PAGE EIGHT THE NEWS-JOURNAL THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1954 4 1 1 ' it ML- 1 I PpliilB When she hath found it (a piece of silver), she caltrth her friends and her neighbours to (ether. Rejoice with me; for I have found the piece which I had lost. (Luke 15:9.) Read John 10: 1-!C. In London a few years ago I lost my passport two days before time to sail home. I went imme diately to the embassy. The gen tleman in charge was kind. He gave me this advice: "Go back to the places you visited yesterday. Call at the nearest police station. You will probably find your pass t'T'T " I did as he advised. I four..! 'V.e passport. V"o sometimes lose our spiritual passports. We get out of touch with God and His fold. We then need to go back to the places where we were once sure of our Christian experience. Through prayer, through the study of the Bible, and through fellowship the church offers, we can find anew the visions fo rthe living of our lives. Jacob went to Bethel, Isaiah to tiie temple, the prodigal son to his father, Thomas to the upper Time to look over your In surance program! That Insur ance you now have might not give you all the protection you desire. We'll be glad to review your present policies and bring them up-to-date. DEALERS WANTED IN SOME AREAS! THERE'S A FUTURE IN A FLORENCE-MAYO FRANCHISE! 6 JCATCO ftC,',0J9 xwwjev,(? -:fl g era Is t "A FLORENCE-MAYO FRANCHISE IS VALUABLE" Many dealers sell from 100 to 300 Florence Mayo Tobacco Curers annually. There still are a few good territories left in which there is no Florence-Mayo dealer. The demand he not been met in these territories. Numerous .sales await the right party. A Florence-Moyo dealership franchise meant you will represent a product that has, many years ago, established itself as the leader and it vigorously maintaining that leadership. A Florence-Mayo dealer can be proud of hit product and sell with confidence. WrHt Today FLORENCE-MAYO NUWAY CO. OIL AND GAS TOBACCO CURERS FARMVILLE, N. C. 193519 YEARS OF PROGRESS 1954 T TMI UPPER ROOM NASHVILLE Tf NNfSSf ( room. Everyone found what he I had lost. All of us have need from time to time to lay claim to that which we can lose through care lessness or neglect. Has not the Lord said to the house of Israel, "Seek ye me, and ye shall live"? PRAYER Many times, O God, we have displeased Thee. We have failed to do those things we ought to have done. We have committed those acts we ought not to have done. We pray Thee to renew our life in Thee, through Christ, who teaches us to say when we pray, "Our Father who art in heaven . . . .Amen." Thought For The Day Today I will seek God, that I may have life abundant. J. C. Lowson (Nebraska) a Stete College Answers Timely Farm Questions QUESTION": Is the legume Rirdsfoot Trefoil recommended for planting in North Carolina? ANSWER: No. And if you try it do so only on a small scale. Quite often stands of this legume look cood for a shmt time, then in a very few days can be almost wip .! out by a disease which is com mon to Vorth Carolina rhizo cmia. Research is s'ill being conducted in the sandier areas :'d the bluer.ass pastures in the Upper Piedmont. Your chances of success with this legume in North Carolina are slim. QUESTION: Can I use carpet grass for my lawn in Winston- Salem? Can it be planted for forage? ANSWER: About the only place carpet grass is suitable for lawns is in the Eastern part of the state. Farmers have pretty well gotten away from it as a forage plant in North Carolina because other plants such as orchard grass and tail fescue respond to fertilization and produce a lot more forage under average conditions than does carpet grass. QUESTION: Have you any tips for selecting a site for the home garden? ANSWER: These five sugges tions should be of help: 1. Select in area with good soil if possible; 2. If space is available, plan to rotate your garden to prevent di sease build-up, especially nema todes: 3. Keep garden near house. If possible, locate garden where it can be irrigated; 4. Sites near , a si top of hill will escape early and late frosts; S. Full sun is best. Stay away from trees and large shrubs. QUESTION: As a sweet potato grower, should I change from Porto Ricos to the Goldrush va riety? ANSWER: Not entirely. Until th market acceptability for the Goldrush variety is more firmly established, your best bet would be to plant only part of your crop in this variety. In tests Goldrush variety sweet potatoes have out yielded the Porto Ricos for three years. While the yield of Gold rush has been favorable, under certain conditions it tends to vein slightly. Also, it is quite suscep table to internal cork, but has a high degree of resistance to stem rot, or wilt. n Wage rates paid by North Car olina farmers were slightly high er on January 1, 1954 than a year earlier. !i!iH!!!ll!!!!!!!l!i:!!!!!!lll!:!!!!!!!!!l!ll! HICKORY GROVE FREE WILL BAPTIST Rev. C. P. Hoi kins. Pastor 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship 7:30 P. M. Evening Worship every 1st and 3rd Sunday. PITTMAN GROVE BAPTIST Rev. Taylor, Pastor. 10:00 A. M. Sunday School 11:00 A. M. Worship service jach 1st and 3rd Sunday. RAEFORD METHODIST Rev. J. Herbert Miller, Minister 9:45 A. M. Church School 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship 6:15 P. M. Senior Fellowship 6:15 P. M. Intermediate Fel lowship 3:15 P. M. Wednesday, Child ren's Choir Practice 3:15 P. M. Wednesday, Junior Choir Parctiee 6:45 P. M. Wednesday, Young People's Choir Practice 7:30 P. M. Wednesday, Mid Week Service 8:00 P. M. Wednesday, Senior Choir Practice SANDY GROVE METHODIST Rev. N. P. Edens, Minister 9:45 A. M. Sunday School f-ach third Sunday preaching at 11:00 A. M. Each first Sunday morning at 9:45 A. M. PEOPLE'S METHODIST Luther Wesley, Pastor 10:00 A. M Sunday School II .00 A. M. Morning Worth!) 6:30 P. M. Young People's Ser vice 7:30 P. M. Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. Friday, Prayer Meeting and Bible Study COMMUNITY METHODIST Rev. James Hamilton Sunday School each Sunday af ternoon at 2:00 o'clock, Mrs. H. W. Ellis, Superintendent. Preaching services each se? nd and fourth Sunday aftemoom at S;00 o'clock. 8:30 P. M. Sunday, Methodist Youth Fellowship PARKER'S METHODIST Rev. N. P. Edens, Minister 10:00 A. M. Sunday School 11:00 A. M. Morning worship 1st and 3rd Sundays. CHURCH OF GOD C O. Carter, Pastor 10:00 A. M. Sunday school. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship 6:30 P. M. Y. P. E. 7:30 P. M. Evangelistic Service This Pa Is Sponsored By The Folic wing Business Firms Of Hoke County Hoke Oil & Fertilizer Co. Israel Mann McLauchlin Co. Belk-Hensdale Co. Hoke Auto Co. The Johnson Co. Raeford Furniture Co. Dundarrach Trading Co. Morgan Motor Co. Hoke Concrete Works " " Raeford Lumber Company : The News-Journal Collins Department Store T. B. Upchurch, Inc. GARDEN TIME During the past few weeks I have received a number of calls asking when pecan trees, fruit trees, and shrubs should be fer tilized and how the fertilizer should be applied also what to use. For most trees and shrubs the best time to apply fertilizer is at the time the buds begin to swell, or in other words, when spring is just around the corner. At this time the plants are beginning ac tive root growth and leaf deve lopment and are able to make use of the soluble salts in the fer tilizers. Sometimes, as in the case of azaleas and many fruit plants, part of the fertilizer is applied when the buds begin to swell and part of it in June when rapid growth is taking place. Although there is some varia tion in the requirements of dif ferent shrubs, it is usually safe to apply three to four pounds of 1 GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY EPHESUS BAPTIST Rev. . C. Taylor, Pastor 10:00 A. M. Sunday school Worship every 1st and 3rd Sun d. vs at 7:30 p. m. Every 2nd and th it 11:00 a. m. B.T.U. at 11:30 p. m. Praye' "rvice Sunday Night at 7:30. '-jmrs! w Youngsters are always whether they're the r 1 . .. f - " ' , i - ' type or the romper variety. Youngsters are appealing because they are fas cinating miniatures of the adult of the species. So tiny . . . yet they look, and soon begin to act, like smaller editions of the grown-ups. That fact should make human parents deeply conscious of their responsibility. Their own exam ple and influence, and their provision for the child's spiritual needs can make or mar a youngster's character. Churches are the chief allies of conscientious parents. They provide consecrated Christian teach ers, interesting graded lessons and the inspiring worshipful setting for a child's moral and spiritual training. Will you help some church in this vital phase of its work? Will you attend and support the Church? Will you encourage parents you know to give their children the advantage of the Church's teaching ministry? a 6-8-6 or similar mixed fertili zer per 100 square feet of bed space or from one fourth pound to 1 pound around each shrub where planted separately, depend ing on the size of the shrub, A 6-8-6 fertilizer means that it contains 6 per cent available ni trogen, 8 per cent available phos phoric acid and 6 per cent avail able potash. A pint of fertilizer weighs approxmiately one pound. The fertilizer should be thorough ly raked into the soil under the shrubs and watered in if the soil is dry. In the case of azaleas the fertilizer may be applied on top of the mulch. For these and other acid loving plants there are spe cial acid-reacting fertilizers a vailable. Shade, fruit and pecan trees require a little different treat ment than shrub. The feed roots of trees are not close to the trunk but extend out to a zone under and just beyond the tips of the branches. Therefore, the fertilizer RAEFORD BAPTIST James E. Baker, Pastor 9:45 A M. Sunday school. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worshlt 6:30 P. M. Training Union 7:30 P. M. Worship Service 7:30 P. M. Wedensday, Prayr Services - wrj "cute" woolly Port u u Sunday. . Mond.v P"day. Saturday. . should be applied In this zone and not near the trunk. Apply one to two pounds of a 6-8-6 mixture the first year and about four pounds per inch of diameter of the trunk of the tree each year there after. If the land is cultivated the fertilizer may be raked or cul tivated in; otherwise, it should be applied in holes made with a crow bar or post hole digger. For grape vines, apply one half pound of a 6-8-6 mixture the first year, one pound each the second and third year and two to three pounds per vine each year thereafter. Stable and poultry manure is an excellent fertilizer for trees, shrubs, and vines and should be used along with chemical ferti lizers whenever available. 0 Alfalfa weevils, found first in Maryland a few years ago, caused heavy losses of alfalfa in several counties of Maryland last year and slightly extended its range. UOCKFISH TABERNACLE BAPTIST Scott Turner, Jr., Pastor 9:45 A. M. Sunday School 1 1 :00 A. M. Morning Worship fi:45 P. M. B. T U. 8:00 P. M. Evening Worship Prayer Meeting 7:30 P. M. Wed Choir Practice 8:30 P. M. Wed. "ffi CHURCH FOB All . A" FOB THE 'J character mid i hulldin7 of dnocracr ll? S"?Kh' n'"i.r aon, why oun' Ik. n.... : M'"'r and lur. childr.n-. " J2) For hi. rw , "-' IJ r' Ih. ft?'' "hich ne.d, h'. n ,Urch B'W doll" r and rour Book Chapter Verm Isaiah Matthew Luk John l-S 1-U IS 21 -14 . . J-10 Revelati, MS -ir on Commodity Credit Corporation commitments (loan and Inven tories) had climbed above the $5.5 billion mark by December 31, 1953. NOW BUYING PULPWOOD Q For A Good Price Contact WALTER PARKS Phone 376 Box 473 RAEFORD, N, C. Will Contact An Expert Forester To Cruise And Mark For Thinning The Timber ASHLEY HEIGHTS BAPTIST W. Ray Gosnell, Pastor Worship Services Second and fourth Sundays at 11:00 a. m. First, third and fifth Sunday t 8:00 p. m, i Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Thad iowder, Supt. Prayer Meeting,' Thursday, 7'39 t m. f.AEFORD PRESBYTERIAN V. B. Heyward, Pastor J:45 A. M. Church School tl:00 A. M. Morning Worship 1:00 P. M. Pioneer Vesper 7:30 P. M. Wednesday, Adult Choir Practice ANTIOCH PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Cower Crosswell 10:00 A. M. Sunday school. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship SHILOII PRESBYTERIAN 10:00 A. M. Sunday School 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship, every first and third t.-nday. LUMBER BRIDGE PRESBYTERIAN C. M. Bowling, Pastor 10:00 A. M. Sunday School 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. 1st and 3rd Sundays. BETHEL PRESBYTERIAN 10:00 A. M. Sunda bofiool 11:00 A. H. Every second end fourth Sunday, Morn ag Worship DUNDARRACH PRESBYTERIAN . Rev. Gower Crosswell 10:00 A. M. Sunday School Worship services every 2nd and 4th Sunday evening at 7:30 P. If. PHILIPPI PRESBYTERIA 10:00 A. M. Sunday School 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship 7:30 P. M. Prayer Meeting 7:30 P. M. Wednesday, Pioneer Fellowship GALATIA PRESBYTERIAN B. O. Shannon, Pastor 10:00 A. M. Church School. N:00 A. M. Morning Worafaiy. Every Sunday except the Bth Sunday. Choir Practice 7:30 P. M, Wed nesday TOE CHURCn OF GOD OF PROPHECY Floyd B. Haywood, Pastor 10:00 A. M. Sunday School 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship

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