. L. Alexander; Around fifty visitors from the Red Springs, St. Pauls, Aberdeen and Erwin chapters'»were present. During the social hour lime punch and cookies were served from an attractively arranged table, centered with yellow flow ers, flanked by green candles. 0- Wilmer McDonald is out again and has returned to his business Raeford Cleaners and Laundry Service, after being sick for the past several weeks. YOUR WATCH Has it met with cm acci dent? Is it not keeling good time? Let us test it E D E E on our m E fc It prints a record showing the exact rote cmd condi tion of your watch. WATCH REPAIRS BY EXPERTS PROMPT ECONOMICAL SERVICE A China, Crystal, Diamonds Jewelry Raeford Jewelry Shop P. O. Box 636 - Phone 477 Raeford, N. C. Hotel Bldg. Corner Main St. & 15-A N. PRE-EA$TER SALE at GRAHAM’S GIFT SHOP Ladies Blouses, Lingerie, Scarfs, Hosiery & other articles REDUCED / New shipment of infants and children’s clothes— handmade saques, knit suits, sweaters and polo shirts— Shorts for boys and girls Haviland China in Appleblossom and Pasadena Cambridge Crystal in Etched Rose point — Chantilly — Candlelight — Wildflower —and other gifts— PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN HAVE ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Women of the Raeford Presby terian church w^s-dieJd Wednes day evening March 19 at 7:3o o’ clock, with the president, Mrs. Herbert McKeithan, presiding. The devotional service was led by Mrs. Kerr Stevens. Mrs. Her bert McKeithan, prograrn chair man, used as her topic, “Christ- tians Changing the World.” Mrs. Haywood Faircloth discus sed, “What has been done during the Nineteen Centuries,” and Mrs. R. E. Neeley spoke on, “What is Still to be Done by Christians.” Mrs. Herbert McKeithan pres ented the gavel to Mrs. M. R. Smith, incoming president of the Women of the Church. The Rev. W. B. HeyWard in stalled the following officers and chairmen: President, Mrs. M. R. Smith; vice-president, Mrs. R. I,. Gatlin; secretary, Mrs.* R a y Muench; treasurer, Mrs. Belton Wright; historian, Mrs. H. C. Rob erts; assistant historian; Mrs. J. W. McLauchlin; Chairman World Missions, Mrs. H. C. McLauchlin; Chairman Education, Mrs. N. L. McFadyen; Chairman Spiritual Growth, Mrs.' W. T. Covington; Chairman Church Extension, Mrs. N. A. McDonald; Chairman of Annuities and Relief, Mrs. F. M. Culbreth; Chairman of Steward ship, Mrs. H. S. Willis; Chairman of Assembly’s Special Causes, Mrs. A. K. Currie. Circle Chair men are as follows: No. i, Mrs. A. C. Gillis, No. 2, Mrs. J". L. Mc Neill, No. 3, Mrs. Paul Dickson, Jr., No. 4, Mrs. A. A. Graham; No. 5, Mrs. C. F. Tapp, No. 6, Mrs. R. L. Murray, No. 7, Mrs. Leo Little, No. 8, Mrs. J. A. Williamson, Mrs June Johnson, No. 9, Mrs. w. E. Willis, Miss Ellen Currie. No. 10, Mrs. Sam Hiser, Mrs. Dean White, No. 11, Mrs. John Walker, Mrs. T. N. McLauchlin, No. 12, Mrs. Harry Greene, Mrs. Wallace Mc Lean, No. 13, Mrs. James Wood, Mrs. Stanley Koonce. —^ 0 REPRESENT BETA CLUB AT CONVENTION Four member^ of the Beta Club of Hoke Coim^^ High School re presented the/Club at the Hth an nual convention of North Carolina Beta Clubs, held in Raleigh on Friday and Saturday. Sarah Jane Cole, Ellen Kate Koonce, Gretchen Hines and Joan Sinclair accompanied by Mrs. J C. McLean were the delegates going. John McLauchlin joined them Saturday and attended the dqnce that night. Registration of delegates from some 412 chap|^erjs of the high school leadership and service or ganization began at noon on Fri day, and the meeting ended with the annual Beta ball on Saturday night. A highlight was the twin ban quets Saturday evening—^because there’s no banquet hall in Raleigli big enough to serve all the dele gates. Chancellor John W. Rarrelson of North , Carolina State College was the speaker at one, and Dr. Richard Stone, president of St Mary’s Junior College, addressed the other. ENTERTAIN AT BUFFETT AND SQUARE DANCE Friends and contemporaries of Mr. and Mrs. Edward McNeill and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Faircloth were shown an attractive coiudesy when they were invited to a party on Thursday evening of last week. The party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McNeill several miles out of town on the Fayette ville highway. A delectable buffet supper was served to the 40 present from the attractively arranged dining table centered with a huge birthday cake. An arrangement of glads centered the buffet. Throughout the house, daffodils and spirea were used. After supper the congenial crowd adjourned to the pack- house and enjoyed an evening of square dancing. The occasion proved to be one of good fellowship and was in celebration of the birthdays of the hosts and hostesses, who ob served their birthdays during the month. -0- DR. MURRAY ATTENDS SYMPOSIUM THURSDAY ENTERTAINS FOR MRS. J; WILBUR BUNN Mrs. H. S. Willis entertained at a Incheon Tuesday at 1:00 o’ clock at Pinehurst Country Club in honor of Mrs. J. Wilbur Bunn, president of North Carolina State Federation of Women’s Club. Mrs. W. B. Heyward, president of Rae ford WomSh’s Club; Mrs. T C. Scarborough, chairman of Educa tion Club; and Mrs. Neill Mc Fadyen, Mrs. N. H. G. Balfour, and Mrs. .Arthur D. Gore, mem bers of program committee at tended from Raeford. Mrs. Wo mack of Sanatorium also attended _C HOME EC GROUP GOES TO RALEIGH Miss Margaret Hefner, Ho.re Economic teacher at Hoke Hign. took five girls in her cl.ass to R i- leigh Friday afternoon to srer d the week end. They went to .it. tend the Future Homernakcr- r •’ America meeting at H,uah Mor^f n High School. The group .'■* ■ • ' at the Andrew Johnson Hotel —^ O JUNE HALL HAS SLUMBER PARTY ENJOY SUFFER The Niven family conncetki^ got together on Wednesday mg of last week for a gjven in htmor of CpI. Franlcfia .'liven, who leaves tomorrow for r| Camp Stoneman, California, and from there to Japan, after spend ing a 45-day furlough at home. Hamburgers were cooked outside on a charcoal grill ar.d .served with accessories. -About 20 were present. 0 Mi.ss Carlenc Freeman who fia« ;ini.*:hed her practice teaching aX Linriley school in Greensbovo, spent the w'eek end with her par ents, Mr, and Mrs. Carl Freeman. Dr. R. L. Murray attended he Fifth Annual Medical Symposium sponsored by the Greensboro Aca demy of Medicine, in Greensboro last Thursday. It was an all day meeting with luncheon and din ner. Outstanding men of the pn;- fession were speakers. Mrs. Mur ray accompanied Dr. Murray to Greensboro and spent the day with her mother and sister. —0 KINDERGARTEN GIVES CHAPEL PROGRAM Mrs. John Scull, assisted by Mrs. Raymond Maxwell, present ed the Raeford Kindergarten in a chapel program for the Primary Grades at the Grammar School on Tuesday morning. Mrs. Hinton McPhaul, first grade teacher, introduced Mrs. Scull and the Kindergarten class. The performance was most inter esting. They danced the minuet, with musical accompaniment by Mrs. Scull, gave a playlet Hump- ty Dumpty; acted and sang “Down In The Barnyard” and sang as a chorus, “Is An Oak Tree Straight and Tall?” Many parents of the young ac tors were present and were very much pleased with the progress these children have made. Roland Covington spent Tues day in Raleigh on business. While there he visited his brothers, Lawrence and Pelham Covington. NEWFEKTURES Cu.R.Size mevAuiE! Mrs. T. B. Phillips and sons spent the week end with relatives in Greer, S. C. Love Spring (and Spring clothes, too) . ,1, Why wouldn’t the kids love spring with a new outfit from our store? Be cause after all little children love to dress up just as much as their big brothers and sisters. > • FOB THE GIRLS: Colors of every hue to match their hair and complex ion. Just wkat you have been trying to find is waiting here for you NOW. Sizes 1 to 14. FOB THE BOYS: We think that one of our new linen suits for the little rover would really hit the spot on Easter morning. Coats with long or short pants to match in same or contrasting shades. Sizes 1 to 12. SI 10 AU on and Feiy ^hodeig aasir leiznsj Twig ^Jackets and Trousers Mrs. Day’s Shoes—Ideal ^ Ruth Originals Jack Tar Togs Peggy and Sue Originals Peaches and Cream Chip Slacks YOUNG FOLKS SHOP 107 North Stewart St. JAMES LENTZ ISABEL McFADYE^ FRIGIMIRE MaslerModeL • Full-width Super-Froozor OmsI • Adjushiblo shelf • All-Porcelain Hydroter • Exclusive Quickube Trays • Supei^Powerad Metei|^iser Mechanism Come in and see the new Cycle* metic Frigideires—and ell the ether new refrigerators BAUCOM Appliance Co. FRIGIDAHIE since 1936! Phone 322 - Raeford, N. C. Barbara Warlick, Mickey Brock, Joan Gobeille, Lillian Scarbo rough, Frankie McDougald, Nora Peele and Julia Morris •v'^re guests of June Hall at a slumber party at her home on East Edir.- borough Avenue last Friday night. At noon Saturday the girls '.ver accompanied to the park at thr State Fishery by June’s mothc- Mrs. James Hall, for a pier.' Weiners were roasted and serv« with accessories. Soon after th* ' return to town the girls return£ to their homes, tired and ro:. for a “good” night’s sleep. 1) ATTEND CONVENTION Hoke High boys attending the Key Club Convention in AshevilL the past week end were Roger Dixon, Jimmy White, Benny Mc Leod, David McFadyen, Sidney Lovette, L. S. Brock and Leroy Freeman. ’ This was the CaroUnas Distri''t meeting and there were over 50J present. In the talent show Roger Dixon won second place for his imper- sonatibn of Richard Widmark, the movie star. This is a much covet ed honor. T C — James Meyers, who has been employed at I. Marni’s Store for the past some time, has accepted a position at the local post office and began his duties there this week. ORDER YOUR Easter CORSAGE EARLY 9 When you want the most beautiful flowers Easter is I ' a time for them ... be sure your corsage is make frmn . the pick of the greenhouse . j Order early . . . We are featuring an ex quisite corsage oi lovely fresh ORCHmS RED ROSES GARDENIAS CARNATIONS VIOLETS Raeford Floral Company Phone 477 — Main Street Comer of Raeford Hotel Bldg. Sunday Hours 9 A. M. TU 11 A. M. PRESENTS THE SENSATIONAL NEW SELF- DEFROSTINC^ KELVINATOR 1* i ' J 9^r. IQ t- iiiiiiiii lil'ill! Modal MA IWotirQiod Foster, thriftier automatic defrosting in a big 11 cu. ft. refrigerator. Simple I Worry- free! For the first time, defrosting that uses no electric heating elements. A big 43-lb. "Cold-Seal" Freezer Chest! Twin moisf- cold CrispersJ Handy Door Shelves! 18.4 sq. ft. of shelf area! Portable Butter Chest accessory! , ■ ^ THERE IS A BETTER REFRIGER^OR. IT'S^e WETl GIVE YOU TOP DOLLAR ON A TRA0£-iN NO.Y! Wood’s Furniture $torf I Htt