'^^7i return. The News-Journal Published Every Thursday at Baeford, N. C. Subscription Bates $3.00 per year in advance 6 Months — $1.75 3 Months — $1.00 in advance Miss Irene Parsons of Winston- Salem and Mrs. Shirley Bradford of Pope Field were week end guests of Miss Ruby Clark. The Rev. and Mrs. H. K. Hol land and family of Marietta, Ga., are expected to arrive today and will spend several days or a week at the Lawrence McNeill cottage. PAUL DICKSON Editor and Publisher Entered as second-class mail matter at the post .office at Raeford, N. C., under the Act of March 3, 1870. FARM ITEMS Connty Agent Manj- farmers in the county are now wondering whether to stop dusting or spraying cotton or to make 1 or 2 more applications. In about every cotton field now there are many weevils at work. In fields where there are a lot of young bolls there is a lot of dam age being done at this time. How ever, many fields are fairly safe from much weevil damage w^hile others need at least 1 or 2 more applications of poison. In young or late cotton, there is a definite need for more treat ments. Some of tl?is cotton is still fruiting and treatments should be continued until a crop safe from weevil damage is assured. One of the greatest threats to the cotton at present is damage from the boll worm. Observations this week show that there is an increase of this pest since last week Bollworm moths are quite noticeable in cotton fields now and with favorable weather con ditions for development, they could cause considerable damage. Treatment for boll weevil should hold the bollworm popu lation in check. If the infestation is not checked, increase dosage applications to 15 pounds per acre of 3-5-0 or 3-5-40 or 20% Toxaphene, or use 2 applications of 10% DDT dust at 10 pounds per acre at 5 day intervals. Fields ^ould be watched closely for in festations an dtreatments made to control them if necessary. 0 4-H Boys Tour Pig Chain Projects (By the Coimty Agent) A project of much interest to some of the rural boys in the county is the purebred pig chain project that is sponsored by Sears and Roebuck Foimdation. This project was started in December, 1951, with seven club boys re ceiving purebred gilts. The pur pose of the pig chain project is to help boys secure good breed ing stock and give them practical experience in feeding and man agement of swine. Pig chains of this nature have been in opera tion in counties throughout North Carolina for a number of years and are playing an important role in the development of the swine industry. On Wednesday, July 9, 4-H club members toured the projects of each club member to see how the other boys were managing and caring for their animals. In ad dition to the boys who had pig projects, other making the tour were; W. R. Smith, Manager of the Sears store in Fayetteville, Phil Johnson, Raeford, Jim But ler, Swine Specialist of State Col lege, and the Coimty Agent. As each project was visited, Mr. Butler judged each animal ac cording to type, development, and its possibilities of making a good brood sow. The animals were placed in blue, red, and white ribbon groups. Boys haying ani mals placed in the blue ribbon group were Bobby Vanhoy, R-3, Raeford, Charlie Jacobs, R-1, Aberdeen, and Fred Holland, R-2, Raeford. Those having gilts placed in the red ribbon group were Clyde Leach, Robert Currie, and Billy Everleigh, of R-1, Red Springs. Cash prizes were award ed in the amounts of $12.00 for blue, $10.00 for red, and $8.00 for white. These prizes were do nated by the Sears Roebuck Foun dation. As long as the pig chain is kept active in the county, Sears will offer a definite amount of money each year to be used for awards and helping maintain and increase the pig chain. We are grateful for the interest that this organization has shown In spon soring a project of this type and we feel sure that their efforts will be of value to the county. Each of the projects visited-, showed that the club members had done an execellent job in feeding and caring for their ani mals. Each is to be commended for the job he has done, and next year we plan to have a larger number of boys participating in this project. 0 Mrs. W. E. Freeman had as her visitors for several days last week her daughter, Mrs. Eli Wishart and two children, Eli, Jr. and Betty Rose, of Lumberton. Week end visitors in the home of Mrs. Freeman were Miss Lois McLeod, Mrs. Ray Parrott and sons, Blair and P. H. of AWrdeen. Mrs. Earl McAulay of States ville arrived Tuesday for a visit with her mother, Mrs. George Hanna. THENEWSaOlISNAL the week end at Carolina Beach. THUBSE^AY, AUGUST 7, 1952: Mrs. Harry Greene and Frances Ward are leaving today for At lantic Beach, Morehead City, to spend bevei^al weeks. Mr. arid Mrs. J. I. Hubbard and Mr, and Mrs. James Currie spent the week end at Manteo and Virginia Beach. Miss Nicky Knickerbocker of Gainesville, Ga., a student at Duke University, spent the week, end with Miss Anne Gore. Miss Knickerbocker is president of the Tri Delt Sorority of which Miss Gore is a member. Mrs. Murphy McLauchlin and Miss Maggie Jane McBryde spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Campbell at Butner. HELP WANTED 100 COLORED WOMEN AND 25 MEN Between Ages of 20 to 45 To Apply For Interviews At New Turkey Processing Plant (Old Baeford Locker Plant) Turkalina Farms, Inc. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Plummer had as their guests last week, Mrs. James Dorton, Mrs. L. V. Shelton and Miss Mabel Powell, all of Richmond, Virginia. Mrs. Esther Allen, cashier at Cooper’s Super Market, is on vacation this week. ■ ' I Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bowman were on vacation last week and visited in Orangeburg, S. C., spending one day in Charleston. Miss Josephine Hall joined Miss Irene Brown, home agent in Yad- kinville, on Friday of last week and they went on to Blowing Rock and Boone to spend Satur day and Sunday. Mrs. F. B. Sheridan and sons of Glen Head, Long Island, New York, arrived last week for a visit in the home of Mrs. Sheri dan’s mother, Mrs. J. H. Austin. Mrs. Sheridan and sons and Mrs. E. "M. Coleman, who arrived sev eral weeks ago to visit her mother, are spending this week at the Austin cottage at Topsail. They will return to Raeford this week end to attend the Bradley-Austin wedding in Kipling Saturday ev ening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bartl and son Edward, of Rochester, - New York, are visiting Mrs. Margaret Cummings and Starr. Mills there. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Harrison have bought the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Phillips on Dickson Street in Sunset Hills and will move in the near future. Mrs. Kenneth Giim and daugh ter of Liberty spent the week end with Mrs. Grim’s mother, Mrs. Mary McBryde. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Macko and daughter left the latter part of last week for upper New York state for a visit with Tommie’s parents. Mrs. Glenn Clark and son, Tony, of Lumberton arrived Mon day to spend several days in the home of Mrs. Clark’s daughter, Mrs. June Johnson, and family. Miss Gwen Gore is leaving Tuesday for Raleigh where she will join friends for a trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Phillips and family left Monday for Elkin to make their home. Mr. Phillips is superintendent of the Chatham Mrs. George Bethune and three children are spending this week with Mrs. Bethune’s gtandmother, Mrs. J. A. Blue. Mr. Bethune brought them down and spent the week end. * Lytle, whd had spent the week there, home. Miss Margie Campbell of East Carolina College summer school spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Campbell. Little League Team (Continued from Page 1) Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hiser and family are away on vacation this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers Davis, Mary Lib Lytle and Ruth Anne Phillips spent Sunday at Myrtle Beach. They went to bring Jerry Bill Hodgin, ss; Marvin Lewis, cf; Harold McCaskill, 3b; Tommy Freeman, c; Wilson Teal, If; Da vid McDonald, rf; Johnnie Cald well, lb; Raymond Wilson, 2b; Dickey Hendley, p and rf; Jimmy Davies, p. Manager is Rowe Chap man of Raeford with Ralph Leach of Aberdeen as assistant. Following the game the Rae ford and Aberdeen players and managers and the players and of ficials from Norwood were enter tained at supper by the Raeford Chamber of Commerce at the Up church airport. Trophies were pre sented to the winning teams, all- star players, and to individual players on the Raeford teams. Aberdeen players will receive their individual trophies at a sup per at Aberdeen lake after the game there Friday. Appearing on the program were Neill A. McDonald, president of the Raeford Chamber of Com merce, Rev. Leo Hawkins of Nor- IllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllUllllllliir wood, J. P. Bell, president of the Aberdeen-Raeford league, W. L. Poole, mayor of Raeford,/ A. H. Grant, vice^-president of Robbins Mills, Inc., J. L. McNeill, P. B. Lewis, plant manager for Aber deen and Raeford Robbins Mills, the Rev. P. O. Lee and the Rev, W. B. Hejrward. Younger Snead served as toastmaster for the oc casion. The fried chicken supper was prepared and served by a Chamber of Commence committee of which Crawford Thomas was chairman. rf- The nation’s 1953 wheat pro duction goal has been set at 72 million acres—about 8 per cent below the big acreage planted for harvest this year. With normal yields, this acreage would result in a crop of about 1,080,000,000’ bushels of wheat. (>■( Mrs. J. P. Smith left the middle of last week for Philadelphia, Pa. to visit her daughter, Mrs. (Char les Gordon and family, for two weeks. She was accompanied by Anne Whitley, who had been visit ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. B. Whitley, and who was returning to her home in Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Howell and family are spending this week at Wrightsville Beach. They were joined by Mr. Howell’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Howell and Miss Becky Howell of Ellerbe, and relatives from New York. Mrs. Hal Gilliam and daughter, Sonia of Lexington, Miss, are visiting Mrs. Gilliam’s sister, Mrs. Claude Glisson. "The Business That Rests On Its Oars 9 Has A Long Pull Ahead ” . Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thomas, Mrs. Ruth Shaw Jay and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Shaw spent the day Sunday in Charlotte visiting in the home of Mrs. J. K. Wilson and family. Mrs. L. B. Sutton of Live Oak$, Florida, is visiting Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Matheson. She accompanied the Mathesons home from Ashe ville last week. Miss Reba Roberts is suffering minor injuries received when she. fell Saturday going out the back steps at Collins Department Store. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Lester and Andrea and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. -iiT-.,!!,;. u 1- , ' Gibson and Susan spent the week John Walker, who has been . ^ employed m Augusta, Ga;, for the • j xv Yx xi. t i „^^x . 1 XU u occupied the cottage the Israel past several months, came home u j u j / xu x , , , X. X, ■„ Manns had had for the past last week on account of illness and has been quite sick since his gViS--r.' -' J V, . Mrs. Kenneth MacDonald is visiting her mother at Cape Char les, Virginia. T-f'-" ^ ■ -S ■ fee";/.-,.. IONA SWEET PEAS, No. 2 can ANN PAGE SALAD DRESSING, qt jar WHITE HOUSE EVAP. MILK, 3 tall cans ASSORTED CEREALS SUNNYFIELD, pkg IONA CUT Green BEANS, 2 No. 303 cans 25c xANN PAGE SPARKLE GELATIN, 3 pkgs 20c Mrs. A. J. Glenn and sons, Ed gar David of Durham and A. J. Jr. of Baltimore, Maryland, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Hinsqn Walters. / : Mr. and Mrs. Billy Dean Hol land, Mrs. Lawrence Stanton and Mrs. Will Frank Wright spent NOW BUYING PULPWOOD For A Good Price ' Contact WALTER PARKS Phone 376 Box 473 RAEFORD, N. C. Will Contact An Expert Forester To Cruise And Mark For Thinning The Timber IDlEimE The News