THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1934 THE NEWS-JOURNAL PAGE FIVK o iocia Is-P I It, ersonai items FINE ARTS DEPT. MEETS FRIDAY The Fine Arts Department of the Woman's Club met Friday evening at the home of Miss Isa belle McFadyen with Mrs. Irvln Hubbard and Miss Dorothy Col lins serving as co-hostesses. Miss Peggy Bethune, chairman, persided over the business meet ing. The program committee gave their report of hostesses and pro grams for the next year. New of ficers elected for next year were: Secretary-Treasunr, Mrs. Neil Ross and Press Reporter, Mrs. Sam Hiser. A new membct, Mrs. George Mclntyre and Miss Betty Ward law, Miss Ava Gosnell and Mrs. Gosnell, visitors, were welcomed. Awards for the Forest Conser vation Poster Contest were made by Mrs. Sam Hiser, chairman of project committee. Miss Eloise Upchurch won for group I and Miss Ava Gosnell won for group II. The posters were sent to the District President where they will be in competition for district a warrls and for stale. Mrs. Chandler Roberts, Miss Caroline Parker and Miss Ripley presented a most instructive pro gram on North Carolina pagenats. A color film on "Unto These Hills" was shown and narrated. Following this a dessert course was served by the hostesses. MEDICAL AUXILIARY HONORS DOCTORS The Hoke County Medical Aux iliary entertained the doctors of the county with a turkey dinner on Monday evening at seven o' clock ;it the home of Mrs. Jeanie Warwick, near Wagram. Arrangements of red and white carnations centered the tables and each doctor was presented n rod J carnation. About twenty - four guests were present. Lt. Johnnie Walker of Ft. Jack son, S. C. spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walker. He has just been promoted to First Lieutenant. AMERICAN HOME DEPT. HAS MEETING FRIDAY The American HornOg Depart ment of the Woman's Club met Friday evening with Mrs. Stanley Koonce, Mrs. Dan Campbell and Mrs. H. K. Brady at the home of Mrs. Koonce. A short session was presided over by Mrs. June John son, chairman. Mrs. L. M. Lester introduced Miss Josephine Hall, who gave an interesting talk on "Making Something New From Something Old." The hostesses served a sweet course during the social hour. BLACKWELDER-McAULEY Miss Ruth McAulcy of Char lotte, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. McAulcy of Statesville, and James Neal Blackwelder, U. S. Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Parks Elackwelder of Statesville, were married on Sat urday, April 3 at 7:00 p. m. in the Bethany Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Albert W. Wcllons of ficiated. Mr. and Mrs. George R. McAulcy gave an informal re ception immediately following the ceremony. Mrs. T. N. Mc Lauchlin, aunt of the bride, cut the wedding cake. The bride is the granddaughter of Mrs. George W. Hanna and the late Rev. Hanna, former pas tor of the Antioch rresbyterian Church. 0 MRS. WILLIAM LAMONT HOSTESS TO CLUB Mrs. William Lamont entertain ed members of her bridge club nt n tuivl-ron on Wednesday of las' week. Guests other than club members were Mrs. Carlton N'iv en. Mrs. Jack Morris and Mrs. Ray Muench. Bridie was played after huieh ami hi.L;h score pries were presented to Mrs. Neill S"iiter and Mrs. Niven. Miss Alma Ferguson of Fort Bragg spent the week end in the home of her mother, Mrs. J. M. Ferguson. lVng's Setter, easier, cheaper M'fr a Irgigidaire Freezer . TP. iT'-Vv Yes, a Frigidaire Food Freezer is the modern way Jo store foods and enjoy wonderful meals the year 'round. It actually puts a super-market right in your kitchen . . . and saves time, work and money I him, Frigldolr. HR-132 holds 462 Ibj. of frozan foods. - j Frigidair HR,92 holds 322 lbs. of frozen foods. Take up to 2 years to pay, if you wish. Fall terms, or monthly terms. 3 sizes in stork, ready to deliver. BAUCOM APPLIAKSE CO. PHONE 322 - - RAEFORD REGISTER APRIL 9th OR 10th FOR PRIZES. MRS. JOHN WALKER ENTERTAINS CLUB The Dutch Luncheon Club met Thursday at 1:00 o'clock in the home of Mrs. John Walker. Mem bers and Mrs. J. B. Thomas and Mrs. Tommie Upchurch, guests, made up two tables. Mrs. L. M. Upchurch received the club high score prize and Mrs. Thomas received the visitors' prize. MRS. BOBBY WALTERS HOSTESS TO HD CLUB The Turnpoint Home Demon stration Club met in the home of Mrs. Bobby Lee Walters on Thurs day of last week at 2:30. Ten members attended and enjoyed the topic for discussion, "Care of Clothes." Mrs. Archie L. Walters led the discussion. The hostess served refresh ments of sandwiches, cookies, po tato chips and Cokes during the social hour. ENGAGED I- Club Calendar The Garden Club will meet with Mrs. Harvey Warlick Tues day, April 13, at 3:15 p. m. The Chaminade Music Club will meet with Mrs. J. H. Austin, Jr. Tuesday evening at 7:45. Mr. and Mrs. Doug McLeod spent Sunday in Fayetteville with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Reaves and family. Also visiting in the Reaves home were Mr. and Mrs. llallie Heaves and children of Asheboro. MISS JOYCE ItHOWN of Ra leigh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Browe of I!u!ci;'li, who announce the engagement of their daughter to Martin L. Mc lntyre of Raleigh son of Mrs. John 15. Mclntyre of Haeford and the late Mr. Meln'yre. The wed ding will take place Apiil 17. r. MARTHA UPCHURCH HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY Little Martha Alice Upchurch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. IU11 Upchurch, celebarted her birth day last Saturday afternoon with a party between 3:30 and 4:30 at her homo on West Sixth Avenue. Twenty of her little friends at tended and enjoyed several games. Favors of Easter baskets were L'ivcn to each of the fU'csts. Mrs. Upchurch served ice cream and cake. n Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Haire and Pep:;- spent Sunday with J.Irs. Hairo M.'.er, Mr.-". Johnnie Holt in F yl' rvil!-. MR. & MRS. FLANNERY ENTERTAIN SPEAKER Mr. and Mrs. John Flannery entertained at dinner at the Hotel Raeford on Wednesday evening of last week honoring Dr. W. Amos Abrams, of Raleigh,, who was in Raeford to speak to the meeting of the Hoke County NC'F.A. Covers were laid for 17, and a delicious turkey dinner was served. Guests present were Miss Patsy Montague, s!atc supervisor of elementary education of Raleigh, J. W. Turlington, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ratlin, Mr. and Mrs. Hin ton McPhaul, all of Raeford, Mr. and Mrs. J.tmcs A. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. John Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Butler, Mrs. McDuffie lloneycii't and Buck Honeycutt, all of Simpson Cjunty. n BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thomas of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida an nounce the bir'h of a son, Christ opher Aerura, on April 2, at North Flro'.van! General Hospital. Mrs. Thoirms is the former Miss F.loise Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davis of High Point visited Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McLeod during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Lewis went to Winston-Salem Sunday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Cahrles Avera and Mr. Avera. Mrs. H. A. McKcnzie, Sr. and family and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McKcnzie, Jr. visited the gardens in Wilmington Sunday. Mrs. Lois Mau:tsby spent the week end in Grccru.boro with friends. Little Miss Kathy Beard of Rex spent several days last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mr J. D. McBryde. Misses Katherine MacDonald and Fannctte Gore of Meredith College spent the spring holiday! with their parents. Born to Sfc. and Mrs. T. A. Cherry, a son, Henry Lec, on on March 20 at Eta Jima, Japan. Mrs. Cherry is the former Miss Rowena Mocks. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Niven during the week end were Mrs. M. D. Gentry and Mrs. Bill Gar-ett and child ren of Roxboro. Mrs. A. R. Fitzsimmons and Linda of Macon, Georgia spent several days last week with Mrs. Fitzsimmons' motner, Mrs. Ryan McBryde. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson and small son of Wallace were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Uv church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lowe of Charlotte spent the week end in the home of D. Scott Poole. Friends of Robert Cox who is a patient at Veterans' Hospital, Fayeete", ille. are happy to learn he is much better. 5HtiaP55H5MiF5XJtil H9 us T O .lack Baker, who is now home on leave, spent the week end in P'irlintton, visiting his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy o I NONE BETTER mms appuarce go. V PHONE 322 - - RAEFORD REGISTER APRIL M'i OP. VlU EGR PRIZES. ROTARY OR REEL TYPE. Come in anil see us. Eas, Terms. 6" 7"" -1 1 ." ?!. - ; J . t A ft ',1 We invile your choice of our fine selection of the newest fashions for Easter and the spring days ahead 1SUITS . . . The season's brightest prospects ore yOur or the buyirvg! See our complete new lin of lightweight "Easter and After ' suits. New fabrics . . . new colors . . . latest styling! Shop carry while the selection is still complete. A i' 2 TIES . . . Brighten up your "Ftr.tcr and After" outfit with a new ARCHDALE or BONAIRE tie. Exciting new patterns to choose from! . . . itnpes, fancies and plains. $1,00 and $1.50 3HATS . . . Finest quality styling and workrnonship ' means "FRiEDLINE" hats arc your best buy. New spring colors in a wide variety of Styles. HANDKERCHIEFS . . . Always a must . . . fine quality handkerchiefs in a wide range of colof ond pattern. A i I 1 ? I i 4 I ! A ' J I v-vj . V) ,kU-A 1 1 y - kl v. : ; i ) $4.95 rrri 1 V rJV $2.98 "y I 10c to 35c 5 SHIRTS . . . ARCHDALE shirts of unsurpassed quality plus style ond perfect fit. Choose either the sia-down collar or the vonety of spread collars avoiiobie. t SLACKS . . . You can't beot Our selection of smartly tailored fine quality MANSTYLE slocks Grand array of colors, new fabrics, flonnels ond gabardines to select from $4.93 to $9.95 7 JEWELRY . . . Distinctive masculine desiqns by famous makers ... oil attractively boed Best Selection in town, shop eorly' $1.00 to $3.50 .felwnsdak