THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1953 THE NEWS-JOURNAL PACE SEVEN Arabia News By Mr. D. B. Traywick Members of the committee for the Stonewall March of Dimes drive wish to take this means of thanking everyone who partici pated in the drive. From the supper at Mildouson we turned in $550 and feel confident that our quota will be easily reached. Mrs. Luther Jackson, Jr., Mrs. Wilmer Hendrix, Mrs. D. B. Traywick, Peggy and Annette Jackson and Mrs. Ruth Bristow WE HEED MULES Take advantage of this opportunity to unload your mules AND ALL OF YOUR MULE DRAWN FARM EQUIPMENT. See Our Want Ad Display For Good Used Tractors Red Springs Implement Co. DIAL 3861 RED SPRINGS ALLIS - CHALMERS were all ill with flu last week. Mrs. A. J. Johnson and son, Troy, had the misfortune of losing their home by fire Saturday after noon. The fire was caused by the heating oil stove that explod ed. Mrs. Johnson was burned some on her hands and face try ing to put out the fire. Hope her burns are not serious. Some of her bed clothing was saved. David Hendrix left Saturday for a few days vacation in Florida. Mrs. Razz Ellis Is taking treat ment now at Duke hospital, and is doing very well. Mrs. Luther Ellis is recover ing nicely now from a long illness. To friends who would like to write Mrs. S. P. Traywick, her address is, 36 Ward Street, LIST YOUR PROPERTY GIVE IN YOUR POLLS The Law Requires That You Do This During the Period From Jan. 1st Through Feb. 7, 1953 Notice is hereby given all persons owning Real or Personal Property that they appear before the taxlister for their Town ship during the month of January and make return to him of said property for purposes of taxation. All male persons are required to give in their poll, if their ages are between 21 and 50. WHAT TO LIST All Real Estate, Building under construction, building materials. Merchandise and Fixtures, Manufactured Articles, and materials in process, and stocks of new articles. All Farming equipment, household furniture and goods, including Radios, Elec tric Refrigerators, etc. All Livestock, including dogs. Automobiles and Trucks in your possession, whether you have paid for same or not. Guns, pistols, bicycles, diamonds, and jewelry, typewriters, office equipment, fertilizer and materials for resale, cotton, tobacco, provisions and all other tan gible property not specified. BE PREPARED TO GIVE YOUR FARM CENSUS List Takers Have Been flamed for the Townships ALLENDALE TOWNSHIP - Willa McLauchlin ANTIOCH TOWNSHIP - Clarence McNeill BLUE SPRINGS TOWNSHIP - C. J. McNeill .LITTLE RIVER TOWNSHIP - Hurley Jones McLAUCHLIN TOWNSHIP - Mrs. F. A. Monroe QUEWHIFFLE TOWNSHIP - C. W. Covington RAEFORD TOWNSHIP - Sue Gulledge STONEWALL TOWNSHIP -W. J. McBryde (At Dundarrach Trading Company) You Can List Your Taxes Any Day in the Week At the Court House. J. A. McGOOGAll, Tax Supervisor Moffit Villuge, Wilmington. 1 know she would appreciate hear ing from old friends and acquain ances. She is recovering now from the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Smith and Barbara, and some visiting relatives from Virginia are visit ing friends in Georgia and Flori da this week. 0 'LIFE BEGINS AT FORTY' AUTHOR DIES IN CALIF. Palo Alto, Calif. Walter B. Pitkin, author - of the best-selling "Life Begins at Forty," died from a heart attack Sunday In a hospital here. He was 74. He had been an editor, teacher and author throughout a vigorous life. His "Life Begins at Forty" was so popular the title phrase be came a part of the language. The book gave a lift to millions of middle-aged Americans. 0 In the last few years, from 51 to 61 per cent of North Caro lina's cash farm income has been from the sale of tobacco. 0 IT FATS TO ADVERTISE southwest corner and runs with said road 110 feet to a stake; thence south 89-15 east 848 feet to Morris Line; thence with said line north 24-30 west 120 feet to a stake; thence north 89-15 west 790 feet to the Beginning con taining 2 acres, more or less and being the same land conveyed to John McKlnnon by deed under date of Oct. 25, 1941 and regis tered in Hoke County Registry in book 82 at page 332. This the 17th day of January, 1953. H. W. B. Whitley, Trustee. 34-37C 0 Hoke County registry, and de mand by the First Citizens Bank & Trust Company of Fayetteville, the beneficiary therein named, upon me as Trustee having been made for sale under power con tained in said Deed of Trust, now, therefore I as such Trustee will offer to public outcry to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door at 12 o'clock (noon) in Raeford, N. C. on the Eleventh (11th) day of Febru ary 1953, the following farmland: In McLauchlin Township, Hoke county, N. C, and bounded, to wit: On North by Monroe bro thers, on east by Gillis and Wood, on south by Adams and K. S. Ray estate, and on west by Ray estate and Pate estate, contain ing 64.8 acres, more or less, and beginning at an iron corner In I road (known as McFarland road),' NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Dufault having been made in the payments agreed to be made by Lawrence W. Ray In his Deed of Trust registered in Book of Mortgages No. 91, page 193, of TjmrinnnjTJinjTrmnjT 18 feet N-E of the comer of building, and runs N IS min. (crossing said sandclay road) 31.12 chs. to a stake by a sassa fras stump; thence N 71-20 E 20.40 chs. to a large pine at cor ner of field; thence S 4-13 W 41.40 chs. to a stake In field, south side of above mentioned old road, crossing said first men tioned sandclay road; thence as and with ol road N 82 W 8.88 chs. to a stake in ditch, south of said road; thence again a said old road N 73 W 8.08 chs. to the beginning, and being the identi cal property described in Deed Book No. 90, page 584 of said registry, and Book No. 94, pages 198 and 199, and also as describ ed said Deed of Trust to said Bank. Posted January 12, 1953. Arthur D. Gore, Trustee. 83-36o LEGALS NOTICE OF LAND SALE UNDER FORECLOSURE Under the power and author ity vested in me as trustee in that certain instrument executed by John McKinnon ct ux on the 6th day of November, 1943 and re corded in Hoke County Regis try in book 84 at page 3, I will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door, Raeford, N. C, at high noon 12 o'clock on Feb ruary 19th, 1953 to satisfy said note secured by said deed of trust, default having been made on said note and the holder having made demand that the land be fore closed under the said deed of trust and therein provided by law. Said land is described as follows, Viz: Beginning at a stake in the eastern edge of Oakdale Road, Thomas and Annie McBryde's IMotioe! 0320 PAY YOUR 1952 TAXES After February 1st a penalty of 1 will be added to all unpaid 1952 Taxes; after March 1st 2 and additional Vi for each month there after. Real estate will be advertised if taxes are not paid and advertising costs added to taxes. D. H. HODGIfi Sheriff -uijxruijTJxriJxriJTn oi ici3omoc roc aoc 11 Announcing... TO OUR FARMER FRIENDS WHO WOULD LIKE TO PROFIT BY SOMETHING GOOD... WE HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS FOR YOU TO MAKE YOUR 1953 CROP AT LESS EX PENSE YET MORE SATISFACTORY AT HARVEST TIME By Offering Again Johnson's Famous Line Of Better Quality Fertilizers Dictator for TOBACCO ALL MAGNESIUM QUALITY JOHNSON'S FERTILIZERS LIMESTONE FILLER Johnson's Special for ALL CROPS O 0 o AND MOST IMPORTANT WE CAN ARRANGE FOR YOU TO BORROW MONEY ON ACCEPTABLE SECURITY TO PAY CASH FOR YOUR FERTILIZER AND SUPPLD3S. SEE US FOR FURTHER DETAILS. You Cannot Afford To Miss This Money Saving Opportunity! SEE US AT ONCE BECAUSE OF STRIKES AND POSSIBLE TRANSPORTATION DD7FICULTIES YOU ARE URGED TO ORDER YOUR FERTILIZER NOW! Complete Farm and Home Supplies, PHONE 7l RAEFORD, N. C "CASH IF YOU HAVE IT CREDIT IF YOU NEED IT" 0103 OIIOE tOl Tm Tlw THP