PACE FOUR THE NEWS-JOURNAL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1954 The News-Journal RATIONAL EDITORIAL Published Every Thursday at Radford, N. C. Subscription Rates 6 Months $1.75 FAIL DICKSON Entered as second-clajs mUl matter at the post office at Raeford, N. C, under the Act of March 3, 1870 2C00 Attend REA Annual Meeting; Hear Hodges Speak The recent meeting of mem bers of Lumbee River Electric Membership Corporation held in Lumbeiton was very successful and everyone enjoyed himself ex cept for the cold weather. All of those in attendance realized the thermomter dropped from 70 de grees to 30 degrees the morning of the meeting and the Coopera tive Warehouse was not heated. The meeting was well attended 2,000 of the some 3.000 chairs were filled by members and vis itors. C. L. Ballance, president of the cooperative, presided through out the session. He gave a detailed report of the operations of the cooperative for the past year and also discussed briefly the future plans of the cooperative for the coming yeat. He thanked the members for their patience in connection with the recent storm "Hazel". J. 'It. Caddell, treasurer, gave a x brief overall report followed by the manager, D. J. Dalton, who was recognized for a Irief re port. T. O. Moses. Jii'lge of Record er's Court. H''ke Count v. was A vmfff i, Mt, mi ra?s ?m immum are , . , COME i EI We Have a Good Selection of Heaters, Including Trash Burners, Wood, Coal and Oil Heaters In All Sizes. COME IN AND SEE THEM TODAY! fiMauciiUs? Co., Doc. $3.00 per year in advance 3 Months $1.00 in advance Editor and Publisher recognised as chairman of the nominating committee. He gave his report which was adopted by the members, re-electing the en tire board of directors. At a meeting of the board the same officers were re-elected. State Senator Cutlar L. Moore introduced the speaker, Honor able Luther II Hodges, who gave a most interesting address. The then Lieutenant Governor prais ed the progress of the cooperative and the rural electrification pro cram in North Carolina as well as the na'ion. To further the pro gress in our state of North Caro lina, "we must have faith, cour age, and leadership completely open and honest with the people and with ourselves. Rockfish PTA Meets Thursday Evening (Contributed) The PTA of Rockfish School met last Thursday night with very good attendance. Mrs. Her man Kooiu-e's room won the prize for having the most parents present. The meeting was called to order by the pres; lent, Mrs. Paul Heath, and after reading of the minutes ::nd treasurer's re cr.rt, the Witness which is gen NSW HEBE , ' ' 'I IN AND BUY f 5 BEFORE IT GETS REAL COLD! erally the main part of a PTA meeting, was in order. The most important thing dis cussed at this time was the beau tifieation of the school grounds, which got off to aslow start with everyone waiting for someone else to launch the plans, but end ed up with some splendid deci sions and committees appointed to give the plans further study and work out the details, which will result in the soil being built up, grass planted In front of the building, with walks and drives, and parking places and play grounds and additional shrubbery planted. Guest speakers for the evening were Mrs. Marshall Newton and Mrs. Joe Lovette of Wayside who told of their trip to the U. N. Each gave a very interesting part of the trip and the stay in New York. They were very much Im pressed with the things that they saw and heard and the message they brought back made this group feel that the U. N. is really worthwhile and that we should do all within our povri' to boost I it as anvttiin':, imperfect though it may be, Is far better than war, ,so let us use all our influence to help the U. N. 0 Deane To Name 10 Candidates For Air Force Academy Congressman C. B. Deane of Rockingham today announced that the Air Force has authorized him to make ten nominations of candidates residing in the Eighth North Carolina District, of which Hoke County is a part, to take the competitive examinations for appointment to the new U. S. Air Force Academy. The Eighth District nominees meeting the physical and mental requirements to be determined by the Air Force will compete for the seven appointments to the Academy which have been allot ted to Xorth Carolina. The first academy class will begin in July of next year. Final selection of the first class YOUR i'iV-1, 4-H Project Dis'iict named in Fayctteville Winners I rocently I include three Hoke County 4-H Club members. I'ic'ured above are, first row, left to right: Ella Blossom, Richmond County, safe ty; Etta Kerr, New Hanover, senior canning, en'oraolouy, food of 300 Air Force cadets will be made by the Air Force Academy Admissions Board on the basis of competitive examinations to be given all nominees. Langley Air Force Base, Hampton, Va., and Shaw Air Force Base, Sumter, S. C, have been designated as ex amining centers for North Caro lina nominees. Thec centers will administer the first tests during Among the eligibility require the first week respectively of , ments for nomination to the Air December, February and March. I Force Academy are the follow The examination will consist of ling: Candidates must be U. S. the final medical test for flying ; citizens; of good moral character; training, leadership potentialities ' must have at'aincd the age of a bet we're talking If you are using TWO services in your home when ONE will do a better, cleaner, safer job and dr it cheaper why not give yourself 0 break. Gr "omplctIy electric. The same modern, efficient service that lipht? cur heme, plays ycur radio end TV, sweeps yout "Mi-, and does your laundry, can cook your meal' and hect your water. It's the ONE service the' can do ALL your household chores. Join the thousands of homemakers who have gone from "2 to 1." They like it! So will you. BE MODERN Go Electric! (CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY WORKLESS WASHDAYS AHEAD! Electric Dryer truces a wonderful working partner to help solve your washday prob lems. Your electric dealer con demon strate this perfect pair for wintry wash days ahead. 4-H PROJECT DISTRICT WINNERS -'V . preparation; Vivian Tucker, Moore, better, dairy foods demonstra i.m; Frances Chisholm, SWIa.-Hl, lead ;rsliip; Judith Aiin'.i! i, iroke, junliir can ning; Mar.i p.r::jv,wl, Anson, ve :.retable producti tn demonstration; Carolvn Briley, Anson, girl's re- and pilot aptitude tests. , 1 7 :nd not have reached the age Upon completion of these tests, of 22 as of July l of their admis suceessful nominees will be noti- si n jear to the Academy; must fi;d for the final series of exam- reside at time of application inations to be administered by the within the continental U. S.t A Educationul Testing Service, la.-ka, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Pan Princeton, New Jersey, an hide- ama Canal Zone or on active pendent organization which ad-' military duty overseas; must be ministers college board entrance medically qualified for flying examinations. not offering "sure thing." you about a Keep washday tem peratures down and spirits up, the workless way. Let an automatic Electric Washer do the hard work. All you do is put in the clothes, set the dial and for get it. With the rainy season cominq up, an SEE YOUR ELECTRIC - . '0.. A .'- .' ' K coid Second row: Laura Jean i'r.vling, Pender, farm and home i-Yetric; Bobby Auman, Moore, f r .stry; James Potter, Hoke, dairy management demonstration; ami .In Anne King, Hoke, achieve ment. Third row: Todd Robert Scarborough, Richmond, soil and training. Interested applicants in the Eighth District are advised to write Rep. Charles B. Deane, 209 House Office Building, Washing ton, D. C, for additional information. MRS. ELEANOR 0. WATTS of 1144 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD, WILMINGTON, N. C, SAYS: "I have enjoyed cooking ver since I was first married. Having been a dietitian, I have used every type of fuel, and it's electric cooking two to one for me. I could give many reasons lor preferring electric cooking but to say it's cool, cleon, com fortable and convenient, pretty well coven the subject." HOT WATER THE COOL, SAFE WAY! All the hot water you'll ever need and the storage tank stays COOL to the touch. The completely in sulated heating elements r r rf tha N. -5 water heater keep the r(iA heat INSIDE the tank. Available ot your electric DEALER SOON! 1 . . i. At . water conservation; H. B. Smith, Cumberland, peanuts; Gerald Cherry, Duplin, tractor operation; and Lowell Barbour, Cumber land, dairy achievement. (Photo Courtesy Fayctteville Observer), i GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY If AIM AMD lAtM IM YOUS SPAJtl TtMl WITH TMI MIW rvrAarr ci'artr'i' A Cn 1 aeaier in upngnt ona Tablctoo models. 0) 0 Q) When you go from 2 to 1 it's 2 to 1 you'll like III