PAGE EIGHT THE NEWS-JOURNAL THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1953 Local Man Serving With Army In N. Y. White Sands Proving Grounds, N. M., Sergeant Dexter H. Hol land has recently been assigned to White Sands Proving Cround, one of the nation's largest instal lations for research and testing of guided missiles. Sgt. Dexter is the son of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Holland of Rae ford, N. C. He attended the Hoke County School where he was ac tive in football. Before entering the service he was employed as a driver for the Murray Trans fer Co., of Wilmington, N. C. Sg Holland has returned after serving 6 1-2 years wi h the 46th Or--nce in the Far Eastern The r' Wui'e Sands Proving Ground is unique among military instal lations. Primarily an Army Ord nance facility, several branches of the armed forces. Army Navy, and Air Force, are represented am on" the personnel. 0 Letter To The Editor r -ir Mr. Editor: I'' you have any available space etti.iM- this week or ".c:t, I "-'iild like rcr you 'o pu' lish the f iliow statements. (sned) Judson lemon. Factor Raeford Bap Ut Church Is 1' reasonable to worry about A.i omobile Accidents and still i gunt men license to sell drink w;eh is involved in more car wiecks than any other one cause? Is it reasonable to worry about Breakdown of the Home and still grrint men license to sell drink w'uch is involved in more di ve'ees than any other cause? Is it reasonable to worry about Ci 'me and Juvenile Delinquency a' ! still grant men license to sell dimk which is involved in more crime than any other one cause? IS IT RIGHT Is it right to grant a man a lievnse to sell that which makes mn drunk and tren arrest the II ,:i for being drunk? Is is right to grant a man a li.'(nse to sell that which makes wen paupers and then tax solr ri ?u to care for the paupers? Is it right t grant a man a li ease to sell which is in--v.'ved in more crime th3n any o'lier single ouse and tax de cent men to care for the criminal a id the family he leaves behind? THINK IT OVER I' it'.ed Dry Ass'n of Mississippi. YDUR lATIOIIfll GUARD HELPS GOflllD HE PEACE ZaJ Compare the NATURAL CHILEAN NITRATE. See the DIFFERENCE in results! On diffrK bet wc o Natural Chilean Nitrate and other ni trogrn fertilizer u quality natural quality. It ta the world' only natural aource of nitrate nitrogen. Th aitrofMi contanl of Chilean Nitrate ia 100 nitrate nitro gen -100 available - 100 fast-acting 100 dependable. N mmtidoH t PtcMMry. Chil ean Nitrate unoo acid forming. Rick la ftodiwM and watt. Chilean Nitrate ia rich in beneficial sodium that makea a stronger, deeper root tyitem improve crop health, vigor and aatritive value. It also contains small quantities of es sential minor eletnenta. ir. Chilean NitroSa Is fho ONLY ftiAitt that supplies ni trate nitrogen , beneficial sodiam and essential, minor element. Insect damage in North Caro lina totals more than $50 million each year. 0 Addenda (Continued from Page 1) talk at Kiwanis meeting last Thursday. Said he was coming in on tiptoe early one morning and his wife spoke from bed, "Is that you, Paul? His reply was, "It sure better be!" He must have told a hundred such' hus-band-and-wife stories, most of them mighty funny. Basketball (Continued rrom Page 1) I team. MePhaul led the faltering offense with 12 and Lovette plac ed second with 8. Tuesday night of this week The Does almost won their game from Massey Hill as they scored 21 points in the final quarter to come within one point of catch ing their opponents, who had built a 10 point halftime lead . and stretched it to 13 at the end of the third quarter. In the final quarter Massey Hill was able to score but 9 points while the visi- tors put on their almost victorious drive. The Pirates showed an uncanny ability to hit on their shots and a tight defense in stopping the Bucks 68-49. The score was tied ;t t'-e quarter 10-10 but the visi tors from Raeford fell quickly behind in the second quarter and were behind at the half 28-18. Each team ran up points in the third quarter with the Bucks coming out on the short end 20 to 25. McNeill, playing his first game in over a week, was high for the locals as he dropped In 23 points. Friday night in the local gym the Bucks and Does will play Lumberton in return games and will try to make it two straight for each team. The Lumberton clubs are reported to be strong- !er than they were the first of the season when they lost on their home court. The Bucks will play their last road game Friday night when they go to Gibson for two games. After that they will close out the season with five home games. 0 SCHOOL NEWS (Continued from Page 1) deemed necessary to close the schools but the danger is not over yet. We beg the parents to take oat's it; Boy. DIFFERENCE in Notosl far sH-round sfRciwKy. Quick-acting 100 nitrate ni trogen makes rapid, sturdy growth. It 26 aodiura con tent acts like potash when nec essary and helps to increase the supply of available phos phate in the soil. ChllosHi NitrafVs fro flawtnf palsts guarantee rapid, accu rate distribution under all con ditions. No special precautions needed. HsJps maintain productivity of your land. When used consist ently in a sound farming pro gram, Chilean Nitrate builda np fertility, increases efficiency. Yr oftar yme. Natural Chilean Nitrate increases yields im proves quality defenda against disease fortifies against insect in jury coun teracts soO acidity. Use Chilean Nitrate for solid aatisfaction! '4 the best care possible of their children. If the child is sick keep him home and in bed for a suffi cient time for him to fully recov er. It is better to do that than to send him back to school too soon. A relapse is worse than the first attack. All schools are cooperating 100 percent in the March of Dimes. The schools have accepted the quota of 50 cents per pupil in membership. We earnestly hope that they will be able to meet this quota. The amount raised by each school will be credited to the township quo'as. We realize that the influenza is a handicap, but we hope that that will be over come and not used as an excuse. Next Thursday Dr. Finch, of the State Health Coordinating ' Service, will be here for a follow i up meeting with colored teachers at Upchurch school at 4 p. m. and at Hoke High for a continuation of his series of lectures on mental health at 7:00 p. m. Parents are invited to attend. The Buffalo,' Now Hope, and Frye's Mission teachers held their fourth professional meeting at Buffalo last week. The general topic was Safety Education. R. B. Lewis, chief of the Raeford Fire Department talked to them on that phase of safety education dealing with fire prevention. The Upchurch faculty held one of their professional meetings last Friday afternoon. The subject was Health and Physical Educa tion. A panel discussed the various phases and the head of the Physi cal Ed. Department of North Car olina College at Durham summed up and gave some demonstrations. After the professional work was over a social hour was enjoyed in the cafeteria where a delicious dinner was served by the lunch room staff. We are sorry that the record of the Upchurch contribution to the T.B. drive was left out of last week's column. It was $32.78. Midterm exams are underway at Upchurch. They started Wed nesday morning and will end to morrow at noon. Progressive achievement tests are being adminitsered to all sec tions of the fifth grade this year at Upchurch. Last year they were given to all eighth grade sections. Advanced tests were given to the high school students. The faculty has had several letters from boys now in service expressing appre ciation for having had the tests while in school. Freedom School in an effort to raise money for the Polio drive gave an interesting party Tues day evening. The teachers served refreshments to the students be fore the party ended. The Baby Contest sponsored by the PTA of Freedom School Wed nesday night for the benefit of the lunchroom was a success. The President of the PTA awarded prizes to the 1st and 2nd place winners. ' The Master's Club held its monthly meeting at the Bowmore School Tuesday evening at 4:00 o'clock. Routine business was dis cussed. The Bowmore School fac ulty served the Club a fried chicken dinner. ... the letter Hart. Then many reader! of THE CHRIS TIAN SCIENCE MONITOR tell the Editor how much they enjoy thii daily world-wide newspaper, with aoch com ment! : "The Monitor it the stoat carefully edited news paper in the U. S. . "Valuable mid in teach ing ? "Newt that it complete end fair . . 'The Monitor mrelf is m reader's neceuity . . Von, too, will find tbe Monitor iniormatire, with complete world new . . . and as nere. sary your HOME TOWN paper. Uh thia coupon lor a Special Inlrodartory nbwrirrtioo J MONTHS FOR ONLY $3. On dm) St, Swua U. mUmt, V. S. A. tia I- Tfc Cfcrfcttaa 7 km I Milm M. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our deep ri.'nreciation to the many friends and neighbors who were so kind during the illness and at the death of my father, T. M. Moldcn. Mrs. K. D. Lowe. The first essential of success ful dairy farming in North Caro lina is adequate production of home grown roughage, according to S'ate College specialists. Gains of bocf up to 6I'4 pounds per acre have been obtained on pure tall fescue, highly fertiliz ed with nitrogen, at the . North Carolina Experiment Station. WANT AD RATES This size type 2c per word This size 3c per word. (Minimum on any ad 30c) For Expert wheel balancing and front end alignment with gen uine Bear equipment see Rae ford Auto Co. tfc SrECIAi7SALEb'ish Garden's and Sea Island arrangements. McLean Flower Shop 35-36p J I ST ARRIVED with nice load of Antiques. The Curiosity Shop, Warrant, N. C. 33-36p FOR-SALE LESPEDEZA SEED seed, buy early, Clarence Lytrh. 35-c DOl BLE FLOWERING PEACH Beautiful ornamental Double Flowering Peach Trees that produce an abundance of de licious, highly colored fruit. These dual purpose trees re ward you with branches of ex otic, long-lasting blossoms for your home and garden in early spring, then top off In summer with a crop of high quality fruit. Available in Double Pink, Red. and White. Three trees 3 to 4 ft. size. One each Double Pink, Red, and White Special offer No. Z-13A-S5.85 postpaid.' One 3 to 4 ft. tree your choice of color, $2.35, post paid. Free Copy 56-page Planting Guide in color on re quest. Salespeople wanted. WAYNESBORO NURSERIES, WAYNESBORO, VIRGINIA 35C HOUSE FOR SALE: 307 E. Don aldson. Call 6516 after 6:00 P. M. 35C I I SEEDS i Plow Points Plow Lines & Trace Chains Bridles, Collars & Pads 4 Roll Roofing & Brick Siding Demmings Water Pumps & Pump Pipe W right ! Currie Hardware E Phone 6906 Experienced Stenographer desires position In Raeford. Contact News-Journal. 35P FO R R ENTfTwoiTrnisned apart ments two rooms each. Phone 8201. Mrs. Ida MrLauchlin. 35c FOR" SALErpiano, good condition $150. Kitchen cabinet, Oil stove. Phone 337. 35P BUY Our glads for only $2.50 a dozen. McLean Flower Shop. 35-36p USED TRACTORS AND FARM MACHINERY NOTICE: WE NEED MULES. A GOOD ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR MULES AND MULE DRAWN EQUIPMENT ON ANT THE FOLLOWING TRACTORS USED ALLIS-CHALMERS MODEL "C" TRACTOR with cultivators and disc. Just received, 1 year-old Used very little. Looks new. $1435. $535 down. Two years. USED ALLIS-CHALMERS MODEL "B" TRACTOR with cultivator. One year old. Guaranteed against any defect. Excellent condition. $1275. Only $500 down, two years. USED ALLIS-CHALMERS MODEL "WC" TRACTOR with 10 blade disc. $1100.00 4 years old, new motor. USED FAMALL MODEL "A" TRACTOR WITH planters, cultivators, lift, mow-, rr, bottom plow. RE-BUILT MOTOR. A real buy ' $985.00 $400 down. USED ALLIS-CHALMERS MODEL "C" TRACTOR with planters, cultivators. Just received. Must move now for $1395. Rebuilt motor and new paint. USED ALLIS-CHALMERS MODEL "C" TRACTOR Bare. Hydrolic lift $1,025.00 $410 down, two years. Guaran teed against any defect. Miscellaneous: B Cultivator $90. WC Cultivator $90. Farmall F-20 $250. 6 Blade Athens tiller $390. '49 Ford Pickup $700. Tractor duster $100. Ford 1 1-2 Ton Trk. $100 Two horse wagon $90. PLENTL OF GOOD MULES. RIGHT AGE. 1000 to 1350 pounds. Matched teams. Fat aud ready for work, RED SPRINGS IMPLEMENT COMPANY Dial 3861 - Red Springs, N. C. ALLIS-CHALMERS "TRADE YOUR MULES" FARMERS AND OUR are See Us Now KIND OF GARDEN tVe Also Have Carpentry Wanted, building, re pairing, remodeling. Specialis ing In cabinets. Stanton's Cabi net Shop opposite L, & 8. De pot. P. O. Box 464. 35-38P FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms. Running water and wired for electric stove, Mri. Ruth Willis. Rt. t Raeford, N. C. 34-3fip WE HAVE In your section a beautiful Grand Piano of stan dard make that we will sell at a bargain rather than have piano moved. If interested, write, wire, or phone us and we will notify you where pia no can be seen, Maynard Mu sic Co.. 108 W. Innes St., Salis bury, N. C. 34-35c FORRENT7 Wheel chairs and hospital beds. Chairs St Equip ment Rentals. Dial 2-8900, Fay etteville. 32-39P Timber estimates-forest damage appraisals, growth predictions, and maps by a registered for ester and surveyor. J. Atwood Whitman, Glendon, N. C. 33-36p EXPERT WHEEL BALANC ING: Use our Bear Dyna mic Wheel Balancer. Mc Donald's Esso Servicentcr, tfc I have FJ1.A. ani G.I. Loans available now. )nlian Wrinht COLONIAL FROZEN FOODSOF ST. PAULS. We have complete frozen food locker service: 1- Mcat curing, oalt aud sugar cure. 2- We render lard. 3- We have the only modern smoke house in Eastern North Carolina, and smoke with green hickory wood smoke. 4- We have a modern slaughter pen. Bring your cows, calves, sheep, goats or hogs to us on foot and we will process, wrap and quirk freeze the meat for yon. Slaughtering days are Monday through Thursday. Please bring animals before 1:00 P. M. on slaughtering days. We do every thing pertaining to your hog killing, except make your "liv er pudding." 5- A complete chicken, turkey pro cessing plant. We went to serve yon and our prices are reasonable. On High way 301 In St. Pauls. 25.27,29,S1,33.S5,S7C Mil! GARDENERS HERE For Any OR FIELD SEED Hames & Back Bands SEPTIC Tanks installed, pump ed, and repaired. Call 24184, or 24911, Fayetteville. tfo FOR8ALEi Two wheel trailer", milk cow. See Rurla Shelton at Antioch after 5:00 p. m. tfo NOTICE! Radio Repairs of All Kinds Home and Auto Webb's Radio - TV Service Phone 485 Raeford, N. C. Cement Steps delivered and In stalled anywhere in the county. Roland Covington. tfo YOUNG MARRIED MAN WANT ED: For route work In Hoke county. Neat appearance, refer ences, and ear required. Only men who can boss themselves need apply. About $65 weekly to start. Liberal bonus plan. Write manager, 160 E. Mass. Ave., Southern Pines, N. C. giv ing your phone number and address. S2-35e GIRLS IN LOVE: We handle the finest line of engraved wedding invitations and announcements, also calling and at home cards. The News-Journal. Farm Bureau Writes All Types of Life Insurance J. W. Canaday Business Phone 8748 Residence Phone 6576 605 N. Stewart St Belton Wright H CI 1 1 LEAH r.ITLlATEE off SODA PlllItl!l!I!!!!i!!!!II!i!l!!lll!!l!llllllll!M