PAGE EIG1IT THE NEWS-JOURNAL THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1954 lfjSjl CbtUppcrRocm- O THf UPPfR BOOM NASHVIllI TfNNfSStr But tliou, when thou prayest. enter Into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret s' all reward thee openly. (Matt hew 6:6.) Read Matthew 6:5-13. This was the Golden Text in our Sunday school lesson many years ago. One little girl in the class said she did not have to go into a quiet place to pray. She said she could pray while she was walking clown the street or eating her dinner. I remember the day when I ci.ulil talk to my earthly father while we were walking down the street. When I needed his help arid .i;;tI;iiici, hov.vvr, we v rut into ;i room an. I closed the dior. Wi'h the simplicity of liitle children, we can come to our heavenly Father. Surely we can always pray no matter where w are, but the intimate companion ship of praying in private binds us closer to Him. We grow in the knowledge of His love as we talk with Him. He is ever ready to guide us from weakness to strength, from living for our selves to living for Him. PRAYER Our Father, Thou dost so ten derly love us. Help us to shut the door on all earthly thoughts and fears. In the silence speak to us, for we would know the joy of Thy service, even as did our Master, in whose name we pray. Amen. Thought For The Day To love God means to pray, to medit.'.'c, to seek His counsel, and to love one's noignbor. Edna Keller, Auditor (Wis.) one of the orphanage quilts that is presented to the Methodist Or phanage every fall. They give two quilts every year. Otto Trawick of Wilmington, Pete Trawick of St. Pauls, Mrs. W. M. Covington, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Covington, Jr. and children of Wade spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. S. P. Trawick. Mrs. Lida Hendrix Jackson of Rocky Mount arrived Saturday to spend a few days with her moth er, Mrs. Robert Hendrix. worn by Mrs. P. A. Webb. Mrs. Webb's mother, Mrs. R. A. Spry, who lives in Winston-Salem, will celebrate her 98th birthday in June! Members of the Young People's Class of the Ephcsus BTU enjoy ed a tacky party at the Commun ity House Wednesday night, May 5. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Humphrey chaperoned the group. Among the many beautiful red roses worn Sunday to honor Mo ther, we noted especially the one Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bostic en tertained twenty members of the Bostic family with a dinner given at their home Sunday. The honor guest was Mr. Bostic's mother, Mrs. C. L. Bostic. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Jones and Mr. and Mrs Bill Jones attended a birthday party for Mrs. Leon Thrower at her home near Rae ford on Friday night. Lament Davis went to Raleigh Monday with the fifth grade group from the Rucford grammar school. Mrs. Zeb Butler, who has been a patient at Highsmith Hospital several weeks, has been at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wayne Crowder from Thursday of last week until Tuesday when she reutrned to the hospital for fur ther treatment. The Sandy Grove MYF met at the church hut Monday night at 7:30. A devotional program was presenter', by Mrs. McMillan. The following new officers were elect cd to take office in September: Bobby Bostic, president; Joyce Beasley, vice - president; Patsy Russell, secretary; and Mary Jones, treasurer. Vivian Davis served refreshments. 0 Eggs Are Nature's Nutrient Capsule 'The egg is nature's own nu trient capsule in the most con- eentarted form," according to Henry W. Garren, assistant re search professor of poultry science N. C. State College. Garren, hired under North Car olina's Nickels for Know-How program through which farmers help foot the bill of agricultural research by paying a few pen nies extra when they buy fertili zer, says that in addition to vita mins A, D, G, Bl and B12, and others, the egg is an excellent source of protein, calcium, phos phorus and iron. "The vitamins alone contained in one egg are worth more in hu man nutrition than the cost of a dozen eggs. Since all vitamins and other nutrients have not been isolated and identified, the egg very probably contains more un identified factors essential to our nutrition." I And for those on diets, the egg serves another purpose, according to Garren. "Since most of us con sume more calories than we need, another advantage in eating eggs is their low calorie content. An egg contains only about 50 calories." Eggs produced by hens fed a commercial laying mash are es pecially nutritious, says Garren. A great deal is known about the nutrient requirements of the chicken. Feed manufacturers pack these nutrients In the laying mashes they produce. The hens which are fed these diets high in vitamins, minerals, and protein are able to deposit larger quanti ties of these nutrients in their eggs. The one who benefits by the process is the consumer. "Eggs are a good food for human beings of all ages," ex plains Garren. "Actually it is dif ficult to believe tnat an egg can be so good for us and yet taste so good." During March, 1954 hatcheries and dealers serving the centra and western North Carolina com mercial broiler areas placed S, 474,000 baby chicks with broiler producers, the highest on record for the month. I I CAHiLKEE?! Arabia Hews By Mm. D. B. Traywlck Mi-. Mrs. Joe Williamson of Jacksonville. Florida and Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Bel flower of Florence, S. C. spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. LiUie McDougald, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Merman and Betty Ann. Hvm's Hp Stlor avf. Insurance Iky which Mlltl vry require writ ! Mw Safory-tetpomibiiiry law. tow rof.s ma tan you up to 25 Claim service ts prompt and iair Folicin standard, able rSehd ywr right to drtv. with n ml the mutual iruurers mf JVfw) in AiMftca J. W. Canaday Business Phone 8748 Eesidence Phone 6286 Mrs. Genit Jackson and children spent Sunday in Lumber Bridge with Mrs. N. P. Lucas, mother of Mrs. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Humphrey and sons spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. J. G. Humphrey of Red Springs. Mrs. Latta Cook and daughter, Debra, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McFadyen Sunday. The Mildouson School Operetta was held in tne school auditorium Wednesday night. Mrs. D. L. McGougan had all her children and grandchildren for Mother's Day last Tuesday. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY J. M. McGougan was very ill last week with a virus infection, but is recovering nicely now. Mrs. Robert Hendrix's children and grandchildren enjoyed a get-to-sether supper at Freddie's Lake Monday night. Mrs. Alvin Garner and children i, i W.iunim were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Adams over the week end. The Sandy Grove Ladies and members met at Mrs. J. A. Jones Tuesday afternoon and quilted H Raeford Theatre THURSDAY - FRIDAY - MAY 13-14 "PARATROOPER" Alan Laud and Loo Gyn.i Also News and Short Subjects SATURDAY - MAY 15 "SHADOWS OF TOMBSTONE" Rex Allen "BELOW THE SAHARA" Also "CANADIAN MOUNTIES" No. 5 SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY MAY 16-17-18 EASY TO LOVE" Van Johnson, Esther Williams and Tony Martin Cartoon and Latest News WEDNESDAY - MAY 19 BARGAIN NIGHT Adm. 9c and 30c "SCANDAL AT SCOURIE" Greer Garson and Walter Pidgeon COMING "THE COMMAND" "HONDO" 'CASANOVA'S BIG NIGHT" HICKORY GROVE FREE WILL BAPTIST Rev. C. P. Hoi kins, Pastor 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship 7:30 P. M. Evening Worship every 1st and 3rd Sunday. PITTMAN GROVE BAPTIST Rev. Taylor, Pastor. 10:00 A. M. Sunday School 11:00 A. M. Worship service each 1st and 3rd Sunday. RAEFORD METHODIST Rev. J. Herbert Miller, Minister 9:45 A. M. Church School 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship 6:15 P. M. Senior Fellowship 6:15 P. M. Intermediate Fel lowship 3:15 P. M. Wednesday, Child ren's Choir Practice 3:15 P. M. Wednesday, Junior Choir Parctice 6:45 P. M. Wednesday, Young People's Choir Practice 7:30 P. M. Wednesday, Mid week Service 8:00 P. M. Wednesday, Senior Choir Practice SANDY GROVE METHODIST Rev. N. P. Edens, Minister 9:43 A. M. Sunday School .ach third Sunday preachirx at 11:00 A. M. Each first Sunday morning at 9:43 A. H. PEOPLE'S METHODIST Luther Wesley, Pastor 10:00 A. M. Sunday School 11. O0 A. M. Morning Worship 6:30 P. M. Young People's Ser vice 7:30 P. M. Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. Friday, Prayer Meeting and Bible Study COMMUNITY METHODIST Rev. James Hamilton 9:00 A. M. Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship Each 2nd and 4th Sunday 6:30 P. M. Sunday, Methodist Youth Fellowship PARKER'S METHODIST Rev. N. P. Edens, Minister 10:00 A. M. Sunday School 11:00 A. M. Morning worship 1st and 3rd Sundays. CHURCH OF GOD C. O. Carter, Pastor 10:00 A. M. Sunday school. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship 6:30 P. M. Y. P. E. 7:30 P. M. Evangelistic Ser vice EPHESUS BAPTIST Rev. . C. Taylor, Pastor 10:00 A. M Sunday school Worship every 1st and 3rd Sun d. vs at 7:30 p. m. Every 2nd and th M 11:00 a. m. B.T.U. at 11:30 p. m. Praye srvje Sunday Night at 7:30. RAEFORD BAPTIST James E. Baker, Pastor 9:45 A M. Sunday school. 11:00 A. M. Morning WorshH 7:00 P. M. Training Union 8:00 P. M. Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. Wedensday, Prayer Services uOCKFISII TABERNACLE BAPTIST Scott Turner, Jr., Pastor 9:45 A. M. Sunday School 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship 6:45, P. M. B. T. U. 8:00 P. M. Evening Worship Prayer Meeting 7.30 P. M. Wed Choir Practice 8:30 P. M. Wed. ..!'! ailUUjiJI HLMi-Kl !!!..,. .!' fc M0. 11 U l;;::- . - . puL A . : - J '"i"- -: N j?J;:f ASHLEY HEIGHTS BAPTIST W. Ray Grosnell, Pastor Worship Services Second and fourth Sundays at 11:00 a. m. First, third and fifth Sunday t 8:00 p. m. Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Thad iowder, Supt Prayer Meeting, Thursday, 7:31 p. m. " .liiJn?iJi:7 m jWTIli 1VI U j 3atg2 j H j 7ZZZZZ , Z fcsw 11 . - . I kN I vzzA They're always talking about me! They say all sorts of things I can't understand: Isn't the cute? Just a year old. Looks like ber mother, doesn't she? I wish I knew what it all means. But they always smile when they talk about me so it must be complimentary. Frankly, I haven't a worry in the world. My Mamma and my Daddy always seem .to know what's best for me. I'm sure they want to do everything possible to make mine a won derful life. I just hope they realize how important it will be for mc to go to Church School. But, Of course, being the wonderful parents they are, they'll realize that little souls must grow Up Just like little bodies. And they'll not only provide for my religious training they'll set the Christian example that a little "princess" like me simply has to have. illll '' Hitlll -, . -K. ..ITT" IfTfr THE CHURCH FOB ALL . AU FOR THE CHURCH Th Church ll Ih. oe. tor on arth lor th. buUdincj ol characur and good ciliMnihip. It u a tlorahouM oi ipirituol yoJum. WHiout a .trong Church, atithw dtmocracy nor cliliiaton con un-lv.. Th.r. . iour ,8un(j "Oioni why .r.r, p.rIon ,houid all.nd I mitIcm r9ularlr and tup. port Ih. Church. Ih.y or.: II) iSu hi.ow" " (2) For hi. ehlldrw iak.. (3) For th. .ok. ot hi. community and nation. (4) For th. ak. ol th. Church which nd. hi. moral and ma tnal .upporl. pian ,0 , Bto daT'"'7 "d r0Ur Dr Book rk Sund... Pl.lm, ,5 W,dn .d M.rk J IT" Frid.. "' tr.-V"""" ! "-! S.lurd.,. II f.r J GAEFORD PR ESD YTERIAN V. B. Heyward. Pastor J:45 A. M. Church School 1:00 A. M. Morning Worship ' 5:00 P. M. Pioneer Vesper 7:30 P. M. Wednesday, Adult Choir Practice ANTIOCH PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Gower Crosswell 10:00 A. M. Sunday school. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship SHILOH PRESBYTERIAN 10:00 A. M. Sunday School 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship, very first and third Sunday. LUMBER BRIDGE PRESBYTERIAN C. M. Bowling, Pastor 10:00 A. M. Sunday School 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. 1st and 3rd Sundays. BETHEL PRESBYTERIAN 10:00 A. M. Sundav aohool 11:00 A. M. Every second and fourth Sunday, Morn og Worship DUNDARRACH PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Gower Crosswell 10:00 A. M. Sunday School Worship services every tnd and 4th Sunday evening at 7:30 P. If. PlinIPPI PRESBYTERIAN 10:00 A. M. Sunday School 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship 7:30 P. M. Prayer Meeting 7:30 P. M. Wednesday, Pioneer Fellowship GALATIA PRESBYTERIAN B. O. Shannon, Pastor 10:00 A. M. Church School. NKX) A. M. Morning Worship. Every Sunday except tbs Btfe Sunday. Choir Practice 7:30 P. M, Wednesday THE CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY Floyd B. Haywood, Pastor 10:00 A. M. Sunday School 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship This Pa Is Sponsored By The Folic wing Business Firms Of Hoke Count i Hoke Oil & Fertilizer Co. Belk-Hensdale Co. Raeford Furniture Co. Hoke Concrete Works Collins Department Store Israel Mann Hoke Auto Co. Euniterrach Trading Co. The News-Journal FMauchlin Co. The Johnson Co. Morgan Motor Co. Raeford Lumber Company T. B. Upchurch, Inc.