«* I N J i.rV TIm HcIm County Newt^Establuhed ld£8 ♦ The Hoke County Jounial—Eetabluhed 1905 N ^tMLy. Natl DAY, JANVABY 2«, Iftl RAEFOBD. N. t. 10 PAGES Itr PE^COPT Aifead Richard E. Neeley Tues day morning, whte Odcing the fieture of the fpiiner^eaving on tlio trip to Wilaon, ^o was paying‘for the trip, and na^^md Fred Culbreth. I later fdund out from Ct^ty Famn Agent W. C. Willifor^that this was not right, that Upchirch Milling Company and Hoke Exchange Company were paying tor it- I don’t know what Neeley meant, unless he ^tifou^t i^ was a government trip ^ and ^referred to Culbreth’s in come taxes. \ trntTnn- - Children, like adults, like - to talk. When a teacher of the class room left the room, I did, didn’t you? However, -punishment by the teScher is justifiable to an extent. Fortunately some of us in the country now have tele- phones-some do not-and when our youngest daughter came home in tears because she did not know ' what had happened to her older sistor we were disturbed. Soon she called from her grand mother’s and there were three teenage girls' from Blue Springs __D>wnship that had been kept in after school'because the teacher was out and somebody in the room was talking. We have a tele phone but one child did not and It was five ■o'clock before m^ husband brought her home. Ttie child; was so QpMt that she told' ours “If ydar (hidil^ will take me as fbr as Bethel Church HI walk.” That distance is abwt 3 miles and they are newcomers, to this community. How%ould you have felt? Having taught | know they ara children and into everythini^ but being tlie mother of four aal' three of th^ in ,the schools of' Raeford, I would say now th^s > are more county children town ^idrtn, parents should n^iifM before the bus runsl they should be Mm JhMW tiffle .it;i^t3 to'thlSr’^m^ Much ‘pbwef to the'teachers, for I' know what they ge-through- but the school buses are for our children to ride, and they should, be off them. ( '^hank you, - , Mrs. Kathleen 'Smith The letter is seif explanafdry, and if. I had good sense I would have nothing further to say. I do know how'she feels, and agree that the children should be on the bus when that’s the only way . they have to get back and,forth. On the other- hand, and I know she knows this, the teacher cer tainly has' a side, too. They get in trouble if they hit one of our little darlings, in most cases,- and If they can’t hit "em or keep hem ■ in, what can a teacher do? , Now, that ought to get some conversation going. I’m going to Chicago. ' Vi CONGRATULATIONS is what R. B. Lewis* tl^e Raeford Kiwanis Club’s “Man of the Year”, is getting from .Ki wanis Club President M. D. Yates. The picture was posed in the Bank of Rae ford by the pair at the request of The News-Journal. * Hoke Group Joins Moore Tribute To * W..P. Saunders By Valerie Nicholson u \i The swimming pool associa tion is going to have a meeting next month, which we’ll remind members ^,later. They do say, though, that they are in fair fin- andal shape.-There are a few vacancies which will' go for cash only.* No more credit.' Note' from John and Leola Flannery with their Yenewal says they are glad to hear from all friends here through the paper and that the latch sring is but in case you'come that way. I — around.... ' ....town With Sam Morris _ The weatherman promised onow Saturday and he was correct as it came down in the morning but. to the sadUfiss some and the gladness of oth^ it didn’t stick. The thermometer hit a new low for the winter according rto repofti around the coffee table. Bernice Williamson of.Que- whiffle stated that his mercury was down to nfeie degrees Sun day morning. It was ten degrees at Antioch and sbnieone said it was about that here im Raeford. It warmed up somewhat Mon- lay and Tuesday but remits have it that the cold winds the norfii will be with us again real soon, maybe before this goes to press. , A ^oup from Hoke~_cfilUity was part, of a capacity ^rnwd of 225 friends .and admirers who honored. .'Wi^m- P. Sstuiders of Southern PirieS pt the Mid PinC3' Club thef,e'-.Bi!dnday night. , / The oc^sim .'was a surprise banquet, fw ‘'Bill” Saunders, who at} January • retired from the post of director 'of the State Peparhnent of Conservation and Deyek^nent. , Among Raeford people pres ent were Mrs.. RaM Barnhart daughter .-'of SauaMi, and her ll-y|ar-dMghtfir,4 curly- bJhW'^llfBbeln. 'IraeFTiatf^Seats of honor at the speakers’ table, as also did Lawrence McNeill of Raeford. Moore County Rep. H. Clifton Blue of Aberdeen as toastmaster called',on a half-dozen persons' present in the informal program which, featured the brilliant occa sion. They spoke briefly in tri bute to the Moore County indus trialist, who sparked the economy of the Sandhills long before he was summoned by Governor Hod ges to do so for the State. McNeill served as spokesman for the Hoke County gro^p in saluting' SaunderS, former presl- ident of Robbins Mills, who es tablished the Raeford division of that concern which is now the Pacific Mills plant. “Thanks ta'-Bill Saunders, we have today in Hoke county the largest worsted mill in the world under one roof, -with annual pay roll of more'than $6 million,” said McNeill. “We are indebted to-him for the spark'whith set our economy moving, and has brought many jpeople to our coun ty.” , “I have known Bill lot more than 14 years and am happy to pay tribute to tl^is mart ^bo has meant so ijmch "to us. ■ “His Xpnesty, sound judgment and hM-id^ls. have been a great infltience ;ta jny. life and in the lives ,of .itoany^- Others whom I knowi FoitypH trf ris, I congratu- : , Gopttau^ On^Page .6 . . R. B. Lewis Gets Man Of Yedr Award “Man of May Years” is what Tom Cameron said applied to R. B. Lewis in presenting Lewis the Kiwanis .Club’s award as “Hoke County’s Outs-tanding Citizen for 1960” at the club’s annual Ladies Night meeting in Pinehurst Thursday. The award is usually called the “Man of the Year” award, and Cameron pointed out that his “Uncle Bob” h^ not been named its recipient' juSt for things he liad done for Raeford aod Hoke County during 1960, but for his contributions to the community ever a period of many ^rs and In many different fields of en deavor. Lewis Is a native Wilnitng-’ ton: He came here in 1919 as as sistant cashier of the Bank of Raeford. He became cashier in 1920, executive vice-president, in 1946, and president this month. He sferved overseas in World War I las a lieutenant and after coming to Raeford was caotafn of the National Guard unit form ed here after the war. He rose in the National Guard to the rank of colonel, and com manded an artillery regiment in the West Indies during World War II. Upon His retirement from the National Guard he. was ap pointed a brevet brigadier gener al by Governor Luther H. Hodges. He was an organizer and for many years chief of the Raeford KtS,; Superior Court Starts Funeral Today Funeral service will be con ducted at the Raeford Presbyter ian Church at 3:30 this afternoon for. Marshall A. Davis, who died in the Salisbury Veterans hospi tal on Tuesday. The service will be conducted by .the Rev. W. B. Heyward, pas tor- and burial will be in. Rqe- lord cemetery. Mr. Davis,, know as “Jap” when he was quite a ball player some years ago, was born in the part of Hoke that is now the Fort Bragg reservation, 69 years ago When it was in Cumberland County. He was a son of George G. and Annje Davis. He served in Europe, in World War I with..^mpany L of Lumber Bridge the 30th Division. A printer and typeset ter, he worked in Raeford both before and after the war for the late D. S.«^Poole, first on “Facts and Figures” and later on “The Hoke County Journal.” He later worked in Fayetteville in the printing business for several years. He was a fine singer and sang with quartets in the section in his younger days and in the choir of the Raeford Presbyter ian -Qhurch. In recent years his health had failed and he had spent much of time in veterans hospitals. He is survived by three ne phews, Chalmers, WjUiam and Charles Davis, and one niece, Mrs. Martin Scarboro, all of Rae ford, , ^ ,Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson spent Sunday in Fallston with his mother. Mon.; Fountain Judge Hoke High Makes Career Day Plans Principal Dewey Huggins of Hoke Cofinty High School an nounced Wiis week that the school’s second annual “College -CarcCT Day” program would be held on Thursday- February 9, 1961, and that William 0. Leon ard, Jr., Rector of manjgower and training for Cone Mills Cor poration, would be the keynote speaker. ■ Theme for the program is to be “Preview for Tomorrow,’ Docket Of Caaee UnasaaUy Light Judge George M. Fountain ol Tarboro is scheduled to conveftn the regular January term of Holie County superior court here neil Monday morning, January 30, at' 10:00 o’clock. .The term is for and the trial of crimfiial and civil cases and waS postponed froni earlier in the month becauss of a conflict in the schedules of the judges. \ Criminal DockA^ Light 'The criminal dockeiyfor the term is lighter than usual, witl j ■ fii I only two defendents scheduled te ,ger and assistant personnel 6x-\ county grand jury foi indictment, and with only sh other defendants being set foa trial. W. 0. Leonard, Jr. personnel association. He is married and son. has one The keynote addrejs will be at the morning assembly, follow ing which the group will divide for the vocational conferences. The afternoon session will con sist of th^ college conferences. County’^ Golden Jubilee Is cor Angus Currie Is Mad^ Bank Cashier Angus J. Currie has been ma^ cashier of the Scottish Bank of China Grove, according to an |m- nouncement this week from the bank’s headquarters in Lumber- ton; Currie is a native of this coun ty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rex ^itrrie, and was for several years an employee of the B^k of Raeford. He has been with The^ Scottish Bank since November of last year. •Fire Department, voluntarily re tiring as chief in 1959. He has been commander of the local American Legion post, and pres ident and division lieutenant gov. emor of Kiwanis International. He was on the first board of directors of the Raeford Chamber of Commerce, served two terms; as president and is « memlier-''iff the present board. lit the Melfi- odist Church he Has njany years as a member of the i tord of stewards and as teacher j of the Men’s Bible Class. { Gaming WolJiers Every Day director of the ,Hoke Coiui^ j,, - ^ y ^ v •/ United Fund, serving leverdL ’ / years as chairman of the budget I Plans for Hoke County’s Gol- 'wer questiites and help with the and admissions committee. i j Jubilee continued to move forming of initial plans for the Lewis was named chairman-' of a committee to investigate the entatiye uf t^ company is to 50th anniversary of the founding- ^ get involved in come to Raeford shortly after the of Hoke County by the county until mittees which will plan and carry after the Golden Jubilee, out the celebration. | As first steps of the prepar- Last Friday’s meeting at the ations arfe being taken by the courthouse wa^ wgU attended bys^arious committees these will be division chairmen and by several reported. There wiU also be sev- committee chairmen in each div- eral requests for public help from ision ^f the jubilee. The purpose committees which will be publish- dPthis meeting was to complete ed. I the naming of committee chair- In the Revenue Division Jos- men as nearly as possible and ephine Hall is chairmen of the to acquaint them with the gen historical ’'^Mgram committee, eral v plans for the celebration. Kenneth McNeill of the nov On Mondaj__arid Tuesday a re- committee, Hugh Gardner of the presentativ^ofthe Jbhn B. Ro^ concessions committee, and the gers Producing Company was in Raeford Jaycees with Wade Raeford and n\et with division Blackwell, president will handle and committee chairmen to ans-1 the function of the Jubilee ball like last year’s, it will include meetings of sm^U groups with' talks on various colleges and, careers. ... i Leonard, who lives in Greens-1 boro, served the' Cone corpora-1 tion as a plant personnel mana- d assisi rector before his present posi-i tiqp. He is a native of Greens boro and graduated from Guil ford College with an AB degree. *Hc Has' done graduate study in | Walter Shipman is to appear advanced management at the * before the grand jury on tws University of Chicago. charges of forgery, and Robert He served in the Pacific The- ^ Weldon .Young is to appear « atre as tank sergeant in World, charges of manslaughter, druni War II. He is lay leader and Sun- j driving, and careless and reck day School superintendent of I less driving. Carraway Memorial Methodisjl Set for trial are Harry Lee IDI Church in Greensboro, and_is^orthless check, two charges past president of the Greensboro James W. Parker, speeding; Rol commissioners last fall, and he is now serving as president and active general chairman of the Hoke County Golden jubilee, Inc., the jubilee to take place start-> ing May 14. ' He is married td the former Maude Upchurch of Raeford, and they have two daughters, Mrs. Watson Lawhon of Greensboro and Mrs. Charles Avera of Win ston-Salem. They have four ^and- childrcn.' Hoke 3 Gai CUB SCOUT PACK MEETING The January meeting of Cub Scout Pack 401 will be held on Friday night at 7:t)0 in the Fel lowship room of the Presbyterian Church. Each den will have an exhibit jihd a film will be shown. Cub- master Jack Autry, and assistant Cubmaster Wade Blackwell' wiU present awards. 0 r-;— games they played in the past NEW STORE HOUBS i winning both games in . Hoke Drug Co. >d HowelL "‘ght and Drug .Co. have annlnced ne^rW^ Hrls .rinmng in Ham- aosi4 hours. They will dose ^ues^y n^ht while the Hoke at 8 p.m. On alternatg Wednes-'v*^^* . day afternoons, one of the two - Gatlm, and Connig'Culbreth led the Hoke Take s X)f Four- iiltee^ fn the* participation division Neill Senter is chairmen of the brothers of the bush, Mrs. J. L. McNeill is “Jubilee Belles” chair men, Israel Mann olAbe men’s hats and tiesi 'Rreresa McBr>’de of ladies sunbomnets and dress es, Archie .Byrne is promenade and caravan chairman and Jake Austin is cheiAnan of kangaroo courts. In the spectacle ticket division Scott Poole is ticket chairman. Mrs. Truman Austin advances iesN^s. Robert Gatlin nom- inations^Mrs. Bju Sellars awards, Mrs. J. H. Austin arrangements, Charles Morrison of patroijg tic kets, Roger Dixqn of cashiers and gates and I. W. Kinlaw of aud ience In the spectacle division -Mrs A. D. Gore is chairman for scenar- ert Rogers, breaking, entering an. larceny; William Smith. n"6n-sa| port; James R. Lamb, drivint drunk; R. C. Douglas Wilson ^ving drunk aiMf’^ no diwertt license. V Dozen Civfi Cases Civil- cases, set for Tubsda: include four actions for divoro and. eight other varied civil ma ters. Several of the latter, if tN ' term is as usual, will not come t* trial, i ■ ' Jury Lists Gjvcn ! The grand jury for the term I the same as served the last, con- I sist| by Roy Jfones. Harold C. j Crowder. Madison Shaw, W. I. Strider, Edwin L; McNeill, John F. Campbell^ R'cks Branch, f. D. Fowell/TOr^B, Maxwell. Georg* M. Baker, James E. Hollings worth. Brantley All^n, N. A. Mar- well. B F. Boyles. H. A Boyles D. M Ray. Daniel F. Meinms June S. Wright. Petty pnrors called for th term are W. M» Jones, William P Smith, Leon • Thrower, Mrs. E , M. M»eks. H. H. Dillon. Mn Lacy Scarboro, C. L Ellis, Zei Butler, Wade McDougald, Johi W. Graham, Mrs. H. P. Dickerson Marshall Parks, Mrs. Martha Me Xeithan, William C. Edwards Martin W. Layton. Mrs. J. L. Conoly, George A Monroe, Jack L. Baker. D. Chambers. J^es R. Conoly, Dew^ ey McOuage, Jr. Mrs. Ethel fflb son, Clarence Page. W. F. Peck Curtis McDowell. Jule Flowen^ io anif^Ie^ Robert Gatiin and Ed Fuller, Mrs.'Maude Callo*^, will be open. Hoke High School’s basketball and Larry Phillips rounded off teams won, three of the 'four the Raeford scoring with 12, 7, and' 2 points respectively. The Rockingham club was 4ed by' A. W-. McGee and Jack Hol land who scored two-thirds of their team’s points between them. McGee contributed thirteen and Holland ten as their club went down to defeat and scored only William Lentz was telling me this week that his smoke house lived up to its.name last week when fire destroyed it along with a Ivge quanity of meat and seed. He didn’t say if It was insued or Continued On Page 6 “WEL(X)ME HOME, -BILL.”. — W. P. “Bill Saunders, right; receives from Inr- rest Lockey a silver bowl,' the gift of his friends, at Southern Pines Monday night. Standing between them in the photo made aiithe surprise banquet hon oring Saunders are his daughter Mrs, Ralph Barnbardt, and 11-year-old' granddaughter Elizabeth Bamhardt, of Raeford. (Photo by Y. Nicholson) Hij^f School Does' to their vic tory over Rockingham Friday njght by a score of .43-35. The girls won easily and were ahead in every quarter except the last as they held the Rockingham team to a bare seven points in the first half. Ann Livingston, Shirley John son and Pam Loftus led the girls defensively in the win which netted an eight point ad vantage for the local lassies. Sarah Moi^e led the opposition with ten points for the Rocking ham girls. ^ Lariy, Upchurch, Jimmy Guin shared scoring honors for the Hoke High Bucks in their night cap game against the. “Rocks” which gave Coach Floyd Wilson’s charges their eighth win in nine starts as the local five emerged with a 52-32 win against th , Rockingham club. J The Bucks found little competi- tipn from the Rockingham club the floor and,, hit for only\14 which had a poor night frm points in the second half as went down to defeat. The was one of the better defensive nights -for the locals who also helped to stem the attack with their usual hustle. Upchurch scored 16 points for the-evening endeavor and 9^ contributed 15 in the winning cause. Bill McPhaul, JuaoQr Byrd Continued On Page 6 Mrs. J.^C. McLean for cast, Her- ace Widters for properties, W. P. Phillips Ond Alfred Leach for construction, Floyd Wilson of grounds. Mis. June Johnson for costumes and makeup, Martin Webb, sound system. In the publicity division Mrs. Charles Hostetler is chairman of l^e committee in charge of press releases, Harold Gillis of radio and TV, Furman Clark of the distributive committee, M.‘ D. Yates of speakers and Tom Cam eron of special publicity projects. In the hospit-’lity division J. E. Continued On Page 6 Thomas N. McLauchlin, Dame] PeWseti. Horace Blake' Mrs. M. V. Hed gepeth,‘M. E. Tatro, J. E. Conoly, Chester Bealey, CharlM W. Wood- ell, Mrs. Julian Blue McLeod, Mrs. C. D. Bostic, firs. R. M. Hooper, W. M. Quick, James D. Stephens. 0 ^ SINGING CONVENTION There will he a singing conven tiqn Sunday. January 29, at th* .efiurch of God of Prophecy oi the Abe-deen highway begiunini I at 2:30 pjo. HOG QUALITY Was Ihe subject th« gfoup above were going off to study. The 32 Hoke farmers went to Wilson, .Tuesday to a school on product^ qual ity hog meat at the Swift & ^ylaunt there. They were guests of Upchurch . K ' Milling Co. and Hoke BacknHg* Co. '«ii the trip. Ob the way back tkay viaitad the Gny Mull» hog farm aaar Sakse and saw one of the aouth’a fiaMst h«dn . of hogs. ^